Veno -Structural Resonance – PART TWO – Phase 7

Transcribed and typed by Veno through the interdimensio­nal portal

Date : 30/07/2007

And we are once again returning to the continuation of the Structural Resonance within human beings in today's world. A note to ‘warn' those who are currently in relationships in the world: Most of what is discussed here regarding the Structural Resonance within human beings is emphasizing the existence of relationships that exist within and of consciousness programmed design, because it is in the forming and development and ‘commitment' of relationships that beings have been ‘fucked' in this reality. More of this statement will be understood as we continue…

The Design of the Structural Resonance in the Human Physical Body :


15.) FOREARM points :

PROTECTION and DEFENSE: Within the FOREARM points exist the Protection/Defense Systems – beautifully harnessed and caressed within the muscle tissue of the forearms.

What exactly these Protection/Defense Systems are is manifested designed systems which human beings are able to utilize in situations to circumvent a possible ‘threat' to their existence as programmed consciousness structural resonance systems. The foundation upon which the Protection/Defense Systems within the FOREARM points is established upon is none other than: Fear of loss. If the ‘threat' of possibly ‘losing' a certain something within their world that was placed specifically by the being themselves because it was used to define ‘who they are' and without it, their controlled existence they refer to as their ‘life' and ‘who they are', would be influenced and harmed dramatically which is just ‘not acceptable': The fear of loss system within the FOREARM points will be activated and met with justification, denial, validation etc. – to protect and defend and maintain and control their existence to ‘just not lose themselves' as ‘who they are' within the System.

Fascinating, so fear of loss – together with justification, denial and validation – is what's used to have human beings remain enslaved and controlled within consciousness as programmed consciousness structural resonance systems, so that when a ‘threat' arise of either ‘change' or possibly ‘losing' something that they have used to define ‘who they are' within the System – up come the Protection/Defense Systems within the FOREARM points to make sure they remain controlled slaves to consciousness. Yes – the ‘Creators' made sure that humanity is ‘split' and separated into all sorts of defined beliefs and perceptions of existence and of themselves, where everyone is ‘right' and the rest is ‘wrong' waging conflict between Man and using the Protection/Defense Systems within the FOREARM points so that all within their defined beliefs and perceptions of existence may defend and protect their existences that are of consciousness…it's qu­ite hilarious when you see that no-one is ‘right' and no-one is ‘wrong' but that all have been placed as pawns for consciousness systems' enjoyment of continuous enslavement and control.

And here I am, with so many others, challenging all that has ever flourished and manifested within humanity, used as self-defined trust establishments within themselves and in their world and we're saying: Stop, have a look, observe yourself and the experience of yourself in this world because its all been a lie… (I suggest watch the Matrix closely, because it's not far from the truth of what exactly is occurring and manifesting within humanity in this moment).

So, the Protection/Defense Systems is activated and directed by: Fear of loss – quite simply equated within the mind consciousness systems design of human beings in this world. Have them individualize and personalize their own mind consciousness system as they come of age, define ‘who they are' within the System with that which exist separate from who they really are – then the existence of ‘fear of loss' within human beings actually become automatic. Why? Because human beings have ‘fallen in the trap' of defining ‘who they are' within the System with that which is separate from who they really are – within the self defined separation, they have to control and ‘hold onto' and maintain their existence with all that they have used to define ‘who they are' within the System that is separate from who they really are. Therefore, fear of loss, only has the ability to exist within humanity if you have defined ‘who you are' within the System according to that which exist separate from yourself: It's simple.

Then, the Protection/Defense Systems within the FOREARM points are also able to come to the fore and jump out like a ‘Jack in the Box' when resistance is allowed to be experienced: Yet again resistance to that which may or might ‘influence', ‘harm' or ‘threaten' your existence within your self imposed controlled and enslaved imprisonment as a programmed consciousness structural resonance system. Human beings are literally, day in and day out continuously trying to control and maintain their self imposed controlled and enslaved imprisonment, they refer to as ‘their life' to ensure their survival within the System as a programmed consciousness structural resonance system as ‘who they are' – existing in constant ‘fear of loss' and using their Protection/Defense Systems within the FOREARM points to ‘stabilize' themselves in remaining within and as that which they ‘know' and ‘trust'. And using their Protection/Defense Systems within the FOREARM points to defend and protect themselves if their existence is ‘threatened', ‘harmed' or ‘influenced' – to just not ‘lose themselves' as ‘who they are' within the System…

Quite magnificently designed so that humanity will always protect and defend their existences through fear of loss utilizing justification, denial and validation – never knowing that it is in truth themselves that are allowing and accepting their own continuous enslavement to consciousness because they have defined ‘who they are' within the System to that which exist separate from themselves.

