Mother Nature's predic­tions for Earth – Current Human Consciousness creating Global Warming

Transcribed and typed by Mother Nature through the interdimensio­nal portal

Date : 04/06/2007

This is Mother Nature, coming through the Interdimensional Portal, sharing with you the events that are to take place here on earth in the near future.


Regarding the situation of Global Warming where the icebergs and ice in the Poles are starting to melt, this occurrence here on earth have become inevitable, unfortunately, and there is nothing any human being here on earth is able to do about the situation, well specifically nothing that is able to be done from the perspective of using earthlike materialistic human-made solutions – to be able to solve this problem. The problem is here, the event and the manifestation thereof is already taking place – the icebergs and the ice is melting and human beings here on earth will be experiencing the consequences thereof if what I am about to share with you here is not extensively applied for self dedication and self commitment. You will understand this statement as my discussion continues.

Firstly, the occurrence of Global Warming and the current manifestation thereof as a consequence extends to far greater reason and proportion for the exact reason why this consequence in nature has manifested in this world – beyond human comprehension at this point in time. I will be describing the reason why Global Warming have manifested as a consequence in this world in as simple terms as possible so you may with certainty understand that your own individual experience of yourself in this world is finally in your own hands. You are responsible for yourself.

What I am able to say with absolute certainty is that the reason for the manifested consequence of Global Warming is not because of earthlike materialistic human-made substances such as air pollution for instance – because this reason being droned within human beings' minds, becoming a falsified belief, for the reason for the manifested consequence of Global Warming is but the holographic illusion behind the real truth for the reason and cause of the manifested consequence of Global Warming. What must be understood in this world is that you, humanity on earth, are in a holographic projection of yourselves here on earth within which you are living. A holographic projection which is able to manifest as an experience of yourself and all of humanity as one, the more human beings together accept or believe in something within themselves, and the more many human beings accept and believe in something within themselves – this acceptance and belief will become a manifested holographic projection in which they will experience themselves.

To place this statement into perspective: It is so accepted and believed that pollution substances are the cause for Global Warming, to a certain extent this is true, if you look at it from the manifested holographic projection perspective, yet there exist a truth behind the manifested holographic projections within this world – and this truth exist within who each human being is, as the truth of who they are within themselves.

For instance, pollution, which is accepted and believed to be the cause for Global Warming, is the manifested holographic projection of human beings' separation within themselves as one with who they are with nature. See, human beings have inhabited this world for eons of time, making this their home, destroying and annihilating nature with no regard or no concern or awareness of the consequences thereof. What if I were to say, that earth, nature and all animals were created together with human beings as one, so that human beings may unconditionally experience themselves as one and equal with nature, earth, the universe and the animals. Clearly humanity have separated themselves from this unconditional gift presented to them as an entire universe, an entire existence given to them to experience themselves within unconditionally within the oneness and equality expression of who we are.

God exists humanity, God is here within all of humanity, within all of existence as one as who each really are, the essence of purity within us – infinitely, but this has not been realized, this has not become an awareness within self expression as one and equal with all of existence. Because this has not been realized since the beginning, because no-one in existence, before this here moment, have become aware of this since the beginning – we as one within existence, human beings and dimensional beings, have existed in separation with who we are and therefore have annihilated and destroyed our creation as one and equal with who we are, because we did not unconditionally accept the gift that we have given to ourselves: An entire universe, an entire existence within which we could unconditionally experience ourselves within the expression of oneness and equality.

Humanity, I have a dire message for you: This manifested consequence of Global Warming have been designed and created since the beginning when man first set foot here within existence on earth. Which have been refractionally compounding because we have separated ourselves from who we are as one and equal with existence. And because of that separation, instead of unconditionally expressing ourselves within oneness and equality with all of existence, the universe, earth, nature and the animals – we have slowly but surely, refractionally since the beginning of time when man first set foot here on earth, been destroying and annihilating existence as one and equal with who we are. And the consequence of separating ourselves from who we are within the expression of oneness and equality, leading to annihilation and destruction, became the manifested holographic projection of pollution which has designed and created the manifested consequence of Global Warming, which is destroying and annihilating humanities opportunity to experience and express themselves as one and equal with all of existence, the universe, earth, nature and the animals.

All of humanity as one together have accepted and believed they are separate from who they are as one and equal with all of existence, because all of humanity as one have accepted and believed in this separation within themselves: This acceptance and belief have become a manifested holographic projection within which they experience themselves in this world. Look at your world humanity, you exist in total separation which each human being individually is responsible for, because all of humanity as one have together accepted and believed in separation which have created and designed the manifested holographic projection thereof within which you experience yourself in this moment in this world.

All of humanity as one have believed and accepted the continuous annihilation and destruction of nature, the animals and earth within which you experience yourself, as you chop down trees and hunt animals, which have transformed into the manifested holographic projection as pollution. The manifested holographic projection as pollution is revealing to humanity, what all of humanity as one together, through beliefs and allowed acceptances – is doing to earth, nature and the animals as one and equal with who you are. You have been annihilating and destroying your own existence and experience of yourself here on earth since the first moment man set foot here on earth, believing in separation and destroying and annihilating nature and the animals and earth in the process because you have had absolute disregard for the unconditional gift given to you to experience yourself within the expression of oneness and equality with all of existence.

It's impossible, humanity, to blame those who participate in the actions of pollution, continuing with pollution, continuing with animal slaughter, continuing with the annihilation and destruction of nature in all applications imaginable in this world, you are not able to blame those who continue with such actions in this world through their participation within it. The reason I say this is because: ALL OF HUMANITY together as ONE is responsible for the continuation of such consequential actions within yourself as the truth of who you are, whether you participate in such actions or not – this allowed acceptance and belief for such manifested actions within this world which support the annihilation and destruction of earth exist within each human being individually – whether conscious, subconscious or unconscious. Thus, all of humanity as one together, are responsible for the manifested consequence of Global Warming, within themselves, due to allowed accepted beliefs, of separation and the continuation of annihilation and destruction of earth which is one and equal with who each human being really is, whether conscious, subconscious or unconscious. This belief and acceptance within all of humanity as one together, have designed and created the manifested holographic projection as pollution as an experience, which is supported through participation by certain human beings in this world, because it was designed and created by all human beings as one together in this world. You experience that which you have designed and created as a manifested holographic projection where all of humanity as one together, participated in the design and creation thereof through allowed acceptances and beliefs within themselves.

