Interview by a Dimensional Being, recorded on the 5th of December 2009

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We’re going to continue with explaining the Practicality of the Difference between ‘Asking a Question ‘Why’’ and ‘Asking a Question ‘How’’.

Ok, so we’ve got two Beings here that can’t yet fold into what this discussion was about based on the previous one that I did on ‘Why’ and ‘How’ so we’ll just maybe start from scratch.

I did in one of those eight interviews that I did, I explained that you shouldn’t ask the question ‘Why’, you should rather ask the question ‘How’.

What do I mean by that?

We’ll start with the point of - if you have a look in your Reality/your Life in terms of how your Living it and how you are Experiencing it - many take Themselves into ‘context of their reality’, meaning, they’re Reflecting themselves ‘through’ their Reality, ‘through’ Events that’s happening, ‘through’ Situations that’s happening, but it’s an ‘Outward Reflection’ ‘upon’ one’s Reality and all the Situations that happen within it. Which then, within that Separation, Human Beings ask the question: ‘But WHY is this happening to me?’, you know, ‘WHY am I this way?’, ‘WHY did I have to do that?’

Now if you look at all those, even in my Voice Tonality, those questions are asked within…the question of ‘Why’ is always asked within a ‘Consequence of Victimization’, you’re making a ‘Statement of Victimization’, you know, like: ‘WHY is this happening to me?’, ‘WHY am I like this?’

Like for example: ‘WHY is this happening to me?’ - that’s ’Victimization’, ‘WHY am I like this?’ - that’s ‘Abdicating Responsibility’, Abdicating the Realization that Self is the Creator of One’s Reality and One’s World.

I mean, that’s a ‘Primary Point’ that has been missed for centuries is that, you know, Each One Create Themselves and Their Reality within which they Exist. What does that ‘imply’, is that ‘whatever happens’ within your Reality as all the experiences, events and situations, You’re Responsible for, because you Created-it –I mean it is ‘happening’ to you, it’s happening ‘In Your World’, ‘You’re Directly Experiencing’-it. Therefore, it is not to Ask the Question: ‘Why’, that is ‘Abdicating Responsibility’.

Ask the Question: ‘How’ - that is ‘Taking Responsibility’.

Have a look, ‘HOW am I creating this?’, in that moment of asking it, you’ve Taken Responsibility –because you are realizing - even within Asking ‘that’ Question - that ‘I Am Responsible’.

What Bernard also mentioned previously, which was quite interesting, is that if you look at the word ‘How’ – it has the word ‘Who’ in it, that ‘forms’ the word ‘Who’, which is, you know, ‘WHO am I’, ‘WHO was I’ that Created this event/situation/experience in my Reality, in my World and ‘How’ did I do it, within ‘Who I Was’ and ‘Who I Am’, right now.

If you look at ‘Why’ it sounds like ‘whining’, you know taking in a point of: ‘Oh, my God’ and I mean, realize if you look at the Question ‘Why’, it places you into a ‘Cycle’ where you go into ‘Victimization’ and in the Victimization you Abdicate All your Responsibility, You’re making basically a ‘Statement’ that the ‘events’ and ‘situations’ that is happening in your World are ‘More than You’, has got a ‘Greater Power’ ‘over you’, your Reality has got ‘Dominion’ ‘over you’. And in that, you’re basically saying that ‘You have No Power’, ‘You have No Will’, ‘You have No Directive Principle’…, ‘Selling your Soul’, in essence, saying to your Reality or World as ‘Situations/Events’: ‘I Am Nothing’, ‘I Am Worthless’, ‘I Am Lifeless’, ‘I Cannot Do Anything about Myself, my World, my Reality’. I mean that’s and Absolute Self-Diminishment Statement, going into ‘Why’, where as in the ‘How’ you realize...I mean ‘How’ has got... ‘Expansiveness’ within just Asking the Question of ‘How’ instead of ‘Why’ is ‘Immense’, because if you look at ‘How’ it goes to the Point of, You, within Asking that Question, going to Self-Investigation, Self-Introspection, finding-out how it is that it is you are Creating/Constructing your Reality. And in finding-out the ‘How’, you can Change yourself, within that you can Change, play-outs you can Change, your Total Self-Experience within your World, within your Reality. There is ‘Standing Up’, You’re Taking your ‘Directive Will’, your ‘Power’, to Realize that You are the One that can make a Difference in your Reality if you so decide to.

So ‘How’ is ‘Taking Responsibility’ and ‘Why’ is ‘Abdicating Responsibility’, make sense?

