Written originally by Bernard Poolman on the forum on 21 September 2007 11:49 am

silhoutte man thinking bernard poolman desteni.png

Hi all

Maybe some perspective

Why are we at Desteni doing what we are doing? Look-we are not attacking anything-we are revealing what we have found and proofed after lengthy investigation. Obviously, we had to be sure. In a world where you get killed for less than this-you had to be sure and know what you are doing. Exposing family and many more to insanity.

Where did it start: I grew up in a strictly Christian Reborn Family and was reborned myself at school. After school I studied Law. From law I became a Detective-we had to choose between army or police. So, in the police I notice something about the law. It was all warped. Crime did not become better because of law-it became worse. I was a fraud detective and noticed strange things with money and that counterfeiting of money is one of the biggest industries in the world. This was strange. Government did not want it investigated. I married into a psychic family, unbeknown to me at the time. That changed my life. My father in law was a deep-trance medium with a history with military intelligence from the Second World War. So, he had connections and had an interesting view of his gift. He said to me to trust nothing. But he was a healer with astounding results-thus, he could not shut his gift without losing his income. To me, my interest was tweaked. I wanted to understand all this. In fact, I wanted to be able to do what he was doing. So, we worked together on many cases. Mostly showing me the truth behind the façade, but that nothing was done about it. I was simply told that I must be careful and refrain from doing certain things.

I pushed my investigations involving other psychics-psychometry, clairvoyance, clairaudience, trancing, possession by aliens-you name it-a fascinating thing emerged-no 2 psychics ever had the same message-no 2 channels ever had the same message. My father in law trance 4-5 times a week- and I asked questions and received bullshit. He was always angry coming back from a trancing. He was leaving his body, but kept under guard on the other side-that was strange. He had a doorkeeper-this being decided who speak and sometimes when a being was speaking and try to give messages that was to contact family on earth, they were pulled back and to me was explained that it was not their turn to speak, and that they were out of line.

Now, he called me a power source. He could channel/trance with just me present for hours. So, I had discussions with beings that was very old, yet they never discussed anything profound beyond the accepted message of love and the mystery of God. I was strangely not scared at all and pushed for answers. So, information was coming and I was testing. I was in the police, so I used the info in the police cases. Strange though, speaking to beings in the service of God, that give me information about things on earth, only 50% of it was true, the rest not. I questioned this-How could it be-God is not actually in control of the world?

Yet, I did not question enough. I trusted God with a greater plan existed and I am just a puny human that could not possibly question the divine. So, I investigated and walked. But something was amiss; it was as if I could not pinpoint it. Like the proverbial splinter in the mind that keeps on coming up with a valid reason, a valid justification for why something is the way it is. I accepted and prayed and follow the way of God. Till again, an event takes place, a child dies for instance and I could see no value, no reason, no point, no matter how I look at it. Something started within me. I started to look at what I would do and allow if I was God. Blasphemy, I know, but strangely, I could see it possible. So, I pushed my awareness-to find a solution for a world I was certain by now I will return to. I saw it this way, God is testing us to see if we would become as His Image and Likeness. It is like a challenge for us to prove to him we are worthy as his creation of the responsibility as His image. So, I pushed, used forgiveness, investigated, challenged-focused on the premise: What would God do. By this time, Jesus to me was my equal. I looked at that teaching and all the channels as info that supports me to become the Image and likeness of God. And things started changing. My awareness expanded in a strange way. My physical body became like a living map-I learned to read it-and realized something-If I am honest-absolute at the level of the Image and Likeness of God, my body I can trust-every time-for the first time something more trustworthy than channels or even God as it was presented through all the experiences.

Obviously by now I had my white light experience and thought in a way God recognized my dedication to the Image and Likeness concept and saw any point of distortion as God testing me in self honesty.

I regarded demons as a mind condition-an inner insanity. I toyed with seeing and hearing like psychic abilities and aliens for a while, but realized that it was not trustworthy-so I decided to trust only common sense, self honesty, my physical body which I have set and integrated as earth and the silence I have become due to forgiveness.

So-I waited for God-2 years-nothing-I need to eat-still I had nothing-I trusted that my faith would prove to God that I am serious-I am honoring him in silence as His Image and Likeness. Nothing. My world fell apart. So-I saw that as a test -Got my world working and did it again-stand in faith==I did this 4 times-then remembered the message of Job and realized-I must act-I must live this-but how?

I searched for an answer-did courses on forgiveness to help people, but money was always an issue. So-I met the first demon-very surprised-again-me-God must be testing me-so I stood up inside me and assisted the demon-looking at it this way-God place demons for man to prove their Image and likeness and to prove that forgiveness works infinite-

But, then an unexpected event-I started seeing the demons in people and all people had them. Again-saw it as God testing and decided-because I understand how to help demons, I will do it and help all I can find unconditionally. I practiced and made sure I stand as the image and likeness of God and started. I had no fear and stood as forgiveness ultimate and every demon I met, no matter how vast and distorted, transformed themselves into what I perceive life and freedom to be at that stage. People started hearing of this and joined me in assisting demons-so, I allowed demon possession under supervision-I really trusted me to handle anything-I placed myself in worst case scenarios testing myself out to see if I will create any events that will harm. I understood that I created my reality-so with absolute honesty, I could predict my future as I am creating it and I could predict others futures with the relationship between their words, thoughts and body movements-and it was happening-even the timelines was specific, unless another thought came in-but I could trace this and thus understood what was happening in a beings life-later even in a single body movement, I could see the future and honesty of the being

I tried to explain this to people, but no-one cared beyond having money and a world that they could control-spirituality was just another form of money-anything that give perceived control

What to do.

