Interview by Bernard Poolman

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Okay, so- let’s have a look:

We are going to ‘start’-now with ‘Building’ the ‘Components’-of ‘Game-Theory’- from the perspective - obviously, understanding what we mean with ‘Game-Theory’ is ‘the Way’ ‘the ‘Game’ is ‘Played’, which you are ‘Participating’-in without you-‘knowing’ that you are ‘Participating’ in-it.

So, within ‘that’ one’s gotta understand the ‘Rules’ of the ‘Game’- which will be ‘that’-which ‘Rule’ your ‘Belief’ and ‘Consciousness’ and your ‘Idea’ of yourself as ‘Personality’ or ‘Multi-personality’.

Understand you are ‘Existing’ as a ‘Multi-Personality-Being’ that is ‘Cause/Effect’-‘Programmed’ so that you can ‘Act’ or ‘React’ according-to your ‘Environment’- And therefore,  you are ‘Controlled’ by ‘Environmental’-‘Stimulus’.

Because ‘that’-is the ‘Primary’-point that ‘Controls’-you: your Total-‘Existence’ is ‘Stimulus’-‘driven’ and ‘All’-feelings - whether it is from ‘Compassion’, to ‘Guilt’, to ‘Love’, to ‘Fear’, to ‘Hate’ – ‘all’ of-it is ‘Program-Stimulus’ - you're ‘purely’- ‘Responding’ to an ‘Environmental-Influence’.

You are ‘Investigating’-yourself ‘Self-Honestly’ and you’ll be able to-start doing-that trough your ‘Mind Constructs’, you'll ‘See’ that:

You are ‘Primarily’ ‘adapting’ all the time to your ‘Environment’ and according-to that you ‘mold’ or ‘shape’ your ‘Response’-to the ‘Stimulus’ based-on the ‘Knowledge’, your ‘Memories’ and ’Experiences’ you have and those ‘Knowledge’ ‘Memories’ and ‘Experiences’ you have are ‘shaped’ by the ‘degree’ of ‘Participation’ you had ‘within’-it that means, ‘the way’ you ‘Participated’ in-it - whether it was more ‘Dominant’, ‘Submissive’, whether it was ‘Directive’, ‘Following’, whether it was in ‘Fear’ or ‘Love’ – ‘whatever’ was the ‘Primary’ ‘Driving-point’- you were ‘holding back’, you were ‘hiding’, you were ‘secretive’ - whatever was the ‘point’ that you where using within the ‘Participation’- when you where taking-part in an ‘Experience’, that will ‘shape’ obviously the ‘Nature’-of the ‘Stimulus-Response’ that you'll have to a ‘situation’.

Now, fascinating, you’ll notice that obviously throughout the last number of years - 20 years or so- there has been Particular-‘Advances’ in ‘Science’, where they are ‘attempting’-to ‘Understand’ ‘what it-is they are ‘Observing’’.

Obviously what ‘happens’ when the ‘Observer’ ‘observes’-something and then ‘attempt’-to ‘Understand’-it, they feed-it ‘Properties’ based-on ‘Assumption’-

And then when you give-it ‘Properties’ based-on ‘Assumption’: it will ‘look’-like it ‘behaves’ as you- ‘assume’ it ‘behave’ because, you are now ‘part’-of the ‘Observation’ as ‘Experience’, and therefore the ‘Observer’-then ‘determines’ the ‘apparent’-point that is ‘Observed’ and then ‘make the rules’ ‘accordingly’- which sounds like ‘many’-things that is done in the World from ‘Religion’ to ‘Governments’, to ‘Everything’: ‘Rules’ are made ‘based’-on the ‘Observation’-of a ‘Problem’, and then ‘Laws’ are made, and the ‘Problem’ is Never ‘Actually’- ‘Understood’.

And therefore ‘Crimes’ are ‘created’ where there’s No ‘Real’-‘Crime’, ‘Criminals’ are ‘Created’ because the ‘Laws’ where ‘made’ by ‘those’ that do Not ‘Really’-Understand the ‘situation’ or ‘condition’ of the person in their particular-‘difficulty’ where they are ‘Really’ ‘Experiencing’-something, because the ‘Experience’ is being ‘Observed’ and Not ‘Really’ ‘Participated’-in – the ‘Observation’ is ‘Participated’-in from a perspective-of ‘Morality’ and therefore the Actual-‘Participation’ in that ‘Experience’ as ‘Observer’ within ‘Morality’ gives it a ‘False’ ‘Idea’-of ‘Reality’ which is then ‘believed’ to be so. And then, that is ‘Imposed’-on Everyone as ‘Law’, and so you create More-‘Criminals’.

And then within-‘that’ also more and more ‘Mental-Illnesses’- which, by the way, will Increase ‘Dramatically’ in the World –eventually we will have ‘most’ of the ‘Humans’ having ‘some’-form of ‘Conversation’ in their head, being in ‘various’-‘levels’ ‘Schizophrenic’.

And that is happening quite ‘extensively’ if you already watch the…the ‘comments’ and so on that we ‘deliberately’ are ‘pulling’-out of ‘People’, then to a ‘point’ where they will ‘talk’-about the ‘Conversations’ and ‘Experiences’ they ‘have’ in their ‘head’ - how they come to their-‘Conclusions’ through ‘Meditations’ and ‘Prayers’ and ‘Beliefs’ and so on.

That is ‘Serious’ ‘Mental-Disease’ - Okay?

Now, in their ‘Observation’ of the ‘Human Physical Body’- and here I’m referring especially to the more interesting ones like Bruce Lipton, because his Observation is quite fascinatingly, rather ‘effective’, from a perspective-of Considering ‘Support’. What obviously is Not-‘Understood’ ‘yet’, because it cannot be-‘seen’, ‘yet’ is:

What is the Actual ‘point’-of ‘Movement’ that one can call ‘Consciousness’, ‘Awareness’?
That is what we’ve called ‘Resonance’.

So, as we were moving-through the layers of 'What is Here', we ‘Observed’ and ‘Participated’-in with ‘What is Here’- Now, I approach-it ‘differently’: I ‘Participate’ with-it and then I ‘Observe’-myself within the ‘Participation’, ‘Unconditionally’ to ‘see’ ‘What happens’- so that I do Not ‘form’ an ‘Idea’ or an ‘Assumption’ about-it – and then especially look for ‘Side-effects’, that means: ‘flow-outs’ from-it that could Not ‘be- anticipated’- which will be normally in ‘forms’-of ‘discomfort’ or ‘pain’ or an ‘Energetic’-‘Response’ that was Not ‘Created’ at-all, it was Not ‘part’-of Any-‘Experience’ ‘Ever’ had.

