The principle of oneness and equality as life is understood: It is to stand here as who I am as life as all as one as equal – to be, to live the manifested expression of and as life as me here in every moment of breath.

Sounds awesome – but what does this mean PRACTICALLY?

The question(s):

What does this practically mean in living application as me in every moment of breath?

How do I practically manifest me, live me as life as all as one as equal if all I have ever been is a system, of a system – existing through a system as mind?

Where and how do I start or begin?

For the mind, oneness and equality as life as all as one as equal seems a vast concept to comprehend or fathom, because the interesting thing is that oneness and equality as life is not to be comprehended, is not to be understood, is not to be fathomed, is not to be conceived: It is to be practically lived as self here in and as the physical absolutely.

We have a tendency of ‘wanting to understand first’ of ‘wanting to comprehend first’ of ‘wanting to fathom first’ – but this is the origin, the birth of knowledge and information and how we’ve separated ourselves from ourselves, wanting to acquire the knowledge and information first, defining ourselves as ‘who we are’ according to the understanding only of that knowledge and information, through wanting to comprehend, understand, fathom or conceive – and what occurs here is the existence of mind, where self exist only within the understanding of knowledge and information and no self that actually LIVE HERE practically.

Let’s take oneness and equality ‘to self’ here first – because self is the origin, the cause, the source, the starting point of everything and all self experience both within and without as ‘your world’ within which you participate and experience yourself:

Everyone thinks – all beings have thoughts within themselves which has become the primary relationship of each being: The relationship with your mind as thoughts, within and as your mind exist the truth of you of ‘who you are’ at the moment. This ‘who you are’ encompass all that you have accepted and allowed you to be, reflected within and as the manifestation of the mind as thoughts. Your thoughts within which you participate reveal the ‘truth of you’ – who you have accepted and allowed you to be and become of the mind: Is all within and as the manifestation of your thoughts within your mind.

And thus each one know for themselves: You know for you yourself what you are accepting and allowing yourself to participate within in your mind and you also know that you do not live this ‘truth of you’ as your thoughts reflect, because you know that if you were to live and speak this truth of you as your thoughts of the mind – you will have no beings within your world. And therefore beings project a deceptive presentation of ‘who I am’ towards others – hiding the truth of self within the relationship with one’s own mind as thoughts where it’s all apparently ‘secret’ / ‘behind closed doors’ – no-one will actually know the truth of me here within my thoughts of mind as long as I maintain this deceptive projected presentation of me. Though, the fuck up in this is: YOU KNOW THE TRUTH OF YOU WITHIN AND AS YOU! You know everything about yourself in every moment of breath – no-one can deny this or claim this to be heresay. You know ‘how you operate’ in every moment of breath – always in all ways.

The question though is why? Why have we and are we existing within an perceived secrecy within ourselves as the relationship we have with our thoughts whilst projecting a deceptive presentation towards others of ‘who I am’, when the actual ‘truth of who I am’ exist within thoughts – thoughts are the manifested truth of self as what self has accepted and allowed self to define self as.


We have for billions of years feared the truth of ourselves that exist here as self in the manifested experience of self within self – as thoughts of mind.

Relationships with a physical other exist to hide the actual relationship self has with one’s own mind as thoughts – to give self the opportunity to presume this primary relationship in secrecy and deception and dishonesty, covering the primary relationship within, with a physical relationship without.

We’ve manifested peculiar methods to hide the ‘truth of self’ within in this existence, the relationship-method above, is but one mere example.

Another method is designing a truth ‘without’ – whereby beings created a belief of a ‘higher truth’ without, dedicating their lives in search of becoming or attaining this designed ‘higher truth’ to hide the ‘truth of self’ here within as manifested within and as self as thoughts of mind. To whilst apparently attainting to or reaching this ‘higher truth’ without – self’s truth within remain hidden within secrecy of mind as self.

The only reason why a being will not apply self honest self forgiveness, is because they fear the truth of themselves within, and it’s not even about ‘fearing FACING the truth of self’ – it is fear of the truth of self .

Though fear itself is self deception, fear itself is self dishonesty – because fear is another method of maintaining this self defined truth of self as reflected within the manifestation of thoughts of mind – to continue the primary relationship with self’s own thoughts of mind within perceived secrecy, where no-one knows the ‘truth of self’ = but self.

Fear is an excuse not to change, not to stand up – but to remain self dishonest within the definition of self as self has accepted and allowed self to be and become of and as thoughts of mind.

We have become thoughts-defined, our very existence, our very beingness, our very nature is of and is as thoughts of mind, that’s why each one’s primary relationship is with their thoughts – because thoughts is and define ‘who I am’ as all that I am as what I have accepted and allowed me to be and become and exist as.

