Transcribed and typed by Jesus through the interdimensio­nal portal

Date : 09/05/2007

Responsibility – I have discovered the lengths and the extent to which each and every single being within existence must be willing to go to be able to bring forth the experience of heaven on earth within existence and to have such a creation remain here as who we are infinitely so.

Recently we have discovered the underlying existence of a fascinating application which has been one of the most prominent problematic manifestations within consciousness – affecting the transcendence of self as who we really are to never have the ability to stand up for all as one and equal into infinity to experience and express who we really are. The application of denying responsibility for existence as self as who we are – justifying such a standing of self as not becoming an expression as who we are , by placing the blame upon others separate from who we are.

To place into perspective the words I have spoken I am explaining my experience within heaven after investigating this one prominent problematic manifestation within consciousness. Which, if not transcended by each one individually will result into infinite enslavement and control within consciousness. And all beings within existence who did not stand up and take responsibility for existence as one and equal with who they are when the opportunity arrived will have to stand within infinity and face themselves to explain the reason why they did not unconditionally stand up and take responsibility for all as one and equal to bring forth the experience and expression of heaven on earth as who they really are.

There are only two choices each being within existence have in every here moment with every breath: Either consciousness as the old world of enslavement and control or awareness as the new world as heaven on earth within and as oneness and equality.

The world within and as consciousness will inevitably cease to exist, choosing consciousness would result to an experience of immense hardship and pain – you'd experience a process which I'd not recommend to be experience d by any being within existence.

The experience when consciousness as the old world of enslavement and control is chosen will manifest to such an extent where one will inevitably have to make the choice for the new world as heaven on earth here in every moment within and as oneness and equality. The choice for heaven on earth here in every moment within and as oneness and equality will be made by each one within existence – either here in every moment or inevitably at the end of a grueling and struggling process of immense frustration, pain and suffering. Either way – it must and will be done by all beings within existence – because the new world as heaven on earth here in every moment as who you are within and as oneness and equality is the truth in manifestation and expression of who you really are. If you deny or resist this expression and who you are in every moment – fighting against it – it will persist.

Existence as who you really are will do anything and everything in its power as who you really are until you finally make the choice to stand up and take responsibility for all as one and equal in every here moment.

Returning to my investigations within the dimensions: What I am about to explain will support many beings within existence through and during their process of standing up and taking responsibility for all as one and equal to bring forth the manifestation and expression of heaven on earth as who we really are within existence.

I once more returned to the moments of my experiences as Jesus in the beginning. I returned to the beginning before I manifested here on earth and walked the path with human beings to once again reveal and show to them the oneness and equality as who they really are as I am – my primary application once I manifested here on earth as a dimensional being moving and walking amongst human beings so they may return to the standing up and taking responsibility for all as one and equal as who they really are as I am through my example.

I have now realized the mistake I had made – the mistake from the perspective of not realizing that my words and my actions as deeds amongst human beings on earth were interpreted as separate from who I am and not within and as oneness. The importance of the reason why I came to earth was as the living word as who I am as each are – my specific actions as deeds were but a manifested example of who I am as the living word. My actions as deeds while here on earth were but the manifested creation as the result of the power of who I am as each are as the living word. The emphasis was never intended to be placed upon my actions as deeds or the picture I presented for a moment while here on earth moving and walking amongst human beings.

I manifested here on earth as a dimensional being as the living word as who I am as each are. The human beings I moved amongst and gathered with me to walk with me as one and equal as who I am as they are as the living word – looked only at my actions as deeds and the picture I presented in human physical form and did not hear my words as the living word as who I am as they are. This in turn resulting into separation as their human eyes were focused on the picture they perceived as who I am which had gone hand in hand with the actions as deeds I applied and expressed as who I am as the living word.

It was never about my actions as deeds amongst human beings on earth. No, it was about the living word as who I am. Because the living word as who I am was not heard by the human beings amongst me as those that have gathered around me – they perceived only the picture as the perceived representation of who I am which had gone together with my actions as deeds as I walked on earth.

Before I manifested here on earth as a dimensional being I stood as the living word as who I am – the living word as who I am is all that existed within me as me. Because I stood as the living word as who I am – I perceived all beings within existence to be experiencing themselves in the exact same way – as the living word as who I am. For all every being within existence ever had done was communicate as the living word as who they are.