Within-that one will start ‘Observing’ a fascinating-thing is that there is a 'Force' involved with all the ‘movement’ that takes-place ‘within’ a ‘Reality’ like the ‘Reality’ called ‘Earth’-

‘Especially’-now we are talking-about just a ‘Human-Component’ of-it and ‘How’ the ‘Human’ ‘Interact’-with a ‘Greater Reality’ and ‘seemingly’ without-‘thinking’- because it’s all ‘Automated’- You are thinking-about your ‘Immediate’ point-of ‘Relationship’ when you are ‘In your Breath’, but your ‘Greater Participation’ within the ‘System’ called ‘Society’ or ‘Civilization’ or ‘Culture’ or ‘Family’: you don't ‘Think’ about-that that’s all ‘Automated’.

Now, that is happening in a ‘Multidimensional Reality’. That means ‘in your world’, it's ‘Who You Are’, and ‘How you have Become Who you Are’. It started from the point of ‘Conception’. And at the ‘point’ of ‘Conception’ started the ‘mingling of information’.

That ‘information’ came from both your Father and your Mother, and obviously also from their ‘State of Being’ as that was also ‘imprinted’ within the ‘knowledge base’ of the egg and eh ... sperm that eventually got together.

All of those imprints form ‘part’ of a Basic Design that will now ‘form’ itself around an ‘Impulsed Information Structure’. This happens at the Level of ‘Resonance Reality’.

To understand that ‘what happens of it’ or ‘how it happens’ -  is that it is happening ‘without awareness’, yet it has a ‘Force’. In that, this is ‘impulsing’, and while it's ‘impulsing’ it is ‘coding’ the ‘form’ that will form ‘Who You Are’ at a Physical Level.

And within it will be ‘encoded’, obviously, your ‘Genetic Blueprints’  and all the ‘impacts’ or ‘impulses’ or ‘effects’ that were part of the ‘Cause’ of Your Creation -- which was obviously the Primary Influences being ‘mom’, ‘dad’ and ‘environment’. And then whether you are in a ‘rich family’ or ‘poor family’ will already have an Influence. For instance, ‘mom and dad’ may have a ‘massive great wish’ for you to be ‘Rich’ one day ... and you are in a ‘poor family’, and that ‘impulse’ becomes ‘part’ of Your Design and you will walk into a Design that is ... will be easier for you to ‘accumulate’ the knowledge in the System necessary to make you ‘successful in the system’.

And that could be a ‘simple point’, like ‘mother’ holding onto a ‘particular desire’ that was ‘highly charged’ and has a ‘Continuous Impulse’. And she will ‘pray’ about it ‘continuously’ and she will ‘continuously’ ‘hold you in her heart’.

Although all the statements are ‘Symbolic’, they do have an ‘actual effect’.

You also notice obviously the ‘nature’ of all these things are normally very ‘self-centred’ due the Parents and their Offspring, the do not ‘consider’ any Other Life Form as ‘valid’. All Other Life Forms is considered as ‘Competition’, therefore the ‘Child’ will be ‘educated’ and ‘trained’ and ‘protected’ to regard ‘All Other Life Forms’ as ‘Potential Dangers’. As ‘Potential Danger’, and therefore the Origins of ‘War’ and ‘Distrust’ and ‘Corruption’ and ‘Abuse’ and so on, lies within that Family Point.

But as you look at the ‘Multidimensions’ of You ‘accumulating’ your ‘impulse’ from your Environment, that is ‘varied’ and although it is ‘varied’, it is ‘limited’.

There is only ‘so many’ different impulses. If one go and ‘study’ the impulses that has an ‘effect on your life’, you can actually end up with an ‘Exact Blueprint’ that is ‘Mathematically-effective’ and ‘Correct’ according to the Design and the Influences of ‘Every-Single-Thing You've Become’.

‘Why’ each point is ‘Dominant’ or ‘Submissive’? ‘More Charged’ or ‘Less Charged’? ‘What’ will be the ‘Choices’ you’ll make? Just ‘based’ on your ‘Impulses’ that happened ... and your ‘Genetic Blueprints’ and the ‘Impulses’ from your Family-Line, your Environment.

And this is ‘Impulsed’ the Whole-Time.

In terms of the ‘Design’ that was ‘pre-existent’ when we first got to Heaven -- which was your ‘Magnetic Gridlines’, that, obviously, was ‘particularly’ Programmed WITH the Understanding of all the ‘Multidimensional Impulses’ that was already there and the Symbolism of the Genetics and how it was relevant to each one's ‘Self-Design’, Self-Awareness’, ‘Self-Consciousness’ and how you will ‘interact’ within-it and therefore, if you look at the ‘Gridlines’, the ‘Gridlines’ were placed in ‘Geometrical Relationships’, obviously --and ‘these ones’ were all ‘Boxes’. And therefore, if you would ‘move’ within your ‘Expansion’ of Yourself and ‘knowledge’ and ‘your application’ and ‘reality’, you may be able to move through ‘a few’ of the ‘Boxes’, as it is existent, but eventually, you will get to a point that ‘Impulse you’,  to ‘return’ to one of your Original Impulsed Genetic Lines of Pre-programs.

And you will then ‘form’ a ... an ‘Acceptance’ around it and with that ‘Acceptance’ you will fall-back within your Programmed-Cycle. That's why your Cycle will go through ‘Time-Cycles’ where you will be ‘more Expansive’ or ‘more Withdrawn’, depending on where it is ‘you are’  Cand that you will sometimes take a Cycle to a point where you are trying to ‘break out’ of your ‘Perceived Limitation’ and then the System will ‘hit you right back’ to your Submission-State where you will then ‘Withdraw’ and try and regroup to take on the System ‘again’ and see it ‘As All’, ‘As God’, that is ... you know ... ‘trying to make you stronger’ (chuckles).

You're being ‘Tempted’. And that's why you can't ‘Break-through’ and you ‘Can't Get Out’.

Now, all of this is happening within the Relationship of your ‘Multidimensional Self’ and that ‘Self’ is programmed in your ‘Cells’. And within your Cells is a ‘force’ that is ‘regulating’ the ‘interactive nature’ between the ‘Physical Cell’ and ‘the Mind’.

That ‘regulation’ was happening through a ‘force’ that we call ‘the Resonance’. When the Resonance was brought to ‘Awareness’, (how long ago that was, two years ago from now?) about, obviously I didn't ‘tell’ the Resonance what it was ... I mean, imagine you suddenly ‘wake up’ and you are part of Reality and ‘you have always been here’, which you were not aware of… your ‘Awareness.’ And you were just ‘doing’ what you were ‘Impulsing’ yourself to do. Exactly that! ... Imagine that the Resonance is exactly like a Human. It's part of ‘you’ that you have ‘Abdicated’ as a ‘force’ that ‘regulates’ your Interaction between ‘information’, ‘environment’, ‘cellular information’ and the ‘formation of yourself as a system within a greater system’. That's just ‘Resonance’.