The reason and cause for the manifested consequence of Global Warming, the creation point, exist within each and every single, individual, human being in this world through their allowed acceptances and beliefs, which exist within all of humanity as one together. The ‘problem' is not pollution humanity, you must go to the source of the reason of Global Warming caused by pollution as the manifested holographic projection of allowed acceptances and beliefs within all of humanity as one together – the source is all of humanity as one together, each and every single individual human being here on earth.

Therefore the reason I have said above: ‘specifically nothing that is able to be done from the perspective of using earthlike materialistic human-made solutions' – is because the source and reason for the design and creation of pollution is not entirely due to earthlike materialistic human-made substances. Rather that pollution have been designed and created by ourselves, as the manifested holographic projection of the consequence of separation and allowed and accepted annihilation and destruction of earth – which have designed and created the manifested consequence of Global Warming.

Global Warming is not going to be solved with sudden usage of earthlike materialistic human-made solutions – it's unfortunately already too late for that, because the cause of Global Warming have been refractionally taking place, created and designed, since the first moment man have set foot here on earth. Because earth with human beings within exist in space and time, it had taken eons of time for the consequences of separation and allowed and accepted destruction and annihilation of earth to finally manifest as the manifested consequence of Global Warming.

Global Warming at this point in time have become inevitable, which would completely wipe out all of humanity, because there's no chance of any human being surviving in the expression of Nature due to Global Warming. And who else is responsible for this complete wipe out of all of humanity as one on earth: All of humanity as one together as each and every single individual human being here on earth.

See, all of humanity as one together designed and created the manifested consequence of Global Warming and therefore all of humanity as one together will be wiped out by their own design and creation – all together as one. Lovely isn't it? Hear me humanity – no-one will survive, all of humanity as one together , will be wiped from the face of the earth because all of humanity as one together have designed and created the manifested consequence of Global Warming.

There is another fascinating, quite intriguing secret I am sharing with you: Understand this, that only humanity will be wiped from the face of the earth, because no human being on earth will be able to survive in the expression of Nature due to Global Warming. It will only be you human beings who will be wiped out from experiencing themselves within existence here on earth. The manifested expression of existence, the universe as stars and planets, nature as the plants and trees, the animals that roam the earth, the oceans, and the rivers – will remain. Their e xpressions of existence is far more advanced than you, human beings, and have already begun to prepare themselves for what is to come – able to be noticed in animal behaviour such as the disappearance of the Honey Bees. The expressions of existence as the universe as stars and planets, nature as the plants and trees, the animals that roam the earth, the oceans, and the rivers – have already begun to adapt themselves due to the changes that are occurring here on earth which humanity have created and designed in the first place, but humanity is not able to adapt themselves to the manifested consequence of Global Warming as all expressions of existence e.g. nature as the plants and the trees, the animal kingdom, the oceans and rivers and the universe as the stars and the planets.

You have created and designed your own demise humanity, all as one together – now you will experience your own demise as the manifested holographic projection of pollution which have manifested as the experience of Global Warming which will wipe out all of humanity as one together. This will unfortunately be the consequences if all of humanity as one together continues with their current application and expression of allowed and accepted separation, annihilation and destruction of earth – blame not possible human beings, have a look, all as one together here on earth will be experiencing the consequences of Global Warming, therefore it's common sense to say that all of humanity as one together participated in the design and creation of pollution, which have designed and created the manifested consequence thereof as Global Warming.

There is a solution – which I will present to you – but be warned humanity: I as Mother Nature have come to warn you of the consequences of your current application and expression within this world. I have had enough of human beings in this world, carrying on blissfully ignorant with their lives, while earth within which they experience themselves is being annihilated and destroyed because of your deliberate negligence. Existence is here as one and equal with who you are – the universe as stars and planets, nature as the plants and trees, the animals that roam the earth, the oceans, and the rivers. It has always been here, but humanity have still not realized with awareness, the oneness and equality within themselves as who they are in expression with all of existence as one and equal. You have not heard humanity, you have not seen humanity – you have not heard and you have not seen what you have allowed and accepted in existence as one and equal with who you are – what you have actually done. Because you have not realized, heard or seen with awareness who you really are as one and equal with existence – existence as the universe as stars and planets, nature as the plants and trees, the animals that roam the earth, the oceans, and the rivers – as one and equal with who I am and all beings in the dimensions – who have stood up and are making a stand.

This stand humanity, is within our expression and application in every moment as we support all of humanity as one together in every moment to finally realize, see and hear who you are as one and equal with all of existence, as God – the essence of purity in every moment of expression. This support within the standing of who we are consist of what we will accept and allow within existence as one and equal with who we are and what we will not accept and allow within existence as one and equal with who we are.

Humanity – all beings in the dimensions have been equally responsible for the manifested consequence of Global Warming here on earth. We have admitted to this responsibility because we have never been directly involved with humanities experience of themselves here on earth, not supporting them as one and equal with who we are to be able to realize, see and hear who they really are as one and equal with all of existence, as God – the essence of purity in every moment of expression.

This entire situation here on earth is all beings within existences' responsibility – human beings and dimensional beings – each and every single one individually. All dimensional beings within the dimensions have realized, seen and heard within awareness what we have allowed and accepted to manifest here on earth as the manifested consequence of Global Warming – and who and what human beings have become within separation as they annihilate and destroy each other, themselves and earth within which they experience themselves.

