Transcribed and typed by Veno through the interdimensio­nal portal

Date : 18/07/2007

(NOTE: As you would have noticed in my previous writings in PART TWO (Phase four) and also most likely will be discovered in most of my writings to come, I repeat explanations in different sentence constructions. The reason for this is because I ‘widen' and ‘expand' human beings' understanding and integration of what exactly it is I am explaining through placing the same explanation in different sentence constructions.)

After quite a lengthy PART TWO (Phase four) where I covered only the 11.) THIGH points, we are continuing with the 12.) SHOULDER points. The reason for this ‘jump' in sequence is because the SHOULDER points locks into the THIGH points together and support each other in the design, development, implementation and manifestation of your ‘individualized support foundation design' of the structural resonance. Although the complete manifestation of the ‘individualized support foundation design' exist in your THIGH points – the SHOULDER points also ‘plays a part' in the ‘individualized support foundation design'.

Let's go…

The Design of the Structural Resonance in the Human Physical Body :


12.) SHOULDER points :

I have explained the left and right side body part ‘split' where the left side of the human physical body represents the female creation and design expression and the right side of the human physical body represent the male structural construction, implementation and manifestation expression. This ‘split' of male and female expression on the right and left side of the human physical body exist within the occipital bones of your mind consciousness system, but is implemented and used specifically during the final manifested creation of consciousness systems within you, which manifest on both sides of your human physical body: Where the male and female expressions on the right and left play the important role in having the ability to successfully design and create (left), implement and manifest (right) consciousness systems within you.

The SHOULDER points represent your ‘strength' and ‘vigour ' which you ‘inherited'/tran­sferred and copied/duplicated specifically from your parents – which is also able to be referred to as specific ‘survival skills'. Therefore the system developed and manifested within your SHOULDER points is able to be referred to as the Survival Skill System. The left side SHOULDER point contain the survival skills ‘inherited'/tran­sferred and copied/duplicated from your mother and the right side SHOULDER point contain the survival skills ‘inherited'/tran­sferred and copied/duplicated from your father.

The inheritance and transference of the survival skills from both your parents takes place when the entire mind consciousness system develops within you within the mother's womb together with your physical development. The copying and duplication of the survival skills from both your parents takes place through your observations, interactions and participations with your parents' as the parent/child relationship develops during your childhood years (from two to three years up to the age of thirteen years).

The platform for the development and manifestation of your own ‘individualized Survival Skill System' is already placed by the unconscious mind within your human physical body. The actual development and manifestation of your own ‘individualized Survival Skill System' takes place through your observations, interactions, participation and relationship development with your parents during your childhood years. What I have not mentioned before is the following: Your unconscious mind is already programmed – as humanities' entire unconscious mind is that which interconnects all human beings as mind consciousness systems within the Systematic reality. The programming of your conscious and subconscious mind takes place during the ages from two to three years up to the age of thirteen years (which I will from hereon refer to as your ‘childhood years') as you develop systems such as the ‘support foundation design' in the THIGH points and the Survival Skill System in the SHOULDER points. This is what your ‘individual personality' becoming consists of:

Your ‘individualized personality' becoming as ‘who you are' in the System, developed through the development, implementation and manifestation of consciousness systems within you during your childhood years. See, the unconscious mind assist in providing a platform for you to have the ability to effectively develop, implement and manifest consciousness systems within you and together with that program your conscious and subconscious mind through your observations, participations and interactions with your parents through copying and duplication. This is the mischievousness and slyness, deception and manipulation of the designees (Anu, Marduk, Enki and Enlil) of the mind consciousness systems and the structural resonance's as that which human beings become:

Have the unconscious mind as platform already infused within the human physical body, give the human being as child the ability to ‘personalize' and ‘individualize' their conscious and subconscious mind together with the consciousness systems within them (e.g. Survival Skills System) through copying and duplicating structural resonance designs from their parents and those who are most influential in their world. Thus, human beings are in essence, as that which they consist of as consciousness structural resonance systems, exactly, exactly, exactly the same! Have a look at this structural resonance I am explaining here in all my writings: It exists exactly the same way within all of humanity and pertains to all human beings in existence, there are no exceptions! The idea/percepti­on/belief of having your own individual personality only comes from you who personalized and individualized the way you designed, created, manifested and implemented your conscious and subconscious mind and the consciousness systems within you – that's where your apparent ‘uniqueness' and ‘individual personality' comes from!

Continuing with the SHOULDER points' Survival Skills System…

What exactly are survival skills?

Survival skills are for instance that which you utilize within yourself to have/maintain control of yourself and your world within which you experience yourself. Let's look at the definition of the word ‘survival' in the context I am using the word within this explanation:

Your survival skills are also able to be referred to as your maintenance/control skills which provide you with the ability to maintain and control your world. To have you be able to place yourself effectively within the System as your world within which you ‘experience' yourself as a consciousness structural resonance system, to place others effectively in your world so that everything within and of your world, including those within it – is placed to support and assist you in remaining a consciousness structural resonance system.

