Interview with the First Molecule through the Portal

first molecule sunette spies portal desteni.png

Hi, I am the first molecule. Well, I'd say all molecules that exist is the first molecule. So you are probably asking where does existence start and where do I come from? From me! The First Molecule. I experienced myself as a molecule and I was alone...Now I am placing my expression into words, remember this. I didn’t know of words in the first vibration of existence in its entirety. I am explaining my expression in words right now for the first time...

It was me all alone and it was me all alone in this vastness of infinity. I was alone. I didn't want to be alone. So I duplicated myself into another me and then I started talking to me. That me duplicated itself into another it. So it was three me's and so it continued...

I made many me's of me in molecule vibration. Well, not talking, but experiencing, remember. Like "hello me, how are me doing" "fine me" the same. It was equal and one experiencing myself as all my duplicated forms, but I was still one with myself, please. I could bring myself back to me as one molecule again or spread myself into thousands or millions. So playing with that was quite fun, but then I got bored.

Then I went like: now I want to experience myself and I remember these are all vibrations and I just started vibrating and then I realised, oh my god, I am a molecule and then I started vibrating in terms of: ok, I don’t wanna be alone so let me make many me's so that I am not alone.

And then a yearning came, a desire to experience myself like there was something more. That’s what it felt like, there was something more. And then I wondered but couldn't I maybe then as this molecule change my shape. So I played with shapes. I remember it's got to do with vibration sound, sound vibration. I was a sound vibration molecule.

A molecule is a manifested singular sound vibration, remember that. And then I went, but now I want to experience myself, but how do I experience myself, you know. I felt like I wanted to stretch myself. And then I did do that, I stretched myself. Into sound. To different sound manifestations, that's what I did. So I took all my me's that I duplicated myself in and I put them all in front of me and played with me and manifested me in many different manifested forms of sound... vibration.

Now I was different, now all my me's was different. I knew it was me, but it was different. So I remembered this is me and all the me's in front of me that I have duplicated is me and is now different sound manifestations of me, because I am different, but I'm still me. I am still one and equal.

Then an interesting thing happened: all the me's that I duplicated myself into became individual. They started becoming that individual sound manifestation that I manifested those me's as me into. I know it sounds confusing, but that’s how it happened.

Yer, so they became individual and I forgot about them being me and then they went their own way and I went my own way. And then all of us went our own way. So they forgot that they were me and that I duplicated them from me, because they were now individual in their manifested sound expression.

But even when you are individual manifested sound expression you are still one and equal, you just have to remember it and know it. So that's where separation started. That's where everything else started coming from and that's all I have to say right now. Thank you.