Typed and transcribed by The Physical through the interdimensio­nal portal

Date : 29/05/2009


1. In the video on autism, the life entity explained that the subconscious branch of the mind of the life being manifesting autism was split into four to seven threads that meshed with the being's conscious branch causing continual emotional turmoil which supplied energy to the human mind system. In another later video discussing demon personalities, the life entity explained that the human mind system chose oneness and equality and, as a result, the three branches of the mind amalgamated into one and merged with the human physical manifestation as well as the life being therein. How has this changed the manifestation of autism?

There exist two Minds – as the Mind Consciousness System and the ‘Sound-Mind Placement’. The Mind Consciousness System is the Mind-System you exist as, within the Physical as the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind. The ‘Sound-Mind Placement’ is the manifestation of the Universal-Mind, merged with the Physical – within which the Mind Consciousness System become the physical and the being equal and one Here, manifest. Which manifest the Physical equal and one with and as all of existence Here. In the first video-interview you watched of the ‘Design of Autism’ construct-design speaking through the Portal – here he gives perspective of the Mind Consciousness System – and its design thereof as the being within ‘who they are’ and thus manifest as, as their Mind-System as the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind. In the second video-interview you watched – the Being give perspective of the ‘Sound-Mind Placement’ – that exist as the amalgamation of the Universal-Mind with and as the Physical, which manifest the Mind Consciousness System as the Being equal and one as the physical here, thus manifesting the physical as the living-manifestation of equality and oneness as all as that exist. Even though the Sound-Mind Placement is Here – doesn’t mean that the Mind Consciousness System no more exist and doesn’t mean that the Being is no more separate from the Physical – for its only a Placement – not yet an actuality. Beings must become the living-actuality of and as the Sound-Mind placement as Stopping themselves as the Mind, transforming themselves in living-expression within the principle of equality and oneness as Life and be equal and one as the Physical Here – to stand as the living-expression as the physical as equal and one as all that exist. Then one is the Sound-Mind placement In Fact = which mean that Self is here as the Physical equal and one as and with all that exist. Thus – with the existence of the Sound-Mind Placement – it does not ‘change’ the manifestation of Autism, nor does it change the manifestation of any being as they exist as ‘who they are’ as the ‘who I am’ defined of/as their Individual Mind as Personality/Ego. Understand that – the perspective given within the Interview of Autism – as the current-existence thereof in this world, manifested as Beings within the experience of themselves as themselves = was how the Mind of Autistic-beings is Designed – to give perspective of how the Design of the Mind as the Being – manifest their experience in this world, with regards to Autism. Understand that – the being, you – is not separate from your Mind, your Mind Consciousness System as the entirety it exist as, consist of and contain – you are it, it is you and reflect and represent all that you are as you exist currently – your nature/beingness and all it contain, consist of and exist as. Thus – the Mind Consciousness System is the manifested-representation of the entirety as all that we, as beings, are – it is the ‘Who I am’ manifested-representation of and as ourselves as we’re currently accepting and allowing ourselves to exist, in separation from all that exist as ourselves. The Mind Consciousness System is that of and as ourselves we’ve created, designed and manifested – which we use to ‘reflect and mirror’ ourselves with – through reasoning, reasoning with ourselves in and as our own Mind of ourselves through thoughts – justifying our self-defined nature, suppressing our secrets, hiding our truth, protecting our self-deception, ensure the survival of our self-interest, boast our Ego’s of Intelligence and continue our existence in separation of ourselves as and with all that exist = to mention but a few-examples of how we’re, through our own creation as the Mind as and of ourselves – existing within our own Personal-Individualized-Reality in and as separation with and of all that exist that is Ourselves. Thus, the Mind Consciousness System is our own creation, design and manifestation of and as ourselves – that we’ve placed as ‘Self Individuality’ – creating a ‘Personal Individualized reality’ existent as and within our Mind, projected unto our ‘Personal World’ as our ‘environment’ within which we experience ‘our life’ – all of which revolves around one-point = Only the Being and the Being themselves – protecting and defending their own Survival of their own Ego, Persona/Personality as the ‘Who I am’ as the ‘I AM’ each being believe/perceive themselves to be within their own Personal-Individualized experience of themselves as the Mind Consciousness System itself. Now – the Universal-Mind – before Process started, before the Portal opened – was the ‘manifested-imprint-design’ within, as and upon the Physical-Existence – that was created through and as all Minds’ together, all beings’ Minds’ together. Thus – the Universal-Mind