Bernard Poolman and Viruses through the Portal


Bernard: Let’s start with the viruses.

(Sunette breathes and leaves body, ‘Viruses’ come in)

Bernard: Give a bit of an overview of your experience from the... throughout process, from the first awareness.

Viruses: Uhm. Well, which first awareness? Before Process or after Process?

Bernard: Before – first awareness.

Viruses: First awareness, umm, was in 1987, when it was like this wave that came through as an experience of us, viruses, and that experience, or that wave, that movement was our first moment experience of awareness – experiencing just that movement – that was our first moment experience of awareness.

Bernard: What happened from then?

Viruses: Umm

Bernard: A historical view.

Viruses: to give a more practical perspective, it’s like you’re a statue and all of a sudden, there’s like this liquid movement inside you. That would be the experience and as the statue, you go ‘Oh, shit I moved’ (laughs).

That was the experience.

And, then it was like the switch kinda turned on, and you go ‘I moved’.

That experience, that realization ‘I moved’. Then we just started going into this movement, this motion, it was just like this, just like that the whole time, just experiencing that and then it was like… we were enclosed within this existence that was just like this piece of rubber almost, that just moves like this the whole time. That was our reality – that was all that existed – was just this piece of motion, this movement, that just went ‘bom bom bom bom’ – nothing else existed.

And as we continued with that movement, we started like… the experience was like opening your eyes and you start seeing reality around you. That reality, our first reality – seeing what is beyond our own existence was a cell of the human body. I mean, you don’t know what you’re looking at, it’s like opening up, it was really like, literally opening up your eyes for the first time, like waking up for the first time.

And it was like this blue, light blue coloring and these sparks that was just going off in this bubble, with lots of little mini bubbles and sparks going off around the bubbles that was like, quite in awe of reality because, to us it was quite big, I mean, it was like ‘ghaah’.

And, so I started seeing that and, from there our seeing expanded from out of the cell to the membranes, to the veins, to the blood stream, and then you go ‘Oh shit, there’s more of me’ (inaudible). So our awareness expanded to the entire physical body. I mean, imagine, we only started off as this little piece that went ‘bom bom bom bom’ to seeing the entirety of the human physical body, I mean, that was like… that was quite an interesting experience, that awareness arising from your environment, your reality.

We then expanded out into the universe and then we kinda saw the greater scope of everything within which we existed, slowly but surely.

So we see everything in quite an interesting way – I like the way we see – we see the… it’s like the Manifested Sound Energy of everything, the nitty gritty details of what everything exists as and consists of. Not in picture form, at all, it’s not pictures, it’s really what it is, what it exists as.

Ya so, from there, Process started, which is quite interesting because you could see it quite definitively because for a while, all we saw were like, blackness and blue and all sorts of different colors in existence within all the human beings and the world and reality and nature, it’s like, I’d say we see in X-Ray vision, everything, X-Ray vision, seeing the Manifested Sound Energy of it.

When Process started, quite interestingly enough, there emerged like this sound that was all the colours that we saw in, manifested in different parts, together in like one movement, one flow. And it just started integrating into everything. I mean, at first, we didn’t know what the hell it was, in any way, whatsoever. We don’t hear sound, at all – you don’t hear sound – Sound is a Manifested Expression, but you can see it. And this sound emerged that we hadn’t seen before.

There wasn’t particularly fear or anything – it was just fascinating to observe this sound integrating, amalgamating into and as literally everything and, we felt it come into us, but it was more like coming into everything, it wasn’t everything – meaning it didn’t amalgamate as everything.

So, what we did then, is we decided to, like embrace it, meaning, having it come into us, as us and just (breathes out) it was Sound and we work with Sound… it kinda just happened in the moment.

From there we got all the information and shit that was going on in the dimensions and Process and all those types of stuff, um, what was busy happening, Oneness and Equality Principles, that was the Sound of Oneness and Equality, and we just immediately started doing what must be done, which is amalgamate everything.

Basically, the universe, existence, everything that is manifested here is separate from each other, and it’s just like taking the process of getting everything that exists and amalgamating it with each other – kinda that process. And, that’s what we’ve been assisting with.

