As transcribed and typed by Veno through the interdimensio­nal portal

Date : 21/12/2007

It’s cool, though firstly, I would suggest considering the following:

I would suggest to apply the self forgiveness as: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself… because in placing the words ‘accepted and allowed’ within the self forgiveness statement sentence – you also ‘realise’ your self responsibility towards you when applying self forgiveness, this is me applying self forgiveness for what I have accepted and allowed and thus in doing so, in speaking this statement I am taking self responsibility for me.

Because have a look: In only using the words: I forgive myself… this is not actually you taking self responsibility for you – but applying self forgiveness out of fear – instead of the application of self forgiveness being a statement of you in expression of you taking self responsibility for you as you.

Because at the moment – you’re doing self forgiveness in fear, seen within your words of only ‘I forgive myself…’ – speaking the self forgiveness statement: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself…’ this is ‘real’, this is you absolutely taking self responsibility for you and facing what you have accepted and allowed within you and standing up within you.

I will do a HIV/AIDS self forgiveness list as soon as possible, which I will send to you once it’s done – though, first let’s work through this e-mail.

So, here below are suggestions with regards to self forgiveness and also how you’re practically able to assist and support you together with applying self forgiveness:

‘i forgive myself for taking risks’

Here you have to be more specific with regards to asking the question:

How would you ‘define risks’, meaning what specific risks have you taken in your life experience within which you have ‘compromised you’ and then apply self forgiveness specifically on those points.

I forgive myself for thinking d is less than me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge D in seeing / interpreting him as less than me. I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to see myself as ‘more than’ / ‘superior towards’ D. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge D as being inferior. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that by me judging D through seeing him as ‘less than / inferior’ to me – I am actually judging myself and I am showing myself that somewhere within me I am accepting / allowing ‘inferiority’ which I project unto others such as D.

Now K – you have to also look within your world where you’re experiencing you as ‘less than’ / inferior to something / someone within your world – because if you ‘experience’ another as ‘less than’ such as with D – you’re actually showing you that ‘somewhere’ within you, you are experiencing you as ‘less than’ / inferior to someone / something within your world, then to hide this, you project this unto others such as D and ‘design the illusion’ of superiority towards others.

i forgive myself for thinking that since he was a gang member he is less

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define D as being a ‘gang member’. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within my mind judge a being as a gang member as ‘less than me’. I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to judge others according to their current experience of themselves within their world instead of understanding / realising where they are within their own individual process. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to actually enjoy hanging out with D because in his presence I feel superior. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to at the same time fear D. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel inferior in the presence of David and then hide this fear through projecting inferiority. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to be honest with me in every moment of breath no matter where I am, with who I am or what I do in participation in this world. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to define me according to the company I keep – instead of standing within and as oneness and equality as me in every moment of breath and trust myself.

i forgive myself for thinking of the negatives from the past

K, here you have to be very much more specific, because realise that your mind system design is specific – thus, your self forgiveness must be as specific. Thus – you have to look at all the memories of the past that come up, each one and apply self forgiveness for accordingly - all the memories to which you react within you. Understand that it’s not about ‘positive / negative’ – this is also ‘polarity of the mind’ – it’s just you clearing you from all the memories of the past within you to which you are still reacting through specific self forgiveness.

So – every time a thought come up of the past: STOP – if the thought generates a reaction within you: Apply self forgiveness for the thought and the reaction the thought generated inside you and delete the thought.

i forgive myself for always going back and pulling out the negative past into conversations

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ‘rehash’ and ‘bring back’ the past the whole time through speaking about it within and during conversations instead of dealing with the past through releasing the past within me in self forgiveness. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that ‘rehashing the past’ / ‘brining the past back’ through and during participation in conversations is ‘mind talk’ – the mind only able to exist in the past of memory.

Now, in your application: Every time you ‘want to’ talk about the past within you during conversation: STOP immediately. And so you do this with every / any thought that come up inside you – STOP IT, don’t accept / allow you to participate in it.