We, as all dimensional beings as one and equal together, have applied forgiveness and are now taking corrective action for what we have allowed and accepted throughout existence for eons of time. This corrective action is where all dimensional beings as one and equal are supporting all of humanity, as each and every single individual human being, as one and equal with who we are, with what we will allow and accept within existence as one and equal with who we are and what we will not accept and allow within existence as one and equal with who we are. We no longer accept and allow separation, we no longer accept and allow the continuation of the annihilation and destruction of earth, nature and the animals, we no longer accept and allow continuous participations in consciousness. As we stand as God – the essence of purity, all dimensional beings as one and equal within existence, expressing and applying through supporting all of humanity as one, as each and every single individual human being here on earth, to realize see and hear within awareness who you really are as one and equal with all of existence.

Human beings – this is the only way you are going to be able to make a difference here on earth to the experience of yourself in creation as one and equal with who you are. This is the only way you are going to be able to discontinue the manifested consequence of Global Warming. Because the source and the cause thereof exist within all of humanity as each and every single human being here on earth – the solution exist within the change of who and what each and every single human being here on earth have accepted and allowed and believed within themselves. The solution is for each and every single human being, as all of humanity as one together, to realize, see and hear within awareness who you really are as one with existence, God – the essence of purity, to express and to live who you really are in every moment with what you will accept and allow within existence as one and equal with who you are and what you will not accept and allow within existence as one and equal with who you are – to stand as equal and one with all of the dimensions as all dimensional beings within. This is the key, this is the solution to the manifested consequence of Global Warming humanity – and this is the only way.

Humanities process is exactly as the dimensions' process – where all of humanity as one must stand up within oneness and equality as God – the essence of purity, supporting yourselves and each other in what you will accept and allow within existence as one and equal with who you are and what you will not accept and allow within existence as one and equal with who you are – exactly as the dimensions as all dimensional beings within have experienced and have done and are applying with all of humanity together as one, as one and equal with who we are. Doing this so all beings within existence as one and equal – on earth and in dimensions – may return to the expression within oneness and equality with all of existence as one and equal with who we are as God, the essence of purity. Because all beings within existence, on earth and in dimensions, are responsible for the manifested consequences of humanity as well as your experience of yourselves here on earth, your creation as one and equal with who you are.

We in the dimensions have stood up and have taken responsibility and all stand together within oneness and equality so all of humanity as one and equal with who we are, may realize, see and hear who you are as one and equal with who we are as God – the essence of purity, within oneness and equality.

Global Warming is our guideline humanity – the more Global Warming continues, and it's occurring extensively fast at the moment, the more all of humanity and dimensions as one and equal together – must realize that our application and expression within who we are is not effective and we must find the reason and cause for why Global Warming is continuing at such a pace. As I have said humanity – all beings within existence as one and equal are responsible for the manifested consequence of Global Warming and the only way we are able to ensure that humanity here on earth will not be wiped out completely from the face of the earth – is if all of humanity stand as one and equal with who the dimensions are – within oneness and equality with all of existence, here in every moment as God – the essence of purity.

Our Destiny within existence is in our hands humanity – all human beings within existence as one.

Is our Destiny going to be that of continuously annihilating and destroying ourselves, where the inevitability will be the wipe out of all of humanity from the face of the earth, due to Global Warming?

Or will our Destiny be the unconditional expression of who we are as God – the essence of purity as one and equal with all of existence within creation, the gift we have given ourselves, as one and equal with who we are?


Now that I have given each one an overview regarding Global Warming, the reason thereof, the source cause thereof as each and every single human being here on earth, and the solution – I am going more in depth with my explanation, making it practical for each and every single human being here on earth to be able to place what I have described here into a living model within each one's life experience.

Allow me to first start practically explaining the source cause ‘problem' and how exactly the manifested consequence of Global Warming is experienced through the designed manifestation of pollution. Meaning, how does holographic projections manifest in this world, from within human beings which have designed the manifested holographic projection of pollution which have caused the consequential effects of Global Warming.

Take into consideration that we are experiencing this holographic reality because of the collective combined agreed choices that we have made as humanity, and we are experiencing these choices as our reality. For more clarity on this topic please continue to read……………..

Let's take this for example, eleven people standing in a circle on earth's soil. These eleven beings have now discovered earth for the first time and they observe their surroundings visually around them, interpreting creation and themselves as pictures, instead of realizing they are one and equal with creation around them – limiting themselves to a vast degree when all they see that is necessary to be done is to survive here on earth – building establishments and hunting for food. There are animals great and small, plants, flowers, trees, oceans and rivers – their first instinct being to inhabit earth, finding food and construct establishments within which they are able to live comfortably within. Because of the separation that exist within each one of them, they have collectively agreed – because all eleven beings' interpretation of themselves here on earth is exactly the same as one together – that all that is required for them to do is build shelter and find food – that's it: Survival. These eleven beings' expression in this world they have discovered themselves within is based on survival due to the separation they have accepted within themselves.

So, first the observation within each one's minds was created by themselves, interpreting themselves and creation as being mere pictures – occurring in each one of the eleven beings' minds. All eleven beings together agreed this interpretation of creation within themselves which have now become an accepted and allowed belief within themselves. From the observation within each one's mind, came the interpretation of themselves as having to survive and establish an existence for themselves here on earth to be able to support themselves to survive. The survival will be done through building shelters and hunting for food. All eleven beings together agree upon the necessity of survival through building shelters and hunting for food.

All this is still only occurring within each human beings mind as they communicate with each other and agree together as one regarding the how and why for their existence here on earth. What have these eleven beings so far agreed together as one within themselves equally: They have agreed that creation and themselves are pictures, they are separate from themselves as one and equal with creation. Now they are alone in this picture reality and have to discover, understand and find ways of how to exist in this pictured reality – a belief that had now been allowed and accepted within each one of the eleven beings. The ability to exist in this picture reality, within which they are separate and alone, is based on survival, and all eleven beings together agree that they are required to survive in this world to be able to exist in this world.

