Transcribed and typed by Veno through the interdimensio­nal portal

Date : 15/07/2007

This here document is the continuation of the entire PART TWO section where I am covering the design of the structural resonance in the human physical body: The exact location placement points within the human physical body which form the entire design of the structural resonance within human beings.

The previous document (PART TWO (Phase 2)) ended off where I explained the 8.) STOMACH point: The emotional and feeling generator system which is activated when thoughts as words, release a specific chemical construct and connect and fuse with the specific electro magnetic sound resonance frequency impulse connected to each and every single word defined under the category of emotions and feelings: Giving you the belief/percep­tion/idea that if you ‘experience' emotions and or feelings within yourself, you are apparently ‘alive'.

So let's continue…

The Design of the Structural Resonance in the Human Physical Body :


9.) NAVAL point :

The NAVAL point is human beings' connection firstly to the parents – which then connects to the ‘unified' consciousness systems in existence: Both on earth and in the dimensions.

Meaning that the moment your umbilical cord is cut – you are released from your ‘connection' to your parents' systems (because their systems have been successfully infused and implanted within your physical body as you developed in the mother's womb) and connect to the interdimensional consciousness systems' manifestations in existence with the already infused and implanted consciousness systems within yourself which was transferred to you from your parents, including the Soul construct which contain all your past life experiences, allocated in your solar plexus.

Your Soul construct was allocated in your solar plexus region as well, although it was also allocated in your STOMACH point, I am linking the Soul construct with the NAVAL point, to which you will find the reason thereof as I continue…

You are a fetus being developed within the mother's womb:

During this developmental process in the mother's womb, the parents' consciousness systems start infusing itself within your physical body – so your physical body develops together with the infusion and implantation of consciousness systems within yourself. Especially regarding the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind, which is the primary foundation layout from which consciousness systems develop and manifest within your physical body. The moment where the parents' systems have been successfully infused and implanted within your physical body during your developmental process in the mother's womb – the mother starts getting contractions merely seconds apart, her water breaks etc.: The sign that you are ready to be ‘born into the system'.

Your umbilical cord is the canal from which the parents' systems are transferred into you to infuse and manifest within your physical body through the blood transfusions that take place between you and your mother while in the womb. This is your ‘connection' to your parents that is ‘severed' the moment the umbilical cord is cut. Severed because your parents have done what they have come here to do: Develop another power source system to maintain the existence of consciousness systems within and as all of humanity ensuring infinite enslavement and control. Therefore this developmental process not only consists of you physically developing to apparently ‘live' and ‘experience' yourself in this world, but you as a consciousness system power source developing as well. And when the ‘transaction' is complete between you and your parents within the mother's womb, the systems successfully infused and manifested within your human physical body: You are ready and prepared to ‘connect' and ‘lock into' and be birthed into the ‘unified' consciousness systems in existence – becoming a power source for consciousness systems' existences.

You are birthed:

The very instant, the very moment, the very second that doctor cut the umbilical cord of yours – ‘God Almighty' the systems ‘attack' you – it is truly a horrific sight and experience. The reason and how this occurs is as follows:

As I have explained the umbilical cord ‘connection' to your parents' was there for the transfusion of consciousness systems within your physical body, to infuse and manifest the layout foundation of consciousness systems as to prepare you for your birth into the system and your connection to the entire interdimensional ‘unified' consciousness system in existence. Your umbilical cord is also connected to the Soul construct which is allocated in your solar plexus region. The moment your umbilical cord is cut, your Soul construct with the interdimensional White Light relationship connection and the consciousness systems within you with the entire ‘unified' consciousness system in existence relationship connection is opened as follows:

(There are two relationship connections that open: 1.) The Soul construct with the interdimensional White Light relationship connection and 2.) The consciousness systems within you with the entire ‘unified' consciousness system in existence relationship connection.)

