Structural Resonance Agreement Interviews with Andrea & Andrew

06 January 2010

Bernard: Ok so straight to the Resonances, they are already here, we’ll hear what they have to say, and then hear what I have to say start to look at the whole thing ok.


Resonance: So we’ll start individually.

Bernard: So just to clarify, both your Resonances are here together.

Andrea/Andrew: Ok.

Bernard: Ok here we go.

Resonances: Alright, ehm...

Bernard: Oh and to clarify, we had a discussion a week ago, but after that we haven’t had a discussion, so I’m at the moment am as blind as you are. I’m waiting as well.

Resonances: Alright let’s first begin with your ‘togetherness’ at the moment. Ok, so here is Andrew and here is Andrea (drawing on a piece of paper). Now Andrea’s expression is very much – Kay I’d use the word, ehm: Velocity, very… (Refer to drawing). Alright, Andrew’s expression is very much… (Refer to drawing). Alright.

Bernard: Give a word, I’m curious to hear this word.

Resonances: Whispy

Bernard: Whispy

Andrew: Ok, Alright.

Resonances: Andrea has had conflict in her life, much conflict, alright. Andrew’s life...quite placid, alright.
Next point: Andrea within her Reality has never experienced that – just a comfortability.
This is what exists as you (points at Andrew) – comfortability. What exists as you (points at Andrea) – is fighting, alright. Andrew – this hasn’t much been in his world at all, ok.
Now at the moment, in terms of how the Processes are being lived within human beings is ‘Resonantly,’ ok so in terms of what you’re experiencing here face to face (referring to picture), with each other in this Physical Reality in essence is not what is the actual interplay that’s happening ok, the actual interplay that is happening, is what is happening behind the scenes, ok.

Andrew/Andrea: Ok.

Resonances: The problem you both have is: communication and the way of communication, alright why?
Andrea in your communication what is happening, what you would do is for example compound a point through time alright, let it compound within you and then you ‘lash out’ in one moment where everything is…. (sound of an outward expression)

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Where that happens - Irritation first builds, uncomfortability starts building, in your head kind of starts doing that (shows a throbbing around the head) and then it’s a (sound of an outward expression) ok, so.

Bernard: My style.

Resonances: Explosion, ok. Andrew keeps quiet, alright?

Andrew: Ya
Resonances: Yet you let everything mull around inside yourself until a point of depression.

Andrew: Ya, Ok.

Bernard: Sounds familiar.

Resonances: So you don’t talk, so your quiet, ok? So the primary interplay of your Resonances at the moment that is causing a feeling within both of you, which is at the moment is equal, like something doing this the whole time (refer to picture) – within yourself – there’s like - there is no stability. There’s not a point of agreement actually that you have reached where you can be still and actually communicate. Because your communication is currently happening like this – your basic Resonances are playing out together, but you are not communicating what’s happening inside you, in every moment.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: The problem is communication. You guys haven’t actually communicated, since this agreement started, your still prissy-footing.

Bernard: Talking.

Resonances: But its prissy-footing as well – around each other, because you don’t know each other, but you also don’t want to get to know each other from the point of communication because you don’t want to offend each other. It is a very strange thing that’s happening, because you want to keep the agreement that is currently an idea together so you won’t talk self-honestly towards each other – what’s irritating you, what’s bothering you, ehm standing up, when you see something’s not cool. But Andrea must also allow herself to be shown, when something’s not cool and not to fight, because that is what you also have a tendency of doing when someone assists and supports you. You immediately go into a protective mechanism.
Andrew hadn’t even experienced something like that before, where someone who assists and supports him unconditionally, in showing him ok you know have you considered this point, that point or things like that. He’s kind of in the dark.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: So he’s dark and you are explosive bomb red, so to speak.

Bernard: Just take this depression thing further.

Resonances: Ehm, depression then becomes the… so you keep quiet, you know you take it..
Bernard: But I want to see it, how does it resonantly play out, within the genetics, because I immediately, I had these flags going up – whoops, depression again.

Resonances: What genetics in terms of her interplay as well.

Bernard: Where was depression a big factor in Andrea’s life.

Resonances: Father.

Bernard: Father. So what is the issue with father that is not resolved?

Resonances: That’s the point of ehm…so alright, in essence you are still fighting with your father, if you want to call it that. There’s still a war that you are fighting within yourself against him, because of you believing that because you didn’t have a father – this is only one aspect – you had to stand alone and survive in this world and to do that you had to become man-like, so to speak. And that you blame him for because also in another polarity within yourself – you see woman and you would like to have that feminine, very comfortable, let’s call it ehm ‘happy’ social life where you can just relax and be and not have any concerns or worries and things like that, because your whole life has just been the total opposite of that.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: And you blame him for that. So you are still trying to literally almost like kill him in a way.

Andrea: Ok.

Resonances: It is like this real demonic force thing that’s like completely over-riding you – and you just wanna…blaming him for everything almost that you have experienced during your life and the events that you had to go through and face etc. And your life would have been so different if he would have just been there. You would not have had to take on that role; you wouldn’t have had to, etc etc etc.

Andrea: Ok.

Resonances: So, your father was very much like Andrew, was very much like Anthony. In a way.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: They’re very, almost introverted.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Quiet people, they’re calm, they’re...they don’t really have so much emotional/feeling drive in this Reality, which would usually drive a normal human being.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: It can be very much relaxed and comfortable with themselves.
You don’t like that, because your whole life has just been this, this, this (refers to picture), conflict, fighting. You don’t know that anymore, you don’t know how to experience that and therefore any man that would resemble your father in that way – you would completely ruin, so to speak.

Bernard: Not to take it personally, consider how it works.

Resonances: Ya, I’m just talking directly in terms of how it’s working, and playing out.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Obviously there is much more to it, Resonantly. We’re just dealing with your part, your responsibility to consider, not anyone else’s. For instance what happened to Anthony was his story as well.

Resonances: Ya, I am just giving you your Resonance directly as the words that’s here.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Alright, so my point is Andrea – that you have to give, a man a chance.

Bernard: That’s well put. Give the man a chance.

Resonances: It’s not to change anyone, I mean understand in terms of principle of process, it’s a disciplined walk.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: But I mean, you know what is mostly important to be able to have that walk with someone is to establish your agreement, which is communication. And it’s not an emotional/ feeling experience, you have to draw back on that, allot. Because that’s your main approach to something, almost, it’s always (Draws explosiveness) – the velocity of explosion, taking on something like this.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: You’ve got to flow a bit and realise where you are now, your in a... you’re in this environment actually (refers to picture) – you just have to accept that. You are in a placid, comfortable and whispy environment. I mean there is not allot of conflict/fighting and all those types of things at all.

Bernard: Which is actually from a certain perspective cool, which then indicate in a way that Andrew’s Resonance’s dominating, which means he’s giving you the space.

Resonances: Yes.

Bernard: To actually allow yourself to step out of the war-zone into life.

Resonances/Andrea: Yes/Ya.

Bernard: And actually experience it. I mean obviously it’s going to be new, but I mean you must remember this is like - new stuff, it’s for everyone that walk through these things, it’s new, as you start to walk everything becomes new – touch becomes new. Communication you have to kind of like slow down, because you don’t always have the...even the vocabulary that suits the situation, where you rather sais ok... there is a certain newness to it.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Ok.

Resonances: So ya he is representing everything that you haven’t accepted about yourself and allowed yourself to live.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: So Andrew you understand what she’s going through?

Andrew: Ya....

Resonances: But...

Andrew: Well, I mean I am sure I don’t understand everything she’s going through, but ya I understand. I mean the...

Resonances: But what’s the hurt?

Andrew: Hey?

Resonances: What’s the hurt that’s coming out? Shame, alright... Shame - Andrew in terms of his nature he is very generous, Ok. And he’s got like that little soft-spot here inside him, that he enjoys sharing, and he really does, When he finds someone he will open that up and he will share that.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: But he hasn’t yet experienced you embracing that of him and for him it is very difficult to do that as well, that soft, expressive – ‘I care about you actually’ experience, alright? But He’s like a rabbit, and you’re like a shark. And this little rabbit is coming to the shark and saying ‘oh look how cute and soft and cuddly I am.’

Resonances: You know, that’s something like that.

Bernard: And the shark is saying: ‘argg.’

Resonances: Don’t come near me. Showing the teeth the whole time. That’s just that whole play out. So the little rabbit starts going like this (shows him pulling into himself) – which is what he’s experiencing at the moment.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Ok so, solutions.

Resonances: Ehm, ok, well – first thing that beings must understand in terms of Agreement is in comparison to relationship, ehm it’s something that you’ve really got to work on from the get go.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: I mean what you’re going to see within another, or within each other, or within yourself – is not going to be the beautiful experience that is portrayed as the picture relationship idea in the matrix.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: It’s first going to be a little bit rough. Kay, you will have those moments within the experience where, it’s very small moments, but I mean if you even also develop those small moments, they start becoming more and more, and more integrating into you and then you’ll start seeing each other for who you are, as actual beings that can walk a path together.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: But you just have to establish a starting point for both that says: ‘you know what, I know where we are currently within our process, I know we’re currently a bit fucked.
I know what we’re gonna see is not going to be pretty , it’s not going to be beautiful, but I’m willing to walk and stand this with you, until it is done. This is not... I know this is not who we really are – nothing is, its constructs its systems its things like that – but I’m willing to walk with you, walk together to stop the bulshit and get to what’s real.’

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: You cannot be scared to talk the truth, so to speak.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: In breath, if you react then all you do is you stop, you breathe, you forgive and you breath and you clear and you speak again. It’s really a simple point. The moment it either constricts you or it makes you explosive and there is no, you’re not considering the complete common sense, then there’s a problem. And then obviously it is important that if you see the point presented is common sense and you see: ‘ok, I see what I have done, you say, forgive me,’ and you change immediately in breath to ‘Ok, I am here.’
You will have no directive future point, means you will not be able to see the - what is going to happen – you just move the point immediately. Now you’re walking in real time and it becomes really fascinating, because now it’s no longer an idea or construct of ‘I will only do this if, or I will only do that if’. Or...

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: It’s no longer a projection. Now you are in real time, because you can’t see what’s going to happen. As long as you can see what’s going to happen, you’re not in real time, you’re not breathing. Therefore you can’t experience yourself in actuality. You’ll always experience yourself as something – as some experience. As a movement within time, instead of you here – where all time is one.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Makes sense?

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: It becomes very interesting - one start realising that change. Now for instance, people that’s got that really well developed already is Sunette and Esteni. I mean, I selected them for that ability, specifically – because that is the most difficult thing – is the ability to change immediately and walk. I mean I can go into an explosion; get to the common sense, and there’s a change, a realisation, immediate movement. And from this to that – you can change in one breath. I like that! I mean that’s like real shit.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Ok make sense and from that perspective being in construct and from the perspective of: this is how I see it – and feeling uncomfortable, out of place, because you are in essence in opposite polarities where you like the conflict – A conflict was like a ‘turn on,’ and now you don’t have it, it makes it more difficult. But you don’t want the ‘turn on’ – let me explain why: Because a ‘turn on’ is a switch for a system.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: You don’t want that. You want to move from nothing, does that make sense?

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: There must be nothing. Then you move. Now it’s you moving, there’s no switch. You don’t want the ‘turn on,’

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Because if the ‘turn on’ must be first, obviously it says what: something is happening that I am not directing. And that is not - shall we say It is something that you will have to give up so eventually because I mean it is separation.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Ok, just another point to consider in terms of, ehm both – there’s a point of fear which you’re dealing with in different ways – I mean basically that whole construct that we discussed previously is based on primarily fear. Which is then the point of – most beings in Reality go through that, where you think that you’ve really loved someone and that someone is now gone and you’re alone by yourself.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: And then you take and go to the complete opposite direction which is hate, and then you want to just ‘go for’ anything that has ever represented that which you love, basically. Alright.

Andrea: OK.

Resonances: So then your fear is again having to go through that experience where that transformed you from the opposite polarity from love to hate.

