As transcribed and typed by Veno through the interdimensio­nal portal

Date : 27/11/2007

The ‘chemical construct design’ of Monoatomic Gold, assists and supports the ‘expansion’ of the ‘platform foundation design’ of the mind consciousness structural resonance system within and as human beings physical body – for the assistance in the effectiveness of ‘thought-information’ transference and manifestation within and as the human physical body as systems – assisting the ‘upgrade’ in mind consciousness systems manifestation within and as the human physical body – ‘enhancing’ the systems’.

Monoatomic Gold enhances systems within and as the human physical body, in this, also ‘enhancing’ infiltration of ‘self as a mind system’ within and as the ‘unified consciousness field’ – see, ‘normal’ human beings’ mind’s are extensively ‘enclosed’ and ‘limited’, whereas those that use Monoatomic Gold, their mind systems’ ‘expand’ within and as the unified field and thus gain ‘more access’ within and as the unified consciousness field – which ‘give apparent psychic abilities’ – when it’s not, it just your ‘connection’ / ‘relationship’ with your unconscious mind as the unified consciousness field which ‘expands’ as the manifestation you become when using ‘Monoatomic Gold’ – which is the ‘elixir’ of systems within and as you.

Here’s how Monoatomic Gold within and as the human physical body of mind consciousness system ‘operate’:

(NOTE: I will be using an ‘abbreviation’ for Monoatomic Gold as I continue as: MG.)

MG (Monoatomic Gold) designs mind consciousness system DNA – in this ‘System DNA design’ – you ‘design you’ as a ‘unified field mind consciousness system’ – as your unconscious mind ‘infiltrates’ within and as the ‘formation design of the mind consciousness systems’ DNA’ – so you’re only existing with a conscious and subconscious mind as your entire unconscious mind placement, infiltrates and infuse within and as the ‘DNA formation designs’ of the mind consciousness system – thus, you are an enhanced ‘unified consciousness field mind system’ – within which the unified consciousness field becomes you within and as the human physical body.

Whereas with ‘normal’ human beings – they’re foundation design is the mind consciousness structural resonance system – designed of the subconscious and conscious mind through thoughts and ‘thought information essence transference’ within and throughout the human physical body – manifesting crystals which design systems implants.

MG, starts enveloping itself ‘around’ the ‘foundation design placement’ of the mind consciousness structural resonance system. There is an actual ‘metallic base’ in the form of ‘tube alignments’ – in the shape of your skeleton that ‘form’ within and as your human physical body that is the ‘foundation design placement’ of the mind consciousness system within you – this is ‘formed’ and ‘manifested’ as you ‘come of age’ within this world and participate in thoughts, feelings and emotions which accordingly design ‘crystal formations’ within your human physical body (this process is described in the Structural Resonance: Part 11 documents – here’s the link: and if you’re reading this document – I suggest you read the entire Mind Consciousness Structural Resonance System article as it will place much in perspective of what I mention within this document) and then ‘through time’ – ‘manifest as system metallic platform tubes’ within and as your human physical body.

So, as you continue to ‘participate’ within this world – actual metallic solidified tubesas systems, manifest within and as your human physical body – which, as I have mentioned, is the ‘platform foundation design’ of your mind consciousness structural resonance system – from which all other systems within and as you ‘originate’ through the ‘act of thinking’ together with the participation in emotions and feelings.

As I have mentioned, MG envelopes itself around the ‘solidified system tube formation designs’ – manifesting a ‘blanket’ so to speak, covering the ‘solidified tubes’ completely – MG literally ‘forms a blanket of itself’ – around any system formation designs within and as the human physical body – MG attracted like a ‘magnet to stee’l. When this is successfully done – when the MG has completely ‘covered’ all system formation designs within and as the human physical body – it begins the ‘imprint processes – ‘imprinting the design’ of the System DNA as the MG infuses itself within and as the ‘system formation designs’ of the mind consciousness structural resonance system.

Realise that the ‘system formations’ of the mind consciousness system within and as the human physical body – is ‘connected’ to the entire mind system ‘box-like structure’ (as mentioned within the Structural Resonance Documents’ – and thus also ‘connected to the unconscious mind – the ‘importance’ of this point will we revealed as we continue.

As you can see, the DNA design is a diamond shape, within which is a rectangular box, within which is a ‘solid metallic ball’ (exactly as the ‘solid metallic ball as the centre antennae point of the mind system within and as the ‘box-like structure’), ‘three dimensionally’ infused and manifested within and as the ‘system formations’ of the mind consciousness system – within the ‘solid metallic ball’ a ‘cross’ is shaped by four lines which is connected by four points of the diamond together. The ‘system formation tubes’ are aligned with the DNA imprint design constructs as the ‘top tip’ and the ‘bottom tip’ connect to the following DNA imprint design construct – and so the DNA of the mind systems within and as the human physical body is designed, manifested and infused by MG.

