Written originally by Bernard Poolman on the forum on 09 September 2007 07:54 am

onion layers bernard poolman self forgiveness.png


guys and girls

Remember--in essence--we are innocent--we are not systems--

I found that forgiveness really work--I found--that I really appreciate myself. I found the gifts in all the experiences are the reason I am here today.

Thus I accept the gifts of my experiences and realise--I am able to assist many as I was willing to experience much. I have found that when I stood up-- nothing could move me-my decision was immovable-- I realised that there was a necessity for the experiences to be able to stand.

Strange-- I did the first forgiveness 14-15 years ago-- I just never stopped--it was like peeling an Onion--Layer by layer with a moment of peace inbetween--Only I new if I was honest--no support was really possible--It is the dark night of self-- yet the realisation--with application of forgiveness--the waking of self is inevitable--

then suddenly -I did not even notice it--some -one asked me--I want your peace-- I looked--and I was silence--so --I say I cannot give you my peace--I can bring you to it--but you must give it to yourself

And that was about the year2000-- since then finding ways to infect people with peace and forgiveness--that life may be born from the physical

Look at it--a car is speaking-- listen carefully--in that is the secret of man

The secret--only that which is the substance of earth is of the substance of reality--that which is mind and thinking--is illusion--

look--all in reverse-- the stone, the table, the computer--all made in the image and likeness of earth--from the earth--and so is man and earth is the heart of creation

the table is me and you--inservice of ourselves--it is from the earth and return to the earth--always one and equal--only thinking messed up this creation--systems of separation

and now--when forgiveness is understood--there is the path back to earth--to birth self--