A very ‘key factor’ within the Context of Understanding ‘What's Going On’ and ‘Understanding’ ‘Who You Are’, ‘In-Fact’, as ‘All Parts of You’ as a ‘Multidimensional Being’ that is here. But that you are not ‘aware of that’ because you don't understand ‘what’ you've ‘abdicated’, ‘what’ ‘you've given away’, ‘what’ ‘you've automated’, ‘how did you get to who you are today’, ‘why the things happen’, ‘how the decisions span up the way they did’ ‘,why did the relationships span up the way they did’, ‘why were you less successful than somebody else’ or ‘more successful than somebody else’, ‘why were you better at music than another person’? All ‘kinds of points’..which will all like some points you were ‘just naturally good’ called it 'naturally good' . That wasn't 'naturally good', you were ‘Programmed’. In that, that's why anything that requires ‘Effort’ the ‘Program’ doesn’t ‘Exists’ or you are ‘Deliberately Programmed’ Not to be able to ‘Comprehend’-it or be able-to ‘move’ with-it; one of the two; and it either ‘happens’ at your ‘Genetic-Level’ or it ‘happens’ in your ‘Multidimensional-Expansion’ through the ‘Impulsing’ in your ‘Environment’, and your ‘Interaction’ with the ‘Magnetic-Gridlines’.  

‘Obviously’ to ‘keep’ everyone quite-‘happy’ as you take-them ‘into’ the ‘Final Submission’ of ‘buying’-into the ‘Ultimate’ ‘Self-Enslavement’, the ‘Gridlines’ were continuously ‘moved’ so that the ‘Perception’-Exist that you are apparently ‘Evolving’ and you’re apparently becoming ‘More’, and you’re becoming ‘More Aware’. But what was really only ‘happening’ was the ‘Impulse’ was ‘Changed’, so that another-‘part’ of what is already ‘within’-you can ‘open-up’ and you can ‘Experience’-it as apparently ‘Spiritual-Growth’ for instance, and ‘Awareness’.

But, in all-of that you were ‘Deliberately’-‘Manipulated’ to ‘Accept’ ‘something’ as the ‘Ultimate’ ‘Answer’ which you would ‘perceive’ is your-‘own’ ‘Creation’.  

So, what could ‘that’-be?  

What could be the ‘Ultimate Way’, the ‘Ultimate Point’ that will ‘Trap’ ‘Everyone’ to ‘Never-Question’ their ‘Reality’?

I mean, Anu gave ‘the Answer’- What was the ‘glue’?

Darryl: It was Love.

Bernard: It was ‘Love’ –and what did Anu say? ‘Who’ created ‘Love’? - Listen to the Interview again – now right-now, what did you say? - Who created ‘Love’?

‘Who’ Created ‘Love’?  ‘Who’ came-up ‘Love’?  ‘Who’ came-up with ‘Love’? Listen to the interview!

The ‘Human’. They didn’t ‘Program’-it.  

They only ‘Programmed’ the ‘point’ where You-have to come-up ‘with’ the ‘Answer’ that will ‘Enslave’-you which you will then Not be ‘Willing’ to ‘give-up’ because: ‘It’s Your-Answer’!

And it makes-you ‘feel good’ and makes you ‘handle’ ‘Your Program’ more-‘Effectively’, I mean you can ‘push’ things-away and you can ‘Justify’ the ‘reason’ for the ‘System’- ‘the way it is’, such ‘ease’ and you will ‘continuously’ look-for this ‘Answer’,because you ‘believe’ it’s ‘Your Answer’.

And ‘Love’ obviously came-from the ‘Process’-of  ‘moving’ this ‘Impulsing’ the whole-‘time’, which was ‘Evolution’ - That’s why if you turn ‘Love’ around it’s the beginning-part of the word ‘Evolve’.

Okay?  It’s ‘Evolution’ - So ‘utilizing’ this Continuous-‘Impulsing’ they could then ‘move’-you to the ‘point’ -- and ‘Kryon’ was quite ‘critical’ in-that because he came then with the ‘Particular-Message’ of ‘Love’, which ‘pushed’-it right over the ‘edge’.  

And then after-that all the ‘Channels’ that was ‘Impulsed’ to-take the ‘point’-of ‘Love’ as ‘Untouchable’- You can have a ‘look’-at all ‘those’ that ‘Profess-Love’, they are ‘Unwilling’ to listen-to ‘anything’. They will Not ‘consider’ Any-‘Answer’, because they ‘Believe’ they already-have the ‘Answer’.  And they ‘Believe’ that the ‘Answer’ is the ‘Highest-Answer’ you can-get.

Have a ‘look’-at this, it’s ‘brilliantly’-done!

And therefore, because the ‘Answer’ is that, that ‘anything’ that ‘happens’ will bring ‘Everyone’ to that ‘Answer’-and therefore it‘s ‘Ok’, it doesn’t-matter ‘what’-happens.

No matter ‘How much Abuse’, whatever ‘happens’ in the ‘World’: ‘Irrelevant’! Because,  Everyone will get-to this ‘Answer’! They are just Not ‘all’ at-the Same-‘Level’-of ‘Evolution’!, They’re Not ‘all’ at the ‘Same-Point’ of ‘Impulse’! They’re still ‘busy’ on their ‘path’! 

And the ‘Answer’-is obviously, right-back to ‘Christianity’-  Have a-‘look’, where ‘God is ‘Love’ and ‘Love’ is ‘God’- And then you can take ‘that’-‘principle’ back to the ‘Hindu’-story ‘thousands’ of years-ago from-which ‘Christianity’ was born.

‘In-Fact’ they are ‘All’ just ‘part’-of ‘One-System’.

‘One-System’ that has been slowly but surely been ‘Impulsed’.

 Now what is ‘fascinating’ is that ‘this’ has been ‘happening’ ‘Mathematically’ through a ‘Principle of Equality’- Not the ‘Equality’ we are talking-about - the ‘Equality’ ‘Everyone’  has ‘Accepted’-  What do they say?  

‘You can be ‘only’ ‘Equal’-to What you are ‘Equal’-to’ isn’t it?  

You can do no-more than ‘what you can do’ - and then you can just ‘Love’ and ‘let God’.  I mean this ‘let God’-thing it’s like very-‘Important’ to me.

It was one of the very ‘first’-things I was ‘exposed’-to a ‘long’-time ago when we got… when I started this in the 1980’s. Started-with - you know what?