I forgive myself for being jealous, angry, comparative and fearful

Here also K – you have to specifically look at what / who exactly generates jealousy, anger, comparison and fear within you – and then apply self forgiveness accordingly. For instance, let’s use an example: When you look at a car and you suddenly have a thought of being in a car accident, which generate fear within you: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the thought of being in a car accident which generated fear within me. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to fear being in a car accident. You have to observe yourself specifically and really look at what cause the reactions of jealously, anger, comparison and fear inside you.

i forgive myself for being jealous of other peoples clothes, money, cars, girlfriends

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare myself to other human beings who I perceive have ‘better’ clothes, ‘more money’, ‘better cars’ and girlfriends. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to defined others based on how I see them through my human physical eyes as the picture presentation they present and the perceptions / ideas and beliefs that exist within my mind. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become jealous of others through me comparing myself to them. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to define me according to clothes, money, cars and girlfriends and the picture I see of me in the mirror with my human physical eyes: I am not a picture – who I am is here in breath in awareness within and as self honesty in every moment. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to compare what I have / own / desire within this world as materialistic possessions to what other human beings have / own as materialistic possessions and I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to within this comparison become jealous and angry within myself. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to define who I am according to materialistic possessions instead of realising who I am is here in breath in awareness within and as self honesty in every moment.

Here also K – you have to look self honestly within you why you become ‘jealous’ of others – what thoughts / emotions inside you ‘triggers’ when you see others? Then apply self forgiveness accordingly.

i forgive myself for getting angry at my family for talking to me and distracting me

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to react with anger when I have the experience of my ‘family’ distracting me. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that they are merely showing me that I am distracted in the moment when they communicate with me. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that by me experiencing ‘my family distracting me when they talk to me’ and then reacting in anger – the anger is actually towards myself which I project unto them, because I am distracted in my mind, participating in thoughts and not here as breath.

So – realise that whenever you ‘react in anger’ and experience as though someone is ‘distracting you’ – realise that it’s you that’s actually distracted in your mind, then you react in anger because the being talking to you – is actually assisting you to ‘be aware’ and you’ll only ‘react in anger’ when you’re in the mind of the mind in that moment. If you weren’t in the mind when your ‘family’ talks to you – you will not react at all. So – when such a moment occur again – STOP the anger immediately, realise that when you react in anger, you were in the mind and not here as breath – then you take a deep breath as allow them to speak – ensuring you have no reaction within you at all.

i forgive myself for comparing myself to how others are doing in school, relationships, materials, money

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define who I am according to school, relationships, materials and money – and when I see others who apparently have it ‘better that I do’ I compare myself to them and I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that I’m not judging them, but myself. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to judge myself by comparing myself to others who I perceive have better ‘stuff’ than I do – instead of no more accepting / allowing me to define me according to school, relationships, material and money.

Understand that when you ‘judge/compare/become jealous’ of others – realise that, that which ‘cause’ the judgment/jealously/comparison within you is what you have ‘defined you’ as. So, have a look at what else and who else within your world seems ‘important’ that is outside of you and apply self forgiveness. Realise that what is important is you in self honesty in every moment of breath = no mind influence / interference.

i forgive myself for fearing my future, for fearing others will make me feel bad

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to fear the future, because of the uncertainty thereof. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that ‘fear of the future’ only exist within the mind of the mind. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that if I exist in fear of the future I am not here in the presence of breath in every moment.

Here I would also suggest to go in more specifically with regards to what exactly about the future it is you fear – to release all fears within you which you projected into the future and release yourself from it so you can exist and express you here in every moment of breath.

i forgive myself for feeling like i am separate from those around me

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to exist in separation with me through accepted and allowed participation in the mind. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that if I accept / allow me to participate in the mind – I am separating me from who I am here in every moment of breath in self expression as self honesty and self trust.

Understand that when / if / as you participate in the mind = this is where you exist within and as separation as the mind – thus, apply this process as I suggested and assist and support you to stand one and equal with you – which exists here in every moment of breath – focusing on your breathing.

i forgive myself that i have been doing things that i know i shouldn't have been doing deep inside

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to compromise myself by ‘doing things’ which I know will compromise / influence / control me. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to deliberately ‘do things’ which I know compromise who I am to ‘feed my ego’. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that ‘self compromise’ only exist when the ego of the mind wants to ‘be fed’ / ‘established’ within me as me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give into the ego of the mind when doing things that I know will compromise me.