The moment the umbilical cord is cut, a ‘light beam' stretch from within the Soul construct in your solar plexus, through the umbilical cord through to the interdimensional White Light construct which exist both here on earth as the White Light gridline structure and in the dimensions as a ‘wall-like' structure which seem to stretch vertically and horizontally into infinity which dimensional beings for some time believed to be ‘God'. Here is the fascinating part: For each and every single baby that is born, the moment they are born, there is a dimensional being in charge of connecting the child to the entire interdimensional ‘unified' consciousness system in existence which is done as follows: The moment the ‘light beam' connect the relationship between the Soul construct and the interdimensional White Light construct, the dimensional being is responsible for making sure that the consciousness systems infused and implanted within you connect to the interdimensional ‘unified' consciousness system in existence. Because only then is your Soul construct connected to the White Light gridline structure on earth completely so that the dimensions may allocate and trace your progress and movement here on earth and file your life experiences in the Akashic Records to have the ability to prepare you for your next life when you die.

The dimensional being in charge of your birth into the system, setup a ‘specialized gridline structure' within and around you as a baby connected to the already existent White Light gridline structure in the world, the moment before the doctor cut your umbilical cord. This ‘specialized gridline structure' consists of the entire interdimensional ‘unified' consciousness system in existence. So what happens the moment the doctor cut your umbilical cord, is that the connection from the Soul construct, through your umbilical cord, is made to the White Light construct in the dimensions (the first relationship connection that is opened), and the consciousness systems within you infuse itself within and as the specialized gridline structure placed within around you connected to the already existent White Light gridline structure in the world (the second relationship connection that is opened): This moment of infusion between the consciousness systems within you and the entire interdimensional ‘unified' consciousness system in existence as the ‘specialized gridline structure' that was placed within and around you, signifies your birth into the interdimensional ‘unified' consciousness system in existence. The infusion of the consciousness systems within yourself with the ‘specialized gridline structure' as the entire interdimensional ‘unified' consciousness system in existence specifically manifest within your unconscious mind. The moment this specific manifestation takes place in your unconscious mind, you are successfully completely birthed into the system. Therefore, only when your birth into the system is specifically locked into your unconscious mind, do the rest of the consciousness systems within you, including your Soul construct, successfully infuse with the White Light gridline structure in the world and the dimensional beings have the ability to track and trace you here on earth as you come of age and ‘experience yourself'.

Here is the explanation for the NAVAL point: Your development as a consciousness system power source in the mother's womb and your becoming as a consciousness system power source when ‘birthed into the system'. This is what sex, marriage and life is all about for humanity on earth: The growth and development of consciousness system power sources – the rest of your ‘life experiences' here on earth is to keep you busy while you charge consciousness systems in existence – for the enslavement and control of all of humanity.

10.) PELVIC point :

Marriage – sex – children – family: All in this sequential equation for the development and growth of consciousness system power sources as explained briefly in the 9.) NAVAL point.

In the PELVIC point I will be explaining the Sex System – and the transference of consciousness systems between partners during the act of sex and how exactly the Sex System operates when beings with their partner(s) indulge in the act of sex.

The word ‘sex', as per consciousness systems defined sound resonance, exists as follows:

S = I am sending/transfe­rring

E = myself (that is of consciousness systems) energetically/sys­tematically

X = into you where we both together will crucify ourselves and each other with the integration of each other as consciousness systems. (See the letter ‘X' is two ‘I' letters crossed – which form a cross.) The two ‘I' letters, signifying you and your partner connecting into a relationship of consciousness systems' integration – the relationship between you as consciousness systems and your partner as consciousness systems is integrated within and as the both of you the moment the two of you indulge in the act of sexual intercourse (the formal pronunciation of sex). I will go ahead and use the word ‘sex' because it is so direct and straight to the point.

Within the PELVIC point exists the manifested Sex System. The Sex System is connected to the emotional and feeling generator system in your STOMACH point or solar plexus. The emotional and feeling energy that already exists within each human being's solar plexus is connected to the Sex System with a pipeline structure – so in actuality, emotional and feeling energy exists both within the solar plexus and the Sex System as the emotional and feeling energy is transferred from within the solar plexus to the Sex System gradually.

The reason the Sex System was required to be placed within the PELVIC point is because of the extensive amounts of emotional and feeling energy human beings generate and compound within themselves that require releasing. Human beings generate an extensive amount of emotional and feeling energy within themselves – the ‘essence' of that energy is what consciousness systems use to ‘charge' and ‘power' itself with and that which the energy ‘consist' of is able to be referred to as ‘waste essence' which requires releasing: And this is where the act of sex come in.