First-‘Impression’, First-‘book’ given to-me was a ‘book’ written-by a woman about ‘The Law of Attraction’. ‘The Power of the Word’- ‘Positive Thinking’.

 I mean, the ‘same’ bloody-‘story’ over and over and over and over again.

 Now, …You will ‘Understand’ ‘the Game’.

‘The Game’ has got an ‘aim’ and the ‘aim’ is about the ‘I am’.  

And the ‘I am that I am’ is about ‘what’?

What you will ‘Accept’ as ‘What is’ - which is the ‘Is-ness’ – Because, when You ‘accept’-that, You Accept-‘You’ as-that.  And once You Accept-‘You’ as that = that’s ‘What you are’ and that’s your ‘Equality’ - And you have ‘Established’ ‘what’? Your ‘Equality’!  But that ‘Equality’ is ‘just for you’, that’s not ‘Equality for All’ because within that ‘I am’, you’ve ‘only’ ‘Established’-‘You’ - You have Not-‘Established’ Everyone-‘else’.  You’ve Not ‘considered’ everyone-else.

Therefore, with Your ‘I am’ there is now ‘Conflict’ with Everybody-else’s ‘I am’- And therefore then it’s ‘all’ brought-together as ‘The ‘Great’ ‘I am’’- which is their-‘Love’ –

So ‘I ‘Love’-you but, let’s ‘Agree to Disagree’ which is Now ‘System’-‘Equality’.

Because, Each-one ‘now’ is ‘apparently’ ‘through Evolution’ ‘Unique’.

Which ‘means’ that we are ‘currently’ – according-to the ‘premise’ of the ‘I am that I am’ and the ‘premise’ of ‘Love’ at our ‘Highest-Level’ of ‘Evolution’ where ‘Each-one’ is ‘Unique’ and therefore ‘Each-one’ is in ‘Conflict’ with everyone-else and ‘Each-one’ ‘believe’ that their-‘story’ is ‘right’, and therefore we can get No-‘further’.

Aand have a-‘look’: that’s ‘where we are’-

You can ‘watch-it’- Very-‘few’ has being-able to ‘Transcend’ this-‘Point’ of ‘Realizing’.  

And therefore most the ‘teachers’ that is ‘spewing’-information out-there, will use ‘this’-thing called ‘Love’, because within-‘that’, they can ‘make’ an ‘Income’.

They do Not ‘make’ a ‘Real-Change’ to the ‘System’ because: they can‘t.

Because their whole ‘premise’-of love is: that you have-to ‘Accept’ ‘Each-One’ ‘the ‘way’ they are’.

 Which means: you have-to ‘Accept’ the ‘System’ ‘the way it-is’, which means you have-to ‘Accept’ the ‘Abuse’ ‘the way it-is’, you have-to ‘Accept’ ‘Everything’ ‘as it is’ in the World ‘the way it-is’.

Because otherwise: ‘Love’ isn’t ‘Real’.

The ‘way’ ‘Love’ has been ‘Presented’.

Therefore they will Not ‘Present’ Any-‘Solution’ to the ‘Nature’ of the ‘Current’-‘Problem’ in the ‘World’.

And they will ‘leave it-all’ to one-thing:  ‘Evolution’! You’re ‘busy’ ‘Evolving’ - have ‘Patience’!

Esteni: We just learned about Paulo Ferrera exactly a teacher, exactly your words, exact-

Bernard:  Yes, it’s ‘Exactly’ ‘How’ it-‘works’ - Fascinating!

 Now, ‘within’-this – and this is ‘why’ it was so-‘important’ for the ‘Elite’ to ‘Preserve’ the ‘blood-line’. They are Not-‘really’ ‘Preserving’ the ‘Blood-line’, they’re ‘Preserving’ their-‘Position in Society’ which is ‘entrenched’ through-‘money’.  

Therefore the ‘Money-System’ was so ‘Important’ to be in Particular-‘way’ because, the ‘Money-System’ under the ‘Law of Attraction’ will ‘allow’ ‘some’ to-be ‘Successful’ – those that’s ‘entrenched’ the ‘Old-Money’ to ‘Remain-Successful’- and therefore they are ‘Protected’ from the ‘rest’-of ‘Society’ through-‘Money’, because ‘Money’ can Buy ‘anything’.

And by having ‘Each-One’ ‘entrenched’ ‘within’-their ‘I am’, they will Not ‘Question’ ‘What’s going-on in the World’, because it doesn't ‘affect’-them ‘Directly’. And ‘those’ that are ‘Directly-Affected’, ‘has’ No-‘Money’, therefore they-have No-‘Voice’.

And you’ll see-it on TV, but your ‘Response’ to-that has been ‘Marginalized’ through-Television’. ‘Excessive Violence’ on ‘Television’- what does it do?

It ‘Impulse’-you to Not be ‘Affected’ by ‘What you ‘See’’ on News.

Therefore you don't ‘really’ ‘feel-anything’, have a-‘look’ - when you see a ‘Massacre’ in  Mid-Africa -You don't ‘feel-anything’, you will ‘forget’ about-it within ‘minutes’.

Darryl: or in seconds…

Bernard: Because you’ve been ‘Impulsed’ to ‘Deal’ with those ‘Information’, and ‘Categorize’-it and ‘place’-it as: ‘Not-‘part’ of your ‘Reality’- ‘they’ are in their ‘own’ ‘Process of Evolution’, ‘they’re on their ‘own’ ‘Path’ and ‘God’-knows what he's doing with ‘them’’.

And you are simply Not ‘able’ to ‘Understand’ the ‘Purpose’ and ‘Reason’ of ‘God’ and ‘How’ ‘God’ is ‘doing’-it.

Now, with the ‘Game Theory’-thing of - ‘Game Theory of the Gods’- we're gonna ‘show’-you, those that ‘Dare’ to ‘walk-it’, we're gonna ‘show’-you that, and you can actually ‘understand’: ‘How’ ‘God’ ‘does’-it and ‘What’ is ‘God's-Purpose’- You may Not-‘like’ what you're going to ‘See’ but at-the-‘End’, you’ll be ‘able’-to ‘work-out’ the ‘Decisions’, ‘Life-Paths’ and ‘everything’ of ‘Every-Single’ ‘Human Being’ you spend a little-bit of ‘Time’-with, with ‘Great Ease’. You'll even be ‘able’ to ‘Predict’ the ‘Diseases’ they’ll ‘Die’-from, you'll be ‘able’ to-do all ‘kinds’ of-stuff, just because You ‘Understand’ the ‘Game Theory of the Gods’. That means ‘How’ the ‘Programming’ were ‘Designed’ to become ‘Eventually’ ‘Self-Programming’ and ‘perpetuating’-itself within ‘Cycles of Infinity’ that keeps on ‘looping’ and ‘closing’ in ‘Time’. Because they ‘ran-out’ of ‘Energy’.

