By: Bernard Poolman

21 January 2010

So on the ‘Nature of Silence’ and the How it has been Misunderstood-
When you are Experiencing Silence within you, like in Meditation or you Experience a point of Stability, where you Extremely Focused on a Particular point, Observe the Following:
In your ‘Silence’, if only your Inner-World Exist, or the point that you are Focusing on –
That’s Not Real Silence -
That is a Resonance Silence, that means for a moment, the Resonance is giving you the Idea that what you are Experiencing is Silence.
In Fact, it’s simply Trapping you so that you Miss the Point that the Whole World around you is Gone away and you’re in a ‘Special place’ of Silence.
This is specially practiced in Meditation.
if you go into this state of Silence in Meditation and the ‘Noise’ of the World Disappears - You are somewhere in an Alternate Reality of your Own Making,
you are not even Actually Making the whole thing, you’re just Stepping ‘into it’, a ‘Room’ that’s been Prepared for you, so that you can feel ‘Godly’ and ‘Divine’ in your Silence and you Miss Reality Completely.
Silence is: where you are Flowing with Reality in All the Sounds of it that is Existing Here, and You are Not Interfering with that with your Mind - so your Thoughts, Your Being and Your Interaction with it, is in ‘Harmony’ and there is No Contradiction, Conflict, Judgment, Fear and all the various Emotions, you are Flowing as One with it.
That is Silence.
Because you’re Not Interfering with Reality, you are Moving As Reality.
But if You are in Any Projected ‘Place’, ‘Room’, ‘Space’ that Isolate you from Reality Here, that is Not Silence- that’s Isolation.