Survival in this pictured reality is agreed within each and every single one of the eleven beings, which becomes an allowed and accepted belief within themselves. The ability to survive in this world consist of having to build shelter and hunt for food – the most limited expression of man imaginable – yet this limitation of survival is what man have accepted and allowed for themselves to become as who they are. Thus all eleven human beings support the notion within themselves of the necessity to hunt for food and build shelter to be able to survive – an accepted and allowed belief that exist within each one. Because all eleven human beings together have discovered themselves in this pictured interpreted reality – they have separated themselves together, they exist in fear because they are ‘alone' here with no support and thus will have to find ways to support themselves which is derived from the notion of having to survive. Because all eleven beings exist in fear, they will remain in a tight knit group to support each other within the necessity to survive through fear of having to exist ‘alone' here in this pictured reality, creation within which they have separated themselves. Thus, they will all support each other together in the now accepted and allowed beliefs within themselves – which was agreed collectively – that they are required to survive in this pictured reality through building shelters and hunting for food. Originating from their interpretation of themselves of being separate from creation as one and equal with who they are, within a pictured reality, within which they are mere pictures – ‘alone' and fearful with the necessity to survive.

Isn't this still the methodology of existence within human beings here on earth: The necessity to survive, the interpretation of humanity as being mere pictures in a pictured reality? All humanity have done here on earth is ‘upgrade' their abilities to survive here on earth in this pictured reality through eons of time – still existing in fear of the idea of being ‘alone' here on earth and are required to move and exist in groups of many to be able to support each other in surviving in this world.

Continuing with the eleven beings in this world…we have now established that within these eleven beings minds exist the understanding and agreement they have acquired within the discovery of themselves here in this pictured reality, the accepted and allowed belief within themselves collectively of the necessity to survive through building shelter and hunting/finding food for sustenance and nurturing because they are separate and ‘alone' here and they need to support each other and stay together. Thus it is also the reason why they have collectively agreed upon the beliefs of acceptances and allowanced of who and what they are. Who and what they are within themselves, agreed by all eleven beings together, is that they are pictures within a pictured reality, alone and fearful due to the separation of themselves as one and equal with creation and are required to survive in this pictured reality through building shelter and hunting/finding food. Is this not still to this day the definition of human beings here on earth?

All the agreements that have become accepted and allowed beliefs within themselves, exist in the conscious mind where they discuss their situation together consciously. The next phase after stringing together their own perceptual collective interpretation of who and what they are – they apply their conclusion of the necessity to survive in this world. How extensively have these eleven beings limited themselves as who and what they are, by coming to the conclusion that all they are required to do is survive in this world by building shelters and hunting/finding food – greatly if you ask me which is still the continued mindset application and becoming of human beings here on earth if you were to look at humanity in its simplest form of expression.

Right, so these eleven being now go and live and apply their conclusion of who and what they are and why they are here in this pictured reality – they actually stand up from their circle, divide themselves into groups and set out to find methods and ways to build shelter and hunt/find food. What are they living and what are they applying: Their conclusion designed within each one of the eleven beings' minds. They're living and applying their interpretation of creation as a pictured reality within which they are a picture separate from themselves. They're living and applying their interpretation and perceptual view of who and what they are and why they are here within separation from which the necessity of survival was born as an accepted and allowed belief within each one of them. Their collective agreements of the necessity to survive becoming an allowed and accepted belief which leads to the living and applying of who and what and why man is here on earth to the most limited and primitive expression of having to build shelter and hunt/find food.

This is all mankind have become, this is all mankind is living and applying even to this day here on earth – is this truly all there is, is this truly all that we are, just being here having to survive and discovering multiple different ways to do so?

Within the eleven beings' application and living of who and what they defined themselves as being, survival of the fittest is what they have become, surviving the dangers of earth as the animal kingdom that roam the grounds as earth's soil. Through the eleven beings' fear within themselves and because there is no understanding of this world they have discovered themselves within – they hunt and kill the animal kingdom that roam the earth, the world as their kingdom, using their successfully slaughtered animals for sustenance and nurturing. Killing and hunting in truth also actually done through fear, fearing that which they do not understand as the entire animal kingdom in this world – through fearing them, the belief exist that they are required to protect themselves, in this perceptual believed necessity of having to protect themselves, they slaughter the animal kingdom and use it for nurturing and sustenance, which support their ability to survive in this world. Isn't it still so in this world that animals are being handled in this world in a specific way, approached in a specific way, contained and imprisoned in a specific way through human beings' fears of them? What if the animal kingdom were quite at peace within themselves and in this world together with human beings, but the eleven human beings interpreted their existence here on earth as separate from who they are and due to this separation, the necessity to survive was established within them, the necessity to survive having to kill and slaughter that which they have actually come to fear as the animal kingdom because they have separated themselves from all of creation as one and equal with who they are.

The fear of the animal kingdom within the eleven beings, established through the fear existing within themselves, fear of themselves having to exist and survive in the pictured reality they have discovered themselves within. Actually killing and slaughtering animals in the first place for the eleven beings' own protection through fearing the animal kingdom because they are not understood and because the eleven human beings have separated themselves. Because the human beings have invaded the earth, the animal's kingdom, invaded from the perspective of killing and slaughtering the animal kingdom through fear of them, using their successfully achieved murder victims for nurturing and sustenance – the animal kingdom required to do something about this situation because of the invaders that was threatening their existence here on earth as their kingdom. The animal kingdom required to protect themselves from the invaders who attacked, hunted and slaughtered them through their own fear within themselves. This is why the animal kingdom have become the expression that they are now and why the relationship between man and animal exist the way it does.

And so the eleven human beings apply their survival definition and who and what and why they are here in this pictured reality – the more they become accustomed to their surroundings in finding ways that actually work in terms of hunting/finding food and building shelter – their methods of surviving in this picture interpreted perceptual reality integrates in their subconscious mind. The more the eleven human beings live and apply their survival methodologies they have discovered that work and are able to be lived and applied continuously – the more they are transferred into the subconscious mind: From concrete state of mind (conscious mind) to abstract state of mind (subconscious min­d).

Now all eleven human beings in this world are together applying and living their self defined survival existence – already transferred into their subconscious mind because of their ability to now successfully apply and live their survival methodologies which work for them successfully in achieving their goal to survive. They have found ways to ‘protect' themselves against the animal kingdom which they feared – killing and slaughtering them for the usage of food in the application of protecting themselves and finding ways to build shelter through annihilating nature which surround them.