That’s why ‘Energy’ was so ‘Important’ because, ‘What’ was the ‘nice thing’ about ‘Energy’?

If ‘Energy’ is Not ‘Replenished’ = You ‘run-out’ of-it.  When ‘run-out’ of-it = the ‘Cycle’ Close.

Therefore you have ‘all’ your ‘things’ linked-to ‘Energy’ - which ‘includes’ the Current ‘Design’ of the ‘Human-Body’ ‘linked’ to-this ‘Design’. Also your ‘Mind’, your ‘thoughts’.

I mean, ‘Relationships’ is taking ‘the Same-Road’ - ‘Everything’ is taking ‘the Same Road’.

Where you ‘Run in Cycles’ and you will ‘Run the Cycle’ for a while, then you get ‘tired’ of-it, or you lose ‘interest’ in-it and then you ‘Close the Cycle’. 

And ‘what’ are you ‘Impulsing’-yourself within all of-that? That ‘You’ are ‘subject’-to ‘Energy’ - And If you ‘run-out’ of ‘Energy’, and there’s an ‘Energy-Crisis’, you have to ‘Preserve-Energy’ because ‘Without ‘Energy’, You are Nothing!’

And have a-‘look’, what has ‘happened’ in-‘that’ Single-Statement: ‘I am ‘Energy’’.

‘What’ are you ‘Really’-Saying? ‘I am the ‘Prisoner of Energy’.

Do we want to see that? Obviously ‘Not’! Whoever ‘Controls’-them - the ‘Resource’, ‘Energy’- ‘Controls’-You because you are a ‘Prisoner’-of ‘Energy’.

And what's ‘happening’ in the ‘World’? ‘Exactly’-that. ‘Money’ is a ‘Resource’ Presented as ‘Needed for ‘Energy’’ – ‘Oil’, ‘Food’, ‘Water’, ‘Housing’- ‘Every’ single-thing – ‘Entertainment’, ‘Alcohol’, you name-it – ‘Everything’ that ‘Represents’ what?

‘Your Status in the World’ according-to the ‘Access’ you-have to ‘Energy’.

And according-to ‘that’, ‘Who’ wants to ‘give-up’ their ‘Status’?

No one!

Because you've worked-‘hard’ for ‘Your Status’- I mean:

‘I worked-‘hard’ to get ‘where I am’- ‘Why’ must ‘I’ ‘give it up’? Let somebody-‘else’ ‘give-it-up’- I'm OK, I mean, I ‘know’ I'm going to ‘Die’’- cause you've already Accepted-‘that’ because, What is that ‘part’-of? ‘The ‘Energy-Cycle’’!

‘Why’ was-it in the ‘Bible’ a long-time ago ‘before’ all these-things ‘Existed’ – ‘How long’ did the Human-‘Live’?

Gian: 700- 900 years.

Bernard: A ‘long-time’- ‘What’ and ‘How’ were you ‘Impulsed’ to ‘end-up’ ‘Believing’ what you’re ‘Believing’ Now?

And have a-‘look’: Now, ‘everything’ is linked-to ‘Chemical-Intervention’ - the ‘Pharmaceuticals’, the ‘Doctors’ and so-on – ‘What’ are they ‘doing’? Are ‘they’ saving-‘you’ from ‘Death’?

Everyone: No

Bernard: No- They are just ‘preventing’-you from ‘Experiencing’ the ‘Pain’ that you’re already ‘feeling’.

And, they're just ‘part’-of the ‘Money-Cycle’- the ‘Energy-Cycle’-

Make-sure you have a ‘High-Level’ of ‘Energy’. And ‘How’ has it been ‘Closed-in’? It's ‘Closed-in’ ‘Survival’- which is ‘Money’, ‘Education’ which is ‘Money’ and ‘Survival’- ‘Religion’ – ‘Religion’ is based-on the whole ‘Premise’-of ‘Energy’. And slowly but surely, the ‘whole- Cycle’ has been taken to the ‘Higher-Thought’, the ‘Higher Vibration’, the ‘Higher-Frequency’, the ‘Higher-Feeling’.

Darryl: The ‘Higher-Love’

Bernard: The ‘Higher-Knowledge’, the ‘Higher-Love’, the ‘Higher-Compassion’- ‘all’ of-that, but ‘What’ is it? ‘Energy’.

And If you ‘Dare’ to ‘Question’-that= You’re ‘Evil’- Because ‘Life’ Cannot-‘Exist’ without ‘Energy’. And to the ‘degree’ that ‘Life’ has been ‘Defined’-as -what it-is ‘Defined’-As ‘Now’- it is ‘True’.

‘Life’ in-the ‘Form’ of the ‘System’ that it ‘Exist’-‘Now’ = Cannot-‘Exist’ without ‘Energy’. 

And that's the ‘Point’ we have-to now ‘Adjust’.

And as you've ‘Noticed’, we don't get a lot-of People ‘Willing’ to ‘listen’.

For those we're going to-have to ‘run out’-of ‘Resource’, so that the whole ‘Premise’-of ‘Energy’ can be ‘Questioned’. And have a-‘look’, ‘How-far’ it’s ‘gone’-  to ‘Free-Energy’.

And ‘what’ ‘awaits’-you in the ‘Afterlife’?

‘Free-Energy’- You can ‘Live’-‘Freely’ and..

Darryl: ‘Unlimited-Energy’

Bernard: Yes! ‘Unlimited’. ‘All’ ‘part’-of the Same-‘Mind Fuck’.

So - as you are ‘Designing-Yourself’ As the ‘Multi-Dimensional Being’ that's going-to Now ‘Interact’ with your ‘Reality’, with the ‘Interactive’-‘Force’ that is ‘moving’-you within your ‘Environment’- depending-on your ‘Stimulus', and which is been ‘formed’ through the ‘Symbolism’, which is ‘Existent’-‘within’ and the ‘Symbolism’ being ‘based’ much-more on a ‘Life-Force’-type ‘Design’, called ‘Chi’- Which is more like a ‘Chinese’ kind-of ‘Language’.

If you ‘look’-at its ‘Symbolism’, an ‘Interesting’-thing about the ‘Chinese-Language’, is ‘What’?

For Every ‘Word’ there's a ‘Symbol’ – Fascinating.

And these ‘Symbols’ ‘seemingly’ look ‘strange’ from the ‘perspective’-that they are ‘Representing’ ‘what’? ‘Uniqueness’.

And that is ‘Confirmed’ through the Work of ‘Emoto’, where they are Taking ‘Photographs’ of ‘Geometrical-Structures’- which ‘Obviously’ is called ‘Crystals’…which is ‘Actually’ a ‘Derivative’ from the whole ‘Premise’ that ‘Everyone’ is ‘Christ’, ‘Christ-All’, ‘All is ‘Christ’, ‘The ‘Christ’-within’!