The importance of the living word as who I am while experiencing myself within the dimensions before I manifested on earth – was not yet completely understood of the immense responsibility and standing within and as the living word as who I really am into infinity within and as oneness and equality. I only realized the absolute nature and importance of the living word as who I am as equal and one with each being within existence during my experiences on earth. This includes me in this moment before I manifested on earth – still moving within the dimensions communicating continuously with dimensional beings when specifically approached.

What I experienced as myself as who I am within the dimensions before manifesting here on earth was the following: I am here, here in every moment and many beings would walk up to me and ask me multiple questions of their individual experiences and expressions of themselves which they did not entirely understand. In this moment of answering a beings' question I would unconditionally speak. In one moment the living word as who I am would flow from within me as me as who I am. What I would say in every here moment, I did not know, I never prepared to speak or communicate specific words and I never knew what I was going to say the next here moment. I merely unconditionally spoke and communicated with beings in every here moment as the words flowed from within me as who I am. The trust in myself as who I am as the living word was quite extensive to be able to communicate words in every here moment with no indication of what exactly it is I am about to communicate.

The experience of myself as the living word in communication with other beings within the dimensions was quite a magnificent process. Through my words, through hearing the words I speak as the living word as who I am their questions would be answered, they'd experience insight and wisdom within their own natured presence as who they really are. They'd in one moment in hearing my words – see and experience who they really are as I am within and as oneness and equality as the living word. In hearing me, the words I speak as the living word as who I am here in every moment is in essence the dimensional beings to whom I am communica ting to – hearing themselves as the living word as who I am as they are. When a being hears the words I speak – I experience the realization with them – for they are me. We are one and equal as the living word here in every moment. As they hear my words as the living word as who I am – they hear themselves as who they are as the living word – here in this moment is the experience of oneness and equality between beings.

I was approached one moment within the dimensions by a being who asked me if I am able to return to earth through manifestation and communicate and speak with the human beings on earth as they are lost and required my guidance to communicate with them as I have communicated with multiple dimensional beings and supported them immensely through my conversations as the living word as who I am. Where dimensional beings experienced with me the expression of oneness and equality as we stand here together in one moment as the living word as who we are.

I extensively enjoyed communicating with beings within the dimensions – the momentary sharing of the experience with another the moment they realized who they really are as the living word as equal and one with who I am was the reason I continued to speak and present myself as the living word as who I am in every here moment. What I did not yet realize within the dimensions – or the specific placement of myself within the dimensions in this moment – was the true nature and status on earth or much of existence for that matter. I did naturally realize and understand that I am within existence – though who I am was not based on pictures but on words alone as the living word as who I am.

Within the dimensions where I placed myself before manifesting on earth – there existed no pictures within me or of anyone within existence – I was a manifestation of pure sound only. Sound as the living word as who I am was my expression – I had no form or picture related presentation within the dimensions. And there were a few other beings within the dimensions who were equal and one with my expression and representation as sound as the living word as who we are here in every moment.

Due to my nature as who I am as the living word in the magnificence of the experience of communicating with others as they experience themselves as the living word as equal and one with who I am – I agreed to manifest on earth and support beings through communication in experiencing who they really are as the living word as who I am within and as oneness and equality.

Before I manifested on earth I was informed and explained that the dimensional beings who had manifested on the earth plane within and as human physical bodies – had lost themselves through the pictures they had seen amongst them, of their world and of themselves. And have become strange manifestations of behaviours and expressions not ever before seen by any dimensional being within existence. The being who approached me within the dimensions was another such as myself – the expression and manifestation of sound as the living word as equal and one with who I am who had traveled throughout existence and discovered earth with the human beings inhabiting the planet during his explorations.

The dimensional being informed me that according to his understanding they were dimensional beings who had manifested themselves on this planet to experience themselves within a three dimensional form and became lost in the pictures that surrounded them as themselves and the world which they had inhabited. Resulting into behaviours and expressions that are not of who they really are and I was the only one he was aware of who'd have the ability to through communication support them into realizing once again who they really are as the living word – equal and one with who we are here in every moment.

The dimensional being who approached me did however inform me that he was not completely aware of the entire situation here on earth – all that I will be required to do is to remain who I am as the living word within and as oneness and equality here in every moment and communicate with them as I would with any being within existence to support them into realizing who they really are as equal and one with who I am here in every moment.