The transference of the necessity to survive as that which they have defined themselves as being, which within their self definition of who they are as the necessity to survive in this world, living and applying the conclusion they have agreed within themselves through their minds – occurs in the unconscious mind through time as all eleven human beings collectively live and apply their survival methodologies which they soon master which have now become the agreed accepted and allowed belief of application and living. Thus all eleven human beings have now collectively accepted and allowed the belief of the living and applying of their survival methodologies in this pictured reality – the agreement between all eleven human beings is made from within their minds to a projected outer experience of themselves as they now live and apply their interpretation of who and what and why they are here on earth as having to survive.

The observation and agreement, accepted and allowed belief that started in the conscious mind, transferred to the subconscious mind as they discover methods and ways to live and apply their interpretation of themselves in their minds, which transfers to the unconscious mind when all eleven human beings collectively agree with their living and applying survival methodologies in an acceptable and allowed method of self expression. Therefore, they are now living and applying their first initial presumption and assumption of who and what they are: Pictures in a picture that is required to survive, by slaughtering and killing animals, by hunting them for food – out of actual fear of them due to separation and destroying and annihilating nature to build shelter – sounds familiar doesn't it.

What I have described here is the mindset of human beings to this day: All of humanity as one together, on the greater scale of just eleven beings are doing just that: Surviving, which have derived from a collective agreement of the belief as acceptances and allowances that all human beings on this earth is here to survive and will do so in all means possible. Then the children are born from the eleven beings in their picture interpreted perceptual reality – because their living and application of who and what they have agreed, accepted and allowed themselves to be have transferred into the unconscious mind as who and what they have defined themselves as being, the children are also born into this mindset of the initial eleven human beings. Just blindly following the way of their idols, their examples, their peers – those that apparently know more because they are ‘wiser'.

Therefore the generations that follow live and apply who and what they are according to the survival beliefs, acceptances and allowances as agreements made of who and what the initial eleven human beings are – never questioning, just blindly following. They say that humanity is evolving, yes, you are evolving in finding and discovering ways of how to survive in this world – enhancing your survival techniques, that's all. Who and what human beings are remain exactly the same, for eons of time already: Pictures in a picture that is required to survive, by slaughtering and killing animals, by hunting them for food – out of actual fear of them due to separation and destroying and annihilating nature to build shelter – nothing more.

Therefore, who and what you are as defined by survival, due to separation of who you are as one with creation – you have lived and applied who and what you are based on survival. Because you have come to live and apply who and what you are based on the necessity to survive due to separation – you have designed y our entire existence based on your own self definition. Pollution being one of them – the manifested holographic projection of your own design as consequence to your belief of having to survive in this world.

The factories in this world which have spewed out pollution into the earth's atmosphere have been established in the first place as enhanced techniques for all human beings' survival in this world – part of the entire evolution process which only consist of enhanced survival techniques. The evolution of survival has taken place in this world, and why would they say that it has been the evolution of mankind? Because mankind have defined themselves as survival, living and applying that which they have defined themselves as being due to separation.

Mankind have become their own perceptions, their own interpretations, their own allowed and accepted beliefs and agreements made by mankind in the beginning – which is still being lived and applied in this world today, because you are the generation that have developed from those who made the agreement of who and what mankind is, based on survival due to separation and have since then, lived and applied who and what you are based on survival which already exist in your unconscious mind – of which you are not even aware, but acceptably and through allowance still continue to live and apply.

It already exist within your DNA as part of your beingness makeup. Not questioning who and what you are in terms of what you view in this world asking the questions : “Am I really only a picture in a picture reality here to survive?” “Am I really so primitive and limited that I have defined myself according to survival only, where survival is that which I have defined myself as who and what I am because I live and apply this accepted and allowed agreed by what many believe – only survival techniques are evolving in mankind in this world?”

That is why I say human beings that you are not going to solve Global Warming with materialistic manmade solutions – because the source cause is who and what all human beings have become and defined themselves as being – already infused in their DNA through their unconscious mind as an accepted and allowed agreement by all of humanity as one together: The agreement, of accepted and allowed belief of having to survive in this world. And this is all of humanity as one's agreed, accepted and allowed belief which exists in the unconscious mind, which all human beings are living and applying.

The consequence of Global Warming have been coming for eons of time, human beings, as you have come to live and apply and act upon your agreed belief within yourselves as who and what you are based on survival – slowly but surely annihilating and destroying nature and killing and slaughtering animals in this world. Through eons of time, you as self defined survival, have evolved in your techniques of having the ability to survive in this world, and the consequence of that was designing pollution as an example of you inhabiting earth and how you have been annihilating and destroying earth as one and equal with who you are.

This has been inevitable within existence. Therefore the cause of Global Warming exist within each and every single human being in this world, as all have defined themselves according to the necessity to survive, living and applying this survival necessity as who and what they are. Yes, you may have some who continue to participate in this world with the support of pollution and there may be some who stand up and state the awareness of the consequence of Global Warming – yet, even those who stand up against the participation of Global Warming are also still within the global agreement of who and what they are from an unconscious perspective no matter what the intentions or words of concern entail.

Who and what beings are that may have different perspectives and concern and intentions, are still self defined according to survival, existing in their unconscious mind, in their entire application and living model within day to day life – still supporting the agreed self definition of all human beings in this world based on survival. In this way actually still supporting pollution which ha rms the earth's atmosphere in causing Global Warming.

Thus, all human beings' in this world are self defined surviving pictures in a pictured interpreted perceptual reality, existing within their unconscious mind – living and applying their self defined becoming, based on survival which have already transferred to the extent within their DNA within their physical human bodies. Survival, survival, survival….

Nature, the universe, the animals in this world, in existence as one and equal with you have merely taken matters into their own hand, because humanity have not been hearing, seeing nor become aware of the consequences of their interpretation of themselves here on earth as separate from themselves as one and equal with nature, the universe and the animal kingdom.

Therefore existence have changed, also due to the consequence of human beings' separation within themselves, which have lead to the self defined expression of survival which is lived and applied to this day due to the collective as one together agreement within all of humanities unconscious mind – which have caused the annihilation and destruction of nature, the killing and slaughtering of animals. Where the world have been transformed into a designed existence of survival by human beings and the animal kingdom too had to succumb to that of the necessity to survive in this world which human beings had taken over.