Andrea: Ok, Ya.

Resonances: Ok

Resonances: Andrew your fear is related to the same principle, but also in a very different way. You from since you were a child, you’ve been let’s call it alone, most of your life.

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: And you fear losing that ‘aloneness’ – but the idea thereof.

Andrew: Ok.

Resonances: Within yourself, because that’s where you find you believe your creative expression comes from – your aloneness, when you’re left alone by yourself. And you’re scared that would be penetrated if you allow yourself to share yourself with someone.

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: So that’s also a fear of loss...fear of loss, same point, but you’re dealing with, Introversion (points to Andrew) – your extroversion (points to Andrea). Ok?
Andrea and Andrew: Yah, ok.

Resonances: But what is cool – let me first maybe also explain this right now – is what is relationships in the Matrix – is the attraction of two parts that are the same like magnets. Ok in that you get the whole fountain of expression within the Mind Consciousness Systems going on. Agreements is where two opposites in essence come together ok, which is very great. Why? - because it’s a point where the two – every time the two like come together there’s a discharge so to speak.

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: Ok, that’s where you start seeing yourself actually, what the hell am I in this moment? You see who you are, through agreements, where the two opposites start coming together – and the more is not really conflict it is more like a discharge that happens and in that discharge you have an opportunity to see who am I in this moment.
You have an opportunity immediately to change in that moment. You can move very fast, eventually that’s going to start stopping – that whole discharge that’s happening because you are both coming together from your starting point of self-honesty, in who I am as me.

Andrea and Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Remember that, as you are aware that you can only change in a single breath. In that moment of happening, it’s a single breath. You change in that breath, you are really changing. I mean that brings that and you say ok ‘I don’t feel like it but common-sensically I mean what is your fear and the discussion happens or whatever – and a point opens up and you says ‘ok I am ridiculous now.’ You change... that change is real, you’re not planning it, you’re living it and it integrates immediately because you do it in self-honesty.’

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: And then you’ll change fast. That’s the fast process. The slow process is you don’t change.

Resonances: And that discharges compound inside both.

Bernard: Ok, that means you will go into cycle, cycle, cycle and you will either face death process or reincarnation, that’s slow process. There is no change possible unless it is in breath.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Ok, you’ve got the point of that change, I mean that is really the essence is to find the point where you can change in the communication - you are virtually speaking yourself into correction self-honestly and you act on it immediately, ok.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Does that make sense, you’re like a baby, you don’t know exactly what is going to happen, I mean it’s like your gonna take a new toy and you don’t know how it really works but you walk there and you discover yourself.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Which is pretty cool shit, because you really start to get to the point within you, where you can call it vulnerability. Vulnerability is that which is hidden.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: I mean that’s what you want to be, have open in an agreement eventually, because that’s where trust is. Trust is the ability to trust your life in the hands of another.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: I mean that is not so simple, but that is where everyone is going to have to go. They must be able to trust their life in someone else’s hand. Sunette had to trust her life, I have to trust my life in somebody else’s hands. Same Esteni – where’s the family? Gone.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Same with you, here you are, what’s left? I mean here you are, you have no guarantee, but your ability to change in a moment. Have a look how I push that point.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: I walk in and I push that point, but I mean that’s me I can’t walk in - in an agreement like situation like that with you. We’ve got to establish it everywhere for each person.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: I mean it is Physically the point of this Reality – we have so much one can do Physically, which is pretty cool because it allows the actuality of Physical Equality to step forth, which is what we are working with. We are working with Physical Equality.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Equality in the Physical – that is the point you want to get into full expression. Within that plays communication, sexuality, touch, vulnerability – all those things you’re going to start putting them down and start working with them in real time – watching your resistance, communicate, look at it and what I found within my - as I discovered this within me, was that mostly I am fucking irrational. I mean I have irrational bulshit and it is a form of anxiety or fear, that has no name but it’s there and then I look at it – I breathe, I forgive myself, I let go. I say ok ‘what is the worst that can happen now, I don’t know exactly what to do, but I’m going to do it, I mean, and then I find out’ - and I was amazed at how little I actually knew, because everything was here, but I never dared to live it.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: And the point is to dare to live. We have limited time. You’re in a Reality where you are in a Physical form for a temporary moment. Those moments are counting off in every breath. You cannot get it back and as you noticed your Physical is changing as time progress. Use it, apply it, get into it, while you have time. You cannot wait for the moments. Make sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Ok the next point, here in this Physical Reality – you have two types of communication. You get verbal communication and then you’ve got your Physical communication. What both of you are currently experiencing in relation to your Physical communication is the same: massive physical resistance.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: That happens, Internally it’s almost like your whole body is going (show a pulling inward) – ‘I don’t want to go there’,

Andrea: Yes.

Resonances: You almost really want to go like this, alright, why, and what is that? I will explain. You have your Unconscious Mind ok.

Now in terms of the resonance era that we have entered – in your unconscious mind, your basic total unconscious mind is manifested as a total layer in your complete Physical body. Ok, so let’s say for example a being comes with a particular touch, in a particular manner, with finger tips – very specific part of the hand alright and you unconsciously for example have an affiliation against a gentle touch because of, for example your parents – ehm or your mother touched you with a gentle touch but her touch wasn’t gentle, because she was trying to manipulate you with a gentle touch. And you as a child picked up on that and you went like this (show the pulling inward), for example.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Ok, now whenever somebody touches you that feels Physically like a gentle touch, exactly like that touch as the memory you have, you’ll have the same reaction for example. Now consciously, you can’t see these things. It’s your Physical is letting you know that there is a construct, there’s a system manifested in your Physical body that you have accepted as yourself – to have control over you.

Bernard: That’s why you are moving yes, that is why you are reacting or stiffening.

Resonances: That’s your Physical reaction in relation to an unconscious manifestation. Ok – fastest way to move through this is breathing. Allowing the person to continue touching in that exact same way until you have no more reactions. I mean if you start breathing and moving through that reaction Physically, allowing to whatever comes no matter how intense and remember the unconscious will compound that intention because or... Ya. – that intensity, sorry – that intensity, intensity.

Bernard: Which comes through as Intention.

Resonances: Ya. and then you’ll start going – if you allow yourself to give into that, you are giving a whole unconscious manifestation power over you. If you go no, then that manifestation has got more power, next time it happens it is going to be more extensive, more difficult to move through. It will get more and more and more difficult, until you eventually get to a point where it gets on total possession and you will be possessed by that point of not having anyone touch you. I mean that’s how extensive this can get – if you don’t allow yourself to Physically breathe through this – this is unconscious stuff. The fastest way is to allow the touch, and just breath through the point. You can even change it very fast, immediately in a moment in accepting that experience that you are getting, because if you notice when someone touch you – you have an experience inside yourself.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: There is an actual experience, but it’s not the resistance that your experiencing. You’ll notice that there is an actual experience when someone touch you and it’s that experience that you are resisting. Then you just embrace the experience, pull it into yourself, and you totally in the breath, and you just breathe, breathe, breathe – and then you allow that experience to totally embrace you. You embrace that experience. You will find your body relax.

Bernard: And you will Transcend it immediately. The Physical is the Tool that will indicate to you where the systems are in control.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: If you do not face them immediately they get worse.

Bernard: And you’ll Transcend it immediately, the physical is the tool that indicate to you where Systems are in control.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: If you do not face them immediately they get worse.

Resonances: Much worse

Bernard: Which is the point of Agreement, when we initially established the whole thing, that everything is going to happen in Agreement is because, in that way you can face, Physically, very quickly, Transcendence, which is impossible to do any other way.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Make sense?

Andrea : Ya,

Bernard: That’s why we said, Agreement is going to be the ‘Key’ to Transcendence. And therefore going into Agreements especially where you are, for some reason unexplainable, finding yourself in some form of uncomfortability. You can’t explain it but you are Physically Reacting.

Andrea : Ya.

Bernard: That is Resonant Possessions ,so to speak.

Andrea : Ya.

Bernard: That then must be faced.
In terms of how one is experiencing and how you reacting to that particular point.
For instance, you (Andrew) may experience it for instance that, it’s a rejection, but you have a fear of rejection. Which means that once you are rejected you diminish.
Ok, and that would mean that’s a Resonance Point, so either one of you will be in a position to change the point.
Now at the moment you are both moving opposite routes and not transcending the point so the “diminishment” is getting greater. You are in the same position, you are still uncomfortable and nobody is transcending without realizing, I mean all I have to do here is take my experience into communication and say: ‘I’m experiencing that you are rejecting me. And I have done nothing to you, it something about me?’ Does that make sense? I mean

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Can’t we face this point? Let’s work and face this point. Does that make sense?

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: But the point is that the Physical plays the role. And is placed as your guide.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: If you do not use the Physical as your guide, you’re not going to get through this. OK?

Andrea/Resonances: Ya.

Bernard: That is only in Agreement,

Resonances : Ya.

Bernard: I mean many is falling because the Agreement is so uncommon to what you’re used to.

Andrea : Ya.

Bernard: that you don’t know how to handle it. Instead if you handle it Breath by Breath, point by point, it becomes very easy, because you are shown one point at a time, I mean, what a pleasure.
And you deal with one point at a time. It doesn’t mean anything else but that you are working with yourself, in essence.
And in that your developing a Trust with another being that Assist you, and in a way, I mean, it comes together there where, one can Transcend much of one’s points until you actually start to see how it moves and it becomes allot easier.

Andrea : Ya.

Bernard: Make sense?

Resonances : I mean you will especially notice, in terms of an Agreement, it’s the Physical Process your walking.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Physical Resonance Process, which you can Transcend very fast in moments of Breath, and in Embracing.
And then you’ll find your head becomes very quieter, all the other Constructs and things becomes less. Because the Source Origin of it all in your head comes from your Physical Unconscious Resonance Manifestations, ok.

Bernard: And within that you’re going to come to an interesting Realization. That it is OK to care about someone. OK, and that it’s OK to actually be OK with someone.
To in a way...And to establish a communication methodology, where you allow no harm to anyone, not to yourselves, or another. And you speak very clearly about things, only in terms of Support, in all times, and you utilize your Physicality.
I mean I use The Physical to deal with, the understanding, the movement I know there’s going to be uncomfortable System Pain or whatever. I mean one could say, but if there’s going to be pain I’m not going to do it.
But every time, when it’s done, the release is amazing. The experience. So one...I mean, I don’t know how many layers I have to work through, then you work through them.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard : Makes sense?

Andrea/Andrea : Ya.

Bernard: It becomes thus an action is like you work with a piece of art which is yourself.
Andrea: Ya.

Bernard : And you really take this and you mould yourself and you start to look at it and eventually you’ll find an interesting thing, from moulding you will become smouldering.

Andrea/Andrew/Resonances: Laughing

Bernard: I mean, really like, hot and smouldering, you say ok, I’m ready to move now. I mean, but initially it takes, I mean it could’re in a much more advantageous position than most that has started Agreements.
Many points has taken years to work through. You’re in a position where you can understand the methodology, call it the Resonant Technology,

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: within which you can move allot faster and Effective, and even as you move, record the experiences to help others again so that when we get later on with in more detail in the Agreements and so on, one can play a role with in explaining how you went through the steps, make sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya.

Bernard : I mean it becomes value, valid to actually get a recorder at all times, we record every day.
Experiences that happen, Systems, whatever we go through, gets recorded every day. Most of those things nobodies even listened to yet, that is for the future still to come.
But then now you make your experience relevant to assist others as well. And within that one can look at the whole thing as it develop, and I mean, who knows? How fast we can we really make this.
It depends on every individual participant.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Make sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: You can start with simple points, like for example, you (Andrew) really like hugging.You really like putting your arms around someone and really embracing, and that’s the point that you (Andrea) must still allow yourself to allow, within yourself.
How do you do that? So when you hug, your body must be really relaxed almost like falling into someone’s arms for that moment and it’s like, here I am.
And it’s a moment of just release, it’s really fascinating, A hug. It can be really therapeutic. You know, if you really feel like you’re going “ARRRRGH” just hug and in hugging breath, and you just let go in the hug, and hold.

