Written originally by Munchin and Bernard on the forum on 26 Oct 2007 at 12:16 AM

interdimensional communication bernard poolman desteni.png


Opening of Interdimensional communication:

We are opening all human beings in this world for ONE WEEK whereby we will 'test' human beings self honesty with communication with/through interdimensional beings.

If we find that human beings are abusing this interdimensional communication - we will shut down interdimensional communication. We'll shut down the interdimensional communication for those who abuse.

The self honesty of the beings will be seen through a specific sound harmonic and is not able to be manipulated in any way whatsoever.

How do you communicate: Clear your mind - breathe and be silent - merely breathe. You will 'know' when it's a dimensional being communicating or whether it's you communicating with yourself - it's very distinctive - you'll experience yourself whether you're talking or whether a dimensional being is communicating through you within you as you.

Do not try - remain here and breathe - that's it - let your self flow - remain here as the breath. Be the breath.

Do not expect anything - expectation manifests separation.

Do not anticipate anything - anticipation manifests expectation and then you're in your mind - no mind - just the breath as you.

Apply self honesty - through this communication - make sure and be certain that the communication is within and as oneness and equality as life as you - to make sure you are not influencing yourself through your own mind by hearing what you want to hear. You will be able to determine this through absolute brutal self honesty.



The communication development has been open permanently

key factors

the mind will give info to divide

dimensions will present equality and oneness

you as communicator are faced with the task of determining what and when communication is self honest equal and one as life

so--enjoy and share feedback

All beings dimensionally are sound expressions--

the communication shutdown is done by your own mind through equality and oneness and you are taken on a loop/lesson to experience the abuse--it affects only you and any that may give permission through self dishonesty

A projected figure may be part of it--all very much depend on the situation and your self honesty while communicating--thus the reason why--determines everything--if done for recognition--mind will have a field day

if done to honestly at the core of self participate in supporting life--will be supported