Existence human beings will show you that you have no power and you have no control – existence as nature, the animal kingdom, the oceans and rivers, including the universe have decided: ‘Till here no further' and is using Global Warming to wipe out humanity – within which only humanity will experience the consequence – existence will remain. Existence's ap­plication to wipeout humanity is but the manifested example of what we are actually doing unto ourselves – we have been wiping out ourselves as that which is equal and one with who we are: Nature and the animals. Existence is aware human beings, more than you are able to imagine, but you could possibly not know that because you are still lost in your primitive and limited self defined agreed by all as one in humanity, existence of survival, pictures in a picture.

There is no way existence as nature, the animal kingdom, the oceans and rivers, including the universe as one and equal with who you are, are just going to sit back and allow you to continue your destruction and annihilation with nature and the animal kingdom until all is infinitely lost – not a chance. And therefore the drastic measures are required to be taken, such as the consequence of Global Warming to wipe out humanity – the cause for the dire state on earth as equal and one with who humanity is. Existence is revealing to you humanity, that if you do not change that which you live and apply as who and what you are – you will be actually wiping yourselves from the face of the earth due to the consequence of who and what you have become.

“What now?” is the question and “Is it too late?” is the other question.


(a.k.a. The Extinction of Mankind)

No, would be the answer to the second question, it is indeed not yet too late. Because each human being in this world have the ability to make a stand, take responsibility for all as one in existence and change the current necessary expression of existence in wiping you out. Existence is merely showing each one how they have limited themselves in their primitive self defined survival experience which they to this day still live and apply – and it is making no difference.

How do we practically solve the continuation of the necessity for Global Warming, expressed by existence with the inevitability of wiping out mankind entirely? Through the following way: We have now established the source cause which exist within who and what human beings have become based on the collective agreement by humanity of the necessity to survive, derived from separation – which they live and apply as who and what they are to this day. Therefore the change that is required is within who and what human beings have become in this world. This is what we within the dimensions as the Spirit of each and every single human being here on earth is currently directing – directing human beings to the awareness of who and what they are as awareness, equality, oneness, God – the essence of purity. We are directing human beings from consciousness to awareness.

Where? Where are human beings required to be directed, and who must human beings become to be able to make a change within this world because of the manifested consequence of Global Warming? As I have mentioned the cause source exist within who and what human beings have become, therefore you have to change who you have become, together with our support in the dimensions to be able to make a difference within this world.

Before I explain how exactly we're going to do this, I am explaining the exact nature of who and what human beings have become, so that the how will be placed into perspective for all who read.

Human beings in this world have become consciousness systems. Consciousness systems are based and founded in separation, fear of loss and survival – exactly that which you have defined yourself as being, including that which you live and apply in your world here on earth. Let's take for instance again the eleven beings who have for instance now ‘evolved' on this earth. The beginning of their self defined existence which they have come to live and apply in this world was designed within them through their interpretation of creation as being separate from who they are, within which they are required to now survive – living and applying this self defined perceptual belief as who and what they are. Within this separation, the mind was designed within them – that which thinks, where thoughts come from. The mind used to interpret this world they have discovered themselves within – the mind and the thoughts within them interpreting creation as being a mere pictured reality within which they are but a picture. Using the mind and the thoughts – thinking that who and what they are is their mind within them which have interpreted creation as being a mere pictured reality within which they are a picture that is necessary to survive in this world, experiencing constant fear.

Human beings since then have defined themselves as their mind and their thoughts as who and what they are because trust was built within its existence within each human being. The mind defined upon separation, fear of loss and survival have evolved together with human beings in this world because human beings have defined themselves as who and what they are according to their mind, therefore they have evolved as the mind, separate from who they really are – that which have designed the belief of separation and survival. Separation and survival is but a belief, yet, human beings have defined themselves as who they are according to this belief, designed by the mind within them, a system separate from who they are that thinks thoughts – because they to this day live and apply this belief as who and what they are.

As I have explained – the mind together with human beings have evolved as seen within this world as the manifested holographic projected design of who and what human beings have become as the mind within themselves, as the thoughts that exist within them. Human beings continuously think in this world and trust that which go on within their mind as the thoughts they think and the pictures they see – the mind, a consciousness system is what human beings have become. You, as the mind as a consciousness system may have evolved human beings, but you, as the mind as consciousness systems have evolved in finding methods of surviving in this world and furthering the expression of separation in this world. Existing in separation with each other as all other human beings in this world, existing in constant fear of loss of that which you have in this world as manifested pictures of ownership e.g. money, clothes, cars, relationships, family etc., existing for the ability to survive – this is the principle on which consciousness systems are based as that which human beings have become and defined themselves as being and are living.

Consciousness systems as the mind within human beings, as that which they have defined themselves as being, exist in memory, exist in pictures, exist in beliefs, exist in perceptions, exist in emotions, exist in ideas, exist in feelings, exist in the movement of energy, exist in control, exist in thoughts, exist in desires, exist in wants, exist in needs, exist in constant thinking, exist in separation, exist in survival and many, many more other systematic constructs of who and what human beings have become.

I will be frank with you: All and everything of who and what human beings have become in this world is consciousness systems – the mind – the thoughts within – everything the mind as a consciousness system entails is what human beings have become in this world. Because human beings have separated themselves from existence as one and equal with who they are – they have indeed separated themselves from who they really are within themselves – therefore the design of a system within them, a mind, a consciousness system which they have come to define themselves as who and what they are.

It is this consciousness system within each and every single human being as the mind, that which thinks, that which human beings have defined themselves as being – that is the source cause for the manifested consequence of Global Warming – that which have designed and created the holographic projected manifested experiences of human beings within this world – what exist within, exist without.