 Now that is ‘taken-back’ to a ‘Geometrical’ ‘Representation’ as the ‘Crystals’ that which is ‘Unique’ and you cannot find ‘two’ of-them the ‘same’ which make you ‘really’, ‘really’, ‘really’ Fucking-‘Special’ so that ‘Justifies’ ‘Why’ Your ‘I am that I am’ is ‘Valid’ because otherwise it wouldn't have ‘been’ like-‘this’ and there would’ve been ‘two’-copies and there ‘isn't’, there is only ‘One’ of-You!

And you're ‘So Special’ in the ‘Eyes of ‘God’’ and ‘God’ is So-‘Almighty’ that he has ‘Created’ Each-One to be ‘Unique’ in your ‘Suffering’,  you ‘Suffering’ that You ‘Do’ by ‘Yourself’, apparently.

Okay, so- Here you have your ‘Crystal’ ‘Representation’ that is ‘within’ the ‘formations’ of the ‘Cells’ -which is obviously also within the ‘Information’ of ‘Water’ when it is ‘Photographed’.

 Now, ‘what’ are they ‘looking’-at? Like Emoto with these ‘observations’ of the ‘Water’.

 He’s ‘looking’-at obviously ‘What the ‘Observer’ is ‘Presenting’’, they're ‘looking’-at ‘within’ a Particular ‘Mind-set’, have a-‘look’ at ‘all’ the ‘Tests’ they did. 

They did the ‘Tests’ from the ‘Perspective’ of ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’- that means the ‘Starting-Point’ was ‘already’

Darryl: ‘Polarity’

Bernard:  that was already a ‘Polarity’, it was already an ‘Observer-Status’ where certain ‘States’-of ‘Energetic-Resonance’ or ‘Presence’ was ‘Accepted’ as ‘Real’ and ‘Valid’ and ‘so’ - and from that ‘Premise’ then they did their ‘Photographs’ and they Took ‘Pictures’-of a ‘Moment in-Time’. But what they were really ‘looking’-at was Only their ‘State-of Being’. I mean if they would Take a ‘Photograph’ of Hitler in the ‘Water’ and it ‘looks’ a Particular-‘way’, what are they ‘looking’-at?

They're Not ‘looking’-at the ‘Word’ ‘Hitler’, they're ‘looking’-at ‘Their ‘Judgment’ of Hitler’ and it ‘Indicates’ They did Not ‘Forgive’ Hitler, I mean for instance-

If they are ‘looking’ then at a ‘Particular’ a ‘word’, the word ‘Compassion’, the ‘Geometrical-Shape’ that they ‘see’-as the ‘Crystal’ looks-like a ‘Machine’, what are these ‘cog webs’ within a ‘Machine’ which is ‘Part’ of the ‘Mind Consciousness System’ they are ‘looking’-at and that they have ‘Accepted’ as ‘Themselves’ as the ‘Way’ ‘Compassion’ would ‘Operate’ ‘within’ their ‘Observation’ of it- therefore, each time they would ‘look’-at ‘Compassion’ and it is a Different ‘Being’ or ‘Group of Beings’ that ‘Present’ the ‘Word’: the ‘Crystal’ will-‘Change’, it won’t be ‘the same’.

Matti: they're actually only looking-at themselves

Bernard: They’re ‘Only’ ‘looking’-at ‘Themselves’, because they are ‘looking’-at ‘Themselves’ ‘As’ the ‘Observer’, ‘As’ the ‘Observer’ ‘Participates’ in the ‘Illusion’- and therefore, it also... ‘Remain’ like-that, I mean the ‘State’ of that ‘Crystal’ is only ‘there’ ‘Trapped’ at a ‘Particular’-‘Degree’, a ‘Particular’-‘Moment’ in, on a ‘Photograph’, it is ‘Only’- ‘looking’ at a Single-‘Moment’ of the ‘Illusion’. It’s No ‘Different’ to ‘looking’ to a movie made in ‘Hollywood’.  Obviously, it is a ‘cool’ from the perspective of ‘Everyone’ wanting to ‘Justify’ ‘what’?

‘Uniqueness’, ‘Love’, the ‘I am that I am’ - all the ‘Specialness’ of How ‘Great’ ‘God’-is. 

But, I mean ‘simplistically’, ‘look’-at the ‘Point’- What you are ‘looking’-in ‘at’ is Your ‘Judgment’.

What you are ‘looking’-at, I mean when they ‘Prayed’ for the water in the river to ‘change’ or the lake to ‘change’, yes, what they're ‘looking’-at is ‘their’-‘view’’ of what they're ‘Observing’, but the ‘mess’ in that lake, the ‘waste’, the ‘product’, is ‘still’-there. 

If you go and now ‘look’-at the ‘Content’ of the ‘water’ in terms-of its ‘Contamination’ in spite-of the ‘Crystal’ now ‘after’ the ‘Prayer’ looking ‘beautiful’, the ‘Content’ of the ‘water’ hasn't ‘Changed’. You're Only ‘looking’-at ‘You’ having an ‘Effect’ on a ‘Water-Crystal’ within-which you're ‘looking’-at Your ‘Status’ as ‘Observer’, your ‘Judgment’-Status, you’re Not ‘looking’-at anything ‘Real’.

So therefore, Emoto's ‘story’ unfortunately, to have him ‘Ask the Questions’ or considered the ‘Considerations’ necessary-within ‘finding-out’ ‘What is Real’ and ‘What’s Not ‘Real’’ and therefore, ‘Created’ quite a ‘bling’-about ‘nothing’, the ‘Greater-Bling’. 

Now what is ‘more’-‘Interesting’ around-this, and we have to ‘touch’ on-this just for a ‘Moment’ because, this will ‘become’-you'll ‘Notice’ already quite ‘Important’ because where we are having ‘Groups’ that we take ‘out’-of ‘Environments’ and then place-them in a Particular-‘Environment’, like yourselves,  we’re doing-that ‘specifically’ also in terms-of ‘Observing’ ‘What-happens’ with the ‘Impulses’ that ‘Happens’ in your ‘Environment’. And ‘What-happens’ if you go ‘back’ into your ‘Matrix-Environment’ if you are Actually ‘able’-to ‘Remain Stable’, did you ‘Really’-‘Change’ or will the ‘Impulses’ take-you right-‘back’ to your ‘Old-Patterning’.