And again, that’s why beings that will not or refuse to apply self honest self forgiveness, are accepting and allowing themselves to make the statement that all that they are and accept and allow themselves to be: Is the thoughts of their mind to which they have defined themselves according to, using fear manifested as excuses, reasons and justifications to not change, to not stand up and to not transform self – because they want to, desire to continue within their self dishonest, self deceptive existence as reflected within the relationship they have and exist within, in and as their thoughts of mind to which they have defined ‘who they are’.

Understand that even within the existence of thoughts and within each one’s primary relationship that exists with and as their thoughts – thoughts of mind is not the origin, the source of this manifested reality/existence: It is self, meaning, it is within our action and words or inaction and unspoken words in every moment that we create and manifest the experience of ourselves within and without in and as this existence.

Thoughts are but the ‘pieces’, ‘fragments’ and ‘parts’ of ourselves that is subdivided within our conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind that partially and fragmentally reflect the true nature of ourselves as what we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become.

Meaning that thoughts, the thoughts within which you participate and have a relationship with within your conscious mind, don’t give you the entirety of you as what you are and have become, it merely reflect parts, fragments and pieces of all and everything of you – and the conscious mind merely contain but 0.5% of such thoughts – your conscious mind 24.5% and your unconscious mind 75%.

So you exist within thoughts of the conscious mind that reflect partially and fragmentally 0.5% of the truth of you as the nature or beingness of you that you have accepted and allowed you to be and become of mind.

Understand that thoughts merely reflect you – it is through your thoughts, this participation within the primary relationship within you with your thoughts, that you maintain the definition of you as you created you to be within and as this life you experience yourself as.

Your thoughts within your subconscious mind is ‘reserves’ – holding memories pertaining to past to lock you into securing the definition of you according to what you have experienced within the past, because an interesting definition of ‘what it means to be alive’ exists within and as beings: The definition of self according to experiences within this world – that ‘who I am is the experiences I have had’ and therefore, memories are stored within the subconscious mind of past experiences to secure this definition of self according to experiences within this world. That ‘I am alive and I live’ because I have memories of experiences of past I have had’. Beings defining ‘living and life’ according to physical experiences – as long as I have physical experiences which I am able to store as memories in my mind and in having the ability to recall and remember such experiences: This indicate that I am living and that I am alive = thank God for memory!

This is why beings fear living HERE as breath only – consisting of no past, consisting of no definition of self of past, because beings have defined themselves as ‘being alive and living’ according to stored memories of past experiences, believing that if no memories of past in mind exists: I don’t exist – not realising that if SELF is HERE, all and everything of SELF is HERE and in the moment I express me as the moment reveal or open as me, I do not require or need memory – because I as all of me is here as me.

Your thoughts within your unconscious mind consist of the manifested reflected fragments and parts and pieces of self’s truth as the nature of you that you express within you action, inaction, spoken word and unspoken word – meaning that your unconscious mind is that which you are ‘living’/’being’ as the essence of you, your subconscious mind is that which you are storing of past and your conscious mind is that which you are participating within, to maintain the definition of you as the truth, nature, beingness of you, you have accepted and allowed you to be and become.

So all that we have become are thoughts, thoughts maintained through within and as a system as mind consisting of a conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind – subdivided as we have subdivided ourselves, the nature of ourselves as reflected in and as thought – dividing thoughts that reflect partially and fragmentally, each thought reflecting a part, a fragment a piece of ourselves as the nature/beingess we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become, into and as the existence of ourselves within a conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind.

A mind we are and as thoughts we exist – because it’s what we are and have accepted and allowed ourselves to be one with and equal to. And you are and will be the manifestation and experience of that and as that which you accept and allow you to be one with and equal to.

Oneness and equality:

Oneness and equality has always been here, has always existed. Let me show you:

A ‘bum’ on the street (‘bum’ – a ‘homeless’ person living on the street) – the experience of this being within themselves and without as their world is the following:

I have no home

I have no money

I have no food

I have no clothes but the clothes on my back

And it is within this experience of themselves within and without, that they define ‘who I am’ as but being a ‘bum on the street’ and within this accepted and allowed self definition, all that they are and will be: Is a bum on the street.

Understand that that which you define you as within and without – is that which you are accepting and allowing you to be one with and equal to. Meaning that this being is defining ‘who I am’ as being a but a ‘bum on the street’, because this being is defining ‘who I am’ according to what this being is experiencing within and without – and it is within the self definition within and without based on what this being is experiencing, that indicate what this being is accepting and allowing themselves to be one with and equal to and according to this: This being manifest and create themselves and the experience of themselves within this world and within themselves.

Now if this being as ‘bum-defined’ were to ‘beg from others for money’ – what this being is doing through the accepted and allowed act of ‘begging’ is justifying within themselves their self defined existence of self as but ‘being a bum’ as the only thing within themselves of mind that they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to, and thus is and will be the only thing that they will experience themselves to be: a bum on the street, because it’s what they’ve accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to according to their accepted and allowed self definition of mind according to the experience of themselves within and without.