So as you generate and compound emotional and feeling energy within you, the consciousness systems use the ‘pure essence' of the energy to ‘charge' and ‘power' itself with which is obtained from within the solar plexus – and the ‘waste essence' of the energy is then sent through the pipeline structure into the Sex System to be released out of the body through the act of sex. Understand that the ‘waste essence' of the energy also contains all the systematic information of yourself and the moment you have sex with your partner, the systematic information of yourself is transferred into your partner and the same goes the other way around. The moment the transference takes place, the systematic information of yourself amalgamate with your partner's systems and intensifies their systems and even add additional/extra systems within your partner, that existed within you but not yet within your partner.

It's like building Lego's – your partner has already built their Lego foundation with several Lego blocks (representing ‘who your partner is' within the system as indicated by the structural resonance within them), and then you come with your Lego blocks and add further more unto your partner's already established Lego foundation. Now your partner's got extra added additional systems within them that they did not have before which will in due time inevitably influence them and their experience of themselves in this world, gradually. Be it the way they act in certain situations, behave, participate, communicate etc. – yet because your systems infiltrated within your partner, systems your partner didn't have before, it will change your partner's expe­rience of themselves in this world, even if it is slightly, there is a consequence. And the same goes for you in terms of systems infiltrating into you from within your partner which didn't exist within you before.

Right, so here is the Sex System Cycle explained:

  • You ‘go through your day/week' generating and compounding emotional andfeeling energy within yourself through the act of continuous thinking. Thealready manifested systems within you retrieve the ‘pure essence' from thegenerated and compounded energy from within your solar plexus and uses it to‘charge' and ‘power' the already existent consciousness systems within you.The ‘waste essence', which is that which the energy consists of, and that aswhich the energy remains after the ‘pure essence' has been ‘sucked out' –moves through the pipeline structure into the Sex System within which the‘waste essence' compound. The ‘waste essence' which contains all yoursystematic information of ‘who you are' within the systems as defined withinand as your structural resonance within you.
  • With the compounding of the ‘waste essence' within the Sex System atthe PELVIC point – you become ‘sexually aroused' – the desire to‘express yourself sexually' comes to the fore and you and your partner ‘getbusy' in bed or wherever the desire arises within the both you. Therefore one isable to clearly say that sex is the structural resonance's in­dication thatemotional and feeling ‘waste essence' energy is required to be released,because the structural resonance system within you is ‘overloaded' withunnecessary energy that requires immediate release. The moment of penetrationarrive after some foreplay and fondling together – and the moment thepenetration occurs, is the moment where the consciousness systems within theboth of you is transferred to each other.
  • First the systems are transferred as formidable systematic information,as that which the ‘waste essence' consist of. Yet, the moment the ‘wasteessence' as the formidable systematic information of ‘who you are' within thesystem infiltrates within your partner or amalgamates into yourpartner's physical body, your partner's struc­tural resonance – the momentyour formidable systematic information ‘waste essence' ‘meet' with yourpartner's systems – your formidable systematic information transform intoactual manifested systems within your partner. And the extra added additionalLego blocks are given to be placed unto your partner's already established Legoblock foundation as the structural resonance, already existent and manifestedconsciousness systems within him.
  • Therefore, the unwanted compounded ‘waste essence' within you isreleased through it becoming manifested systems within your partner the momentyour formidable systematic information amalgamates or ‘connects' to yourpartner's already existent consciousness systems within them.. And voila! Thesystems transfer release process is complete which I refer to as: The SexSystem Cycle. Remember: The exact same process that takes place within yourpartner, takes place within you as well!
  • Summary: So, the ‘pure essence' of emotional and feeling energygenerated and compounded in the solar plexus is used by consciousness systems to‘charge' and ‘power' itself with. The ‘waste essence' moved through thepipeline into the Sex System is required to be released by transferring the‘waste essence' within you, into your partner where the ‘waste essence'manifest and transform itself into actual formed systems and remain there,becoming ‘one' with the already existent manifested consciousness systemswithin your partner as ‘who your partner is' within the system. This SexSystem Cycle continues every time you and your partner have sex –continuously transferring ‘waste essence' as formidable systematic informationinto each other which manifest as actual formed systems within each other.

