Interview by Bernard made on 23 March 2010

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Important: It’s  Very-‘Important’ ‘Remove’ all ‘Dependency’ on ‘Energy’ and ‘Move’ by ‘Principle’. In that, ‘Understand’ that ‘Existence’ will take-you to the ‘Deepest-Despair’, the ‘Greatest-Hopelessness’, the  ‘Darkest’ ‘Deepest’ ‘Pit’ because only ‘there’ - Will you ‘Find the Truth’ about you – whether you are ‘Standing’ by Your ‘Principles’ or ‘Not’.

And if You ‘Dare’ ‘Seek the Light’ – then obviously you are ‘missing’ the ‘Point’ – and you’ll have to do-it ‘again’ and ‘again’ and ‘again’ until the ‘Despair’ and ‘Hopelessness’ gets-‘such’ that Only ‘You’ ‘Remain’ - and then the ‘Truth’ about ‘You’ ‘Emerge’:

Are you Standing as ‘Principle’ as ‘Principled-Life’ ‘Here’ ‘Equally’ for ‘All’?

And then you’ll ‘Realize’-that ‘Anything’ to do with ‘Energy’ was ‘Only’ a ‘Deception’. After-all, only once you get into your ‘Deepest-Despair’ and ‘Hopelessness’ will you ‘Realize that ‘All-Fear’ was the ‘Illusion’= You ‘Remain’ - and there you will ‘Really’ ‘Deal’-with the ‘Fear’.

As-long as you ‘Fear’ to ‘Lose’ something, that ‘Fear of Loss’ will ‘Determine’ your ‘Existence’- and therefore you will ‘always’ ‘look’-out for the ‘Fear’ and therefore ‘Remain an ‘Observer’’, and in ‘Seeking the Light’ you’re ‘Automatically’ moving-away from the ‘Darkness’, you’re ‘Automatically’ in a ‘Polarity-Cycle’, of ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ , you’re ‘Automatically’-‘Trapped’ – just-by ‘simply’ ‘giving attention’ to ‘one’ or the ‘other’.

Once You ‘Realize’ that: ‘Your-Existence’ is Not ‘Dependent’ on ‘Energy’, you Obviously become ‘Transcendent’ in ‘All-ways’.

As long as you ‘Believe’ ‘Energy’ is ‘Necessary’ for ‘Your-Existence’ and that ‘God’ is apparently ‘Energy’= You’re just ‘somebody’ that goes to the ‘Bank’ and ‘Borrow-Money’ –nothing ‘difference’.

You Don’t ‘Exist’ In-‘Fact’- You are ‘subject’-to a ‘System’. ‘Equality’ as ‘Principled-Living’ Do-Not Require-‘Energy’, Do Not Require-‘Purpose’, Do Not Require-‘Reason’, Do Not Require-‘Anything’, it is the ‘Actualization’ of ‘Self-Realization’.