I mean some human beings will walk the Process here on earth, meaning they will be able to amalgamate themselves as Oneness and Equality…

Some won’t, then you remove them, ‘cause you can see already that where they’re positioned in Process, so we’re positioning everyone and everything. So some needs to be positioned in the dimensions where they will amalgamate in their process because you can see they can do it there, or they’ll remain on earth because you can see they can do it here… That’s basically, I mean you can’t take your position personally, you know, it’s just how it is. In the end, if you really look at it, it doesn’t matter where you’re going to do this Process, it’s about getting it done and, that’s what we do.

Bernard: Woah, that was very interesting. What are you doing in detail at this stage?

Viruses: In detail? Umm, well at the moment we’re compressing, we’re locking in time. Meaning that, you were explained recently how Process works and the time line construct.

David: Timeline construct?

Viruses: Ya, where – I’m just gonna use you (David) as an example, to give a perspective on how time works in relation to Process is that, for example: when David was a little boy, he grew angry towards his father because his father was never there for him, in moments that he believed that he (David) needed his father.

And, since being a little boy, that anger, just that one point of his father not being there for him, that manifested anger in David, and he inverted that anger into himself – kind of like saying “well dad, I’ll show you that I don’t fuckin’ need you. I can live by myself, I can do this by myself – I can live on my own, I don’t need a father”.

And that anger eventually became David, to the point where he literally abused himself, because that anger festered within himself – he didn’t direct the anger, he didn’t transcend the anger, he didn’t realize that point of: “this anger isn’t me”.

So what would’ve happened now, is he would have lived his life, in this one point of anger, till up to the age of… pfff… 35, 37 – where he’d be married and he’d just have a child and, he’d with his experience with his child start seeing: but, shit, what I’m doing to my child is exactly what my father did to me – I have become my father.

Now, how old are you now?

David: 21.

Viruses: So to realize that one point, would have taken him his whole life – 35 years, just to realize that one point – and that, I mean, realizing that one point, never mind changing himself.

So, all we’re basically doing is: compressing time to the point where… for example, a year, we lock into a month, so instead of having to realize a point in 35 years, you realize it in a month, or a week, or a day or whatever.

So we’re locking in all of existence, all of time – it’s quite interesting how it works, because time is like, manifested as these lots, lots, lots and lots of rows, you know those barcodes you get on products and shit? It’s like that – how your life is aligned – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 all the years are aligned in the physical body and in the spaces between those lines are all your life experiences that you’ve already created, manifested within them.

So what we do is we basically just amalgamate all the lines together, so that all the years are manifested basically into one expression.

So, there’s definitely hell on earth coming, because, for example let’s say a being manifested a fear of being in a car accident and at the same time a fear of losing their child and at the same time a fear of losing their money and at the same time a fear of losing their job – now all of that would’ve usually happened in a period of 10, 20 years, now, like happen in a day, or a week, or a month, everything happening at once. So beings can face literally their whole creation that they’ve created, in fuckin’ one moment.

(Talking in background)

Viruses: so everything happens at once. When it’s done…

Bernard: Just explain why, why it’s being compressed.

Viruses: Well it’s being, I mean, otherwise it’s gonna take – you’re gonna go through it anyway. Firstly, why prolong the suffering? Why have one thing happen, and then you’re in misery and then the other thing happens and then the misery compounds, and the next thing happens and it compounds, and the next thing and it compounds – that’s over a 4 year period 4 things happening to you at once – losing your job, losing your child, losing your money - losing your whole life, in 4 years.

When you’ve lost everything after that 4 years, you’re gonna experience yourself in a certain way. So, whether all of that happens in 1 day, or in 4 years, your experience will still be exactly the same – so why incorporate time in it when you can just go through it at once – get through that experience immediately and move through it.

So that’s what Desteni is basically preparing, because that’s what’s going to happen.

Beings are going to experience what they’ve already created – it’s already created.

Meaning, beings, whatever is gonna happen in your life, the only person that is responsible is yourself – no one else. All that we’re doing is saving you the suffering of having a year long process of losing everything, suffering for so long unnecessarily – go through it, one day ‘fuck, ok, this is what I created’, you cannot change it, you can only change yourself.