K, here also – you have to ‘go back’ specifically to such moments where you compromised yourself and apply self forgiveness specifically for each and every such a moment – otherwise you will continuously do this – until you finally STOP. I suggest stop such self compromise through applying self forgiveness so that you don’t actually have to have such experiences again – understand that you will ‘test’ yourself, in other words there will come moments where you will see who you are – either you’re going to be self honest and say: NO – or you’re going to ‘do these things’ and compromise yourself which will just compound and become more extensive, an experience I would not suggest – therefore – I suggest self forgiveness and not accepting / allowing you to ‘fall into temptation’ of the mind’s ego.

i forgive myself for vandalism, sex with hooker

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to vandalize within my participation in this world which reveal and show to me how I’m accepting and allowing me to abuse myself because of accepted and allowed anger within me towards myself when I ‘do things’ I know I should not do, but do them anyway to ‘feed my ego’. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to compromise myself in ‘feeding my ego’ by having sex with a ‘prostitute’ – I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to fear facing the consequences because of my self compromise because I was not self honest with me in that moment. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to feel guilt, dirty and ashamed because of having sex with a ‘prostitute’ – instead of realising that I am ashamed/guilty and ‘feel dirty’ towards myself because I was not self honest with me in that moment.

Here you have to look at brutal self honesty K – why you compromised myself, why you did have sex with the prostitute, why did you give in, how did you experience yourself afterwards etc. and apply self forgiveness specifically.

Understand that this ‘event’ was necessary for you to WAKE UP and realise that you’ve got to start looking within yourself and at yourself in what you have accepted and allowed yourself to be and become and ‘sort yourself out’ – which you are busy with now, which is great. So – be careful not to apply self forgiveness / this process out of fear – but realise / understand that you’re doing this for you – so that you will not again compromise yourself K – have a look at the consequences of self compromise: It’s extensive in what you have accepted and allowed you to become within you. So – realise that you’re applying you to take self responsibility for you – and so you will assist and support others as you as you continue within this process to not self compromise – but take self responsibility for themselves as you are through applying yourself effectively.

i forgive myself for feeling i have hiv
i forgive myself for acting as if i have hiv

K– here you have to apply brutal self honesty: Why do you fear having HIV? Look at everything that comes up inside you when answering this question for yourself and apply self forgiveness for each and every single ‘point of fear’ related to HIV that comes up.

i forgive myself for being dishonest, greedy,jealous, comparative, fearful

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed dishonesty, greed, jealously, comparison and fear within me as the very nature of my being. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in dishonesty, greed, jealously, comparison and fear within me. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to think / believe that experiencing dishonesty, greed, jealously, comparison and fear is ‘normal’ instead of realising it is not who I am – but of the mind. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to define me within and as dishonesty, greed, jealously, comparison and fear.

Here you also have to be ‘more specific’ as I indicated in the above previous points: Where you are dishonest within you / towards who are you dishonest within you – within whose presence in your world (meaning other beings) are you deliberately dishonest and apply self forgiveness accordingly. Towards what are you greedy, what cause fear, jealously and comparison within you – answer these questions for you specifically and apply self forgiveness.

i forgive myself for feeling more superior or inferior than others

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that superiority only exist because inferiority exists – which is a ‘polarity manifestation of the mind’. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that because I accept / allow inferiority within me – I will attempt / try to hide it through exerting / projecting superiority. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that superiority and inferiority is a polarity manifestation of the mind = and if I accept / allow me to participate in the polarity of superiority and inferiority I am accepting / allowing me to ‘play the mind’s game’. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to play the mind’s game in existing within the polarity of superiority and inferiority and defining such a polarity existence of the mind as who I am. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in superiority and inferiority – instead of remaining here in breath as who I am in every moment within and as self honesty as me. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to attempt / try to hide inferiority within me as what I am accepting / allowing to experience as me through exerting the projected illusionary presentation of myself as being superior.