So, I allowed beings to be possessed and assisted the demons, but I was not satisfied. I realized I need eyes and ears in Heaven-find out what is going on, but to do that-extreme self trust is necessary and absolute honesty-

Then-one evening-I saw it-in some-one no-one gave the time of day-an innocence that transcended fear.

Whenever I was working with demons and allow others to work with-I would place myself as their protection. At this stage I have proved much to myself and moved throughout existence beyond all perceived or written with ease -constantly-testing out things-having interdimensional meetings-asking questions.

But to me the problem that required attention was earth and it is required to be dealt with at a level that each human may understand if they allow themselves

I showed the being I noticed something I have never shown anyone-How I move through the universe and how everything found really looked like-in one moment-as time and space-even on earth -is but illusion.

She saw and opened her up and immediately she could see and hear -in one moment-I let her go to explore, but she fell within days-the fear and jealousy of those around her made her question herself

So-back to the drawing board-no use to open some-one through innocence -there must be another way

Winged, then became involved in relationships-it keep falling-then she got the ultimate relationship in the eyes of the world-but-even that kept moving as a polarity

Then-one evening-I stated-that for existence to change-one must move into the unknown and understand how we create and what it is God wants us to do-yes I worked with this concept of image and likeness even then-

I tested all channels and used what served the image and likeness of God in practical application-no higher or greater-I see that God wanted us to be equal-image and likeness and one in purpose-for all to realize this gift of life

But how?

I asked winged a question during a session of helping a demon-what would you give for all of life to realize what you have seen really exist-she said-everything

And immediately she said to her then boyfriend-this is my choice-I will do this till it is done and I placed my hands on her as the image and likeness of god I have become through the process of myself and place myself as the grace of god as protection-in one moment-she was the portal -as it is now-but for a few fine-tunes as we go along-and she left her body-while we help demons-she explore heaven

Now-the interesting thing==

I at this stage still trusted God and the first major communication with a topic line was with Anu and Enki-we discussed forgiveness and the status of heaven-my question I asked-heaven knows earth is in a mess-yet do nothing-they claimed they did not realize and will do something immediately-thus forgiveness in heaven started-we learned much

As winged move in existence-so do I - no other being on earth currently has access-that will come through honesty and commitment to life

It is difficult to perceive that we were duped and misled-it certainly was disappointing to me-the white light was for me the great eye opener-I did not expect this to be a construct-I went to it to amalgamate with god and find out what is next-I have done what I knew was sufficient proof before life that I will stand no matter what

I suppose-Anu and them did not expect it

My approach has always been forgiveness -yet in many meetings-the Anu and many races in existence proved their disregard for life and nature and others apparently less knowledgeable -their knowledge did not stand the test of life and nature

Much happened and winged will tell this-as she enjoyed the journey that trust and commitment and honesty brings

There is much more-we are infinite beings even on earth-no limitation-already proven

You become what you allow yourself to belief

Honesty is the key

Separation in any way distorts your inner reality and imprison beings in their minds

I am you-ultimately we are infinite-unlimited-but each as equal must prove it to self-this act of self honesty is governed by what we allow ourselves to be equal and one with

Winged and beings speaking through her speak as oneness and equality in practice in every moment not to influence the individual process of each to life-to birth self-all experiences on earth ask one question-is this me and who I accept myself to be-and thus you become the answer to this question

The portal will not present any direct answers, but support to self-realization as unlimited infinity in physical form-anything presenting less than that is separation and deception

The only reality is the moment-the rest is imagination-not real

So-we are presenting-with actual experience what we find with direct participation-This means-we are not shown anything-we are not told anything-we do it ourselves and test it out

Look at channels in the world or psychics-they do not actually enter any reality to find out first hand what is going on-they experience an inner reality that “prove” to them either visually or auditory or intuition according to the way they are “set up”

This becomes a belief that is then acted on-but not a daily direct experience that may be challenged and are challenged at any moment.

We challenge feedback daily-investigate- look at new ways to experience-all direct-with nature, animals, beings involved-like you experience interaction and doing in your reality-the actual handling the situation in your hand yourself.

This is not done by any other channel-and no channel has direct access, but through the mind. Thus a perceptual interpreted experience-thus-channels always present something as greater and out there to be achieved-not here on earth as an infinite expression-earth is presented as limitation-it is not

How do you know where you are? Easy -honestly look at what you experience-do you do the experience yourself or is the event managed from somewhere or something else you placed value in-whether mind, meditation, intellect, equations-not that these things have no place-it is where they are placed in relationship to self expression and self application that determines whether it enslaves or not

The dimensions have a tough time-although all knowledge in timelessness and spacelessness available-experience of self doing it-cannot be given

And changes interdimensional are really easy-to manipulate realities-we faced many of these- then we lift the veils as equality and oneness-see -equality and oneness is really actually the essence that direct and according to the becoming of self as equal and one-one become the one one become-all self
