Written originally by Bernard Poolman on the forum on 15 July 2007 6:56 pm


The nature of system enslavement is to hold something in mystery and something as greater than who we may become-- It is to give some truth and some justified manipulation to make you believe you must accept yourself as something outside yourself like energy movement to indicate your existence-- We are beyond energy and all of existence-- yet we are here for a moment requiring us to understand how we allowed ourselves to be here-- to find our true nature, direct ourselves and help others wake up from this dream called consciousness-- for the moment we walk in the dream, but we are not from the dream-- then we se it move-- it is seductive in its words and whether we call it white light or systems-- the fact is simple

1. Is what is presented enslaving me into a beliefsystem of something greater that I may never become

2.Is what is presented possible in all existence or confined to this 3d reality to emprison me

3. Is the concept based on me being moved by something or empowering me to move me in all ways

4. Is the concept placing the mind as something great-- I am not the mind-- the mind is the most primitive creative machine and I am not a machine

5.Is the concept placing Heaven or dimensions as something that is only accessable after death and not here right now.

6. Is the concept placing any being as more as another and not as equal and one to such extend that you are me as I am you-- That is where we really understand each other interdimensionally as one

So-- yes this is white light authorised material-- Virtually all books are-- obviously some truth was always part of the transmission-- the key is whether one apply discernment in tealizing your potential to the utmost, yet understanding that whatever you want must be given to all as equal