The entire DNA design – for instance one such DNA imprint design, ‘serves’ as a ‘containment holder’, for the following reason:

The moment the ‘DNA imprint design’ is complete, and the MG has now become the ‘essence’ of the ‘foundation platform design’ of the mind consciousness system – a ‘floodgate’ is opened, so to speak – of your unconscious mind, as the MG infiltrates and permeates within and as your unconscious mind, ‘liquefies’ the information within your unconscious mind – and all information of your unconscious mind infiltrates and permeates within and as the ‘DNA formation designs’ as ‘containment holders’ within and as the ‘foundation platform design’ of the mind consciousness system – this is where the ‘importance’ of the unconscious mind, being ‘connected as the system formations ‘comes in’.

As is mentioned within the Structural Resonance documents – within the ‘box –like structure’ of the mind as the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind – together with the ‘centre antennae point’ as the ‘centre point of the entire mind consciousness system’ within and as the human physical body – the essence of you within and as the ‘magnetic sound frequency’ of the ‘centre antennae point’ of the mind consciousness system – ‘powers’ and ‘charges’ the entire mind system as the ‘box-like structure’, including the entire mind consciousness system within and as you – moving constantly and continuously within and throughout all three layers as the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind of the ‘box-like structure’ – yet, all three layers remain individual in their purpose.

Now – the moment the MG, infiltrates your unconscious mind – the ‘solid metallic balls’ within and as the DNA formation designs: Activates – and your essence within and as the magnetic sound frequency moves within and throughout the entire MG consciousness system platform design of systems DNA. The information ‘retrieved’ from within your unconscious mind – then ‘liquefies’ and is absorbed by the MG together with the magnetic sound frequency / electrical current and is then dispersed throughout all the DNA formation designs and manifest within and as the ‘rectangular box’ – within which the information manifest in the exact same way, within the rectangular box of each and every single DNA design – as it was within the unconscious mind within the ‘box-like structure’ within your head region. In other words – your unconscious mind – is now manifested within and as the entirety of you, within and as the System DNA as illustrated in the ‘three dimensional sketch drawing’ – so, your unconscious mind layer, as the bottom layer of the ‘box-like structure’ within your head as the ‘mind system’ – ‘shuts down’ – and you’re only left with the centre layer as the subconscious mind and the top layer as the conscious mind. And so – the ‘rectangular box’ – together with the ‘solid metallic ball’ that is activated by the ‘magnetic sound frequency’, which exist as the essence of you – is the exact ‘duplicate structure formation’ – of the unconscious mind placement within and as the ‘box-like structure’ within your head – as the ‘mind system design’.

Thus – each and every single DNA design is a ‘duplicate design’ manifestation which contains your unconscious mind – now, your entire unconscious mind becomes the ‘foundation platform design’ of your MG mind consciousness system within and as the ‘rectangular box’ within the DNA design – with the ‘solid metallic ball’ and the ‘cross lines’ within each DNA design, ‘connecting and interconnecting’ all DNA designs together as one as the ‘magnetic sound frequency’ ‘constantly and continuously’ move within and throughout the entire MG mind consciousness system as System DNA designs – which ‘keeps you ‘stabilized’’ as a ‘unified consciousness field unconscious mind system’ as you.

And thus, you’re ‘recognized’ by the ‘unified consciousness field’ of this world – and you ‘experience’ and ‘have’ certain specific ‘special traits and effects’ – because you’re the ‘special child’ as a ‘unified field mind consciousness system’ of the unified consciousness field = ‘specialized’ and ‘enhanced’.

This is why the ‘effects’ are so specific when using MG – because in ‘normal’ human beings – their ‘thought-information-transference’ within and as their human physical body – manifest as ‘crystal alignments’ which form crystals – ‘causing pain and a ‘attraction’ to illnesses and diseases – whereas those that use MG – their ‘thought-information transference’ immediately permeate and infiltrate within and as the DNA designs of the MG mind consciousness systems – which is then ‘dispersed’ within and throughout all of humanities unconscious minds – so, in using MG – you are a ‘living unconscious mind system’ – ‘dispersing’ information within and throughout all of humanity – so, as you becomes more ‘healthy’ and ‘better’ – all your ‘shit’ you experienced before didn’t just ‘disappear / evaporate’, no – it was ‘sent through your unconscious mind into the minds of other human beings through their unconscious minds – and will thus manifest accordingly within and as their mind consciousness system to be experienced accordingly. You just transferred all your ‘experiences’ into other human beings within this world – to ‘balance the equation’ between ‘health’ and ‘illness’/’un­healthy’.

This is but another example of the ‘balance’ that exist within and as the unified consciousness field – you become / live apparently ‘healthy’ – for you to be ‘healthy’ – others must become ill and sick, which balances out as I have described above.

And so – this is how Monoatomic Gold ‘operates’ within and as human beings.