Equality and Oneness

Written by Bernard Poolman and Winged

Date : 10/09/2007

Chess Oneness and Equality.png

Let us consider this amazing idea—also an ideal.

See—it is the only map in existence that also exists beyond existence. This is also the only map that assist all life equally and where all life is in oneness with always.

It is also the only way that any one can assist themselves with and is also the only place where power exist equal and one for all as one place your power in that which you accept as your reality—because—it is your reality and you are that which you accept.

The problem is honesty. Honesty based on an imagined experience will always bring that which was not expected—again based on the starting point from which you are creating. Thus the starting point of what you have placed yourself equal and one with.

All beings have examples of this. You accept something in your life and depart from the point that you have to make peace with as this is the way your life is — in that acceptance you become equal and one to what you have accepted — thus, your experience now flows from this starting point, and you as your own reality creator now create the experience.

Inherent though to equality and oneness is the amazing principle of equality and oneness. This means that in equality and oneness exist the “will” of equality and oneness that will bring forth all expressions of equality and oneness to the ultimate experience for all participants in equality and oneness.

This has been going on for a long time — cycles that express itself as creation, created and creators according to equal to and one with.

This “will” of equality and oneness is the absolute meaning of the principle in its absolute manifestation. Thus, this is the “divine” will of equality and oneness within the principle of “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God”

Fascinating, thus is that all is “free” to the degree they place themselves equal to and one with what they accept as their reality and within that manifest the reality, pay for the consequences, go to breakdown, then breakthrough, then set a new accepted premise and parameter for self – an equal and one and do this again cycle.

On a gridline of experience this looks fascinating. Draw a grid and see for yourself. A grid of 20 squares. Each square representing a being and their life and each living in their square – like in a home – is equal and one to their square and try their best to make their square fit them and work for them and then from their square communicate with other beings in squares to get approval for their square or to state: “look this is my creation, this is what I am equal and one to”.

See, people do this all the time with the words they speak and the thoughts they have. All of the words a person speaks and the thoughts they have is what they are equal and one with as themselves.

Obviously, in a grid of squares where many beings participate. There is another grid – the one where all agree to place themselves in an agreement of accepted equality and oneness – like a world policy statement.

That is where war, money, debt, crime, child abuse, religion, education etc. are born from—the combined creative power of all as an accepted equality and oneness.

Here an interesting event takes place; if a person does not realize that they are actually creating and participating in the creation of the world, they are no longer equal and one to the combined creation process but become a lesser experience. This abdication of creative ability then is in the hands of another that will do with it according to his or her equality and oneness and here politics—voting—voicing self come in—the demons are crazy—demockery—democrazy—democracy – something like this – the point where beings have abdicated their equality and oneness in a greater management of the combined grid of expression called the world experience.

Strange. They will fight with it individually but not come together and reclaim their power in a peaceful way in everyday expression, to simply work together and in every moment direct and participate in creating a combined reality where all are equal and one.

So, imagine; if a few beings realize how things really work and then collect all the power of the masses through agreement called voting, then they may do as they like.

Fascinating – this is allowed.

So, realize; you are no more than what you accept yourself to be and will thus experience that in endless cycles.

Also realize; the ultimate equality and oneness will intervene in every moment as in every moment exist in each beings life, all expressions of equality and oneness—all dimensions of it and your “choice” manifest one of these as a placement of yourself in equality and oneness.

So, equality and oneness have always existed as the core of the presence of every moment and the presence of each being is what they accept and prove to themselves to be equal and one as.

Therefore – there exist ‘divine' will and ‘your' will.

‘Divine' will – life as oneness and equality in every moment as all as one as equal.

‘Your will' – that which you accept yourself one with and equal to, which is not of life but of separation, and thus in this acceptance, manifest, create and birth your reality as you accordingly together with the responsibility of consequences that flow from this starting point of ‘your' will in every moment.

Life exists – it's always been here as who we are but have been taken for granted.

How? In moment's of ‘choice' – yes – here in every moment within and as every being's experience of themselves choice exist: The choice between expressing, living and applying who you are of ‘divine' will in every moment for all as one as equal as life or to express, live and apply ‘your' will in every moment that is of separation, that is taking only into consideration you and not all as one as equal as who you are as life.