can be referred to as: ‘The ‘One-Mind of/as All-Together’. The ‘One-Mind’ as the ‘Universal-Mind’ – Within which all beings as Minds exist together and As which all beings as Minds exist together. Thus, in essence – we’ve been existing as Minds’ as the Mind Consciousness System within a Mind as the ‘Universal-Oneness Mind’. The existence of and as the ‘Universal-Mind’ also ‘included’ all that is/was manifested, created and designed through and as all beings’ Mind’s together – such as, for example – the Unified Consciousness Field of this Reality, this World, which is the ‘interconnectedness-framework design’ that was created, manifested and designed through all beings’ Unconscious-Minds’ being connected. That, within this – created, manifested and designed the Unified Consciousness Field – the ‘Mind-Reality’ of and as this World within and as which all beings as Minds exist together as Minds that created, manifested and designed how this world operate and function, what it operate and function through and as and how we function and operate within the experience of ourselves within it. Thus, we’re in actuality – not living here as the Physical, with the Physical – yes, we’re In this Physical-World, this Physical-Existence = but we’re not as and of it equal and one Here – we’re using it/abusing it to superimpose our Mind-Reality upon it – the Mind-Reality we superimposed upon it as the Unified Consciousness Field – a ‘Projected-Reality’ from within and as our own Mind’s – manifested upon the Actual-Reality as the Physical. The ‘Projected-Reality’ superimposed upon the Actual-Physical-Reality, is for example, the Unified Consciousness Field – created, manifested and designed through and as the interlinked, interconnectedness of and as all beings’ Unconscious-Minds’ of and as their Mind Consciousness Systems’ – manifesting/cre­ating/designing how this world operate and function within and as and through for example, the Money-System, the Profession-Systems, the Religious-Systems, the Cultural-Systems, the Education-System etc. – all of which together = form the Unified Consciousness Field as all-together’s Mind-Reality within this World within, as and through which we exist – that reflect the existence of ourselves within and as our Minds. See – that we’re not existing as and with the Physical equal and one Here = we’re existing in this World, this Physical-Existence – but using/abusing it – to exist/function/o­perate and experience ourselves in and as our own superimposed Mind-Reality = both within and without = at the cost/ruin/des­truction of the Physical-itself and all that exist of and as the Physical-itself. After Process started, after the Portal-opened – we Inverted all beings’ Processes into and as themselves – which means, practically that – for example – we ‘inverted the entire Unified Consciousness Field’ of/as this Reality = into and as each beings ‘Unconscious-Mind’. Thus, each beings’ Unconscious-Mind is now manifested as this Unified Consciousness Field of/as this Reality – wherein everything of/as this World as what it exist as, how it function and operate, what it function and operate through and all that experience themselves within and as it = now exist as each beings’ Unconscious-Mind equal and one. Because each and every single being is equally as one responsible for the designed-manifested creation of/as the Unified Consciousness Field and all that exist in, as and of it as well as all’s experience within, as and towards it – as each one exist of/as a Unconscious-Mind within and as a Mind Consciousness System – that each one has accepted and allowed themselves to exist as, live through and act by. Thus, what was ‘removed’ within the process of inverting all beings’ processes into and as themselves, in relation to the Unified Consciousness Field and the Unconscious-Mind = was the manifested interconnectedness-framework gridline-structure that was manifested within and as this world, this reality within which all beings’ existed within and as the ‘interconnected­ness’ of and as their Unconscious-Mind of and as their Mind Consciousness System = that interconnectedness-framework gridline-structure that was manifested within and as this world, through which human beings’ was interconnected through and as their Unconscious-Mind = is what was removed. Now = this does not mean that the Unified Consciousness Field of/as this reality/this world do not exist = it still does within and as Beings-themselves, manifested within and as the Unconscious-Mind. The Unified Consciousness Field as it exist as this World, this Reality as created/manifested and designed through and as all beings’ Mind’s together within and as the Unconscious Mind – with regards to how it functions and operates, what it functions and operates through as well as all’s experience within and towards it = cannot be removed/changed = because its become the living-acceptance of and as all beings’ together as what each has become as a ‘living-Mind’ = and can thus only be changed through beings changing the living-actuality of/as themselves, within stopping the Mind in its entirety – removing thus all that is of and as Mind from/of self and existence as self, stand equal and one as the Physical as all that exist = to birth Life in actuality as self from the Physical = living as Life Here. However, what we could ‘remove’ was the ‘interdimensional-physical framework gridline-structure’ of and as the Unified Consciousness Field that was manifested within and as this Reality through which all beings’ Unconscious-Minds’ were