Written originally by Bernard Poolman on the forum on 05 September 2007 11:22 pm

body sound forgiveness bernard poolman desteni.png


I am starting this post because we are able to recreate/change the body through/in forgiveness. I am needing assistance with this and would like anyone to share any discoveries experienced throughout the process of doing so.


let us start with--what is a structural resonance consisting of as this is the manifested form of all we allowed throughout existence to this point as our human physical body--in that we each will take on what we intend to transcend for and as ourselves to assist in the greater will we are understanding

Thus--where the body tend to fluctuate suddenly--that will indicate many times that we are at a point--especially when the body is uncomfortable as an experience--I find forgiveness work very well and as a basic guideline use louise hay--heal your life for forgiveness--in fact--years ago--I did the whole book as a selfforgiveness expression as all as one--like in the example that revealed with Susan in another post

All I adjusted in the louise hay book was to take each manifestation and change it into the forgiveness format and did each point--I do that with everything I read--the intensity with which it is done in dedication will "accellerate" awareness and sensitize the body--this means one will feel pain easier--and use the pain as a guideline for forgiveness

This then become interesting--If pain occur--this is normally after some months of forgiveness--another awareness will step forth which will be assisted later.

Now--understand that the body is a manifestation of structured sound--as this structured sound it is on a one way ticket--the way it has always been

once the structured part is released through forgiveness--the sound returns to its plasticity and then it becomes possible to recreate self on a physical level or replace organs if necessary

again--all this not possible while self is not able to "see" sound and understand what this means--this step forth in one moment due to application and remain constant unless one fall back to old patterns--yet the next opportunity comes quicker once the first has occurred

Please remember--the gift one will give self will be based on selfhonesty

so--all is possible--but systems abuse such things--thus transcendance specific

i have focussed on selfforgiveness for about 14 years now--and started with focussed re-embodiment 5 years ago to understand it with results now becoming quantified

what we share here is to assist in quantification--the focus though on self doing it to make sure enslavement is impossible

Understand the importance in asking questions--some-one may know the answer from experience--but because it is selfintegrated and infused--only see that when asked and suddenly share what they have become because the question was asked

we will also do interviews on this later

lets see where the discussion take us