An example to understand would be the following:

Let's take again the 20 square gridline structure, with this 20 square gridline structure being the world and each human being existing within and as their own little square which is defined as ‘their own world': ‘Owning' this little square as ‘their life'; with their world and their life reflecting themselves within.

From the perspective of ‘your' will – your application and expression in every moment will only exist of your world within one square – only taking into consideration you as that which you have defined yourself to be according to the definition of what you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to – all of this reflected within your ‘own world' as the ‘one square' – and experiencing yourself as that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to – manifesting within your world in endless such cycles.

Continuously existing only within this one square, continuously experiencing endless cycles of manifesting and creating ‘your world' as this ‘one square' as that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to.

Let's take a family situation for instance – you existing within this ‘one square' as ‘your home' of this world together with your partner and child. What exist within ‘your world' within this ‘one square' as ‘your home' is you, your partner and your child. Therefore – your application in every moment as you will only be taking into consideration you, your partner and your child and all else as that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to.

So how do such endless cycles continuously manifest by ‘your' will which you experience within ‘your world' as the manifested reflection of you as that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to?

You within this ‘one square' as ‘your home' expressing and applying only ‘your will' have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to ‘your family' only that exist within ‘your world' as this ‘one square' as ‘your home' – defined according to your partner and child only. Thus – you will for the remainder of your life – only experience that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to – which is your partner, your child, your home – ‘your family' – and this is all that ‘your world' within and as this ‘one square' as ‘your life' will consist of – by ‘your' will. Taking into consideration only ‘your world' as ‘your life' as ‘your family' within and as this ‘one square' – and thus all that you will experience, by ‘your' will as this is all that you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to.

How does ‘divine' will as who we are as life within an as oneness and equality of all support you here?

When you of ‘divine' will, understand and see what you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to that is not of ‘divine' will as who you are as oneness and equality with all – you as ‘divine' will, will ‘step in' accordingly. ‘Break down' and ‘remove' all that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to by ‘your' will of separation and consideration of only ‘your world' as ‘your life' as this ‘one square' – and ‘break down' the limitations within seclusion of this ‘one square' as ‘your life' as ‘your world' manifested accordingly by ‘your will' as that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to.

When all that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to – within and as this ‘one square' as ‘your world' as ‘your life' ‘breaks down' and is ‘removed' – you will experience a ‘break down' by ‘divine' will – because you have defined you according to that which you have manifested as ‘your world' as ‘your life' as this ‘one square' as the experience of yourself by ‘your will' – and not of ‘divine' will as who you are.

Then comes ‘break through' – breaking through the boundaries and limitation of this ‘one square' as ‘your perceived world' as ‘your perceived life' – designed and manifested according to ‘your' will only, that is of separation and limitation, as that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to.

Realising: O' my God – there is ‘more' – seeing and realising ‘divine' will as who you are as life of oneness and equality – realising that I am this entire 20 square gridline structure, with all human beings experiencing themselves within and as their own singular square as ‘their life' as ‘their world' – designed and manifested according to ‘their will' as that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to – of separation and limitation – because they only exist within ‘their world' as a singular square by ‘their will' and constantly and continuously only experiencing that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to – which only exist as ‘their life' as ‘their world' within and as this one singular square.

Here is ‘divine' will: Then as ‘divine' will you stand, live and express who you are as life as oneness as equality as all as this 20 square gridline structure as all beings still lost, limited and bound to their one singular square as ‘their life' as ‘their world' experiencing ‘their' will as that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to, manifesting and creating just this, which is ‘their' will – constantly and continuously lost in endless cycles – manifesting and creating the experience of their self definition as who they are according to that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to by ‘their will' of separation and limitation.

Then your application and expression in every moment is of ‘divine' will – ‘divine' will as who you are of life within and as oneness and equality – and so you stand and so you remain and so you live – directing you as all beings still lost, limited and bound by ‘their will' which manifests as the experience of themselves as ‘their world' as ‘their life' as only ‘one square' within which they experience ‘their' will according to that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to in every moment's appli­cation – constantly and continuously experiencing only that, only this, which is ‘their' will as that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to – manifesting as this ‘one square' as ‘their life' as ‘their' world.