Bernard: Watch your hands though.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard : If your hands drop like this, it’s not real. Your hands must be...

Resonances: Firm.

Bernard: Fully firm, hugging, holding, full attention in every tip of your fingers at all times.
In terms of...same, in terms of exploring expression, touch, sexuality, the same point. If your finding resistance, communicate it, says ok here it is, says ok, let’s get through this, or otherwise if you find, which you will find, you must understand how fast a Resonance mutate.
You say, that touch cause me to want to move away, do the touch again, he does it again and now there’s no reaction. The resonant has already mutated.
So If you find that happens, then you have to find the point where he’s touching and just allow it...don’t speak yet, only discuss it afterwards, and you move through it.

Andrea: OK.

Bernard: Make sense?

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: So just look, and I mean this is all happening in moments of breath, that you have to look at how these things operate. Remember at a Resonant level you are creating the Universe.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: I mean, you’re now dealing with Breath by Breath, understanding the layers of your Self Creation, that’s what your busy with.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: I mean, how far are you willing to go to do that, that is the question? How long are you willing to wait for yourself? That’s another question.
Why are you waiting for yourself? I mean, what can you do about it? How can you do it? Essentially Agreement is the point where we are establishing Equality between beings.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard : It must be such that you walk with one being that you could walk it Eternally...for the moment.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: But when it’s done, what we will do we will decide, I mean, we are not going to now project what it is we would like to do because that’s not valid, we are going to Transcend all of that anyway.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Questions? All clear?
Resonances: Anything else?

Andrea: With regards to the sex point. What do I do, because I’m like, I’ve got the Resistance to have sex and then there’s...just because of that, I said, ok now I must push through this point and work with it. My pace is slower than his pace, and that’s causing conflict.

Bernard. I will just embrace the sexuality and go for it, even with discomfort. I mean, I have found in every point where I have gone through, there has been discomfort. There had to be a certain change physically that had to happen, I mean either the skin would tear, or you know, all kinds of shit, And I would...I mean that’s very painful but you push through it because...

Resonances: You have to train your body.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: You got to essentially train the body, the body is not designed for this type of Agreement. The body is designed for a conflict Agreement, the old relationship side,

Andrea : Ya.

Bernard : Where it was easier for you,

Andrea : Ya.

Bernard: Because it was energetically charged, so now you just have to push through it. And sometimes you’ll find, it’s very painful.
I mean I experience most of the pain always in the neck as well, here at the top, as I move through the point, to get to the point of Standing.

Andrea : Ya.

Bernard - So also the release point, I find for the male to assist with the female is to put the...Let me show you. To put the fingers there and find the point, the point will make a hard knob here.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: You have to massage it, in the movement, and it’s from there to there. Like a thing will form that is like rock hard, that’s the Resistance Point, and that then like, push the Expression down in a way, it locks it.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: So if you push there, you’ll move it...move, then you just push, standing, standing, like giving birth, and then when you get through that point...Heaven on Earth.
Resonances: You must also observe then the fear of pain during sex, I mean there’s going to be pain.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: So you can start off with the gentle, and then maybe ease it into the real hard stuff.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: What is important especially in the beginning allot is foreplay.
I mean your foreplay, one has really got to push that and push through your resistances in foreplay and push your foreplay as far as possible.
In some cases you can push it as far that you for instance will lose your erection but that’s ok understand that can happen, because the release in the foreplay is so intense that there is no need for penetration for instance.
I mean you can go foreplay for a hour, two hours, if you really push the point of intensity, I mean your pushing is the intensity of the Touch, the Here, the Movement, the lips, the hair, every part of the body in exploration.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Within that intensity also helps you with the effectiveness of the your Breath, to remain so intense in your Expression the whole time without requiring Energy but which is a Self Movement, that is very effective in training you in your Breath effectiveness.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: in Self Movement.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: And to as the Resistance come up, you Breath and move through it. And it must not be dependent on for instance the erection to be Expressive.
And you’ll notice for instance when you’re Body, for instance for the female, gets to a state of readiness, the lubrication will increase substantial and it’ll be as much as dripping out of you.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: When that point arrives then you know your body is now ready to receive some assistance.

Andrea – In the cave of wonders.

Bernard: Yes in the cave of wonders you can now take thy rod and thy staff, and shout oh god.
I mean, then the lubrication will be as intense as, dripping out of the cave of wonders or down the legs for instance.
You’ll find eventually as this Purifies in The Physical is both the male and female will purely through Touch or Presence, will lubricate, but there will be no Sexual Expression,

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Meaning, no feeling, you will just be wet, you’ll just be wet. You’ll actually lubricate as a male.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Which is just simply an indication of your Comfortability and Trust and so on, that will develop eventually that you don’t know when it happens but it will happen eventually.

Resonances: Very noticeably

Bernard: Its very noticeably, I mean, you can then even just touch a simple touch, and you will lubricate which indicates the body is now in a very receptive mode of Support.
And then Support has now become a Fulfilment, and it becomes like a Completeness within it. Then it becomes fascinating how one will then arrange your life around many things. You can then really arrange it, and then move things around.
It’s fascinating what will happen. Ok. Make sense?

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: But it’s to explore that and push yourself through the Resistances, without going through the Resistances you’re not going to get the answer to Expression, unless you face your Resonant Resistances.
And that you’ll have to do in Actualization, in the Actual happening of Touch, in the Actual happening of sex, and so on.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Within that find the point that one...and there will be many points that you will have to move through. As I said to you some points took 4 years for me to work through and I’m fucking intense in this shit.
I mean it’s really intensely working, not giving into anything, not giving into the mind.
Cause what happens if the Resonance, if you give into the Resonance, it will send you a message which is a Justification, that Justification you must never accept.
That’s the point, you can call where it explains to you what happens. That’s a Justification, fuck those things.
You may never give them attention because they will fuck you into another Cycle. And the Resonance is pretty cool; it sends you the message perfect.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard – You will not even question it because it makes so much sense, that’s Justification. Those things you do not participate in, because they’re there to trap you and tempt you. Ok.

Andrea: Sure, ya.
Bernard: Nothing that comes up inside you that explains anything is valid. It comes from the Resonance. The Resonance instruction is to tempt you in every possible way, and to keep you Enslaved you until you Stand Equal.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: That’s their job. Ok.

Your job is to Stand Equal and be able to Trust you in a relationship with your Physical. Your help that you have is your Physical Body It’s the only help you have.
Breath in, your Physical Body will show you. You’re uncomfortable with a person then you have to explore why. If you find it difficult to communicate with somebody have to look at it, why?
Once you’re clear, you will receive another person’s thoughts within you their Resonance into you and you will be able to look at their whole life.
You don’t need anything, instantaneous. Amazing shit will come from it, but much of the things we do not share because Resonantly you develop methods to clone it or fake it.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: I mean that’s really dangerous because then your fucked.
Then you become Possessed.
Then when that happen, when it is clear that you cannot Transcend that you will Abuse it for Self Interest, or looking great, or seem to be knowledgeable, or anything like that, your taken on the road of Possession, and from then on nothing you experience is ever real, just like a toy.
And then you are played in the lives of others that will Transcend. You will see them Transcend and you will not Transcend.
Really regrettable. Because there’s nothing you can do about it. Cannot fix what is done deliberately. Ok.

Andrea: Ya

Bernard. Very important to remember, please.

Bernard: So, Andrew, share of your wisdom, you’ve acquired during your journey into Relationship/Agreement. What are you learning about yourself?
Are you learning...shall I prompt you?

Andrew: Please.

Bernard: Are you learning, that you were not prepared to handle conflict.

Andrew: Ya

Bernard: Oh, Ok, is than in a, is that a, a little bit of a wake up.

Andrew: Umm, Yes

Bernard: Do you enjoy conflict?

Andrew: No

Bernard: Are you starting to reach forms of rage within you?

Andrew: Yes, that I haven’t seen in a long time.

Bernard: That you haven’t seen in a long time, yes. And is the rage, is not yet coming though, or is it starting to?

Andrew: What do you mean, coming through?

Bernard: Meaning, it’s starting to show in your response.

Andrew: Umm...

Bernard: Not yet?

Andrew: No, the other day it started to come up in a argument so that’s why I stopped.

Bernard: Aww – Q – Ment. So there is a “Q” that is happening. Argument, Argumentus. So, here you are, being faced with rage. Rage is strangely enough part of the word cou-RAGE, isn’t it?

Andrew: Car –Rage

Bernard: CouRAGE, yes. If you note that you will start to say, Ok, I have rage, now do I have courage? And you direct it and from that perspective you may find a way. Interesting, and what else are you experiencing.
How is your ability to do Art going.

Andrew: Um

Bernard: Are you becoming more creative , or less creative.

Andrew: I would say there’s...there isn’t really a change from before.

Bernard: So your still managing to get into your state of creativity.

Andrew: Umm, Well before I wasn’t managing to get into it I found, that much, so it sort of, hasn’t really changed. Umm, Although I did do, I would say more drawings since being in the Agreement, but also from the point of view of just kind of having something to do rather than being creative, so...

Bernard: Ok...

Andrew: So, I don’t know?

Bernard: So, not a Self Expression, your creativity as such. More a keeping busy.

Andrew: Ya

Bernard: Ok, so if you have to look at your days, how many times a day do you smile that its real?

Andrew: Well...

Bernard: A real smile.

Andrew: I don’t know...

Bernard: Does that exist?

Andrew: ehm, probably.

Bernard: Probably, so you’re not sure.

Andrew: No, because I initially, I did think that I was enjoying myself, I mean, I was, but it’s like you start to notice these... your experience as you move, and it’s like you don’t notice that the whole time there’s been like, for example an anxiety that’s been like sitting there, or hiding there, you don’t notice it the whole time, and so, you know, during that time your smiling and having a fun time, and then you look back and realize, this was my actual experience, so.

Bernard: The anxiety was there, but you are at least becoming aware of the anxiety that was in the background.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Ok, so there is that movement that is taking place.

Andrew: It’s like holding your breath the whole time.

Bernard: Ahh, Yes. Fascinating isn’t it.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: It’s like you are expecting the worst the whole time.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Hmm, So anxiety then, is a form of fearing the worst, which will also then be indicative of you realizing you are not actually in control of your life. Does that make sense? You are...

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: expecting another force to direct you and you don’t know what direction it may take.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Ok, so, would you say you were prepared to go into an agreement.

Andrew: Yes.

Bernard: So you have put in allot of effort into preparing yourself to be ready?

Andrew: Well, I don’t know if I’ve put allot of....I don’t understand that, necessarily but...

Bernard: I mean the way you prepared yourself, understanding your weaknesses and the points where you may have problems so that you can strengthen, you know so you can strengthen yourself.

Andrew: Yes I was satisfied with where I was.

Bernard: Ok so, from that perspective you were satisfied.

Andrew: Yes.

Bernard: The real experience you were obviously not expecting.

Andrew: No.

Bernard: Ok, but the real experience is having certain effects where you are becoming more self aware.

Andrew: Yes

Bernard: Even in the obvious discomfort.

Andrew: Ya

Bernard: Ok so are you managing to direct your awareness of these discomforts are you managing to take them to a point of self forgiveness, are you managing to take it to a point of self honesty, and are you managing to communicate effective about it?

Andrew: Not yet.

Bernard: Ok so what would you say is preventing you from doing it?

Andrew: Umm, well. Right now it was the point of communicating something and , umm, feeling like I’m able communicate every aspect and every point of what I’m going through which at the moment I don’t feel like I’m able to do that’s like I...

Bernard: Have you ever tried?

Andrew: I feel like I’ve tried.

Bernard: Ok and, have you considered by slowing down when you are explaining your experience that as you do it as a piece of art, I mean, line by line by line as you draw the picture, that you will be able to complete the picture and be able to communicate effectively.

Andrew: Umm,

Bernard: Can you see that that could work.

