Purity through the Portal



Purity:  Life, as Purity as Process

Bernard: So Purity, explain yourself. Share with us, your experience.

Purity: My experience...

Purity is an Expression. It is a ‘Living Expression’ of Sound.

The physical experience of Purity is like a shining clean, every single particle of your entire human physical body – being ‘Sprinkling Clean’. That sprinkling clean experience, like almost shimmering, in every single part of your Human Physical Body, of Yourself – that’s the, I’d say, ‘Expressed Experience of Purity’.

Yet ‘infinite’, ‘endless’. Endless in its Expressed Experience. And I refer to it as ‘Expressed Experience’ because it’s not that it’s an ‘Experience’ in itself; it’s an ‘Expression’. But I add the word ‘Experience’ to give you a Physical Perspective of the Expression of what Purity is.

And Purity emerged, quite fascinatingly, when you’ve purified yourself. And purifying yourself is when you’ve stood in Self-Honesty in Each-and-Every-Single-Aspect of Yourself -  within Yourself, within Your Reality, within the World, Humanity, Nature, the Animal Kingdom, Planets, Stars, Existence, Dimensions…

In other words...and it may sound ‘vast’ to beings, like, “How long is it going to take me to get to the Process of Standing One and Equal, in Self-Honesty, with Every-Single-Part that Exists within Existence?”

That’s an interesting, let’s say, Indication of Absolute Accepted and Allowed Limitation, because simply – again - it’s a Realization that takes place, and yes, you will assist and support yourself to this point of Realization through first focusing on yourself and your direct reality/your direct world, and being Self-Honest within it. I mean it’s really not difficult – it really isn’t, being Self-Honest.

It’s so simple.

What is very complex is having to focus on and create, within your Mind, ways to be Dishonest. Meaning - actually go look for ways, find excuses, find reasons, really go dig. Look for them, create them, manifest them, and then blurt them out.

That’s hard work.

So that’s it. That’s the real...it’s really simple to be Self-Honest. You just be Self-Honest, I mean, with yourself, in the moment.

Like take something simple for example. I mean you have a thought of judging another being; you know that’s Dishonest. Why? I mean come on, when you judge someone, each one experiences a reaction. You have a reaction when you judge someone inside of yourself.

That reaction is an indication that it’s Dishonest. Whenever you have a reaction to what is going on inside you that reaction is indicating Dishonesty. Simple as that - that’s how you know that you’re Dishonest. You feel like shit when you judge someone inside yourself. It’s like a real shitty feeling in your solar plexus, like ughh. That whole bleh feeling is Dishonesty.

Human beings have chosen to exist in that and as that for a long time, and why? It is like really bizarre, when Purity is like...it’s cleanliness, it’s openness, there’s no fear, there’s no...there’s nothing -  it’s basically You as Manifested Expression that exists, and that’s it.

Instead of the whole mess that we’ve chosen to exist in that is the Mind. I mean, if you really have a look at it, you Deliberately Choose to Exist within the Mind. You are the one that is thinking. You are the one that is participating in the reactions.

I mean reactions will exist – come up – the question is, are you going to participate within them? Or are you going to stop yourself. That’s where the simplicity comes in. That’s where Self-Honesty comes in. Self-Dishonesty is “I participate in this reaction, I allow myself to judge another, and that other is actually me.” So, the question in regards to why even...what does judgment bring? Nothing.
What does anger bring? Nothing, just more anger.
What does judgment bring? Just more judgment.
What does fear bring? Just more fear.

So why participate in the stuff when you already know what it’s going to bring you?

That’s also another interesting point, that maybe beings choose to exist in their Minds because they know where it’s going to lead them to. Judging, ‘OK I’m judging, which means I’m probably going to judge again’, and you judge again and then you judge again and again and again, then you define yourself as the judgment and then you just start living Judgment.

There is no hold or no effect on anything or anyone in reality but destroying yourself. So why not just stop, live unpredictably, here in the moment, and simply choose not to participate in the Mind – meaning - in reactions, in separation. What is thoughts, what is reactions? It’s simply separation.

 It’s making a deliberate choice, in every moment to not partake in separation; in the separation that you’ve always existed within, always participated within. And it’s never about anything or anyone else but you. You decide in every moment, you choose.

That’s the only Point in which ‘Choice’ actually exists. Meaning – ‘Real Choice’, from the perspective of, that you’re singlehandedly responsible for yourself, in that moment, in that choice. Other choices with regards to external events /external experiences – that’s not choice, that’s a ‘Manipulation of Choice’. Like, by saying “Oh, I chose to go into this direction in school” but actually, you already created it through your whole life from since you were born. Just your past playing out. That’s not choice. Whatever experiences that you walk in(to) as your past playing out – that cannot be choice, because you already created it. You’re just stepping into your own creation.

And the first steps in Purity to Purify yourself, is simply Living the Choice, in Every Single Moment -- and you’ve got to ‘deliberately’ make that Choice in Everything Single Moment. You’ve got to Live that Choice, until the One Choice Remain - that You Live, that You Are, and that you’re Certain You Are, and that You Trust You Are -- from the perspective that “I Choose Not Separation. I choose ME. Here.”

Which is already One and Equal (Me, Here). It’s just a Realization. You just have to walk through that Process, of course, for a moment.

And that’s how it’s done. In every moment you just walk that Self-Honesty. Self-Honesty, Self-Honesty, Self-Honesty… and so you Purify yourself in Every Moment that you Choose Yourself -- meaning -- Every Moment you Stop Yourself from Accepting and Allowing yourself to go into Separation. That ‘very act’ is You Living Self-Honesty, not choosing Dishonesty.