So, now to give you another Practical Example of ‘what’s the difference’ between asking a ‘How’-Question and asking a ‘Why’-Question. When you ask yourself the Question of ‘How’, always look at ‘Practicality’, meaning, ‘Physical Reality Practicality’, for example: ‘through thinking’, ‘emotions’, ‘feelings’, ‘the act of’ experiencing the emotions and feelings, ‘the act of’ thinking, ‘the act of’ moving your human physical body, ‘the act of’ participating -- all those Type of Manifestations is (examples of) ‘How’s’ because you’re ‘acting’ within it, that would be a ‘How’, ask yourself: ‘How am I Creating my Reality as situations/events’ and you have a look at ‘How’ and ‘Where’ are you Participating directly ‘In Action’, ‘Thinking’ is an ‘Action’, ‘Emotions and Feelings as a Reaction’ is an ‘Action’, ‘hitting someone’ is an Action...’ignoring someone’ is an Action, that would be like an ‘How’.

A ‘Why’ would be for example ‘justifying the action’ that you have taken, that would be the ‘Justification’ behind the ‘How’.

So for example: let’s say...ok, let’s take a ‘basic one’ that everyone in this reality experiences. For example relationships, and at ‘the end’ of this point in the relationship, the relationship ‘falls’ and many human beings go into ‘Why’: ‘Why is this happening to me?’, ‘Why did he/she leave me?’, ‘Is something wrong with me?’ you know, then all those type of ‘cycles’ come up and that whole experience of ‘Self-Pity’ comes in from asking the Question ‘Why’ –because it places Self into a role of ‘Self-Victimization’, okay?

So, in asking: ‘How did I create this?’ meaning, this situation of the experience of the ‘relationship falling’, then you can ‘go back’ to the starting point of the Relationship and then you Observe yourself in your Thoughts, your Actions, your Words and your Deeds, practically:

-In what did you participate? -Who were you within that total timeframe, practically that created the outflow event of the ‘falling’ of the Relationship?

Now, if you would go into the Question of ‘Why’, you’d for example ‘Justify’ all your actions that created the End-Result of the Relationship ‘falling’ which would be for say...the ‘Why’ would always take it to a point of ‘Blame’, ‘Blaming Another’, bringing ‘another point’ into the Cycle like for example say: ‘No, I wasn’t meant to be with him or her’ for example, you know that would ‘Justify’, a ‘Justification point’ for the ‘Why’ of the ‘Relationship Falling’. The ‘Why’ would always take it to ‘Justification’- so realize that point.

The ‘How’ is taking it to a Point of Responsibility, practically, finding-out ‘How’ this was done and you also find within asking the question ‘How’, you look at your experiences more ‘Objectively’, rather than ‘Personally’, whereas taking it to ‘Why is this happening?’ - You are taking what is happening to you ‘Personally’ which will also ‘inject’ the Emotions and Feelings and Thoughts and the Cycles of Self-Pity and Remorse and Regret and so on and that whole thing which is really not necessary, I mean rather not go through that Cycle, rather just take yourself ‘to the point’, fucking ask yourself: ‘How did I create this?’ I mean that’s a really cool question to ask.

So that in that ‘Finding-Out’, that ‘Self-Investigation’ you can Understand the ‘How-It-Is’ that you are Creating and just not ‘do it again’. Otherwise, that is why people Cycle into the ‘Same Relationships’ over-and-over-and-over-again, because they are asking themselves ‘Why’, the relationship itself and the whole experience that they’re having is showing them ‘Why’ but they are not seeing it, because the question they’re asking is creating their situation in the first place.

So that’s the difference between asking the question ‘Why’ and asking the question ‘How’.

‘How’ is practically, physically ‘How’ in ‘what did I participate to create this?’

‘Why’ is the ‘Justification’ behind... ‘the reasoning’, ‘how you ‘reason’ in your Mind’ that’s ‘Mind-talk’ is ‘why’, ‘how’ is ‘Self-talk’, so-to-speak.

As a ‘Why’, remember also in terms of ‘Why’ is always, there’s always a... ‘Emotional and Feeling Charge’ – is when you ‘react’ towards what is Experienced in your Reality, whenever you ‘React’ towards what you experience in your Reality, know that in, even in that ‘Reaction’ you’re giving your ‘Power’ away to situations, to events, to people, say: ‘what is happening to me is more than me, I am the ‘victim’ here’ - which is not true, you’re only a victim within your own Mind, no one is a victim.