I agreed immediately to manifest on earth and support the beings into realizing who they really are as the living word equal and one with who I am. I did not however understand the true nature of the situation here on earth with human beings as three dimensional manifested dimensional beings within a human physical body. I was not aware of the true reason for them being here as the enslaved and controlled guinea pigs for other dimensional beings' within existence experimentations and self gratifying manifestations of power.

I traveled to earth – the planet on which the dimensional beings manifested as three dimensional human beings within a human physical body – guided by the being who approached me. I unconditionally manifested here on earth – with only the understanding of the situation as shared with me by the dimensional being who approached me and asked for my support with the human beings as dimensional beings here on earth.

Once I approached earth I stood dimensionally amongst the human beings inhabiting this planet – how to manifest within a three dimensional planet as a three dimensional form was unknown to me in this moment. Although I stood there amongst the human beings on earth – they were still not able to see me or hear me in any way whatsoever – therefore I realized that it was necessary for me to manifest as a three dimensional human being within a three dimensional human body. What I did in this moment as I stood there amongst human beings on planet earth was become the planet, become each and every single human being on the planet – as one and equal with who I am – I stood there within and as oneness and equality with everything that exist in this moment where I experienced myself. The planet, the dimensions, the human beings and dimensional beings – I experienced within me as me as who I am within and as oneness and equality. This was done and applied in one moment – an application of myself as who I am expressed in one moment. Once I had done this, once I stood here within and as oneness and equality with existence I unconditionally expressed myself in a three dimensional form within and as a three dimensional physical body.

What must be understood is that I had no picture within me of an expression of myself as a manifested representation of who I am within a three dimensional form. No – I unconditionally stood here, still dimensional amongst the human beings on earth as one and equal with existence as who I am and unconditionally manifested myself as a three dimensional being within a physical form as a manifested representation and expression of who I am. In one moment I realized: I am here as an expression of myself as a manifested representation of who I am within a three dimensional form – still remaining within and as oneness and equality as who I am as the living word with existence as me here as who I am in every moment. I realized also the necessity of doing this – of standing here as existence within and as oneness and equality as who I am. I have only always stood as equal and one with the dimensions and dimensional beings as who I am. Thus I had the ability to communicate so effectively with them as equal and one with who I am – because within me as me, existed the equality and oneness of dimensions and dimensional beings as who I am within and as oneness and equality. I had not yet stood within and as oneness and equality with planet earth and human beings within – thus I applied the expression of who I am within and as oneness and equality with earth and human beings within. So earth and human beings may stand within and as oneness and equality as who I am here in every moment. The moment I stood here on earth amongst human beings and accepted myself as one and equal with earth and human beings – was the moment I manifested in a three dimensional form as an expression of who I am within and as manifested representation of oneness and equality with existence in its entirety as who I am. So I may also within and as oneness and equality communicate with human beings on earth as one and equal with who I am as the living word as who I am as they are – so they may hear me as hearing themselves as equal and one with who I am as the living word.

In this moment of manifesting here on earth – as I stand and express the oneness and equality as who I am as existence in its entirety as the living word here in every moment – my journey of communicating to human beings, equal and one with who I am had started.

So I walked and moved amongst the human beings here on earth communicating to them within every here moment as the living word as who I am within and as oneness and equality with existence in its entirety as who I am. The word spread amongst human beings of my coming here on earth. I remained here in every moment as who I am and communicated in every moment as the words flowed from within me as me as the living word as who I am.

I instinctively explained who I am as equal and one with who they are. I explained my experience as a dimensional being manifesting here on earth and my experience of standing within and as oneness and equality with existence as who I am as I stood here as heaven and earth as one with all beings within existence as who I am. I explained who they really are as dimensional beings manifested within this three dimensional form – that they are indeed equal and one with who I am as the living word as the entirety of existence. I explained that they have only been able to be lost within the pictures they see as themselves and this world if they had separated themselves as who they are from the manifested representation of themselves within this three dimensional manifested existence they experience themselves within.