The Protection/Defense Systems that exist within the FOREARM points of all of humanity is exactly the same – the defense and protection mechanisms used as justification, validation, denial etc. are copied and duplicated by the child from the parents as reactive behaviours and actions, mainly consisting of conflicting arguments of manipulation to defend and protect their own personalized and individualized mind consciousness systems' as the structural resonance within and as them, used to define ‘who they are' within the System. Have a look when a being's existence is ‘challenged', when a being as that which they have defined ‘who they are' within the System is challenged: Up come the ‘Jack in the Box' Protection/Defense System – preparing their armour to ensure their safety of just not ‘losing themselves' as ‘who they are' within the System, to just not ‘lose' that which they have used to define ‘who they are' within the system and ‘fight back' to defend and protect themselves through reactive emotional behaviours /actions of justifications, validations, resistances, manipulation and denial, which is also known as: Fighting for your own limitations.

Human beings' G-spot activation when challenged for incase their entire existence is ‘harmed'; ‘influenced' or threatened which is their ‘God'-spot: Fear of loss!

Human beings react – they don't stand up as who they are: There is a great difference. Reaction would be utilizing the Protection/Defense Systems, experiencing ‘fear of loss' and experiencing emotional reactive manipulative behaviours in which one justify, deny or validate your existence to ensure the safety of yourself within and as a programmed consciousness structural resonance system. Standing up would be a statement of who you are, through words spoken as one with who you are, the statement as who you are which stand infinitely, a statement that stand absolute with no movement or waver within yourself the certainty obsolete – and remain the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Therefore the Protection/Defense Systems within the FOREARM points is consciousness' armour for each human being to utilize when ‘who they are' within the System as a programmed consciousness structural resonance system could possibly be ‘influenced', ‘harmed' or ‘threatened' – ensuring their safety within the continuous enslavement and control of consciousness through ‘fear of loss'.

16.) WRIST points :

The search for answers to questions that rise within a seemingly dark and opaque unknown territorial existence here on earth because of apparent no comprehension and understanding of yourself, the world and the rest of humanity…

For it becomes dangerous when you seek the answers to the questions that rise within from those as lost and confused as yourself, that have gone before you within this dark and opaque unknown territorial existence on earth not understanding or comprehending the reason for themselves, the world and the rest of humanity, who've used theories derived from ancient beliefs and perceptions to design answers to questions that ‘makes sense'. The ‘making' of ‘sense' – the ‘design' of sense/answers to ‘fit' the ‘profile' of answers to questions that seem pliable and acceptable within the conformities of one's own experience here on earth.

The WRIST points are the enslavement of Man as the deterioration of themselves to the most finite inferior expression known to existence – forever enslaved and controlled within the White Light Soul construct/Rein­carnation System endlessly searching for the ‘ultimate answer' or ‘reason' or ‘purpose' for the existence of themselves in this world along with the rest of humanity as the apparent ‘meaning of life'/‘meaning of themselves' to become something or anything of worth or importance because they are apparently of no worth or importance – within doing so, trying to survive in this world. The WRIST points system is that which enslaves humanity to the belief and perception of their finite inferior expression, apparently not having the ability to understand or comprehend anything that exist and must follow journeys and paths to ‘become' something, to ‘gain' purpose, to ‘understand' reason, to ‘feel' special, to ‘attain' to some ‘higher' importance etc. Within the WRIST points exist the Finite System – it is from this Finite System within the WRIST points that human beings have infinitely accepted and allowed their finite inferior existence on earth as ‘who they apparently are' – trying to find multiple ways in the ‘making' of ‘sense' and ‘designing' of ‘answers', forming and developing perceptions and beliefs to the reason and purpose for Man's existence on earth, used of course, to the Creators' of consciousness' benefit.

Not only this, but it is within the Finite System of the WRIST points that human beings allow and accept themselves to conform and condition themselves to that which is acceptable and allowed in this world and that which is not acceptable and allowed in this world – all conditioning and conforming to that which already exist here on earth, conditioning and conforming themselves to that which is ‘safe' and have already been ‘tried' and ‘tested' by those that have gone before them.

Therefore, the Finite System within the WRIST points represents that which ha ve you remain within the conditionings and conformities of this world as those that have gone before you – never allowing you to completely break-free from and challenge all that exist, all that you've ever known and all that you've ever trusted. But remain within that which has been laid out before you by those that have gone before you that was of consciousness enslavement.