Andrew: Well, I could see that that’s an option that I can use.

Bernard: Cause have a look, what are you currently believing, is that you are ineffective in communicating your total experience. Now you have to use a tool to assist you in communicating the full picture. I’m purely suggesting, in your case you have the experience where you’ve been using art to express yourself. Now to take the art into the words your living so that you can experience and draw and share the picture of your experience in words as art, line by line, and every word is drawing a line as you paint the picture, that means communication becomes an art as well. Do you hear what I’m saying?

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Suggestion that will be something that will be to your advantage in becoming more complete as a being. So that’s something to utilize.

Andrew: Ok.

Bernard: And as you well know, I mean, in learning a new style of drawing it takes you practice to get it more effective. And I would focus on myself and if I draw the picture incomplete I’ll stop and say Ok wait, let me start again, I’ll throw away the one that didn’t work and I’ll do it again until I’m satisfied that I’m drawing the picture in words effectively. And that I’m not hiding any of the lines, the lines are clear, drawn, shown, clear. And I would do it unconditionally meaning without me fearing the result of my drawing. It is purely my expression because I would look at it this way, if I am not able to share me completely within Agreement in the totality of my experience so It can be directed, then I am obviously not in the right place. And that doesn’t carry any judgement; it’s just simply what it is.

Andrew: Mm-Hm...

Bernard: I don’t here you.

Andrew: I Agree.

Bernard: Yes.

Bernard: Ok but the only way to find out is for you to go full out to that point of communication without compromise. It’s the only way you can find out. Because obviously what do you realize, or should you realize, is that in everyone exist exactly the same point. So for each one, the point exist where you can communicate completely and develop that communication completely. And only when one is challenged to that point will you actually do it. Where you start to realize how important it is to within Agreement, paint the total picture, no matter how it looks like. And then to apply orgiveness, corrective action, decide how to direct it together. And then to see if that is lived, and even in that it may take years to come to the Actualization of that living experience. Ok it’s not going to correct immediately. And there your resolve must be clear. If one have a back-door a way that you foresee where you would get off the train if it goes that way or this way, obviously you’re going to get off the train at that point, I mean, but that would be also then the point where you would have gotten off anyway. So you were never really in the Agreement, because if a back door exist you are not in the Agreement.
So, make sense?

Andrew: Yes.

Bernard: So, ahh, if you have a look at our first discussion with the resonances what was the point – communication. So,

Andrew: Umm-hum

Bernard: Umm-hum?

Andrew: Yes.

Bernard: And communication obviously if you look at it, where you are now, I mean your communication is not effective yet...

Andrew: Nope.

Bernard: At a personal level, were not looking at anything else, because each one is responsible solely for themselves in their communication,

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: And by example, that means how effective you communicate will have an effect on the total experience. And you don’t know what that’ll be until you do it. Does that make sense?

Andrew: Yes.

Bernard: You cannot superimpose it or project it or imagine it, because you haven’t done it. Ok so I suggest that that communication point be explored in a methodology that is space-time related. Practically, effective, line by line, and you’re going to see as you have experienced in real time drawing of a picture that as you draw, things are going to come out, and jump out that you did not consider.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: I mean then you have a real time actual communication which is pretty cool shit, because you’re going to start seeing how it works.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Ok so give that attention and we’ll see how we can support that point to come through because that is back to the key point of the Agreement where the Agreement is not effective is communication is not effective. Make sense?

Andrew: Yes.

Bernard: Ok...Ok so any other points at this stage. That is the primary point, obviously from that, everything else, I mean, you start with your communication in words. That becomes more effective, your communication in the flesh, the touch, and so on becomes more effective, because you have realized, made real your agreement in words. And now you start to live it. It always starts in words first. You can’t do for instance the Physical, the flesh, the sexuality expression thing from your current vantage point unless you have spoken it into the Living Word. You are the Living Word. So if you just go for the sex part it will be limited to your experience in what you’ve heard, in what you’ve seen. But it is not Living Words. It is something to be spoken. You have to develop the vocabulary which Equal the Physical Expression that you would like to experience or share in, and place it into words. That will remove the barriers that exist. Because one will find that rather difficult to communicate initially because you don’t have words with which to communicate it, which means that in your Expression it is also limited to your words. Which is the cool thing about Agreement, is that in Agreement you must discuss the Expansiveness of the experience to the level that you would like to experience it in Actual Words that describe it effectively. So we discuss these things afterwards if they were systems, what was the system. We discuss the experience, how did it move, how...what is the words that describe the experience and so it Expands, and it Expands, and it becomes more Explosive, and it Expands, make sense.

Andrew: Yes.

Bernard: But in that obviously it requires Courage, not Rage. If rage happens what do you know, I don’t have the Courage yet, I’m going to Rage because I want to break these shackles that is holding me down, I mean I’m shackled. I feel constricted. And that is why rage would develop, Ok.

Andrew: Yep.

Bernard: So initially you do not want Rage to come out in your Agreement, you want Courage to come out. Rage against the machine eventually will be necessary and there will be Courage necessary as well. Make sense?

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Ok, so this is a continuing discussion on Resonant Agreement Principles, and a particular clashing of the Symbols of Andrew and Andrea, and as we continue with this, we will first go to feedback, so Andrea give some feedback since our last discussion of your experience.
Andrea: Well, the... it went fine for a while, and then the day that I shaved my hair - which was what, three days ago - Andrew started experiencing immense resistance, and it hasn’t moved since then so I’m...I’m not sure what to...

Bernard: Ok, so...

Andrea: But the feedback with regards to what we applied, the points that I spoke about, the sexual resistances, that stuff’s very cool - but now there’s this point.

Bernard: Ok. Your experience.

Andrew: My experience is...

Resonances: Frankly,

Andrew: Frankly,

Resonances: Specifically, be open.

Andrew: Well, ok, umm... well maybe I’ll just start with how I’m experiencing myself now, rather than trying to recap, because its easier - Ok so,

Bernard: Just start.

Andrew: Umm, I’ve noticed today now like, Andrea said that point of resistance did come up, and it hasn’t moved, and I haven’t experienced it as moving, umm, I’ve actually experienced it as getting worse from the perspective that now I’m actually feeling quite a bit of discomfort where it’s like, moving into like a headache, and umm... similar to the experience that I had with Marlen where I became to the point where I would just feel more comfortable to lie down because it was physically, I just couldn’t take the pressure.
Umm... So I mean, I’ve... I have looked at why...Ok why would I be having this particular resistance which isn’t moving at all? Umm, so I’ve communicated that point to Andrea in any way that I could in terms of just talking about anything that was going on within me – Umm thoughts, experiences and just looked to - trying to understand what my experience is actually through communicating what’s happening umm, and hoping that, that point will move through, or believing that ‘Ok, this is a point that I’ll have to walk through’ umm, but at the same time being very umm, sceptical of, what is it that is actually happening, It’s like I don’t...I can’t put my finger on it.

Bernard: Ok so just a point here, you choose, have a look, you choose the word ‘sceptical’ and that’s something we will have to look at. Ok let’s hear what the Resonance Feedback is at this stage.

Resonances: Alright so we’ll will work with the current event at the moment, umm, within the current events, experiences, the past experiences that has led up to this event and why it is playing out the way it is - Will be explained and understood.
So at the moment your looking at two dimensions in relation to your resistance that your experiencing and, the way your experiencing it at the moment. Umm, these two dimensions I’m gonna be explaining is only at the moment in relation to your Agreement, alright? Within these two dimensions, there are more dimensions from both’s individual perspective within your individual experience, Ok?
So what this is already showing, that there is dimensions within the Agreement and there is individual dimensions within those dimensions, would indicate that your Agreement at the moment is still Relationship, it’s not an Agreement where two individuals are walking together. So you got your ‘entity’ at the moment which you have defined as an Agreement, but you are living it as though it is a Relationship, Make sense?

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: Umm, ok let’s look at the first dimension in relation to the resistance experience within Andrew. Umm, your resistance is a coping mechanism, Ok?

Andrew: Ok.

Resonances: You use the resistance to especially within situations or experiences where you have emotional and feeling conflict happening that you are afraid of facing or being a part of. You’ll, instead of going into conflict, you’ll go to retraction into yourself, you’ll justify that through using resistance -Meaning to not go into a point of facing conflict, you’ll rather go back into yourself, retract yourself into your aloneness space being alone, because you, let’s call it unconsciously know that if you’re going to step into a point of conflict or you unconsciously know you are going to be stepping into a point of conflict - in terms of facing a point with Andrea for example - so instead of speaking and communicating what exactly you’re experiencing, you go into retraction using resistance as a justification for that.

Andrew: Ok.

Resonances: Usually what you do is you use that resistance to find a way out of the Agreement or experience.

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: Or any - if you look throughout your life that’s a...

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: manifestation you used – because that’s more the personal point in terms of what you’re experiencing in relation to the resistance, that’s the one dimension from his experience perspective.

Andrea: Yeah

Resonances: Alright?
Now -why he’s particularly specifically going into this resistance? Now we’re going into your dimension Andrea, is... for you to – it’s a point of Self Creation in relation to your reality, your world, you’re looking at the word ‘Dominance’ - You have a tendency to want to remain within a space of ‘dominating’ or ‘dominance’ to protect yourself against ‘what may’ or ‘could happen’ in relation to a man in particular being in your life. So you always exert yourself to a point of dominance and make sure you remain there to a point of, where you’d extend it to even abuse - verbally or in thought or in action - within yourself. You drive yourself to that point, because a fear inherently within yourself is driving you to that extent umm, and that extensiveness of that dominance that ‘what if he is to leave you’ - the man within your reality is to leave you- the man within your reality is to leave you - you must always make sure that you’re emotionally and feeling wise Stable.

Andrea: Ya

Resonances: And you use that perception or belief of Stability within the construct of Dominance.

Andrea: Ya

Resonances: From the moment a man comes into your life in terms of relationship, the fear emerge, Ok? That fear drives that point of Dominance to a point where it can get to abuse. And in - in essence what does fear do? That which you fear you create or manifest - and inadvertently you’ll then ‘push the man away’.

Andrea: Ok.

Resonances: Does that make sense?

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: That’s why he’s going into - that’s the second dimension - that’s why he’s going into this Resistance Mode within himself, because this ‘play’ currently you’re playing out towards him.

Andrea: Ok.

Resonances: The point of exerting Dominance to a point of abuse where it’s the whole time, actually in essence ‘pushing him away’ - so, you’re busy ‘pushing him away’ that’s why he’s going into the resistance towards you because Resonantly, that’s what’s interplaying between the two of you - that’s why he’s ‘moving away’ within himself.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: He’s now only at the moment ‘moving away’ within himself - not yet physically - but I mean the thoughts are already coming up.

Andrew: Oh ya.

Resonances: So what’s busy happening is this is going...scattering away.
So these are the two dimensions playing out within the Resistance that he’s experiencing so does that make sense?

Andrea: Ya

Resonance: Why the – what thoughts came up in your head? ‘Because I shaved my hair, he doesn’t like me anymore’

Andrea: that was one of them .

Resonances: ‘Am I not feminine enough?’ ,‘Am I not pretty enough?’ - And that’s not at all the point, that didn’t come up in him.

Andrea: No, this has been happening like even before then, every few days he’ll go into like a Resistance and then I observe like, there I am just ‘doing my thing’ and he goes into Resistance.

Resonances: Remember one thing that you’ll always have to remember, the question you have to ask is: ‘How am I creating this within my world?’ It is never about the other person ‘doing’, or ‘creating’ something Personally towards Self. If you have - you have to look at your world especially within an Agreement, both must ask the same question ‘How am I creating this within my reality?’ So the question you have to ask yourself (Andrea) is ‘How am I creating that Resistance within my reality?’, ‘Why am I pushing what is in my reality away from myself?’, ‘ Why are we not moving closer?’ Same question you have to ask yourself (Andrew) ‘Why am I going into a Resistance within myself, retracting myself Instead of allowing her to move in with me, within my space, walking Equal and One’.
So both of you are having the exact same interplay in terms of ‘pushing each other away’ - You’re doing it inside yourself invertly your doing it extrovertly, outside yourself.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Obviously with the previous discussion that we’ve had, where we Resonantly opened the -those Resonant Points, they are now part of your more, call it ‘awareness’ and therefore will play out more Expressly so that it can be Faced in Reality. So, that will happen automatically as the points open up and it’ll start to take on a Real Experience that must now be Faced - I mean if one don’t Face it as we discussed in the previous discussion, then what happens inadvertently is you will Time-Loop, and eventually just face it again - Just in a different way.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Ok.