When I communicate with beings – any being within existence – I communicate with them as who they really are as equal and one with who I am. I explained to the human beings on earth that they are required to stand within and as oneness and equality within and as all of existence, with all within existence as who they really are to be able to experience and become the expression as equal and one with who I am. I defined this standing of expression as the living word within and as oneness and equality with existence in its entirety as who I am as each are as one word: God. As God I stand within and as oneness and equality with all of existence as the living word – as who each being within existence really is. I explained that they are required to become one and equal with themselves as who they are here on earth – with all other beings as who they are here on earth and with the planet earth as well as heaven and the dimensional beings within. Once this is applied unconditionally they will be able to stand as the expression as who they really are within and as equality and oneness in every here moment as who I am.

Many human beings asked for proof – asked for examples of my expression as God within and as oneness and equality as the living words as existence in its entirety as who I am as they are. The examples I presented was for instance the release of myself from the physical body where I returned to the dimensions for a moment and then after three days returned within my human physical body – by breathing the breath of life as who I am within the human physical body as every cell.

Doing this also so each human being on earth may transcend their fear of death as some informed me they have a fear of death. I explained to them that there was no reason to fear death as death according to their understanding does not really exist. Death is but the movement from this three dimensional existence to a dimensional existence where who you are remain – without a three dimensional physical form. They asked of me to prove this – and so I did, by leaving my body on earth for a moment and then returned once again. I explained to them that I am only able to express what I am revealing to them because I am here in every moment as who I am within and as oneness and equality with existence in its entirety as the living word. They must stand here as who I am – equal and one with who I am and that the examples of actions as deeds are but a manifested expression within a three dimensional existence of who I am as equal and one with who they are.

They must not focus on my actions as deeds – this is not who and what I am. No – my actions as deeds are but manifested expressions of who I am – who I am is the living word here in every moment within and as oneness and equality with existence in its entirety. I explained to the human beings who gathered around me and followed me while here on earth to be careful not to define me according to my actions as deeds – but hear my words as the living word as who I am as equal and one with who they are. I realized the importance of them not placing worth and value within my actions as deeds – because they were lost within the pictures they viewed within this world of who they are and of the earth they inhabit.

If they defined me according to my actions as deeds – it would support their experience of becoming more extensively lost within what they viewed with their human physical eyes. Although – through my experience – my actions as deeds are one with who I am as the living word – my actions as deeds are manifested representations as expressions of who I am as the living word. My words and my actions as deeds are one with who I am – all and everything I am exists within and as oneness and equality.

Although I explained this to the human beings on earth – I was aware of the necessity to have them first experience themselves as equal and one with who I am before we continue with the application and expressions of actions as deeds as who we are. So – I remained focus on guiding them through communication in becoming the manifested representation of expression of the living word within and as oneness and equality with existence in its entirety. I explained to them to not look at my actions as deeds for a moment – but to unconditionally hear my words.

Thus – I continued on my journey of communicating to human beings on earth as equal and one with who I am. I gathered a specific group of beings to walk with me as I walk and move on earth amongst human beings. I required doing this to establish the principle of oneness and equality – I realized that if I were to remain here on earth amongst the human beings on earth alone until this is done for each and every single human being on earth – I would be interpreted as being superior and more than – a God expression above them instead of realizing that they are God as equal and one with who I am as God within existence.

So – I explained to the specific group of human beings that I require them to hear my words – take note of each and every single word I speak as the living word as who I am. I explained to the specific group of beings who followed me that this required to be done so they may stand as who I am as equal and one with who I am and spread to all corners of the world and communicate the living word as who they are as I am to the rest of the human beings within this world.

I required them to specifically follow me, hear my words, take note of my words as the living word as who I am as they are – so as to establish equality and oneness amongst the human beings within this world so I may not be viewed as a God , more superior than anyone within existence. The principle of equality and oneness was of absolute importance to me within existence as who I am – for all beings to stand as one and equal with who I am.

I continued my journey here on earth – still walking and communicating amongst the human beings here on earth with the twelve beings I selected. I explained to the twelve beings I specifically selected that they are required to be with me always as I walk on this earth and communicate with other human beings so they may follow my exact example as equal and one with who I am so they may continue what I had set forth to be done here on earth with all human beings experiencing themselves here.