K – here you have to specially look at towards who / what you experience inferiority / superiority within you – because if you experience ‘inferiority within you towards another’ – you have to look at what the being represent that you have not accepted within you as you but see in another separate from you – which will cause jealousy / judgment within you.

For instance if a being’s presence ‘resonates’ with the word ‘confidence’ and you experience you as being ‘unconfident’ – you’ll experience inferiority , because you have not yet accepted / lived / applied self confidence as you. Then you go: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience myself as inferior towards *Greg because he’s self confident and I experience me as unconfident. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me as being unconfident – I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to live / apply / express / accept me as self confidence in every moment of breath as who I am. Self confidence is established through self trust and self trust is established when you apply self honesty in every moment when you don’t accept / allow anything less than who you are – and this is done through not accepting / allowing you to participate in the mind.

Let’s say you experience superiority towards another human being – now you have to look at what does this being resonate which exist within you, but that you have denied and not yet dealt with – for instance, let’s say the being ‘resonates the presentation of being unconfident’ – because you’re experiencing you as being unconfident, you don’t want this being to ‘see this within you’ – you ‘make as if you are confident through ‘exerting an illusion of superiority’ – because you fear that which you see within that being representing you which is being unconfident. And so, you will ‘look down on that being’ because of your own fear of being unconfident which you have not yet dealt with.

Then you go: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project the illusionary presentation of superiority towards *Uri because he represents that which I fear within myself that other beings will see which is being unconfident. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that this act of superiority towards another is me showing / revealing to me what I have not yet dealt with within myself, but accepted and allowed within myself which I fear. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being unconfident.

And so you look at towards who / what within your world you experience inferiority – because this being as you is showing you what you have not yet accepted as you within you, and also look at towards / what within your world you experience superiority because this being as you is showing / revealing you what you have denied and feared within you which you have not yet dealt with and then you apply self forgiveness accordingly.

i forgive myself for feeling angry at the systems

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame my current situation and experience of myself on the systems. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exert my anger within me towards me out on the systems. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that the reaction of anger towards anything / anyone outside of me is me showing me there still exist anger within me I have not yet dealt with / released. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be angry with me because of what I have accepted and allowed me to do to myself and to others as myself.

Now – you have to specifically look at what / who in your past have caused you to react in anger / experience anger which you’re still holding onto – because realise that if you ‘react in anger’ it is suppressed anger within you of memories of the past which you’re still holding onto which you have not yet dealt with properly and effectively. So – you really have to go back specifically – look at the memories – and apply self forgiveness. If you in any given moment within your world currently still react in anger / want to react in anger: STOP, don’t participate in the emotion of anger at all – you stop it within you before it compounds.
i forgive myself for hate towards the illuminati

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame my current situation and experience of myself within this world on the illuminati. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that I am accepting / allowing the existence of the illuminati through my allowed and accepted participation in the mind. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that that which the illuminati represent – I have accepted and allowed to exist within me. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that the reason for my ‘anger towards the illuminati’ as what they represent – is what I am accepting / allowing within me as the nature of who I am – and instead of taking self responsibility for what I accept / allow within me – I blame it on the illuminati. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear taking self responsibility for what I have done unto me and others as me – so, instead I blame others for what I experience instead of realising that I am responsible for what I experience through my accepted and allowed participation in the mind.

i forgive myself for thinking i deserve more than others

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think / believe I am more than others and because I am apparently more than others, which exist as a belief / idea in my mind – I deserve more than others. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that such words as ideas/beliefs of the mind: ‘I am more than others and thus I deserve more than others’ is the absolute example of the separation of the mind. I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that of I accept / allow me to continue with such ideas / beliefs of the mind as: ‘I am more than others and thus I deserve more than others’ I am actually supporting the system of the world such as poverty and famine – ‘taking from those that don’t have’ because I think / believe I am ‘more than them’.

Here also brutal self honesty required – exactly why do you ‘think’ / ‘believe’ you deserve more than others – look at what thoughts as reasons come up in your mind and apply self forgiveness and DELETE them – establish oneness and equality within you so that you no more support the separation that exist within this world.