Resonances: Umm, so what this whole ‘play-out’ would be showing is that both have not yet Individually worked with your past constructs or points of relationships and your experiences within it - which your both are facing at the moment within this Agreement.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: “Agreement” - So at the moment all that you both are experiencing is your past play-outs, past relationship experiences that you both individually within yourselves haven’t faced.

Andrea: Ok.

Bernard: Which means, the ‘Pies’ of ‘Personal Pie’ in terms of your world and relationships, needs to be done with Esteni, so that you have somebody that ‘drives you’ while you’re doing it - Because you could doing it just alone, you’re possibly not going to go to all the points. So you’ve gotta arrange to go into consultation with her and do that Pies extensively.

Andrea: Ok.

Bernard: To the point of ad-nauseum -You’ve gotta really go through every single facet of your past, in terms of your relationship - Not only in relationship, all relationships with people.

Andrea: Yes.

Bernard: I mean remember they are all relevant, not just where you’d be in a relationship with someone. All relationships must be dissected, so you can see how have you constructed the Living Symbol which you are exerting as yourself, which you are moving as, Ok? So that is a important step in terms of this particular point that we will not at this stage discuss because, I mean it is a vast point that one walk through, the same there those points gets then placed on camera while it’s happening, so you can look at each other’s process in terms of the whole thing and get a deeper understanding of each other’s call it ‘Creation Process’ to this stage – because what you are now is the product of your self-creation whether it was with awareness or not, whether it happened by your directed will or allowance or by environment – circumstances which you had no idea was happening - you still allowed it from the perspective it actually happened: It is who you have become.

Andrea: Ya

Bernard: Now you take that and you take that becoming and you go back to the beginning and you clear it out, so that you can start a new life, which is very important in terms of the first step of creating a relationship – that means: the ‘who’ I am going to be in relationship with must have a clear starting point otherwise, the ‘what we will do in the relationship’ and the ‘how we’re going to live or experience the relationship’ cannot be effective because the starting point has got hidden stuff - It is hidden in from yourself.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: I mean, it only comes out in your reality if you were not in a position where these points could be discussed. I mean, what would’ve happened in it is automated. I mean it’s just how our civilisation functions, it will just crash. You’ll eventually give up on many of your ideals and start to diminish because you will start to require less and less points to be relevant so you at least have a relationship. That’s how people diminish as you grow older because they start to distrust themselves and others and thus, have a smaller view of everything – which is diminishment.
Ok? You both agree that you’re going to do this point of Individualised/Individual Correction.

Andrea/Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Ok.

Resonances: Ok, ehm another point in terms of indication as to why the experience currently is that of a relationship. If you understand the Resistance you experience within yourself – where did it immediately go to? (Speaking to Andrew) Andrea within yourself – you immediately projected it onto her.

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: (Speaking to Andrea) The experience with the hair shaving is actually a point within yourself, when you had an experience while shaving your hair about yourself which you projected onto him.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Thinking or believing that they way he was towards you was because of your hair - But in essence your experience about your hair was about the judgment or idea or belief or thought that came up about yourself while you were shaving your hair or afterwards when you saw yourself.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: You have to look at this point very specifically. That was your process, but projected it onto him. This is what happens within relationships: beings start projecting experiences within themselves that is actually about themselves, onto each other -That creates a rift within the experience.
Then what eventually happens – anger starts building – both of you are starting to experience anger towards each other.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Irritation, annoyance, alright? It is not necessary to experience that.
So I suggest both for a moment realise what is Agreement. Agreement is two beings realising that there is a Process that is to be walked, within the point of Self-Realization - and what I am currently is not who I really am, this is me at the moment, let us walk together in our Individual Processes - within that assisting and supporting each other to transcend and not accept anything less than who we really are, ok?

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: So, be very aware of and careful of – dare I say ‘careful’- not to project your own process onto the other with whom you are walking with. Because then the more that starts happening and the more that starts compounding it gets to the point where, you won’t be able to even look at each other anymore or even face each other or talk to each other - the point will be in absolute ruin, literally - ok?

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: So this is a very important point within Agreement to realize – that whatever you are experiencing within yourself, is about yourself- that has to be looked at individually. Even when you talk to each other in communication about an experience, say: ‘You know this event happened where you did something that activated a point within myself about myself. I’ve looked at this and this and this is what I have found, past memories and things started coming up’.
So events will happen yes where another might trigger a point but you have to invert it into yourself and look at what is it showing about yourself.

Andrea: Ya.

Andrew: Ok.

Resonances: That’s how you walk.

Bernard: And within this obviously I mean, uhm in terms of for instance the point of touch and sexual expression and so on. If one find there is an resistance building - which is then caused by the other points that we’ve discussed – then for a moment one give each other space to allow yourself to walk through the point so that one can clear it and you’ll find that, as it clears, automatically you move easily together again and then you can continue with your exploration. I mean to, one must not force yourself unnecessarily when you are not capable of actually moving the resonance yet. You’ve gotta first investigate deeply because, understand that Agreement in its very nature is the basis that we are establishing – it is not established yet - You have to establish it. You have to build the foundation, you have to take out the weeds, you have to clear everything about yourself, in a self responsible way – then within that, the assistance happens in the interplay in the Agreement -which makes it more expansive as one start to find things you haven’t even considered that forms part of this... the design. Because understand that the design of reality is based on relationships, on family – what you are really actually clearing and facing is the construct of family from which everything in this reality flowed from, which is a total mess. So it’s going to be hard work to get all the points sorted, and there’s gonna have to be a movement within breath – It’s very important to utilise your breathing effectively and even I mean, sometimes I count to ten – ‘one, two, three’ - Or if I find my resistance is heavy then I do the four count breath aloud to support me, because I know that I will get through the resistance if I just move and I count ‘one, two, three, four (takes an in breath), one, two...’and I go through the breath until I get through the resistance. If it moves into a headache state - like what you are experiencing - then understand that you have now placed it into a Mind Possessive Construct - it means it’s now getting serious, it requires support, then you must immediately ask so that we can start working with it and disengage the point because you are going into a survival mode which means you are not coping.

Andrew: mmm, no.

Bernard: Then, when the headache starts it’s an indication: you are not coping, Ok? That means it’s already moved quite substantially in the process of how you have viewed it and you’ve already started making decisions - and all kinds of stuff. So that’s why it goes into a headache position, ok? That means it’s going into manifestation. And then we simplistically look at the whole thing and work with an adjustment within the Agreement so that one can deal with the particular discomforts that come up - Which is pretty cool is that it is moving so fast, I mean have a look from just the other day to now.

Andrew: From this morning even.

Bernard: Yes.

Andrew: Like, because the points that are being communicated so far are very clear and I found that within the conversations that, the information has assisted a lot - but even with that, even with that information and the realizations that I’ve had, even listening, that even still with that it’s moving fast, so.

Bernard: Yes.

Andrew: It’s like ‘how is that even possible?’ - ‘Cause you get – you know, you see a point and you’re like ‘wow that’s something I can work with’ Within half an hour it’s already like, that resistance is then already coming back and...
Bernard: Correct it’s moving very fast because, within it you are cycling - and what you are cycling with is the facing of the point - working with yourself within breath, working within yourself with forgiveness -You’ll find one of the points that you have to really work with is the ability to use your self-forgiveness constructively in finding the point to remove for instance the headache. That’s one of your transcendence points with self-forgiveness, is the ability through the spoken word aloud with yourself as you do your forgiveness – to do it until you have moved the headache. Then you know you have got the point, and you keep on going with it until you remove the headache. That’s your indicator at a physical level that you have now removed sufficiently of the construct to have a release. If the headache remains, your feedback simplistically indicate that you have not gone through sufficient of the dimensions of it yet and then you just continue I mean I had – the longest one I had like that was for 7 days. Having to get – I mean the headache just wouldn’t go and, it is a little frustrating but if one understand the technology...

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Then one just keep going till you...and when it moves, I mean you will experience a release through the forgiveness and then I do it aloud with myself - and you do this for yourself, it’s not about the writing, it’s about the spoken word with yourself where you do your forgiveness - and you... for instance sit somewhere – and you do it, you do it and you look at your whole life, you look at all your experiences, you look at your fears, you forgive everything that you are allowing and you give yourself permission to live fully here now in breath, I mean this...

So I will do the forgiveness and I will place a directive statement of: ‘This is who I will be now within this’ And so I create myself to be effective within the context of my current experience because, this is where I am.
And then from there I walk, that makes sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya. It’s very cool.

Bernard: Ok, who’s starting?

Resonances: They’re starting.

Bernard: They’re starting today, Ok. Ok, who’s starting?

Resonances: Andrew.

Andrew: Ok, ahh, well… Like I’ve explained - or explained a little bit yesterday to you Bernard - was the point of having the experience of the resistance that... resistance towards Andrea be reduced but, the whole time there’s just a point that exist there that has never moved, or changed. Umm, And so my position within the Agreement is, for myself is just to be patient with that point, in terms of its not going to just correct like instantly, but that I actually have to move through it, getting the necessary information, umm, and that’s gonna take time to do.

Resonances: Ya, no, I’m satisfied with that, I mean...

Andrew: Ok.

Bernard: Just an explanation of that, How it works. The point, the starting point within which the Resonant Resistance exist which is the starting point of you as you have accepted you within a particular Personality Program Design exist as Multi Dimensions. What you’re busy doing is you’re taking on dimension by dimension by dimension, while your starting point will remain there because you’re not yet at it.

Andrew: Ya

Bernard: You’re still busy with the dimensional view that you have...

Resonances: ‘De-layering’

Bernard: You are ‘De-layering’ yourself yes.

Andrew: Ya, that’s what I was noticing also.

Resonances: The Dimensional Physical ‘De-layering’.

Bernard: Ok and that takes time, until you get to that point - which obviously you must realize that: when you get to that point, that point would have become ‘bigger’, because you have created more space within your Processing Facility. Every time you ‘Remove Layers’= the point will seem to get ‘bigger’- Why? Because you are Processing information within a limited realm - and as you deal with information you are creating ‘more space’ for the remaining information.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: And therefore the point will seem to get ‘bigger’, and even when you get to the real starting point, it’ll look like a mountain - just to give you an idea of what it is you’ll be facing and, if you look at the Common Sense, that’s how it works.

Andrew: Ya

Bernard: You are moving through information that you have Accepted as Yourself within the starting point of ‘who you are’ within this world. Ok?

Resonances: So you’ve got your position in the Agreement decided.

Bernard: If you look at your statement it is a placement of: ‘I understand my point within the Agreement and that I have to work through it, and it’ll take time’- which is kind of where you have given yourself a Directive point on how to deal with it.

Andrew: Ok.

Bernard: You see that?

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: So you’ve made a decision related to the point of Resistance - How to deal with it.

Andrew: Ya, I mean I don’t see it being dealt with any other way, so...

Bernard: Correct. And that is to understand that there is no other way because: You are a Programmed Systematic Existence at the moment - You have to deal with the Program first.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: And now that’s Self Acceptance - That’s step one.

Andrew: Ok.