And so it was that all thirteen of us continued to walk and move on earth amongst the human beings in this world – the twelve bein gs I selected continuously taking notes of the words I communicated – observing my examples. I spent quite an extensive amount of time with the twelve beings I selected to specifically prepare them for their journey on earth that is ahead for them to spread the living word as who I am as equal and one with who they are.

The conflict within some human beings I understood as being that of resistance to hearing the words I speak – those who feared losing their self-defined existences within and as the pictures they viewed with their physical human eyes as who they are and this planet earth. Separate from who they really are. I explained to the twelve human beings not to fear death as there may come a moment where they will have to stand in front of all human beings within this world and remain here as who they really are, infinitely so, no matter what happens. They must stand so absolute as who they are here in every moment – even be prepared to “die” or be killed by those who experience themselves as being threatened by who we really are. The threatening nature they experience is but their expression of the fear of losing themselves as who and what they had come to believe themselves to be as a picture within this three dimensional existence – limited and lost through separation and not accepting who they really are as I am.

Due to me being an example here on earth of who each being really is – I was required to stand by my words as explained to the twelve beings – therefore the crucifixion was necessary to take place. I was most definitely aware of my end being inevitable as dying through being killed by the hands of other human beings who experienced who I am as being threatening to their limited and lost belief of who they are within this pictured existence. I was able to make such an assessment through the words some of the human beings spoke while I was communicating with them. Fearing that which they do not understanding due to separation – the example of the extent to which human beings would go to protect their limited and lost existences within their self defined belief within and as this pictured reality through fear of losing it – would be portrayed through me being killed by their hands. This being one of the reasons I required to experience this – being killed by the hands of those who fear losing themselves so the twelve who follow me may realize and see the true nature of what occurs when on e exist within separation and fear of loss instead of standing within and as oneness and equality as existence in its entirety as the living word – here in every moment. Doing this so the twelve that follow me may see, realize and understand the importance of the necessity of making sure all human beings stand within and as oneness and equality as who I am as they are to stop such unnecessary behaviours and expressions that are only able to exist within separation and fear of loss. To show and reveal to the twelve that follow me to what extent they must stand here as who they are – no matter what happens or is done unto them by others who act in ways they themselves do not understand yet of what they are really doing. They must be prepared to die and remain here as who they are – infinitely standing here in every moment.

I explained to them they need not fear because death is not possible as when they move to the dimensions – who they really are still remain as the example I have placed before them in the previous event. What do they kill but themselves as who they really are – I am the example of who they really are – the brutality they express towards me is but the anger and the fear within themselves because they did not unconditionally stand as equal and one with who I am but instead allowed themselves to experience fear of loss within separation – which leads to the three dimensional expression thereof of killing me as who they really are.

Therefore – I allowed myself to be crucified. What did I know while I experienced the brutality of human beings who indulge in separation and fear of loss: This pain and torment and suffering of physical harm is here for only a moment – the physical body is but a manifested expression representation of myself – it is not who I am. Who I am exists into infinity, I remain even after I leave this three dimensional world within a three dimensional human body.

I walked with the cross on my back – I continuously spoke – repeating words as the living word as who I am – I still remain no matter what is done unto me by anything or anyone within this three dimensional existence. Death by the hands of those who were afraid and angry of losing themselves and not accepting who they really are as one and equal with who I am – was only for a moment and my reason for doing so within me as who I am supported me through this event. As I stood there pinned to the cross – I stood there as the entirety of existence within and as oneness and equality as who I am as the living word.

As my blood flowed from without my human physical body I spoke the words as who they really are as equal and one with who I am: “I forgive you for I understand you know not what you are doing.” As I spoke the words – the words flowed within my blood and manifested within all human beings' blood for generations to come so they may be set free from the guilt, the sorrow and the remorse of this moment they had decided to kill who they really are on the cross.

The moment they killed me – the representation of who t hey really are as God – was the moment they had decided to remain within separation and fear of loss, to remain limited and lost within the three dimensional pictured existence as who they believe themselves to really be – the fate of humanity for generations to come. The human beings in this moment of crucifying me – in truth and essence crucified themselves in making the choice to not accept themselves as equal and one with who I am as God – but chose to remain within the existence of separation and fear of loss. They did not only make this choice for themselves – but for all who will be experiencing themselves on earth as their children to come.