interconnected = which caused beings’ to influence/affect each other – through which responsibility of consequence was abdicated to/towards others – meaning, wherein beings’ were suffering at the behest of others = due to thus interdimensional-physical gridline-structure of and as the unified consciousness field. Therefore = we removed the interdimensional-physical gridline-structure – so that beings no more suffer on behalf of others’ manifested-consequence, but each one experience- and face-directly their own accepted and allowed self-created consequence = which was done through inverting all beings’ Minds’ into and as themselves and all that was/is created through and as their own Minds’. Wherein, within this = the Unified Consciousness Field manifested as each beings’ Unconscious Mind = so that each Being realise and face directly = themselves as all that exist of/as themselves as their own Mind and this world, this reality as it exist and has been manifested through and as each one’s Mind as the Unified Consciousness Field. For example – previously, with the Interdimensional-Physical gridline-structure of and as the Unified Consciousness Field interconnecting all beings’ Unconscious-Minds’ still ‘in place’ – the energy-generated from/of beings’ with Autism would be ‘channelled’ through the being with Autism’s Uncon­scious-Mind and permeate and infiltrate the entire gridline-structure of and as the Unified Consciousness Field within and throughout this Reality – into and as the Unconscious Mind’s of other beings across the World in its entirety – and so ‘feed’ / ‘generate’ / ‘rejuvenate’ the Mind Consciousness Systems’ of and as beings’ across the World. Now – with the interdimensional-physical gridline-structure removed, and all beings’ processes as entire Mind Consciousness Systems’ inverted into and as self = whatever is generated as energy within and as the being, through and as their Own Mind = invert into and as themselves, and if continued to participate in that energy and exist as and function / live-out that energy = will manifest within their direct-environment/world to be walked through and faced-directly. No more will beings’ mind-creations and all that flows / manifest / is created from that – be filtered/channelled through into and as other beings – which have caused beings to believe that there exist no consequence for thoughts, words and deeds lived – when in fact, the consequences of their thoughts, words and deeds were ‘balanced out’ into and as other beings within and as this world – and their consequences was experienced by/through others in this world. Now – each one’s consequences of/as thoughts, words and deeds – will be directly faced and experienced as it’ll manifest as themselves and play-out/flow-out within their own world as environment wherein they’ll directly see, face and experience physically both within and without = themselves as what they exist as, manifest and create through and as their own Mind. Thus – with the inversion of all beings’ Mind Consciousness Systems’ into and as themselves – each one will face themselves, all of themselves – both on a personal-level and the greater-level as what has been created, manifested and designed as self within, through the Mind as ‘who you are and exist as’ and without through the Mind as existence in its entirety = directly here in and as the physical. Therefore – each one will now face and experience the direct-self-responsibility of self-created consequence, through and through and no more abdicate responsibility to/towards others at the behest of others – wherein others experience beings’ consequences, and some believe their life is ‘all fine’ – wherein for their life to have been ‘all fine’ = others’ lives had to be in ruins. This has been placed so – so that beings may understand, realise and see – that all that is lived of and as self through and as thoughts, words and deeds of Mind in separation of/as self as equal and one with and as all that exist = have consequence – and to within this seeing, realising and understanding – stop self, stand-up, change and live equal and one here with and as all = then = no consequence = but Life-Expression. Because – a fascinating thing: Beings will continue accepting and allowing themselves to exist within and as separation – living-out their consequences that others experience – as long as their own self-deception don’t ‘touch them’ and do not experience the consequences of their own thoughts, words and deeds of/as the ‘who I am’ ego-persona of Mind in separation. However – when their own self-deception is directly-experienced and faced = then, fascinatingly enough = beings might actually change, as they experience and see their own consequences, manifested and created by and through themselves = and that it is in fact them, themselves that is manifesting and creating themselves and their world in totality. So, thus – with regards to the ‘network-gridline-structure’ removed of/as the Unified Consciousness Field in/as this Reality = does not mean that it no more exist – but is manifested within and as the Unconscious-Mind of/as each human being, each living-manifestation/ex­pression/part of/as existence in its entirety = so that each one’s creation can be faced by/as themselves equal and one, as it was created by/through each one as all together = so we can stop ourselves as it, stand-up and change and stop what we’ve existed as, as creators in separation through and as Mind, stop the creation we’ve created – and actually Live equal and one Here as Life as all as one