Survival in the context I am using the word here, is the survival of you as a consciousness structural resonance system within the System/your world within which you experience yourself. The survival of you as a consciousness structural resonance system is only effective in your ability to place yourself and to place others in your world, to maintain and control your world and those within it – which will assist and support you in remaining a consciousness structural resonance system. And this is done through skills you acquire from your parents and those who are most influential in your world during your childhood ‘upbringing'. Thus human beings don't unconditionally live and express who they are in this world, no, they are consciousness structural resonance systems which continuously only control and maintain their world through ‘inherited'/tran­sferred and copied/duplicated survival skills acquired from their parents and those that have gone before them (the sins of the fathers).

Naturally it's not only dependent on you to maintain and control your world in order for you to survive as a consciousness structural resonance system within the System – the support and assistance for you to remain a consciousness structural resonance system exist and also comes from within and as the worldly manifestations within the systematic reality such as the education systems, the money systems and the job systems. So therefore you basically have no way out of the System as a consciousness structural resonance system, because the worldly manifestations is so set up and placed that you are forced to succumb to an existence of survival within the System. The ability to do so is provided by the survival skills you ‘inherited'/tran­sferred and copied/duplicated from your parents, in establishing your own Survival Skill System within the SHOULDER points.

Do the survival skills which are ‘inherited'/tran­sferred and copied/duplicated specifically from your parents differ as they are manifested within your left and right SHOULDER points? (The left which hold the survival skills ‘inherited'/tran­sferred and copied/duplicated from your mothers' dominant survival skills and the right which hold the survival skills ‘inherited'/tran­sferred and copied/duplicated from your fathers' dominant survival skills.)

Yes, they do actually, yet there are similarities. The survival skills you inherit/transfer and copy/duplicate from your father is as follows:

(Taking into consideration that all these points as survival skills that are acquired from your parents exist in all human beings' structural resonances, whether you come to ‘live' or ‘experience' them in this life or not, that's irrelevant.)

The above points I have explained are examples of what is manifested as the survival skills within the male expressions in this world. Such ‘male expressive survival skills' is manifested in the right SHOULDER point as a partly completed Survival Skill System which the males in the world actually become as ‘who they are' within the System. Partly because the ‘female expressive survival skills' is dormant in the left SHOULDER point as a desire to be fulfilled within them, once in a relationship with a female, their Survival Skill System within both the SHOULDER points are complete. And this ensures their survival as a consciousness structural resonance system.

The survival skills you inherit/transfer and copy/duplicate from your mother is as follows:

The above points I have explained are examples of what is manifested as the survival skills within the female expressions in this world. Such ‘female expressive survival skills' is manifested in the left SHOULDER point as a partly completed Survival Skill System which the females in the world actually become as ‘who they are' within the System. Partly, because within the females in the world, the ‘male expressive survival skills' are dormant as a desire to be fulfilled within them – leaving them half-empty and require males within a relationship to complete their total Survival Skill System within them. Therefore relationships are also to establish and complete the Survival Skill System within human beings, so they as consciousness structural resonance systems have the surety and certainty to maintain and control their existence. This also explains why women and men would have relationships with partners that closely resemble their parents: It's all in the Survival Skill System within the SHOULDER points.

Both the mother and father's dominant survival skills are transferred within the child, yet depending on whether the child is male or female, will depend whether the mother or father's dominant survival skill will be personalized and individualized within themselves within the shoulder points. For instance, if it were a girl that is born, both the parents' dominant survival skills will be transferred into her, the father's survival skills on the right and the mother's survival skills on the left. Because the girl is female (naturally) – the mother's survival skills will become dominant within her left SHOULDER point and the father's survival skills will become submissive within her right shoulder point. The girl will then from there design and manifest her own personalized and individualized Survival Skill System in her left SHOULDER point. Because her right SHOULDER point survival skill transference from her father is submissive, she'll with no doubt be in a relationship with men who resemble her father to complete her Survival Skill System in both her shoulder points. And the same goes for males: both the parents' dominant survival skills will be transferred into the boy, the father's survival skills on the right and the mother's survival skills on the left. Because the boy is male defined – the father's survival skills will become dominant within his right SHOULDER point and the mother's survival skills will become submissive within his left shoulder point. The boy will then from there design and manifest his own personalized and individualized Survival Skill System in his right SHOULDER point. Because his left SHOULDER point survival skill transference from her mother is submissive, he'll with no doubt be in a relationship with woman who resembles his mother to complete his Survival Skill System in both his SHOULDER points.