And so the ‘Creators' of consciousness, program designed Man to perceive and believe themselves to be inferior and finite within the beliefs and perceptions that they exist within a seemingly vast existence separate from all within and of existence, with dimensional beings ‘more profound and great in knowledge and wisdom' than Man. So Man may through their beliefs and perceptions ‘follow' the conditionings and conformities of existence, create and design God's within religions and spiritualities, ‘worship' the dimensional beings presenting themselves to be the ‘greater and more profound' expressions of knowledge and wisdom – in this way have Man believe and perceive they do not have the ‘answers', ‘ability' and ‘power' of anything within and of existence as one with who they are but those that ‘seem' more ‘higher' and ‘superior' in their presented expression.

The WRIST point Finite System is that which enslaves and controls humanity to remain in the ‘search' for ‘answers' and the ‘hope' of a ‘solution' to this world and themselves instead of realising that each human being in this world is responsible for all as one and must stand up, must wake up, must live and apply who they are in every moment – give up and let go all that they have ever known and trusted within and of this world and themselves to see, hear and realise themselves as who they really are. The Finite System is passed on from generation to generation within humanity – supporting consciousness evolution and enslavement instead of challenging all that exist within existence and within themselves that is of consciousness enslavement.

17.) HAND points :

The hands of the Creator – the hands of Man – the hands of me – hands as I…

The usage of hands in this world has been greatly abused, extensively abused, phenomenally abused. The usage of hands in this world have been supporting humanities' enslavement to consciousness , and it is actually demonstrating the enslavement of man to consciousness magnificently for human beings have been using their hands without presence and awareness as who they are, for within the very point of your fingertips exist YOU as who you are – within the very point of your fingertips exist your expression as who you are.

What have hands been used for within this world but survival. Human beings use their hands to ‘work' and ‘earn a living' and ‘touch' and ‘feel' that which is apparently ‘real' within this physical manifested materialized existence. Using the hands and eyes together to deceive self in ‘believing' that which is visibly seen with the human eye, together with ‘touch' and ‘feel' of the hands is all that exist that is ‘real', separate from who they are – where the physical human eyes require ‘proof' of the existence of self, ‘proof' of the existence of that which had been experienced by some human beings, communicated to others which seemingly is ‘impossible' or ‘unbelievable' because other's have not ‘seen' such an experience with their own human physical eyes. Therefore, probably scientists exist, to just prove to humanity that humanity does indeed exist with research and projects and experiments carried out, using their hands to show humanity the required ‘proof' of their own existence, which human beings are able to see with their human physical eyes, experience through touch etc. – and then say: Now I believe you, because I have seen/touched/ex­perienced it for myself.

Have a look what children do when they are infants, they chew and touch and bite whatever they are able to get their hands on – the simple reason being that they are programming their mind to see only that which they touch and chew and bite with their physical hands. The form and the ‘feeling' and texture and taste of that which they touch with their physical hands is then programmed into their mind consciousness system as a three dimensional holographic object as picture and so they start programming themselves into this three dimensional reality. Children, infants actually see interdimensionally – with no realisation of what is ‘real' and what is not ‘real' – everything looks like continuous sound movement. Yet – because of the unconscious mind already manifested and infused within and as them, they start ‘programming' their mind into this pictured three dimensional holographic reality, through touching, chewing, tasting and biting objects – to have their mind be programmed in such a way to have their physical eyes see only that which they touch, feel, chew, bit and taste as pictured objects in their mind. It's fascinating, so infants don't actually see the manifested three dimensional holographic manifestations in its entirety as ‘grown ups' do – they see the sound movement existence thereof as one with themselves. They only start seeing the three dimensional holographic manifestations in its entirety as ‘grown ups' do when they actually touch, chew, bite and taste the objects and program it into their minds as pictures – so the next time they touch, chew, bite and taste the object – up jumps the picture in the mind, transferred to the physical human eyes and voila! – They see the three dimensional holographic manifestation in its entirety. Therefore, infants program themselves into this three dimensional holographic reality through touch – designing pictures in their mind which they see through their human physical eyes. The more the picture of the objects manifests and compounds in their mind through touch, chew, bite and taste – their human physical eyes will merely start seeing the objects without having to touch, chew, bite or taste it and continue with the next.

Therefore, human beings exist in and as a pictured reality, because as they were infants they programmed their mind for their physical human eyes to see only that which they had touched, bit, chewed and tasted as ‘real' – because it was programmed as a picture in their mind which they then see with their human physical eyes. And so infants ‘lose' ‘touch', ‘lose' ‘sight' of themselves as who they are as infinite sound movement when they start programming their mind with pictures, seeing and perceiving everything within and of this reality as separate from who they are. And so human beings, as they come of age, become ‘lost' within and as the pictures they see with their human physical eyes which they have attached to experiences of emotions and feelings within them – being directed by pictures within the mind and experiences of emotions and feelings. Start defining ‘who you are' according to the experience of yourself within pictures you programmed into your mind and the pictures you see that is of this three dimensional holographic reality – becoming but a picture, within a pictured reality.