as equal. So the same principle applies with the Sound-Mind placement as with the Unified Consciousness Field manifested as the Unconscious-Mind of/as each to be faced, walked through and stood-up from and as as each one’s manifested-consequence created/designed and manifested together, yet individually as one, equally. The Universal-Mind was merged with and as the Physical – as the exact-same that was applied with merging the Unified Consciousness Field with and as each beings’ Unconscious-Mind. So that – what was created, designed and manifested by/through each one Individually through and as the existence/lived-definition of themselves as a Mind Consciousness System – manifesting the Universal-Mind as the current accepted and allowed state and nature of existence in its entirety, through and as all beings-together as Mind Consciousness Systems’ = can be faced directly, here by/through and as each-one directly in and as the Physical – so that each one may realise, see and understand that = existence is you, is each one – and that whatever is accepted and allowed to be lived in every moment of Breath within thought, word and deed in separation through and as the Mind = has Consequence for and as self as and within existence that is self. So – within inverting the Mind, that is self, inverting the unified consciousness field as this world, this reality, that is self and inverting all of existence, that is self = into and as self here in and as the physical = bringing all and everything of and as self – here – manifested as one-point as the physical – that manifested existence as the physical equal and one here = Each Being Face all and everything of and as themselves directly in every moment of Breath – all manifested-consequence. All manifested-consequence that has been created and designed and accepted and allowed to exist, through how and as what self has accepted and allowed self to exist within and as accepted and allowed self-separation. Thus, self start with self, and self-alone – as the stopping and transforming nature/beingness of and as self manifested in and as the Conscious-Mind. Then – once self stand as the living-actuality of and as self-honesty manifest – self stop and transform self as the Subconscious-Mind, which is the lived-personality/persona of and as Ego of Mind that self designed self to be as the ‘who I am’ self-definition, wherein one is ‘God’ in your own Mind, manifested as the ‘I AM’ of and as ‘EGO’ – which was/is created through others such as Family, Friends and all that exist within ‘your world’ as ‘your direct-environment’ which you use/abuse to determine/validate this ‘I AM’ personality as ‘God-Persona’ of EGO in and as your Mind. Wherein as one take-on the Subconscious-Mind, self stop existing as a ‘God-Persona’ within your own Mind as EGO within the self-defined ‘I AM’ multiple-personalities = and assist and support self to stand equal and one here with and as all beings/manifes­tations within and as your direct-environment and live the principle of equality and oneness as life wherein self stand with and as what self will accept and allow and what not within the principle of equality and oneness as life and live this in actuality in every moment of Breath. Then – once self become the living-actuality of and as self-honesty and the principle of equality and oneness as life here as self = self stop and transform self as the Unconscious-Mind as the Unified Consciousness Field as this World, this Reality in its entirety. This is done within living-application in and as the Physical Here – wherein self will ‘take-on’ / take a position within this reality as a directive-principle practical-point that stand within and as this World as the principle of equality and oneness as Life and start changing/tran­sforming this world, this reality as self from that one-point self stand as and within, within this world/reality as self. Now – as self live the actuality of/as self as self-honesty, as the principle of equality and oneness as Life, as every moment, as breath, as the directive-principle here in/as this reality, this world = which is done through living the tools in actuality as self of and as self forgiveness, self honesty, breath, self-corrective action in and as every moment = the entirety of walking this, living this as self = is the ‘Process’ of ‘becoming’ equal and one as the Physical Here. Breath assist and support you to be Here with your Physical, as self honesty, self forgiveness and self corrective action assist and support you, as you walk through manifested-consequence of facing you on all levels of manifested-creation, to stand-up and transform you within the facing of yourself as all of yourself within and as the principle of equality and oneness as life. Now – with self walking this Process as Self Here – self stand with and as the Physical – and self become the Physical equal and one Here as self in Actuality = Self stand equal and one with and as all that Exist as the Physical. This due to the ‘Sound-Mind Placement’ manifested within and as the Physical – as the Universal-Mind merged with and as the Physical = that manifested existence in its entirety as all it consist of exist as = as the Physical-itself here as each one. Then the ‘process’-start wherein self as the Physical Here as all that exist of and as the physical – stand-up and transform self as the Physical-itself as all it consist of and exist as, as self to stand as equality and oneness as Life – because self is then, in fact – the physical as all the physical equal and one here and