Bernard: The most important step to get to is to get to Self Acceptance: ‘I am a Program, let me deal with me as a Program first’- Get to the point ‘How I have Created me as this Programmed Systematic Being within this Program Systematic Realty, realizing I can’t take on the ‘bigger reality’, unless I have first taken on me within the reality’ - Which is then where Agreement work so well because it force the point of taking on You within this reality, it actually empowers you immensely - If one look at the outflow of it, when you take care of this, you will become more effective within the ‘greater reality’. Make sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: There was a first… There was a point that we wanted to say is that everything in the Agreement and the experience would be much simpler, umm, and Supportive for Self and each other, if a Definitive Decision is made in terms of ‘Where you Stand’ within the Agreement.

Bernard: And understanding the methodology of what you’re facing.

Resonances: Yeah

Bernard: So that’s becoming clear now, what are you facing -

Andrea: Yes that’s assisting me because, I was experiencing a point of, there wasn’t an actual decision being made, so there’s no clarity, so I’m not sure - To be patient? Or is it actually that...

Bernard: So this point now clarify everything for you from the perspective of, what are you dealing with as a starting point of the Agreement. The starting point of the Agreement is first to find all the discontent.

Resonances: And understand it.

Bernard: I mean the content within yourself that is like disinformation - It gives you feedback the whole time that makes you doubt yourself.

Andrea: Yes.

Bernard: So its disinformation the whole time.

Andrea: Yes.

Bernard: The whole time the information comes up from within in you. That’s because Resonantly, the Resonance is now fighting for its survival, the program is fighting for its survival, it’s gonna go ‘all the way’ - You have to go ‘all the way’ to face it.

Andrea: Cause that’s what I experience him reacting towards me a lot.

Bernard: Which is...Which is cool I mean, that would mean that he’s dealing with the point of being able to stand in conflict - The inner conflict is no more suppressed, it’s becoming more visible. Does that make sense?

Andrea: Yes.

Andrew: Ahh, in terms of now talking about it.

Bernard: Ya, it’s getting out, it’s no longer an... a subversion. I mean who you are...Have a look in this reality how much subversion exist.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Where there is a suppression of information - I mean through the news media, through everything - that is a indication of the ‘Individual Relationships’ that exist in this reality. People are in Agreements through subversion, they have ulterior motives, they never speak openly, they never develop that which they truly desire, they try and get to there through desires, through deception.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: And then eventually with a ‘luck shot’ they may develop a proper Agreement -but seldom they do because, the whole thing was developed through a fear -The fear of rejection, the fear of not being good enough, the fear of there’s something wrong with me, the fear of not being at the right place - Many fears you’ve gotta identify all of them.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: I mean the fear: ‘What if there is another one?’

Andrew: Um-hm.

Bernard: ‘Maybe there is a better relationship somewhere’- I mean all of those are fears.

Andrew: Ya so, what I’ve been finding is I’ve had thoughts, many thoughts of that nature in terms of ‘What if there’s someone else?’ ‘What if eventually down the road this isn’t gonna work?’ Obviously from where I am now, I came here from overseas - so the point of ‘What if I’m supposed to go back?’ is like a main point within.

Bernard: Yes.

Andrew: I guess, trying to understand how I’m supposed to commit to this agreement.

Bernard: I mean, but where do you exist? You Exist as a Single Breath.

Andrew: Ya

Bernard: Your commitment is measured as that.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: I mean Live as a Single Breath, then the future will be what it will be because You Willed it to be. It is when one has - and have a look all these things that come up is all the fears - You gotta deal with them, and realize, and give yourself a Common Sense rational answer because the fears are irrational in nature - they seem to be logical outflows from your environment and your situation, and the placement within the world. But have a look: they do not give you stability - You want stability.

Andrew: No they don’t, Ya.

Bernard: In stability you can live completely – so therefore you deal with them, give yourself a rational answer, do not bind yourself because your Will within ‘who you are’ within the Agreement is simplistically your complete participation, as who you are. That makes life very interesting, because there is no longer a ‘what if’ in the background like a virus running.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: You know sending you images and sending you thoughts and so on - and have a look: you are not really thinking it, it’s coming from your Resonance.

Andrew: It’s, coming up, ya.

Bernard: It’s coming up inside you – That’s coming from your Resonance.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: So what you are busy doing in your Agreement? You’re busy with Resonantly Aligning Yourself to the Information within this Reality that will benefit not only you, but everyone else. By doing that completely = you have a Resonant Effect on Every Being in Existence.

Andrew: Ok

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Ok? because there’s One Resonance for everyone, and then there is the Individual Resonances within the One Resonance. And that’s how we Resonantly Align the Complete Existence, ok?

Andrew: Ok.

Bernard: And once that in Physical Application - that means You as ‘body, mind, spirit’ – so to speak –as Resonance, as the Physical, as your Total Being is Living that in Completeness - You will have an astounding experience as a Living being, because you are a Full Functional Being, yes still Systematic -meaning you’re still a System - but within that you’re now Equal to What You have Allowed Yourself to Become. Now it becomes possible to consider something more.
Now we are on the road to getting to the point of Self-Birth, taking more Responsibility - Now you start to take on the ‘bigger picture’. Eventually within that you have to stand One and Equal as the Total Resonance of everyone – at that point Re-Birth becomes possible.
So it’s a long Process - There is no ‘quick fix’ for this, because it’s gotta be Self-Honest in Actual Fact. Not just ‘Information and Knowledge’- You have to Actually Live it, as proof. You must be the Living Proof that you are One and Equal, as all Life - And that is a Process because you have Diminished Substantially within the System.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Make sense?

Andrea/Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Clear?

Andrea/Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Anything you want to add to this? This is complete, answered you all your questions as well?

Andrea: I just now have to work with my own Self-Doubt, which has built up.

Bernard: Yeah, but the Self-Doubt is coming also from your Resonance.

Resonance: Ya, Andrea I mean - you have to allow yourself to give yourself the Enjoyment within the Agreement. In Essence is just that’s all you have to do, is just accept you know, he’s here - Have a look you’ve made the decision.

Andrea: Yes.

Resonances: I’m not saying: ‘base yourself upon him’ within the Agreement.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: I’m saying, just look at your world and realize it’s Here, Accept it, Enjoy it and Live.

Andrea: Yes.

Bernard: Let me give you a perspective on ‘Agreement’.
Understand that All Agreements will End at Death.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Because once you die, you are no longer in a form that you can perceive, or understand currently. You are no longer within a form where sexuality or touch or anything of that nature that is here exist. So, what you are Living Here in the Physical is temporary - Unless You make ‘the most of it’, you’re not gonna get the Benefit of it.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: But it Will End anyway.
So, the point to worry about any other form of ending is no different to realize that: you’re going to die and it’s gonna end at that point anyway, Ok? So it’s just to give yourself rational answers to the delusions that pop-up inside. Then you realize ‘Ok what am I? I am a Breathing System with the opportunity of Truly Exploring Me and Realizing that, the more effective I explore me and consider everything else that is Here, the more Enjoyment there’s gonna be for me, and I’m gonna have Real Happiness.’ Now we’re dealing with Real Happiness, not the projection of happiness – Real Joy, not the Idea of Joy - Real Love in Actual Living, that - not a projection of Love, which takes you away from the Physical Reality that is Here currently Existing as a Program - You take care of What is Here.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: And that Responsibility, that is the Power that gives you the Ability to Eventually Create Yourself as, call-it ‘Divinity’ - as That which is Eternal.
Currently, it can’t be because: you’re still trapped in Ideas of Yourself, and those ‘Ideas’ you put into ‘Ideals’. And those ‘Ideals’ are what comes up inside: ‘What if this?’ ‘Can I be more?’ - but Why not Be Everything You are within What you Have

Andrea: Yes.

Bernard: Completely and everything that is ‘more’ will open up any way

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: But the moment you Separate Yourself from What you have Here as Responsibility, I mean you can’t be Trusted with the next point, so the next point must fall.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Makes Sense?

Andrea: Ya.
Bernard: I mean it becomes Resonantly far more difficult to adjust when one has fallen, to try and ‘Re-create’ a point, to try and face it and disregard your previous falling.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: You can’t, there’s a Consequence. The Consequence isn’t good or bad = It is simply a Consequence - It’s a mathematical equation -The System is Mathematics.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: It is Linguistics, it is Living Words that is Symbols that Resonate in Pre-Designed ways.
First you have to really become all of these things, so that you can deal with them and understand their Consequence and understand ‘Why they exist?’, ‘How you created it?’, ‘Why you created it?’, ‘What are you using it for?’, ‘When are you using it for’ - all those questions.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Then you are Aligning your Resonance Effectively and that is Why You Need Another, because you can never see everything. You cannot do this Alone - Yet your Self-Honesty Process is alone.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: So listen carefully.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: When we say ‘You’re Alone’ we are saying Your Self-Honesty is Alone because: you’re Responsible for your Inner Being.
Your Self-Forgiveness is Alone, because you’re Responsible to take care of your Alignment within Your Inner Being.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: But you want to reflect that in your Outer Reality - You can’t do that in the ‘greater reality’, it is too miniscule your influence to be noticeable - But it is noticeable with Another in Agreement.
Within that Agreement then, you can now Notice your Change - You can also Reflect and See Yourself ‘within’ Another – that’s why Agreements are so effective, because in Essence You Create Your Own Reality within which you are doing your Corrections.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: And then you take on the ‘bigger’ one, then you do that together because, then you have Trust, you have Intimacy, you have Support, you have Everything you Require, and that you Desire to be Effective in a ‘bigger picture’.
Now, we deal with Structural Resonance Alignment.

Bernard: Ok, bring the Resonances.
Ok, meeting ‘Resonances’ - Andrew, Andrea.

Andrew is sharing, let’s hear it.

Andrew: Ok so, the reason why I wanted to have another interview, or it was more of a point of just having a discussion, um, ah - One of the points was because ah... this morning I experienced the going into the headache again where it’s like, there’s...not able to do anything about it, and it just sort of increasingly get worse. But that coming ‘after’ an Argument that happened last night, and looking at this morning, not knowing how to actually direct the point, not ‘Seeing ‘that were actually able to do it ‘on our own’

Bernard: Doing ‘what’ on ‘your own’?

Andrew: Umm, well I experience it as just being ‘stuck’, it’s like I don’t know how to go forward, if I should go forward, umm I don’t ‘feel ‘as if I can communicate the point with Andrea, or that us ‘together’ will be able to ‘move’- anywhere within the point.

Bernard: So what you’re, what you’re ‘Implying’ is that you ‘require’-us, eh that you see , you feel it’ll work ‘Effectively’ with ‘Facilitation’?

Andrew: Ehm, No I’m not saying that, I’m saying that... that’s the ‘only’ option that I was ‘seeing’ as a point that would ‘Support’ right now. I already know that from the past, if I were to ‘wait’ and not Communicate the point that eventually it will ‘fade away’- but it won’t actually ‘get dealt’-with. Um so I just wanted to open the point and whether it was just a conversation with you or this...

Bernard: Yes, now what it’s important is that you’ve established the ‘point’. Eh your face in terms of the like eh: pimply kind of stuff is that heat related? When did it start?

Andrew: Yeah I think it is.

Bernard: You know when it started?

Andrew: Ya about a week ago. Ya.

Bernard: Ok. Put some of that cream on.

Andrew: Ya ok.

Resonances: Let’s go into the ‘Detail’ of the Argument. The reason why we say that is because at the moment in your words you sound very ‘cryptic’ and also very – in-that ‘cryptic nature’- quite ‘uncertain’ within yourself, whether you actually want to communicate about this point in terms-of there’s still ‘Confusion’ in relation.-to your own ‘Self Experience’ within yourself in relation to ‘the point,’ ‘the Argument.’ So meaning, if you go into ‘specificity’ in relation-to the Argument, that you can look at the ‘Nature’ of the Argument, ‘within’ the Argument what’s going-on because, how you are Experiencing yourself right now is existing ‘way at the back’ of the Argument, meaning it’s Not even about the Argument-itself – there’s something ‘behind’-it, that you have to look at.
Bernard: So ‘Argument’ means: ‘Are’ – what is the ‘cue’ ‘meant’ to-‘be’ within the Point that you both Communicated about? So ‘both’ ‘within’-that could’ve had a ‘Conscious’-Part, and you would’ve had the ‘Resonant’-Part

Andrew: Ok

Bernard: Your...both of-them will have the ‘key’ that you ‘want’-it to ‘mean’ – and then, ‘that’-which you ‘want’ to-be the ‘Dominant’ ‘Directive Point’ to ‘come-forth’ from the Communication, which you call Argument. Does that make sense?