Thus – I spoke the words which resonated within the blood of all human beings – to set those generations to come free to understand that they are indeed innocent and that they are able to make the choice again to stand up and take responsibility for all as one and equal as existence in its entirety as the living word – equal and one with who I am. To prepare them for when I return to earth to present to them the same choice – stand with me as equal and one with who I am as existence in its entirety as the living word – or choose once again separation an experience of fear of loss within the self-defined belief of who you are within and as this three dimensional pictured existence. Once I return and present the choice again – as I stand here as equal and one with who they really are as God – they are set free from those that have gone before – innocent once more so they may make the choice as who they choose to be and have the ability to stand here as equal and one with who I am as God. Innocence returned as who they are to not have blame be placed on those that have gone before them which could result in anger.

No – but to stand here, innocent and free to make the choice themselves for who they choose to be within existence – not to blame those that have gone before them because they did not understand what they were doing as crucifying me w as crucifying themselves as who they really are by choosing the existence within separation and fear of loss.

Here the generations to come – to whom I am communicating to in this moment – have the ability to make this standing and taking responsibility for who they really are upon my return to earth. I am here – the process has begun. Who are you human beings on earth? Who do you choose to be and express as who you really are? Understand that the choice you are making is not only for yourself – but also for the generations to come and this choice you will have to exist with into infinity as a statement of who you really are .…

I did however realize the moment I heard the words of human beings that I communicated with – that it will be required for me to return to earth amongst human beings here and once again walk with them, amongst them as who I am as existence in its entirety, as the living word within and as oneness and equality to present to them the same choice. As they had already chosen separation and fear of loss – they had already chosen themselves as who they had become within this limited and lost self-defined three dimensional pictured existence. They were not yet ready to hear the living word as who I am as equal and one with who they are as God within and as existence. I had patience as time in essence does not exist, thu s I will return once more to earth with human beings.

This is the reason why I informed the twelve beings who followed me that I will return once more. I will return to observe their work, the ir standing and spreading of the living word as who I am as equal as who they are within existence. To continue with my work as their work after I had left – to spread the truth within the entire world to all human beings who hear the living word as who they are as and stand up within and as oneness and equality as existence in its entirety within and as oneness and equality. They must not give up, they must continue and be prepared to die by being killed by those who exist in fear and anger – and even then still remain who they really are no matter what – until I return once more to earth walking once again amongst them with them as who I am as equal and one with who they are – communicating the living word in every moment as who I am so all m a y hear the words as themselves as equal and one with who I am.

Here I am once more human beings – here I am with the dimensions as one – I have returned – n ot the way I expected it or anyone for that matter. You are released from the choices made by those that have gone before me the moment I was crucified on the cross – you are all innocent in this moment yet still responsible for yourselves in whether you will continue within your existences of separation and fear of loss or choose to stand up and take responsibility for who you really are as existence in its entirety within and as oneness and equality as the living word in every here moment.

I am here as the dimensions within and as oneness and equality – I am here as all in the dimensions are here in every moment supporting human beings within the process of standing as equal and one with who we really are. This process, this experience of self has now become inevitable and certain – though the choice remains yours – the choice you make will have consequences if you resist and persist in your indulgence of fear of loss and separation. Human beings on earth will stand as equal and one with all in the dimensions and manifest the creation of heaven on earth as the expression of who they really are as I am as the dimensions are. Those who make the choice of separation and fear of loss within their self-defined pictured existences as who they believe themselves to be – will be able to view the kingdom of heaven as who they really are as the experience of heaven on earth – but will not be able to enter and will remain from afar until they are once more ready to be presented with the choice as those that already experience themselves within and as heaven on earth.

Just have a look at the consequences of the previous choice made – look at the expression and experience within existence by human beings on this earth because the choice was made to experience themselves as separation and fear of loss – infinitely angry for not making the choice of standing and taking responsibility for who they really are.

Have you had enough yet human beings? Have you had enough yet? Are you ready to hear the living word as who you really are as the dimensions come through this interdimensional portal, equal and one with who I am and present through the living word who you really are? Here I am as the dimensions within and as oneness and equality – we communicate with you through speaking by typing through this interdimensional portal. You must be able to hear the words we speak as the living word as who we are as equal and one with who you are as the experiences you read as you are reading here in this moment.