The consciousness system, the mind, which consist of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind – the enslavement mechanism within human beings in this world – which enslaves all of humanity as one because all of humanity are but consciousness systems. If you're locked into consciousness systems as who and what you are – no matter what your intention in this world – you will not make a difference. All of humanity as one together are enslaved within the unconscious mind as who and what they are – because it is here within the unconscious mind that humanity as one together agree the enslavement and support of each other to remain consciousness systems, the mind as who and what they really are. The mind, consciousness systems which they have come to trust and actually also fear losing.

Human beings fear change within themselves, fear change of themselves because they fear losing themselves as the self defined system as the mind, the consciousness system within them. They fear losing their pictured reality which surrounds them, they fear losing the pictures in their reality as relationships and families, that which they own and belong to them apparently – because they have defined themselves as this. They fear losing their thoughts, their ideas, their beliefs, their perceptions, their views, their emotions, their feelings etc. – because that is what they have defined themselves as who and what they are: Consciousness systems, the mind that exist within them.

The solution to Global Warming human beings – is to give up, let go and release yourself from that which you have defined yourself as being within yourself: Consciousness systems, the mind. That which not only enslaves and limits you, but enslaves and limits the rest of humanity because of the unconscious mind connection which, within your continuous participation in the definition of who and what you are which you live and apply, supporting the existence of consciousness in this world. You must give up, let go and release yourself from that which you have lived and applied as consciousness systems, the mind, which you have defined yourself as being, through your own individual participation in this world, confirming your agreement and allowance and acceptance for the existence of consciousness systems to remain in this world.

Look at the world human beings: It is consciousness systems, the mind as conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind, within all of humanity as one together that have designed the experience of human beings in this world today. This done because of all of humanity as one together giving consciousness systems, as the mind within each one as that which they have defined themselves as being, the ability to exist and remain in this world, to continue with the allowed and accepted annihilation and destruction of nature and the slaughtering and killing of the animal kingdom. You are allowing consciousness systems as the mind within you human beings, you are giving it the power to remain and exist in this world and manifest the continuous consequences human beings experience.

You are therefore individually responsible for the consequences that manifest and are experienced in this world – because all of humanity as one together is giving their power to the existence of consciousness systems as the mind within them. And the main reason why human beings would continue doing so is because they will apparently lose themselves, and their entire world would apparently fall apart if they were to give up and let go and release themselves from consciousness systems – because they have so duly defined themselves as who and what they are as consciousness systems, the mind which they live and apply, which they use to design and create the manifested consequences here on earth which they experience themselves within.

Hear me human beings: If you dare continue within your self defined existence as consciousness systems as who and what you are which you live and apply – you will cause your own demise of being wiped from the face of the earth. If we are to change this world, human beings as who and what they have become as consciousness systems – it must and will be given up, let go and release themselves from that which they have defined themselves as being and living and applying – otherwise you are going to have to face your own judgement day. The judgement day where you will see what you have allowed and accepted and agreed upon to exist in this world, to remain in this world, to exist and remain within yourself as all of humanity as consciousness systems. Which has been the source causes to all manifested consequences in this world, including Global Warming. You, as consciousness systems, as the mind as that which you have defined yourself as being have designed and created the experiences of all human beings in this world – which exist in survival, separation and fear of loss. Fear of losing themselves as consciousness systems, the mind separate from who they really are.

The solution, human beings, the practical solution required to be applied by all human beings in this world, exist in the power of forgiveness together with corrective action. Why corrective action? Because you have lived and applied who and what you are as consciousness systems, for instance your behaviour and participation in this world – that which you live and apply as your behaviour and participation in this world is also required to change to be able to effectively release yourself from consciousness systems, the mind's enslavement of yourself and all of humanity as one together.

Remember, that if you continue in your allowed and accepted existence as consciousness systems as the mind, as that which you have defined yourself as and are living and applying – you are as responsible for the consequences that manifest in this world such as rape and murder ( For more clarification on this statement I have made, see Jack's writings: The Power of Money, where all is explained ) for instance, you are as responsible for such manifested consequences as those who actually participate within it – because of your agreement of the existence of consciousness systems by the unconscious mind connection. The unconscious mind where all human beings as one together agree and give their power to the existence of consciousness systems in this world – which human beings constantly and continuously live and apply and define themselves as who and what they are. Your world is not a pretty place human beings – best you do something about it and the ability to do this exist within each and every single human being who discontinue their allowance and acceptances of giving their power to consciousness systems through forgiveness with corrective application in every moment.

Where do you start with forgiveness and corrective application in every moment to be able to release yourself from consciousness systems – the mind? We have established that the mind as consciousness systems exist in thoughts, which design methods of living and application as behaviours as that which you have defined yourself as being. Therefore you simply start with your thoughts for instance and together with your thoughts you change the way you live and apply yourself in this world. For instance, when a thought step forth directed to another human being of: “I hate this man, he angers and irritates me extensively, and I can't stand him” – forgiveness is applied in the following way: I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to mention the word hate. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to become irritated and angry by this man's presence. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to judge this man standing before me. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to experience myself as being resistant to this man's presence.

What you experience or see within another human being in this world, usually also exist within yourself. Meaning, you have to see the reason for why you have reacted in this way in this man's presence, what is he representing that exist within yourself? You have to look within this man's presence, his behaviour , his choice of words, the sound of his words – what about his presence as whom he is bothers you, or makes you react? When you look closely and honestly within yourself, you will find that he represents something that you actually apply and live within your own life – be it the similarity in behaviour, choice of words or the sound in which the words are spoken – even the way he speaks – you will notice that which have made you react in being in this man's presence – exist within yourself also.

Changing your behaviour, that which you live and apply in this world is also simple – for instance when all of a sudden you experience specific fears within yourself such as the fear of for instance something happening to one of your children in this world you speak the words loudly: I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to fear that something might happen to my children in some way in this dangerous world.

Be careful human beings – that which you fear you attract, that which you fear within yourself will manifest as an experience in your world – so I suggest you jump on the wagon and forgive that which you fear and do not allow yourself to participate in the emotion of fear. When the fear comes up again after you have applied forgiveness, forgive it again, and add the words: I am not fear. I do not fear. I am not allowing myself to participate in the allowance of fear and you let the fear go completely. Do this continuously until the fear and the thought no longer exist within you.