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: And that’s where your headache is coming, because you’re not ‘Certain’, there is ‘Confusion’, there is.. you don’t ‘Prefer’ Experiencing-yourself in a Position where ‘you don’t know what to do’, where you feel that you are a ‘Victim’ of your situation, and that you are ‘Enslaved’ within this Experience and that your hands are ‘chopped off’. And, it’s like almost ‘aggravating’, It’s like this ‘Energy’ is ‘Vibrating’ inside-you like this (shows vibrating). That’s what’s causing the headache, that ‘Vibration’.
So, we need to have a ‘look’-at... I mean when you have an Argument you should look at the following points: Your ‘Physical Behaviour’ towards each-other, the ‘Voice tonality’, the ‘Words’ that was used, the ‘Origin-Point’- and then you have to go and you look-at ‘at-least’ 3 days before the Argument: what was ‘both’s Experience ‘Individually’ within your World. Because an ‘Argument’ is Only a ‘Release’-Point of an ‘Accumulation’ of ‘Manifestations within-which ‘both’ are ‘Equally’ ‘Participating’-within – meaning: ‘takes two to tango’.
Because, if one were ‘Stable’ within those three-days and one just wanted to Start an ‘Argument’, the one would’ve been ‘Stable’ – but, in terms-of an ‘Argument’ where ‘both’ are ‘Participating’ and ‘both’ have ‘Side-Effects’, ‘Consequences’ and ‘Experiences’ it means: ‘both’ had ‘Points’ within the three-days that you didn’t ‘Walk-through’ in the Moment- but allowed to ‘Accumulate’-it. And because the ‘Argument’ was Directed towards Each-other, it means within those three-days ‘Points’ were coming-up within-‘both’ that was ‘Directed’ towards Each-other, that you didn’t ‘speak’-about that you didn’t – that you maybe ‘side-sweep’ and thought it wasn’t ‘important’ - Does that make sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya

Resonances: So, what ‘Points’- let’s maybe start within the three-days and then you ask yourself what points have you ‘deemed’ Not-‘Relevant’ – but, was ‘Directed’ towards Each-other. It might be ‘little things’ guys...

Bernard: Look for, for instance: where you ‘didn’t want to-be touched’ or you ‘didn’t want-to touch’- That ‘s normally your main ‘key’-points. Where you ‘Reacted’-to ‘words’ ‘spoken’ and you had thoughts ‘about’ the words that was ‘more’ than what was said - so you had an ‘Opinion’ about something that was said, but you didn’t ‘speak’ about the ‘Opinion’ – And, it kept-it like, went in a ’cycle’ and then it came- back, the same-thought and you started having a ‘similar’ ‘Train of Thought’ like ‘Chain-Reaction’ with similar-thoughts ‘coming’. That would be ‘coming’-from your ‘Resonance’ - these thoughts ‘coming-up’ - because you went into a ‘Reactive Mode’ at a Particular-‘Point’ with which-is ‘Symbolics’ and how we’re looking-at ‘Finding’ the ‘Symbol’, The ‘Symbolism’ within-it and then we have-to ‘trace-it back’ further and further and further until we get-to the ‘Origin Point’ of the ‘Symbol’ and ‘what was the Decision you made’ whenever that ‘Symbol’ was ‘Designed’ - And ‘How’ that became your ‘Directive Principle’ within your ‘Life’, which had Certain ‘triggers’ that said: ‘If ‘this’ happen, I must ‘do’-that’ – so ‘Fuzzy-logic’ of the ‘Automated-Design’: ‘If ‘this’ happen, I must ‘do- that’, ‘If ‘that’ is said in ‘that tonality’, I must ‘do this’ - ‘If that is ‘done’ in ‘this way’, I must ‘feel’ ‘that way’’ –‘ if ‘that’-happens, I must get a headache’- I mean, that’s just all the Variations, Many Variations...

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Which one now in your Own ‘Self-Honesty’ must always ‘Investigate’ so-that you can ‘Direct’- Yourself within-it, which is why Everyone is In-‘Essence’ in a ‘Self-Honesty Process’.
Furthermore, as we have reached the ‘Point’ where we have now the Complete ‘Manifestation of the Mind’ in the ‘Physical’ - that means, Each-One now is ‘walking’ the ‘Externalization of the Hierarchy’ – that means that: ‘Heaven’ per se is ‘The Mind’. That’s also within-which you have the ‘Perception’ of ‘Free Choice’ where you have the Experience of ‘Happiness’ or ‘Joy’-of anything related-to ‘Something More’, ‘Better’ exist in ‘Heaven’, which is the ‘Mind’, it’s a ‘Condition’ of your ‘Mind’. You don’t ‘have’- that, you’re have... you’re in ‘Hell’. So ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ is Manifestations of the ‘Mind’ - and therefore that is now going to be ‘Physically’-Experienced and, is No-‘Longer’ something that will be able to be ‘pushed-away’, it will Manifest ‘Physically’ and it’ll be have to be ‘dealt’-with .

Resonances: So your ‘Life’ will In-‘Essence’ become More-‘Visible’.

Bernard: You’ll have the ‘Direct’ ‘Physical’-Experience of the ‘Point’.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: So, what are we ‘dealing’-with ‘Here-Now’ is the ‘key’ was the ‘Argument’, and then we have the ‘Experience of the Headache’, then we have Andrew walking very Specifically saying he’d like to ‘talk’ in a Very-‘Specific’ ‘tonality’, which had the flavour of ‘Doomsday’ (laughter) - If I have to give-it a ‘tonality’, a ‘description’ – because as it was said, it’s like a ‘cloud’ that ‘comes-down’ and ‘darkness’.
So- which means Immediately-that from Andrew’ Perspective this is a, a ‘big point’, ok? and then as we were ‘Preparing’ to come together Andrea was standing in the kitchen, with both her hands ‘cut-off’, leaning backwards, in a way experiencing ‘uncertainty’, because she did not really know what was ‘going on’ ‘specifically’ - she didn’t ‘Experience’ which she Perceived ‘he’d Experienced’.
So and the ‘Feedbacks’ in the last few-days was ‘far’- shall we say ‘intriguing’ from Andrea at some-points. So, now we have to take this thing ‘apart’. Ok? What did you Experience, Andrea?

Resonances: Let’s just mention two points. The First Point that, when you both of you are quite ‘similar’, is that there is a ‘Fear’ existent of Sharing what you are ‘Actually’ ‘Really’ Experiencing inside-yourself in Moments with Each-Other. So there’s still quite a bit-of ‘hiding’ going-on – meaning, wherein you for example in a statement: “I don’t ‘really’ want to say this to him or her directly, because he or she may or might ‘react’ in this or that way.

Bernard: Let me just come in at this point: when was your last point of ‘Intimate’ Experience, what... two three days ago?

Resonances: That is already problematic if you can’t answer that...

Andrea: it was probably three days, about three days ago.

Bernard: Three days ago?

Andrew: Yeah

Bernard: Was that the one where you had the ‘Particular’-‘Point’?

Andrea: Yes, well it was the night before that, the point was, the ‘Wow’-Point, and then...

Bernard: Ya, did you Share the ‘Wow’-Point with Andrew?

Andrea: I told him during or afterwards when we were going to sleep I said to him, that I Experienced him to be very gentle and that it was quite a ‘Unique’ Experience, I had not Experienced that before...

Bernard: How did you experience that point?

Andrew: Ehm, which ‘Point’? Her explaining-it to me?

Andrea: He doesn’t...

Bernard: The whole...

Andrew: The whole experience overall?

Bernard: Ya.

Andrew: I was a little bit surprised at first because, it actually wasn’t a Point that I was trying to ‘get-to’ at all, so I actually I was ‘reluctant’ in a way- but at the same time I didn’t, I wasn’t ‘fighting’-it or, I was looking at-it from ‘ok and this, we’ll see what this is like’, ‘this could be fun’. But ehm, so I just kind of ‘went with-it’ was more of a point-of ‘moving’ on that point, because we ‘hadn’t’ and because Andrea was sort-of ‘initiating’-it, that I thought ‘that’s pretty cool’ because, based on our Communication ‘around the point’ I was Expecting-it to ‘take a while’, I’ll say. Yeah, it was like, it wasn’t like a ‘big event’ actually for me, it wasn’t like it was ‘more interesting’ or ‘less interesting’, although... yeah.

Bernard: Did you ‘Expect’-it to be a ‘Big Event’?

Andrew: No

Bernard: Not – Ok, let’s go to the next point.

Resonances: The ‘Second Point’ is: Andrew in terms-of for example the, the Manifestation of the headaches...

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: Going back to that ‘point’ again just another-‘Dimension’ within-that, that we Mentioned-before within-you, that ‘Creating’-it through the ‘Energetic’ ‘Vibration’ of the Emotion and Feeling of Experiencing-yourself as a... like a ‘Victim’ of your situation, you’ll also ‘Create’-that Experience or even when you ‘Experience’ that Experience, you’ll immediately want-to ‘revert’-back into your ‘Experience’ or your ‘Space’ of ‘being alone’, ‘aloneness’, ‘retracting’ slowly but surely - because you do Not-‘Prefer’ having that ‘Experience’ of not being in a ‘Position’ where you are in ‘Control’ or ‘Directive Principle’, where you can Actually ‘Stand up’ and sort ‘something’-out and know ‘Exactly’ what’s going on - So just be ‘aware’ of that Point.

Andrew: Ok

Resonances: In terms so that you ‘Realize’ that the ‘Experience’ of ‘wanting’-to for example ‘back-out’ in the ‘Agreement’...

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: If that is always, if that comes-up as an ‘Option’ immediately within your Mind - even with an ‘Energy’ or ‘Energetic-Experience’ –you must know it’s coming-up as a Point of ‘Manipulation’ to ‘hide’-again – I’m not Actually ‘Standing-up’.

Bernard: Which is what I am ‘experiencing’ at the moment is that, that Point-of: ‘Is this the right... am I at the ‘right place’? ‘I wanna go run away now, it is so much easier.’

Andrew: It would be easier, well

Resonances: That was is ‘in your words’, see that was ‘in your words’ in the beginning of the Discussion - if you listen to your words again - you kind of ‘Tacitly’-Implied it, towards ‘veering’ at that way of Ending the ‘Agreement’, ‘Resonantly’.

Bernard: So that the ‘Existence’ of that Point is in itself ‘Part’ of the ‘Starting-Point’ still, which will cause-it to ‘come back’ and back and back and back, because it’s still there a ‘Part’ of the ‘Starting Point’ - which is the one-thing that will make ‘Agreements’ very-‘Difficult’ for everyone is because ‘Agreements’ are based on a ’Mutual-Support’ Base, where One actually Make a ‘Commitment’ in saying: ‘I’m not gonna have a ‘Back-door’ at-all, therefore I will not ‘Entertain’-anything, I will...’ - Because the moment that-‘Exist’ you cannot ‘push’, because you are ‘held back’ by that ‘Back-door’- You cannot come to a ‘Conclusion’ of ‘Directive Principle’, it is Not-‘Possible’ - You can ‘Only’-Act within your ‘Starting Point’-
Your ‘Starting Point’ will... ‘Contains’ the Point that you want-to be able-to ‘get-out’ of the ‘Agreement’ at your ‘behest’ and therefore, you cannot ‘Direct’-anything that will become More-‘Conclusive’ in the ‘Agreement’ - if it will ‘Close’ the ‘Back-door’- because the ‘Back-door’ is gonna be kept ‘open’ at all times.
So, therefore you will be ‘Unable’ to ‘Move’ because You cannot ‘Move’-completely because there is ‘Parts’ of-you ‘stuck’ at ‘Particular’-‘Points’ that you’re ‘keeping’-there as your ‘Own Secret Support’, which is ‘Inherently’ in many, many ‘Agreements’, why People will ‘try’ and ‘manipulate’ the ‘Agreement’ or ‘Design’ the ‘Agreement’ to only-contain certain-facets like ‘sex’, ‘money’, ‘jobs’, ‘children’- but they will have their ‘friends’ as a ‘Separate-life’, or they will have ‘alcohol’ as a ‘Separate-life’, or they will have ‘Secret’ ‘Sex-Relationships’ as a ‘Separate-life’ – so there’s a ‘Separate-Life’ that Exist, which is ‘theirs’ ‘alone’, which is where they can ‘hide’-in and, they are ‘Functioning’ within a ‘Society’ simply because that’s they way ‘Society’ ‘Functions’.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: The ‘Back-door’ needs to-be Really ‘looked’-at very ‘Clearly’ and to be either ‘closed’ or one must ‘use’-it –one of the two because, it’s ‘in-play’ in everything you are doing - Does that make sense?