AIDS: AIDS is what manifests when an ‘overload' of ‘waste essence' (which is an overload of formidable systematic information) is transferred from one partner to another if the other partner's systems within themselves are already ‘overloaded'. (Remember that the formidable systematic information within beings contains the information of every, and all, systems within beings: Literally all of it. That is transferred like a liquid to another, yet manifest in a stable form once the transference, amalgamation and ‘connection' take place.) It's when ‘overloaded' ‘waste essence' is transferred to an already ‘overloaded' vessel in other words.

How exactly this takes places is as follows:

Remember what I explained regarding consciousness systems ‘feeding off' and ‘sucking dry' the ‘pure life essence' within you. You as who you really are giving the consciousness systems power to exist and manifest and compound further within you as you participate ‘as who you have become' within the system. This ‘feeding off' and ‘sucking dry' of ‘pure life essence' within you as who you really are through your allowance and participation is what ‘depletes' and ‘harms' and inevitably ‘destroy' your physical body: This is the ageing process which leads to death. The depletion and harm of your physical body manifests as ageing and the inevitable destruction causes the ‘death experience' of yourself here on earth – all this because of your allowance and power you give to consciousness systems to ‘feed off' and ‘suck dry' the ‘pure life essence' within you: Which consciousness systems thrive on to have the ability to exist.

If there exist an ‘overload' of consciousness systems within you, this ‘overload' means that there exist almost, or even no more at all, ‘pure life essence' within you which the consciousness systems require to maintain their existence. What happens then is that the consciousness systems start ‘feeding off' and ‘sucking dry' the natural elements that exist within your human physical body: Obtained within your cells/muscles/bo­nes. In other words the systems start tearing away at your human physical body. The moment the status within you is of ‘overloaded' consciousness systems and the ‘pure life essence' within you exist no more because of the total takeover of consciousness systems within you – they will start ‘eating away' at your physical system slowly but surely. When such an ‘overloaded' human being has sex with their partner – even more systems infiltrate and manifest within and as their already ‘overloaded' system (as I have explained what occurs in the Sex System Cycle).

The physical body is not able to provide sufficient amounts of sustenance/power for the amounts of consciousness systems that exist within such a being with an ‘overloaded' system, being ‘loaded' even more continuously through the act of sex, and finally the physical body of the human beings collapses completely. It collapses because there are too many intensified compounded consciousness systems, ‘feeding off' and ‘sucking dry' the natural elements within the human physical body – until there is almost no more left, no more natural elements to sustain the consciousness systems' existence – and the physical body starts ‘dying' because of the amount of harm that has been done by the systems. This process is what human beings today refer to as AIDS. Therefore AIDS happens when the consciousness systems within human beings have ‘used up' all the ‘pure life essence' as well as the natural elements which exist within your human physical body and your human physical body collapses completely.

I have a solution for all those that are dedicated and committed to themselves as who they really are: Use condoms for the moment until I complete PHASE FOUR where I will share with you the practical solution so you may have the ability to support yourself to not have sex be a transference of systems, but an unconditional self expression as who you really are. Because it is in the ‘juice transference' and ‘skin-to-skin' direct contact penetration that consciousness systems are transferred. Therefore, for the moment, be grateful for the existence of condoms because they assist with the non-transference of consciousness systems between two partners. Yet – if you choose not to follow my suggestive advice: AIDS remains a possibility – it doesn't make a difference whether you and partner don't have AIDS at the moment. It may manifest because of the continuous transference of consciousness systems which continuously manifest and compound within the both of you. The more you have sex, the more you manifest and compound consciousness systems within you which require ‘charging' and ‘power' as I have explained above.

It's quite specific that condoms are referred to as: Protection as well. It has been distributed in the world to ‘hold off' the transference of consciousness systems between human beings for a moment until they start to hear. Until the ‘supportive solution' is spread and heard throughout the world, which I will present in PHASE FOUR. Not only the ‘supportive solution' regarding sex, but the entire process of who each being really is to STOP the continuation of consciousness systems existences here on earth, but to have all of humanity return to the unconditional, innocence self expression as a child within and as oneness and equality to bring forth and manifest heaven on earth.

PART TWO (Phase four) will continue where I will cover the rest of the body points – exactly as I have already explained some of the points above.