‘Most’ you'll see go ‘back’ to their ‘Old-Patterning’- and we've been ‘Testing’-this for some ‘years’-now- and even to the ‘degree’ that they ‘forget’-everything.  That's why it’s so Important to ‘Consistently-Participate’ as ‘Much’ as ‘Possible’ so that you are ‘within’ the ‘Environment’ where you are ‘Impulsed’ the whole-‘time’.

Desteni is such an ‘Environment’, we are ‘Deliberately’ ‘Created’ as an ‘Impulse-Environment’ to keep-you ‘Stable’ to ‘Support’-You, so that you don't ‘Fuck’-back into your ‘Old-Environment’ ‘Cycles’.

It doesn't mean you're ‘necessarily’ going ‘immediately’ be able to ‘Transcend’ all of your ‘stuff’- that's gonna take-‘time’ and, we need to ‘Change’ the ‘Total-Environment’ in the ‘World’ to be in a ‘Different’-‘Impulse’ to ‘Change’ the ‘Totality’ of the ‘Humanity’-‘Experience’ within-which Desteni obviously is one of the ‘Tasks’ we've given-ourselves.  I mean, ‘Nobody’ is gonna do ‘anything’ in the World unless You Give the ‘Task’ to-Yourself.

Therefore the ‘Systems’ that is ‘Accepted’, the ‘I am’ ‘Personality-Status’ of the ‘Human’ within the ‘System’ - as it is being ‘Accepted’ – ‘all’ of-that needs to ‘Change’ and we need-to have a ‘Constant-Impulse’ that is ‘Equal’-to ‘what it Is’ ‘Everyone’ wants to be - Not ‘what’ Everybody is ‘Accepting’ to-‘be’.  We need to-‘move’ the ‘Human’ from the ‘Observer-Status’ to ‘Real Participant’.

And Not where they’re just ‘Participating’ in the ‘Observation’- that's just a ‘Hollywood-show’ going on in the ‘Mind’, and that is being ‘strengthened’ through a Total ‘Education-System’ that has ‘Designed’ and ‘Impulsed’ the ‘Resonances’ to keep-on ‘Presenting’ the Same ‘Pictures’ within the ‘Mind’ as ‘Thinking’.

Therefore you are ‘Completely’ ‘Mind-Controlled’ as a ‘Human’ Currently, where ‘all’ your Thoughts are ‘Resonantly-Produced’ based-on your ‘Education’ and based-on ‘What’ has been ‘Programmed’ ‘into’-you.

‘All’ that is being ‘done’ is ‘Maintenance’ to keep-you in-‘that’ through a ‘Environmental-Stimulus’ and a Particular ‘Humans’ are ‘placed’-in Particular-situations like ‘Impulsed’ in ‘Universities’ and so on, to ‘come-up’ with ‘more’ ‘Effective’-ways of ‘Control’.

Another point of ‘interest’, the ‘UFO’s that has been ‘Observed’ and ‘Photographed’ is Actually the ‘Latest Research’ that's been done in terms-of ‘Control’.

They are ‘particularly’ Investigating ‘How’ to ‘Control’ the ‘Human’ ‘Effectively’ - being ‘fast’ on the ‘scene’, having a 'All-Seeing-Eye' everywhere, that ‘takes-on’ the ‘form’-of ‘Technology’ that moves very-‘Fast’, and which is then ‘Photographed’ by People, and say: 'Oh, the ‘Aliens’ are coming!'- No, it's Not the 'Aliens' - it is Very ‘Advanced Research’ that's ‘happening’ in some of the ‘Big Countries’ of the world, in the ‘Next-stage’ - that will come ‘Eventually’ - of ‘Control’, to ‘keep’-you 'Stimulated' and 'Impulsed' to ‘worry’-about You-being ‘Seen’ for ‘What you Do’ so you can ‘stick’-to the ‘System’ and remain 'Honest' in the ‘System’ - which is Not ‘Self-Honesty’, but where-you make-sure the ‘System’ remains ‘Intact’. That... gives obviously ‘those’ that-‘Have’ the ‘Privilege’ of being ‘On Top’ of this 'Food-Chain', the ‘Advantage’-to ‘Remain’-there.

‘Why’ are they ‘doing-it’? I mean, they ‘Fear the Masses’- there's a ‘Problem’ there is too Many-‘People’ and, you need to-have a ‘form’-of ‘Control’- Otherwise there could be another 'Revolution' - And when there’s a 'Revolution' = ‘the Masses’ are a-lot ‘more’ – as All the ‘Revolutions’ in the ‘Past’ has ‘proven’ - than the ‘Leaders’, isn't it?

And the ‘Leaders’ normally ‘end’-up 'Without a Head', in a 'Revolution'.

Matti: Doesn’t seem like that would happen

Bernard: It doesn't, because the 'Impulsing’, you know has been Very-‘Effective’ - the ‘Control’ is Very-‘Effective’- The ‘Mind-Control’ is ‘Complete’ ... ‘Completely-Effective’.

Looking for-‘what’? As one of your ‘Primary’ ‘Desires’? 'The Love of Your Life'-

‘Everything’ is about 'Love' = the Total 'Design'.

And ‘You-Decide’ it's like-that- and therefore it keeps-on 'Impulsing'-you, because ‘What are you ‘Thinking’-about?’, and ‘What is your ‘Resonance’ sending to-you the whole-‘time’? 'What if this is ‘the Point’?’ - 'What if ‘this’?', 'What if?', 'What if?'-

'Maybe I must do ‘this’’- No, it'll ‘come’- Have a-‘look’: What do you ‘think’-about ‘All the Time’?
What are you ‘thinking’? You're Not-‘Religious’- But ‘why’ are you ‘thinking’-of 'that' ‘All the Time’? What are you ‘thinking’-about ‘all the time’?

'Love' - and ‘within’-that = you ‘Believe’ that 'the Key to Love' is ‘Sex’-

Because if the ‘Sex’ is 'good', then the 'Love' is gonna-be 'Good'- Therefore you are ‘always’ trying ‘hang’-on to the ‘point’ where ‘Sex’ is 'Better than Normal'.

Which is ‘fascinating’. Therefore ‘Everybody’ is 'Practicing', and trying-to ‘find-out’ a ‘Better-way' for ‘Sex’. Cause they ‘Believe’ ‘They can ‘Change’ somebody's ‘Mind’, and make-them 'Love' them’  through-‘Sex’.

And ‘Sex’ plays a ‘Primary-Role’ if you feel that you're s... you're ‘Sexually’ 'Inadequate'- What do you ‘immediately’ go-in? ‘Fear’ that you're gonna ‘Lose your 'Love’' – ‘Immediately’.

And then you have to ‘Manipulate’ in ‘other’-ways to ‘try’ and ‘keep’ your 'Love' ‘in-place’.

But 'Love' is the Primary 'thing' ‘Everyone’ is ‘working’-with.