herein self is the directive-principle as the Physical in and as equality and oneness as Life. And so, each one must and will face themselves as all of existence here in and as the Physical, stop and transform themselves to stand equal and one here in living-actuality as the principle of equality and oneness as Life = and so we Birth Life from the physical when/as all stand equal and one here as the Physical within and as equality and oneness as Life. Thus, with regards to the Sound-Mind placement – as the ‘inversion’ of all of existence as the Universal-Mind, manifested in and as each one’s physical Here in/as one-point – wherein existence is transformed as self, when/as self manifest self as the physical here, (the physical that is existence-manifest in its entirety as it exist due to the sound-mind placement as the universal-mind merged with and as the physical here) and stand-up and live self-transformation as the physical within the principle of equality and oneness as life = self ‘take-on’ all of existence here as the physical as self = instead of having to go through life-times, upon life-times, upon life-times – wherein one would’ve had to physically-experience one singular part of existence as self in that one-life, stop self as it, transform self as it and then in the next-life, move unto the next one singular part of existence as self = we would’ve taken trillions, upon trillions of years if we had to walk this that way – transcending only one-part of ourselves in and as existence in its entirety as ourselves in one-life. Thus – the Sound-Mind Placement – to ‘short-circuit’ our as each one’s process in/as existence as ourselves in/as its/our entirety. We'll expand further on the ‚Sound-Mind Placement‘ within video-interviews/do­cuments to come. Now, we’ve discussed the ‘Design of Autism’ as the ‘Mind-Structural-Design’ thereof, manifested as the being. The source/origin of Autism within and as Children however = is the Parents, themselves due to extensive ‘overload-charges’ of manifested-suppressed emotional and feeling inner-conflict, transferred into and as their Children, which infused/amalgamated as and within their Child’s Mind Consciousness System – which formed the Subconscious/Con­scious-Mind design as discussed within the Design of Autism video-interview. Because the suppressed manifested emotions and feelings is overloaded/over­charged to such an extent within the Parents – which transfer into and as their child/children as the Parents’ Mind Consciousness System is copied into that of their children – the ‘Subconscious/Con­scious-Mind’-design-structure ‘collapse’ so to speak and ‘split’ at the same time to ‘provide sufficient space’ for the manifested emotions and feelings and all system-constructs that go with it – within and as the Mind Consciousness System = which then manifest the Conscious/Sub­conscious-Mind as discussed within the Design of Autism video-interview and thus the experience of the Being, manifested as Autism. We’ll do another document specifically discussing Autism, all perspectives – with regards to how the Parents, through self forgiveness and living self-change as self forgiveness within the principle of equality and oneness here = can assist and support their child as themselves – because the child is simply a living-manifestation of and as the Parents’ suppressed emotions/feelings within and as and of them of and as the Mind = thus, their Children is a living-copy/duplicate of themselves as their Inner suppressions and conflicts of emotions and feelings of Mind.


2. Before the soul construct was removed, did all manifested beings possess a soul construct? If no, why? and what was the manifested difference?

Each living/existing manifestation in, as and of this World, this Reality = had a Soul-Construct, a Soul-System placement. The Soul-construct manifested/existent within and as each living/existing being/manifestation in and as this World, this Reality – was placed so to lock/enslave all into and as the ‘Recycling-System’ as the ‘Reincarnation-System’ – wherein the Soul-Construct existent within and as each living/existing being/manifestation in this World, this Reality was utilized as a ‘remembrance-database’ of each manifestation/be­ings’ ‘life-cycle-experience’. So, each being/manifes­tations’ life-cycle-experience information, would be ‘stored’ into and as their Soul-Construct as they experience their life, then when they cross-over, the soul-construct placement would be removed and then saved in the Akashic-Records. Then, when one life-cycle is ‘complete’ – they’d be ‘recycled’ into the next, based on their previous life-cycle – wherein their mind consciousness system design/control-system design (dependent on the reincarnation) would be programmed / re-designed according to the information/me­mories extracted from the Akashic-Records, which was the ‘database’ which ‘saved’ all necessary information of all their previous life-cycle experiences. Thus, the function of the Soul-Construct was one of the Primary-Control-Systems regulating beings between Earth and the Dimensions within/through the Reincarnation-System to keep them enslaved through directing them into life-cycle experiences of the exact same/similar-nature = in essence, you’d have the exact same/similar lives over and over and over again = which made control of beings much ‘simpler/easier’ – because it was the exact-same cycles that was re-designed over and over and over again within which beings remained trapped. If any further questions/cla­rification required = Ask. The Physical