Andrew: Ya.

Resonances: An ‘Underlying’-‘Factor’.

Bernard: It’s an ‘Underlying’-‘Factor’.
Now Understand in the ‘Design’ of the ‘Resonance’- that means that is Your ‘Pre-Design’-of ‘Yourself’, you are ‘Resonantly’ ‘Designed’ in ‘Multi-Dimensions’, as ‘All’ Possible-‘Choices’ within the ‘Principles’ and ‘Rules’ you have ‘Accepted’ for yourself.
Now, when you make something a ‘Principle’, it is something that You Will ‘Act’-in ‘Immediately’- when you use something as a ‘Rule’= you’ll ‘think’ about-it. So that’s the two Points that will have an ‘bearing’-on ‘How’ you ‘Make Decisions’. So if your ‘Principle’ is that: ‘I must Never be ‘Trapped’, I must Always have ‘Free Will’’ – then you will ‘Always’ be in a Position where You cannot be ‘Trusted’, or ever ‘Trust’-Yourself, because You cannot Make a ‘Commitment’ because, in Every-‘Point’ you Make a ‘Commitment’ ‘Resonantly’ the ‘Principle’ of ‘Free Will’ will over-ride ‘Anything’ you Decide.

Resonances: Which is ‘Choice’, when you ‘Believe’ you can have any-‘other’ ‘Choice’ but where you are here right now – it’s gonna fuck you.

Bernard: It’s gonna fuck you because it is a ‘Principle’ – it’s not-even a ‘Rule’ – you’ll ‘Act’ in-it Immediately. It’ll Immediately ‘veer’ towards that-‘Point’, it’s like a ‘Point’-of ‘Attraction’, it’s like a ‘Law of Attraction’ ‘Point’ that ‘Exist’ within-you because it is the ‘Principle’ within-which you are ‘Existing’ - and therefore, you’ll then ‘try’ and ‘change’-it using ‘Rules’, using ‘Thinking’ which is Not- ‘Possible’ – that’ll cause headaches as well, because now you are ‘utilizing’ ‘attempting’ to ‘Change’ the Point through using ‘reason’, ‘logic’, ‘thinking’ saying; ‘But that’s not ‘really’ what I want’ – it’s Not ‘true’. Your ‘Principle’ that is ‘Resonantly’-Existing = that’s the ‘Real Truth’. What you’re ‘Thinking’ is Not the ‘Real Truth’ - what ‘comes’-up within-you ‘about’-something as a ‘Thought’ -which you did Not-‘Originate’ = that is the ‘Real Story’- You did Not ‘Originally’ ‘think’ that ‘Thought’ - it came-up ‘within’-you as a Response-‘to’ what you are Observing, Experiencing or the Context within-which you are finding yourself. That’s a ‘Resonant-Activated-Thought’. That is a ‘Thought’ that You had a long time ago in your ‘Process’ in your ‘Design of your Life’ which you have made ‘Part’ of-your ‘Permanent’-‘Armour’- That which you have Decided ‘You are’ and how you will ‘deal’-with ‘Points’.
And that’s the ‘Points’ that is to be ‘taken-out’ through-both the ‘Pie Charts’ and then the next section where we do the... the Part of the ‘Equations’ and the ‘How’ you have ‘Designed your Life’ ‘Mathematically’, when we start taking that stuff-out.

Resonances: Ya walking the, with the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ all the ‘Processes’ and all the ‘Points’, I mean walking that ‘together’ in an ‘Agreement’ will be Extremely-‘Beneficial’, because then you ‘re ‘looking-at points’, you’re ‘walking’-it through in your ‘Process’ with Yourself – ‘Individually’ and with ‘Each-Other’ in a more ‘Interactive’, say ‘Fun’-way, wherein the ‘Points’ are seen for ‘what it is’, within what’s ‘Indicated’-through the ‘Muscle Communication’ with ‘Substance’.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: And therefore, it ‘takes-away’ the ‘tendency’ of taking-things ‘Personally’- both from ‘within’ Self and from one’s Partner for example.

Andrea: Ya.

Resonances: Just another point Andrea, just be ‘watchful’ in terms-of the ‘Point’ wherein ‘thoughts’ may ‘come-up’ within your Mind in relation- to - for example, we Communicate about the ‘Points’ that’s ‘coming-up’ in Andrew about the ‘Back-door’ he’s Experiencing - that the ‘thoughts’ don’t ‘come up’ within, especially when events of ‘Confrontation’ take-place, when you ‘use’-that as a ‘Point’-of saying: ‘You know, yes well you want to ‘back-out’ of this ‘Agreement’ so, why must I ‘do’-this or ‘be’-that or ‘share’-this with you’ or

Bernard: ‘Why Must I Stand?’

Resonances: Ya.

Bernard: Fascinating.
Ok now, let me make maybe just a ‘little’-bit ‘clearer’ from a perspective to ‘view’ this all. What is the ‘Point’-of the way we ‘Find’-Ourselves in ‘Existence’? We Find-Ourselves in ‘Existence’ pretty ‘Fucked-up’ ok? So, Not ‘Everybody’ is going to ‘Walk their Process’ this Life, because ‘many’ has ‘Designed’- themselves ‘Resonantly’ in-‘ways’ to ‘Protect’-themselves from the ‘Effect’ of their ‘Self-Deceptions’.
So therefore you cannot first of-all have a ‘bearing’ or a ‘Foundation’-Point based-on Anyone else’s ‘Decisions’ - You have-to ‘Individually’ ‘Stand’, ‘Alone’. Within-that you have Particular ‘Problem-Areas’- which we all must understand ‘Exist’-in ‘Everyone’.
The ‘Primary’-one within-that is ‘Sexuality’. Within your ‘Agreement’ you wanna make ‘Sexuality’ your ‘Point’-of Having ‘Physical-Fun’, ok? Which is called ‘FF’ = ‘Frequent-Fucking’ – Ok? Why is that? It has the ‘Effect’-of ‘Discharging’ All ‘build-ups’ within the ‘Physical’.
With the ‘Inversion’ of all of-this, it is No-‘Longer’ going-into the ‘Matrix’ and being ‘shared’-out at a ‘bigger-scale’.
Everyone has now ‘Cloned’ ‘One and Equal’ as the ‘Total-Matrix’ - so it ‘Discharge’ within-you and within that ‘Discharge’ one can now ‘deal’ with the Communication, more-‘easier’ - if one dare. The rest-of your, the ‘Agreement’ is to Find the Points where you are ‘Effective’ in ‘Working-together’, to Find the Points where you are ‘Effective’ in ‘Individual-Work’ and to ‘Direct’ those-‘Points’. And then, you have to ‘Manage’ whatever other-times are there.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: I mean, if one is quite ‘busy’ then it’s quite ‘simple’, because you’re ‘busy’ which is ‘why’ ‘work’ with your hands or where you are ‘writing’ or ‘typing’ or doing anything-‘physically’ is so important because it ‘takes’-you ‘through-the-time’, which would’ve ‘Normally’ been ‘Directed’ by the ‘System’ but you have to now ‘Direct’-it ‘Yourself’.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: And if you don’t ‘do’-that, you’re gonna get quite ‘bored’ and feel-like there’s ‘nothing happening’ and feel like ‘your life is worthless’, because there’s No-‘Reason’ and No-‘Purpose’, and all of that ‘bullshit’. There Is No ‘Reason and Purpose’ in your ‘Existence’- you have to ‘Accept’-it. You are ‘Existing’ within-an ‘Allowance’-of a ‘System’ that is In-‘Control’ and you have ‘Decided’-to ‘withdraw’-yourself from the ‘System’ which is gonna give you ‘Extra-time’ on hand, which is rather ‘difficult’-to ‘handle’ because, ‘normally’ you were ‘Entertained’ and now there is no-more ‘Entertainment’ – you have ‘withdrawn’ from the ‘System’. That’s why you must make very ‘Deliberate’-‘Decisions’ in terms-of ‘How’ you ‘Direct’-Yourself in all your-‘Time’, so that ‘Time’ does not ‘Count against-you’, where you start ‘thinking’ about ‘stuff’. And when you start ‘thinking’ you have ‘another’ ‘Resonant-Problem’, because in your ‘thought’ you will ‘Create’ a ‘Scenario’ – the ‘Scenario’ will ‘Activate’ your ‘Resonances’ and send ‘more-thoughts’ and now start-to ‘Direct’ your ‘thinking’ through the ‘thoughts’ that will ‘insert’-itself within your ‘Thought’- ‘Projection’, and you will start ‘Feeling’-things about what you’re ‘thinking’, which is all coming-from the ‘Interaction’ between your ‘Projected-Thinking’ and your ‘Resonant-Reaction’ to the ‘Activations’ that is ‘coming-forth’ because-of the ‘thoughts’ you are having –and: You are still ‘Fucked’ because the ‘Resonance’ is Still-‘Directing’- You are Not-‘Directing’ even if you’re ‘Thinking’ - Make sense?

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: You See ‘How’ that ‘works’? Understand that?

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Ok so you are ‘from all sides’ being-‘Trapped’- In-‘Essence’ by Yourself, but obviously-by those that ‘Understood’ ‘More’ than you did about ‘How these things work’ . So now you’re learning ‘How to be Equal’ and ‘How it Works’. In-‘that’ the ‘Key’ is ‘Agreement’ in-that you want to ‘Remove’ from your Existence ‘that’-which has ‘Occupied’ most of your Life which was ‘Sex’- the ‘Desire’ for-it, the ‘Want’ for-it, the ‘Need’ for-it - and you wanna make-that ‘Fun’ and ‘Have-Fun’ ‘with’-it and ‘Explore’-it and Make your ‘Agreements’ Very ‘Clear’ around-it and then, ‘sort’-out ‘the rest’, Ok? - and become more ‘Effective’ and, the ‘Solution’ to the ‘Problem’ in the World is that Everybody is going to have to ‘Directly’-‘Participate’ in a ‘Solution’ for the World. You’re going-to have-to become ‘Involved’ ‘Politically’, ‘Labour’-wise, in your ‘Point –of-view’, ‘Opinion’ –‘what’ you do, ‘how’ you work-it, ‘Money- wise’, ‘Equal-Money’, ‘Equal-Labour’- You are going-to have-to ‘Directly’ become ‘Involved’ in the ‘Solution of the World’ – that is what the ‘Externalization of the Hierarchy’ mean – that is ‘Bringing Heaven to Earth’- The ‘Hierarchy’ was ‘Heaven’, ‘Heaven comes to Earth’ - If you study the writings around this from the 1940’s, 1950’s already you’ll see, that they Misunderstood what was gonna ‘Happen’ with the ‘whole-thing’. So they were ‘Programmed’ to ‘place-it-here’, they didn’t... but Nobody ‘Understood’-that, they ‘thought’ they were going to-have ‘Control Over Earth’- they didn’t realize that ‘Everybody’ is gonna ‘become’-this ‘Externalization’ –There’s gonna be an ‘Equality’-Point.