In a ‘Family’ - what is the ‘Primary-Role’ between ‘Mother and child’, and ‘Father and child’? What's the ‘Primary’-'thing'? What's the ‘Primary’-‘Point’?

Darryl: Keeping the family together.

Bernard: Yes, and it's 'Love' - isn't it? Everything ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ does, they do out of ‘Love  for the Family’, 'Love for the Child’, 'Love' for the ... I mean,

The ‘Fact’ that they're ‘Training’-them to ‘Protect-themselves’ ‘against’ all ‘other’ ‘Human Beings’, and ‘kill’-them if they ‘have’-to – I mean, that's like ‘Training’-them to be a ‘Murderer’ - And that's ‘Okay’ because it's 'In the Name of ‘Love’'- 'In the Name of ‘Love’' you can do ‘Anything’- It's a 'Magic'-Word.

Leila: If you commit murder - like 'passionate murder' - it's ‘okay’, it's not that bad.

Bernard: Yes, and it’s Amazing! And have a-‘look’: 'In the Name of ‘Love’’ - the ‘Religion’ can do ‘anything’- and 'In the Name of the ‘Love’ for Your ‘Country’’ you can go-to ‘War’ and ‘wipe-out’ another-‘Country’!

‘Look’-at the ‘Nature’-of 'Love'! And have a-‘look’ at ‘How’-much it ‘Controls’ your Total Daily ‘Existence’! And ‘How’ you ‘Fear to Lose’ ‘anything’ that ‘Resembles’ 'Love'.

 And, what is ‘fascinating’ is that ‘Everybody 'Loves' Money’ - and therefore: once You-‘Have’ Money= You will Not ‘get-rid of-it’, you'll ‘Hoard’-it, you'll ‘Hide’-it – ‘Why’ do you do ‘that’? Because you ‘Fear’ the day you don't-‘Have’ Money- And you're Not ‘really’ ‘Interested’ in ‘Changing the World’- You're just ‘Interested’ in ‘getting’, and ‘making-it-through’ 'til you ‘Die’.

Because you’ve already ‘Accepted’ you're going to ‘Die’- And you're going-to Have an ‘Excuse’: 'There's Not-much you can ‘do’ because You are ‘all alone’ - just ‘One Person, well ‘How’ can you ‘Make a Difference’?

I mean, 'I, I did ‘My Best’ this Life for me’- ‘Really’? – ‘I ‘put it all’, ‘I gave it all'-

But do you, at any-‘stage’ come-up with any-‘point’ that ‘Indicate’ that you are ‘Seeing’-through the ‘Veil’ of the ‘Deception’? No – ‘Self-Honestly’ you're Not -Have a ‘look’.

‘Why’ is that? Because you do Not want-to ‘Change your Environment’- You're ... ‘Believe’ you're 'In-Control' of your ‘Environment’ - But as I've ‘Indicated’ = you're Not.

You don't even ‘know’ you're Not ‘In-Control’ of your ‘Environment’- You get 'Impulsed'.

And before you ‘know’-it, you're ‘trapped’-in your ‘Environment’- And Everyone ‘Believe’ that it's ‘For their Own ‘Good’’ because ... I mean: ‘God' 'Loves'-them. 

And therefore, 'God' would never done-anything unless 'God' has got a ‘Reason’ and a ‘Purpose’, and You are ‘just’ Not 'Enough' - you're Not 'Big'-'Enough', you're Not 'Powerful'-'Enough', and 'Knowledgeable'- 'Enough' like 'God' to ‘know’ 'God's ‘Reason’ and ‘Purpose’- therefore you may Not ‘question’-it – and in that ‘Simple-Acceptance’ = You will Not ‘question’ your ‘Reality’.

Matti: That's seen as ‘arrogance’

Bernard: Obvious, but have a-‘look’: Even at this-‘stage’- and some of-you has been-here for a ‘year’ = You are ‘still’ ‘Trapped’ in the ‘Matrix’, and ‘Unable’ to ‘See’ ‘Beyond the ‘Veil’’-

Have a-‘look’: You cannot ‘come-up’ with ‘anything’ but the 'Status-Quo'- You cannot ‘take’ the ‘point’-apart- You cannot ‘See’-through the ‘Deception’.

Gotta ‘Really’ look-at ‘What it is’ you're ‘Still’-Accepting.

Now with the Equational Process as we will be ‘going-through’ that, in the ‘Time to-come’, we're gonna ‘pull’-this now ‘apart’ ‘Step-by-Step’.

And we’re gonna do ‘Many-Examples’, so you can ‘start’-to 'Impulse'-Yourself to get ‘beyond’ the ‘Bloody-Veil’, and start ‘taking’ the ‘Shit’-off your Eyes, and ‘Seeing’ ‘What is ‘going-on’’, and ‘What you've really-‘Done’’. And in-this, ‘Understand’- in the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ - that's ‘why’ it's so ‘Important’- the ‘Exercises’ you are ‘Doing for You’-

And have-a ‘look’: If you are Not ‘doing’-that For-You - I mean, ‘that’ ‘Indicate’-already that You are Not going-to ‘Change’.

Do Not ‘Expect’ that we are going-to ‘Support’-you = we are Not.

You are ‘Really’ ‘Irrelevant’, unless you Make-Yourself ‘Relevant’ -You have-to ‘Understand’-that.

It’s got no other-‘point’ than ‘just-that’. We are Not ‘there’ to ‘Lick your Ass’.

You are ‘Irrelevant’, ‘unless’ you Make-Yourself ‘Relevant’. And that is ‘How’ ‘Existence’ will ‘treat’-you from now on. You'll ‘see’-it ‘Emerge’ ‘big-time’- You're ‘Irrelevant’, ‘unless’ you Make-Yourself ‘Relevant’. We will ‘obviously’ go-into ‘Great-Depth’ in the ‘Time to-come’ also-with ‘How’ -- Everything are ‘Interacting’-now, and you'll start ‘seeing’ ‘How’ things are ‘Manifesting’ in the ‘World’, and ‘How’ it is acting-‘differently’, and ‘what’-is the ‘Effect’ that is having on, for instance, the ‘Money Systems’.

‘Why’ is the ‘Money System’ on so much 'trouble'? ‘Why’ is it gonna get-‘worse’? ‘What-Changes' 'happened' that is ‘Causing’ much of the ‘Difficulties’?

Where will there be ‘Great-Difficulties’ that ‘Cannot’ be ‘Anticipated’, nor even ‘Calculated’, at the Level-of ‘Mathematics’ of the ‘Current’ ‘System-Robots’.

And we'll take the ‘whole-thing' ‘apart’.
Okay - so that's for today.

We'll continue tomorrow- We haven't finished this phase yet.