That's why human beings require ‘proof' of the existence of something or anything in this world before they will ‘believe' and ‘trust' the existence thereof – they programmed themselves this way, their mind is programmed to only believe that which is seen as pictured visual proof or physically touched and proven before they'll agree to the existence thereof. Scientists merely support human beings as consciousness systems – to continuously prove and show to humanity that what they ‘see' and ‘touch' with their human physical eyes and hands is ‘real' and all that exist – programming humanity further into this limited consciousness system three dimensional holographic pictured reality.

That's how the ‘Creators' fucked humanity – have ‘miracles' and ‘appearances' and ‘manifestations' etc. etc. etc. which only a select few actually have seen and experienced, yet their life changing event is ‘proof' of the existence of such experiences and the rest of humanity ‘believe' and ‘follow' wholeheartedly with ‘hope' that this might change their life as well and dedicate and commit their entire life's existence to the enslavement of ‘hope'.

Have a look – humanity is enslaved, imprisoned and limited by pictures, because they have defined who they are and the experience of themselves according to pictures they programmed within their minds when they were infants which they see with their human physical eyes – becoming mere pictured consciousness systems within a pictured consciousness system reality. How many children in this world is able to read effectively, living words as one with who they are, expressing themselves as the living word as one with who they are – they are merely being supported as consciousness enslaved systems through televisions, through more and more and more pictures being infiltrated into their minds to imprison themselves further and further and further within and as a mere limited picture within a pictured reality.

The living word as one with who you are – does not exist within this world yet. ‘In the beginning was the word and the word was God and the word was with God'…

Have a look – you're but a picture in a picture world and everything you have ever touched – you see. Everything you see and touch is separate from who you are – you're not touching you – you're a picture in a pictured reality where all that exist is separate from who you are. Only experiencing that which your visual eyes see which you have defined as ‘who you are' and attached pictures in your mind with emotions and feelings.

What's going on here? Why am I here? What am I doing here? Who am I? Where am I? What am I? Am I lost?

Therefore, instead of human beings in every touch realising that that which they touch, is one with who they are, the essence of that which exist is one with who they are, that all that exist within existence is themselves, that nothing that exist is separate from who they are. Whatever or whoever you touch – it is YOU – it is one with who you are. But not have that which you touch exist as a picture in your mind – your mind must be cleared of all pictures because who you are is not a goddamn picture, you are the living word as one with who you are. Then when you touch, you will realise you're touching yourself, you're not separate from anything within and of existence, that it doesn't exist as a picture separate from who you are within you, but exist as an expression as one with who you are.

Remove the pictures in your mind humanity, pictures you have attached emotions and feelings to, pictures you have used to define who you are, pictures you have used to ‘prove' your own existence: Because it's the pictures in your mind that's limiting and enslaving you and controlling you in this world, separating you from who you really are.

YOU ARE NOT A PICTURE – you are the living word as one with who you are.

Who you are don't exist within and as pictures, pictures was designed and generated by the mind consciousness systems ( as I have explained during infancy) within you so that you may ‘lose' ‘sight' and ‘lose' ‘touch' of who you really are as infinite sound movement, as the living word as one with who you are. You, as an infant, did see who you really are, did see yourself as one with who you are – yet the unconscious mind transferred within you while developing within the mother's womb, defined that which you touched, felt, tasted and chewed according to pictures, which then visualized your eyes to the pictures designed within the mind. Becoming a mere picture in a pictured reality – separate from who you really are. Instead of each touch being the touch of you within and as the realisation that only I remain, I am here, I am touching me, the expression of that is not of pictures.

Human beings who ‘fear giving up the mind', fear giving up that which they had accepted and allowed themselves to become – fear giving up their consciousness defined limited visualized pictured reality. Fear giving up themselves as a picture in a pictured reality: That simple.

That's why all we have are words, words that are one with who we are as the expression of who we are, living the words we speak as one with who we are. If you require ‘proof' pictures (excuse me, human beings), then you're going to have to live the words as one with who you are and ‘live' the ‘proof' as one with who you are. Because I am not going to give you visual pictured proof of who I am because I am not supporting you within and as your consciousness pictured visual limited existence as that which you have defined as who you are – because you are not that!

Right pictures in your pictured limited reality, we will continue next with Structural Resonance (Phase 8) as we move down the legs to the 18.) KNEE points…