The same goes for gays and lesbians in the world – even within gay and lesbian relationships one takes the male expression and the other the female expression. Within gay and lesbian relationships the scenario is quite ‘unique' in a manner of speaking. Here it's not regarding the physical manifestation of yourself defining you being ‘male' or ‘female' but the expression you become within the gay or lesbian relationship. Depending on whether, within a gay or lesbian relationship, you take on the male or female expression, will depend which one of your parents' survival skills will become dominant or submissive. For instance, if you take on the male expression within a gay or lesbian relationship, your right SHOULDER point survival skills, transferred from your father will become dominant. You taking on the male expression within the gay or lesbian relationship also signify that you are ‘yearning to correct the relationship with your mother'. Your partner within the gay or lesbian relationship, taking on the female expression will then fulfill this yearning within you. Then, if you take on the female expression within a gay or lesbian relationship, your left SHOULDER point survival skills, transferred from your mother will become dominant. You taking on the female expression within the gay or lesbian relationship also signify that you are ‘yearning to correct the relationship with your father'. Your partner within the gay or lesbian relationship, taking on the male expression will then fulfill this yearning within you. Gay and lesbian relationships are in truth beings who are reenacting their parents' relationships and trying to ‘fix it' for them. Beings in gay and lesbian relationships are the ones who completely transform and reenact their parents' relationships – the being's in such relationships actually completely become their parents, transformed as their parents' relationship. Beings in male-female relationships actually do exactly the same, yet the gay and lesbian relationships are the manifested ‘in your face' expression to the world for all to see what all beings within relationships are doing: Either trying to correct their relationship with their mother/father individually or trying to completely ‘fix' their parents' relationships by reenacting, becoming and transforming themselves into and as their parent's rela­tionship.

Please, what I described above exist within and as all human beings in the world, whether you actually ‘live' and have become it or not – yet it is very basic examples to present you with the presentation of what exactly the Survival Skills System consist of and why it was designed to be manifested and implemented within all of humanity. It traps you and cages you within yourself and within this world to remain a consciousness structural resonance system. In remaining in and as such Survival Skill Systems – you only attract specific beings in your world which will assist and support you in remaining a consciousness structural resonance system: And that's it. Those which ‘threaten' or could possibly ‘influence' your existence as the structural resonance which defines ‘who you are' within the System – you discard from your world. And will do anything and everything in your power to maintain and control yourself, your world and those within your world – to remain enslaved within the System as ‘who you are' per definition of your consciousness structural resonance system within and as you.

This is how the designers made sure that you don't deviate from your existence and becoming of and as a consciousness structural resonance system: That you would argue for your own limitations, that you would defend and protect and maintain and control your existence as a consciousness structural resonance system, which you cannot and will not lose or give up or let go because it's apparently ‘who you really are'. And the statement resonates from within you as a consciousness structural resonance system defined: “I designed and manifested myself – I am my own creation. I am ‘unique' because I individualized and personalized my own consciousness systems and conscious and subconscious mind. I will fight for my existence, I will control myself, my world and those I accept and allow in my systematic reality which support and assist me in remaining a consciousness structural resonance system for the remainder of my life thank you very much.” Trapped, enslaved and controlled as human beings remain consciousness structural resonance systems as they define that according to ‘who they really are'. Shame…

The THIGH points and the SHOULDER points together from a square-like structure within your human physical body – signifying the boundaries and limitations to what you will accept and allow in your world (as only that which assist and support you in remaining a consciousness structural resonance system) and what you will not accept and allow in your world (as those that may possibly influence or threaten your existence as a consciousness structural resonance system). The square-like structure formed as the connections between the THIGH points and the SHOULDER points – also signifies the controlled and maintained world you will allow and accept and will be able to handle as you experience yourself in this world.

Therefore, human beings' worlds are extensively small – only allowing and accepting in their world what they have the ability to have direct control and maintenance over, to make sure they don't ‘lose it' or deviate in any way from ‘who they are' within the System as a consciousness structural resonance system. Leaving no room or allowance for expansion, but remain in the self imprisoned boundaries and limitations of the square-like structure within you that is of consciousness systems – in this way ‘protecting' and controlling and maintaining yourself in remaining ‘who you are' within the System as a consciousness structural resonance system. This giving you the ability also to control your world and the rest you accept and allow within it. This square-like structure formed within you is what contains you within the limitations and boundaries of ‘who you are' within the system – carrying forth the sins of the fathers as those that have gone before you – ensuring you don't deviate from the System of existence but remain enslaved and controlled for the remainder of your life here on earth.

The THIGH points and SHOULDER points which contain all the generations that have gone before your structural resonance designs' – to ensure you remain as limited and bound as they have been within their small controlled and maintained existences on earth to prepare the way before you in successfully and proudly (according to your parents and family) becoming a enslaved consciousness structural resonance system exactly as they have. And this is what the square-like structure within and as you consist of which is formed by the ‘support foundation design' in the THIGH points and the Survival Skills System in your SHOULDER points.


Looks like I'm once again only covering this one 12.) SHOULDER points for now – it's quite extensive explanations such points within and as the human physical body and so in PART TWO (Phase six) I will be continuing explaining the 13.) point(s) exactly as I have explained the point above.