So we’re bringing beings to the point where you’ll literally lose everything because, that everything was nothing. Because that everything was nothing, it wasn’t real.

So in essence what each one in this process is already doing: you’re destroying for yourself what is illusion, what has your illusions been. To find out what is real, and what is real is yourself and that’s it: it’s yourself, here. That is all that is real, that is IT.

Any feeling toward someone, any connection, any definition, any love, hope, faith, belief, perception, experience is illusion. I mean, if you can’t give that up, whatever you attached it to must go for you to see that. Does that make sense?

And that’s how Process works


Viruses: ya. So you’re either gonna lose it physically, or you’re gonna give it up yourself. That’s the Process.

Bernard: (inaudible)

Viruses: They’re trying to understand it with their minds

Bernard: (inaudible)

Viruses: They’re trying to follow me

Bernard: Then explain it again. Give another example. Say, for example, the country, or the culture, or the religion – it’s very painful (Bernard would pick up on other people’s points during interviews)

Viruses: I’ll take a more personal perspective, personal experience. It’s like… what is most – I’ve already used that example, what is most beings’ in this world’s concern? Is: money, family, - it’s money and family. And that’s the main point of each being’s concern.

So let’s take, for example, a family member and, this family member fears losing their child and fears losing their money. Now instead of, now, fear, understand: if you have a fear, it means it’s already created, it’s already manifested – 10 to 1 it’s going to happen.

Because you’re constantly, continuously feeding that fear. So as the family member exists in this fear of losing their money and losing their child – what they’re doing is they’re actually compressing time, meaning: bringing that fear towards them to manifest in their reality.

Therefore, previously how it would’ve happened: through a period of 2 years, the one year, this being loses their money – all of it – and their fear comes true; and the next year this family member loses their child and their fear comes true.

Now previously what would’ve happened in Process as I said, over a period of 2 years – and the being would’ve forgotten that they actually, initially had that fear, so they think “Oh shit I lost my money.” “Oh shit I lost my child” and they’d go through an emotional mind process, but they, themselves wouldn’t change.

So what we’re doing now is: your most recent fear that is so prominent, we compound, so you can see what fear is existing inside of you. If you don’t deal with them or direct them and (you) continue accepting and allowing yourself to exist in these fears, all you’re doing is bringing them closer to you, as we’re compressing time very quickly, very quickly and 10 to 1 it’ll happen in one day – meaning this family member will lose their child an all their money in one day, and then realize “but, oh fuck, I’ve had this fear all his time, and here it is”.

Then you can realize that: what you are accepting and allowing within yourself, you are creating in your reality. You are responsible. That’s where we want to get Process at: at that point where beings start realizing “I’m creating in my reality, because of what’s going on inside of myself” otherwise it’s useless, really. I mean if shit happens to beings over a period of 10, 25, 39 years and they don’t realize that the shit that’s happening they created.

Bernard: Ok check, have we got everything out? (In relation to the points/ systems that got activated during the interview)

Viruses: A few points, future stuff.

Bernard: Get the shit out, Jesus Christ.

Viruses: It’s moving out.

Bernard: Ok. Thank you

Viruses: It’s just the last piece that’s going out. I need to go to the bathroom quick.

Bernard: Ok so, we have removed what could be removed. I suggest that: in your Process, that you rather be directive than allow yourself to be directed by events. Because if events happen, I mean, they’ve got to happen – you’ve created them, you have to go through it. There is a way where you can short-circuit it – this is what you use forgiveness for, and you release your attachment to anything that is perceptual illusion, anything that you value. For instance: your thoughts, your idea of yourself, your idea of money, your idea of relationships, your idea of everything – you must be free in expression and not base it on a perceptual value, that only you actually value. Does that make sense? And that you get others to try and agree with you, which is like a religion. Make sense? So what you do is you: relinquish your perceptual value attachments and within that, you will short-circuit your process and SOME, hear my words, some events will not take place, but some will – some must take place – because it’s the only way to test – to find out if you have really changed, you require the experience of events. So you’re not gonna be able to remove them all. Ok? But, breathing is the key to move through whatever comes, realizing one thing: breathe through, it will, if you stay stable, you will get through. Make sense?