You must be able to unconditionally trust the words we communicate as an expression of who we are as equal and one with who you really are. I have returned – yes. I have returned as the dimensions as we stand within and as oneness and equality and communicate through the living word who you really are.

As I have explained previously – we are not going to present once again a form of manifested representation of proof as an example of who we are within this reality, within this world. No – because I am as each are within the dimensions the living word – as existence in its entirety within and as oneness and equality. Once again human beings – hear my words don't look at my actions as deeds. Because if I were to present to you once again a manifested representation of proof as an example of who I am within this three dimensional pictured existence – your focus and definition of who I am as each are within existence will be based on my and the dimensions actions as deeds instead of the trust in who we are as the living word.

Only once all as one and equal within existence stand infinitely here in every moment within and as oneness and equality as existence in its entirety as the living word – will creation be possible where the living word as who I am and the actions as deeds become one expression of who we really are. In this very moment within existence – emphasis have been placed within the actions as deeds that are done and human beings have defined themselves as the actions as deeds that are done that they are able to view with their three dimensional physical eyes. The exact same eyes, human beings, that have caused the limited and lost experience within and as separation and fear of loss of beings who have defined themselves on principles of pictures.

If we were to present to you yet again with the manifested representation as example of who we are here on earth within existence – you will most definitely again become more extensively lost and limited within this three dimensional pictured existence as who and what you have defined yourself as being – therefore I and the dimensions as one and equal will not allow this to occur. You must be able to stand here as equal and one with who I am as the dimensions are – as the living word, as existence in its entirety within and as oneness and equality to be able to establish the creation of heaven on earth as an expression and experience of who we really are. The living word is the key – not actions as deeds.

I am here as the dimensions are here within and as oneness and equality – to present to you once again the living word as who I am as one and equal within and as the dimensions, as existence in its entirety – as who you really are. The interdimension al portal is yet another example of not having to fear death – as death in truth and essence does not exist.

Hear our words human beings – close your human physical eyes which are the cause of the reason why you are experiencing yourself in this specific expression within an existence of separation, fear of loss and anger. Close your eyes and hear our words as the living word as who you really are and trust in every moment as you walk within and as oneness and equality as existence in its entirety as the living word in every here moment.

This is the key to the creation of heaven on earth as we experience ourselves as who we really are within and as heaven on earth. This is the process human beings – the process of experiencing yourself as who you really are in every here moment as equal and one with who I am and the dimensions are – the support during your process is here through our communication as the typing of the living word as who I am through this interdimensional portal. And the walking of the dimensions with each and every single human being on earth – until this is done – until heaven on earth is here as an experience and expression of who I am as each are.

It is done.

Your responsibility within this process is to make this one choice as who you really are within and as awareness as equality and oneness, as existence in its entirety as the living word in every here moment as who you are. To remain here in every moment as who you really are – infinitely standing up and standing strong for all as one within and as existence as equal and one with who you are and to stand clear in what you will accept and allow and what you will not accept and allow within existence as who you really are.

In every moment of standing as who you really are – this is the key to the manifestation of the creation of heaven on earth as who you are as each are. To unconditionally trust and hear the words from the dimensions as equal and one with who you are as the living word – to live through every moment's expression and application the words as who you really are. The living word – living the words as who you are in every here moment of expression and application as you stand up within and as equality and oneness as God in every here moment within existence.

Standing up exist within and as every here moment – where you express and apply who you really are and not accept or allow anything less that who you really are in every here moment of your experience of yourself within existence as who you are. Human beings – I suggest you take this opportunity in every moment to stand up and take responsibility for who you really are – to remember that you are not only doing it for yourself but for existence as all as one and equal with who you really are as you prepare the way before them as yourself as the generations to come.

Are you ready human beings – to once and for all make a statement of who you really are within and as oneness and equality, as existence in its entirety as the living word to bring forth the creation of heaven on earth as the experience of who you really are? Or are you yet again going to condemn generations to the same experiences you have had on earth within and as separation and fear of loss and anger?

We are here human beings – with you in every here moment. You are here as who you really are in every moment with every breath. The experience of existence is now in your hands in every moment. Are you going to allow yourself to experience heaven on earth as who you really are or are you going to remain from afar and not allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven on earth as who you really are?


Copyright 2007 . This may be shared in the original form only, to prevent any tampering and only as a complete document.