And all beings lost, bound and limited within their ‘one square' as ‘their life' as ‘their world' – which is the manifested creation by ‘their' will within which they experience only that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to constantly and continuously – holds the world as the entire 20 square gridline structure in place – within which they experience themselves within their one square as ‘their life' as ‘their world' – by ‘their' will – within seclusion, limitation and separation of the rest of the world as the entire 20 square gridline structure and all other human beings within their singular squares as ‘their life' as ‘their world' – existing within and as ‘their' will – only experiencing and manifesting constantly and continuously that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to that is only of ‘their life' of ‘their world' within and as this ‘one square'.

Therefore – it is for all human beings that exist in every moment by ‘their' will – constantly and continuously manifesting ‘their world' as ‘their life' of the seclusion and limitation as ‘one square' – experiencing and becoming and creating only that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to by ‘their' will only – to break down the boundaries and limitations and separations of all that they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to as ‘their perceived world' as ‘their perceived life' by ‘their will' which they manifested and created within and as separation and limitation – and in this moment application by ‘their will' still allowing and accepting the manifestation and experiences of all human beings in this world. Not standing up as ‘divine' will of life of oneness and equality with all – directing all as one as equal to realise themselves as who they are of ‘divine' will. To no longer exist within the limitations and seclusions and boundaries of ‘their' will only – manifesting and creating and thus experiencing only that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to within separation and seclusion and limitation as ‘their perceived life' as ‘their perceived world'.

Therefore – ‘divine' will is the application of every moment of I am – of oneness and equality with all – and ‘your' will is the application of every moment of ‘your life' of ‘your world' only – within and as separation, limitation and seclusion – only taking into consideration you – instead all as one as equal as who you are of ‘divine' will.

Therefore – ‘choice' exist in every moment's appli­cation of you – either of ‘divine' will as you or ‘your' will as you – where in both situations you will experience the manifested creation of that which you will, in every moment according to that which you accept and allow yourself to be one with and equal to.

Here exists the responsibility for each and every single human being – only here in every moment of ‘choice' – by ‘divine' will of who you are as life of oneness and equality for all as one as equal or by ‘your' will of who you are as separation, limitation and seclusion – only taking you into consideration as ‘your life' as ‘your world'.

Does choice really exist then here in every moment's appli­cation – if who you are is ‘divine' will of life – though life had been taken for granted through the belief of the existence of ‘your' will through the illusion of ‘choice' – the ‘choice' being in every moment whether you apply ‘your' will or ‘divine' will – yet if you apply ‘your' will and manifest ‘your world', manifest ‘your life' according to ‘your' will – which you experience according to that which you have defined yourself by as that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to be one with and equal to – ‘divine' will as who you are of life as oneness and equality with all – will ‘step in' and direct you accordingly and effectively to realise, while you're still defined accordingly to the belief of the existence of ‘your' will as who you are – who you are as ‘divine' will as life of oneness and equality with all.

For Man to realise themselves as ‘God' – ‘God' had to become Man, ‘God' had to become one with Man as Man – but only at one ‘point': This one singular ‘point' as the moment and the words (In the beginning (the moment) was the word (the living word as who we are) and the word was God (the moment's appli­cation of ‘divine' will as who we are as life as equality as oneness with all) and the word was with God (the manifestation/cre­ation of ourselves as that which we have accepted ourselves to be one with and equal to as the experience of ourselves) – the moment's appli­cation of oneness and equality of each and every single human beings' experience as life as who they are – the moment of application as ‘divine' will of life of oneness and equality as who we are as ‘God' as all as one as equal.

Here exist oneness and equality within and as humanity – each human beings' application in every moment of ‘divine' will – in every moment's appli­cation of oneness and equality with all as one as equal as life: ‘Divine' will. Here exists who we are as life of life as oneness and equality with all as ‘divine' will – so then – does ‘God' really exist?

No – who we are is ‘God' already within and as every moment's appli­cation of ‘divine' will of life of oneness and equality as who we are as one with all – we've taken ourselves for granted – through separation by existing within ‘our' will ‘supported' by the illusion of ‘choice'.