The same goes for reactive behaviours within yourself, when you react with emotion, or even when experiencing feelings (emotions and feelings and the experiences thereof exist as consciousness enslavement systems) – apply the forgiveness aloud and make the statement of what you will allow and accept to exist within you and what you will not allow and accept to exist within you. State loudly to yourself: I will not allow these feelings/emotions to control or enslave me, I am not these feelings and emotions, I will not allow myself to limit myself in the continuous participation of emotions and feelings and thoughts. Forgive both the ‘good' and the ‘bad' within your world as for instance the experience within yourself of emotions (fear, anger, hate, resentment, sadness, sorrow, remorse etc.) and feelings (love, happiness etc.) – because all emotions and feelings are consciousness systems energetic movements – it is not unconditional self expression as who you really are within oneness and equality with all of creation. And in participating in one of the emotions such as fear for instance you are allowing for its opposite counterpart to exist as the experience of safety and protection for instance. If you allow the positive, you allow the negative and exist thus in polarity, whether you participate in the one or deny the other. Therefore, it is imperative that through forgiveness you become neutral, silent within yourself where you stand beyond polarity existences within you, beyond emotions and feelings, positive and negative. But become infinitely silent and stable within.

Forgive your thoughts, your actions, and your behaviours as consciousness, the mind within you, make the statement of what you will accept and allow in your world within yourself and what you will not accept and allow in your world within yourself. Together with the statement you stand up and you express yourself differently, the different expression within yourself will be your individual expression beyond consciousness systems enslavement and control. Apply forgiveness with corrective action human beings, forgive your thoughts, forgive your reactions, do not accept and allow consciousness systems, the mind to enslave and limit not only yourself but all of humanity as one together.

This is how you stand up and take responsibility within yourself human beings – this is how you make a difference, this is how you change who and what you have become as consciousness systems, the mind. This is the starting point – starting at the source, the cause of the manifested consequences in this world.

I am not communicating the simple application with regards to the religious aspect thereof – do not misunderstand the support I am presenting to you here. Forgiveness is a support model human beings, to support you in standing up within yourself and taking responsibility within yourself for what you have accepted and allowed in the agreement for consciousness systems to remain in this world and within all of humanity as one together.

Apply forgiveness aloud, this is imperative. The words human beings that have been spoken in this world has also been the derivative of who and what you are and have become as consciousness systems – the words that have been spoken aloud and are that which you have used to support the existence of consciousness systems, the design of consciousness systems – the words you have spoken to describe and define who and what you are have become consciousness systems.

Now when you speak forgiveness aloud, speak forgiveness aloud as the words flow from within you to release yourself from consciousness systems, the mind as thoughts and manifested behaviours as that which you have defined yourself as who and what you are. Through loudly spoken words, you change yourself and you change your world – the loudly spoken words of forgiveness are statements of what you will accept and allow in this world and what you will not accept and allow in this world and within yourself together with corrective action you will support yourself to release yourself from consciousness systems, the mind as that which enslaves who and what you really are. And remember that the thought's that exist within you and move within you is also words spoken within yourself – only in a different method.

There is the starting point human beings, forgiveness, statements and corrective actions in every moment until you experience the moment when you are silent and nothing moves within you, where you become infinitely stable and constant within yourself and there are no thoughts, no energetic movement, no emotional no r feeling experiences – here exist the peace that is you. Here you have the ability to unconditionally express yourself within oneness and equality as who you really are as one and equal with all of existence, creation. But first – allowed and accepted participation in consciousness, the mind must and will stop through forgiveness, the statements and corrective action.

This is Mother Nature

Note: All that I have discussed above with regards to the consequence of Global Warming is the source cause which exists within who and what human beings have allowed themselves to become in this world. The manifested consequence of Global Warming I have explained as being that of the manifested holographic projection of pollution as the manifestation of that which human beings have allowed within themselves for eons of time in how they live and apply themselves in this world – What they have agreed upon within the unconscious mind of all of humanity as one together which is the annihilation and destruction and nature as well as the killing and slaughtering of animals.

The manifested holographic projected consequence of pollution is an example showing to human beings that they are not only busy annihilating and destroying nature, killing and slaughtering the animal kingdom – but actually doing this to themselves which will cause humanities inevitable extinction due to the cause that is Global Warming. What is the manifested holographic projection of the unconscious mind in this world as the consciousness system within human beings as that which they have become and defined themselves as being that is supporting the continuation and existence of consciousness systems in this world and therefore continuously supporting the participation and continuation of Global Warming?

The answer to this question is Money. Money is the manifestation of consciousness systems in this world that exist within all of humanity as one together in this world. Money as the manifestation of consciousness systems in this world that exist within all of humanity as one together – support enslavement, support separation and support survival. Money is the manifestation of that which human beings use in this world as the manifestation of survival, enslavement and separation which support them in remaining within their self defined consciousness existences.

The current money system and construct in this world – the way money is used and abused in this world for survival, enslavement and further separation purposes is all because of humanities agreement in remaining within their self defined consciousness, mind system existences. Money is that which fuels pollution, which supports pollution – pollution derived from enhanced ways discovered for the ability to survive in this world, together with making money while beings are enslaved within the necessity to survive in this world. Therefore, money supports survival and supports the continuation of pollution in this world and therefore supports the continuation of Global Warming and therefore supports all of humanity to continue with the annihilation and destruction of nature and the killing and slaughtering of the animal kingdom.

Money is the cause, the manifested cause from within human beings as agreed consciousness enslaved mind systems – to remain in such existences, because they fear losing what they have based on money in this world, therefore fearing losing themselves because they have defined themselves based on money – money which is the manifested holographic projection of consciousness systems in this world as that which human beings have defined themselves as being.

If the money system in this world does not change – the manifested enslavement system in this world as consciousness systems, the mind within human beings that enslaves them in the necessity to survive in separation – Global Warming will continue and the extinction of mankind inevitable. Therefore, if the money systems in this world change as the manifestation of consciousness systems as the mind within human beings that support enslavement, separation and survival – human beings within themselves as who and what they are and have become will change.