This being begging, is actually pleading for another to confirm and validate this self defined existence as that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to as the definition of themselves as a ‘bum on the street’ according to the experience of this being within and without – by wanting another to give them that which they are begging for, most prominently it’s money.

So, if you were to give a beggar as bum on the street money when they reveal their outstretched hands towards you within the physical presentation expression of pleading as seen within their eyes: You are actually supporting this beings’ definition of themselves according to the experience of themselves within and without as that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to as being but a ‘bum on the street’ – you are not supporting the being as who they really are as life, you are supporting their self defined existence of mind of thought which is less than who they really are as life.

Beings that give beggars as beings as ‘bums on the street-defined’ money – give it to them either out of annoyance or pity or to support one’s own self deceptive, self dishonest presentation of self as being a ‘good-hearted caring person of society’, though this annoyance and pity and self deceptive, self dishonest presentation of self as being a ‘good-hearted caring person of society’ as starting point/reason for giving the being as bum on the street-defined money: Is self dishonesty and is actually hiding the truth of self within.

Because in that moment of accepting and allowing you to give the beggar money – you are supporting not only the beggars’ self defined existence of mind as less than who they really are, but supporting your own self defined existence of mind as less than who you really are – supporting each other’s fears of ‘having no money’, you’re actually giving the beggar money because this beggar as you is presenting physically before you here, the manifested fear within and as you of ‘having no money’ or ‘being without money’ – and in giving this beggar money, you are actually confirming this fear within and as you and confirming the existence of you as this beggar that has not money and is without money.

And so by this one act: You are accepting and allowing the fear of having no money and existing without money within you and this world as you, as presented to you within and as the manifested reflection of this fear within this world as the beggar as you.

And money is the manifested reflection of ‘power’ within this world: If you have ‘money’, you have ‘power’ and in accepting and allowing you to give the beggar as you as the manifested reflection of you as the fear accepted and allowed within and as you of having no money and being without money – money – you are giving your ‘power away’ to the accepted and allowed fear existent within and as you.

It’s interesting that beings’ give beggars money as ‘change’, giving beggars some ‘change’ – yes, you are giving them change as money, but you are not presenting them with a moment that could assist and support them as you to inevitably change themselves, presenting them with an opportunity as chance to stop the accepted and allowed definition of themselves as that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to as being but a ‘bum on the street’ / ‘beggar’.

Specifically, what did this being as ‘bum on the street defined’ as beggar accept and allow themselves to be one with and equal to within themselves that manifested the experience of themselves within their world: Fear of having no money and fear of being without money.

Beings as beggars as bums on the street-defined are how they are and experience themselves to be within their world because they accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to a fear of having no money and fear of being without money within themselves.

You become that and experience yourself within your world as that which you accept and allow you to be one with and equal to within yourself. And when the fear manifested and found themselves being on the street with no money, having no money and being without money – they accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to being but a ‘bum on the street’ and justifying and validating their accepted and allowed self definition as being but a ‘bum on the street’ as beggar-defined as what they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to through begging for money.

So a being as beggar on the street as bum-defined exists as the manifested physical reflection of a fear of having no money and being without money within and as you, and in giving a beggar as you money, you are giving your power away to this fear within you as reflected within and as the physical manifestation as the being as beggar as you – because you know such a manifested experience of being a beggar on the street exists within and as you, because of you accepting and allowing the fear of having no money and being without money to exist within and as you – and so you are accepting and allowing the manifestation of beings’ in this world as you experience of living on the street, having no money and being without money, homeless as beggars and bums to exist within and as this world as you – because you are accepting and allowing the fear of having no money and being without money to exist within and as you and supporting this fear and generating this fear by giving money to beggars.

Observe: If not one being were to give a being as beggar as bum on the street defined money – this being will have to inevitably realise: I have to practically do something to assist and support me in this world for me – ‘transferring’ so to speak, the beings responsibility to themselves unto themselves to stand for and as themselves, instead of them depending on others to validate and confirm their accepted and allowed existence of self of mind as that which they have accepted and allowed themselves to be one with and equal to, and so within yourself – you stop you from accepting and allowing you to support this fear of having no money and being without money within and as you, yourself.

Now understand, it is to look at all physical manifestations within this world as with the beggar/bum on the street example – as all physical manifestations within this world, reflect self to self as what self is accepting and allowing within and as self to exist, that is manifesting in and as beings as self in and as this world as self: Oneness and equality.

For a moment, to understand and to within understanding practically live oneness and equality as self here in every moment – let’s simplify and take the principle of and as oneness and equality to self here within and as self first, because from here, you will directly for and as you self realise how to expand oneness and equality within you and you world as you to this entire existence as you – to see how, where, when and where are you accepting and allowing for instance as given within the example above, beggars and homeless beings to exist within and as this world – and how to practically assist and support you to not accept or allow you to be one with and equal to anything less than who you really are: But to stand absolutely within and as oneness and equality as life and walk here in living breathing self honest self expression as ‘who I really am’: