Veno -Structural Resonance – PART TWO – Phase 9

Transcribed and typed by Veno through the interdimensio­nal portal

Date : 01/08/2007

Here I am, as you are here, reading the words I express as we continue together exploring and discovering the understanding of the structural resonance within you – your very own personalized and individualized mind consciousness system derivative as that which human beings, as yourself, so primitively believe ‘who you are' within the System.

The Design of the Structural Resonance in the Human Physical Body :


20.) FEET points :

(NOTE: Within the PART FOUR section where I will be explaining how exactly you are able to support yourself practically in this world to finally ‘release' yourself from the programmed structural resonance system within you – I will be covering the specific fingers on the hands points and also the toes on the feet points. For the moment I am explaining the hands and feet as an entirety, yet the fingers and toes will be placed into clearer, specific perspective as I continue in PART FOUR.)

The FEET points – the walk, the momentum, the movement, the direction. How many of you are aware, how many of you are present with every step you take as you lift your one foot for the other to take its place as the momentum of movement in walking forward within a specific direction? How many of you are aware, how many of you are present as your one foot lifts, the toes of your foot, touches the ground, the earth you walk upon, and lifts as the other foot takes its place on the ground a mere step away, the heel of your foot touching the ground in that moment and placing the rest of your foot firmly on the ground, the earth you walk upon?

I am certain not many – not many human beings on earth are aware, not many human beings are present within and as the simplicity of the momentum of movement in walking forward within a specific direction. Experiencing yourself as awareness as presence within the movement, the momentum of your entire physical body as one with yourself while walking in a specific direction. No human beings are not present, human beings are not aware – human beings are lost and confused ‘up there' in their mind, ‘thinking' that they exist within their mind only through the act of thinking. That if they remain ‘up there' in their mind or in their head – they are ‘alive', they are ‘aware' and that they are ‘present'. That they exist only ‘up there' in their mind or in their head, constantly, continuously preoccupied in their minds, in their heads through the act of thinking:

This is not awareness and this is not presence human beings and this is not the definition of the statement of being ‘alive' apparently. Being ‘alive' as a consciousness systems, well yes, upon such a statement I will not disagree, but being alive as the expression of who you are within and as presence and awareness within and as your physical body as one with who you are – does not yet exist in this world. Just have a look at the ridiculousness of human beings, walking within a specific direction, with movement and momentum while they exist within their minds, their heads, constantly continuously indulging in the act of thinking, pumping and generating emotions and feelings within them as their thoughts continue to constantly circulate within their minds – lost and confused in the inner workings of their mind as their thoughts, enslaved and controlled through the limitation of the act of thinking. There exist no presence human beings, there exist no awareness human beings – because they walk within specific directions, their physical bodies moving in the momentum unconsciously accepted and allowed as they exist only within their minds, their heads, believing they exist only ‘up there' within their thoughts through the act of thinking.

Do you see the limitation human beings, do you hear the limitation human beings – lost ‘up there' within the confinements of your mind, your head, the primitive nature of continuous constantly moving thoughts which generate and compound emotions and feelings – no presence, no awareness, no realisation of the experience of self within and as oneness within and as your physical body in its entirety as ‘presence of self'. Therefore human beings are lost, therefore human beings are primitive, therefore human beings are limited, therefore human beings are enslaved – because they believe that ‘who they are' exist within the confinements of the mind, the continuous constant circulation of thoughts as the act of thinking. Realise the limitation you have accepted and allowed to define ‘who you are' according to your existence within the confinements of the mind ‘up there', the act of thinking as thoughts moving and circulating within your mind separate from yourself ‘up there'. Where are YOU human beings? Where are YOU? Are you really those thoughts in your mind, do you really accept and allow your primitive and limited existence only within the confinement of your mind, your head through the act of thinking?

That's why human beings in this world are not ‘registering' the allowed and accepted brutality that's allowed and accepted to manifest destructively in this world, that's why human beings aren't realising that whatever any human being experiences in this world – such human beings are one with yourself: Meaning that those that live in wealth and prosperity are equal and one with those who live in starvation and poverty. Naturally no human being will realise this because the ‘problem' exist within the separation within and as self, and because of that separation within and as self, separation will manifest within and as the rest of the world and the rest of humanity as one.

This ‘separation' I am mentioning here is the separation within and as self that exist within and as every single individual human being on earth, let's have a look at it so you may understand this separation that exist within and as human beings within and as themselves. It's actually quite simple: Human beings exist in their mind, in their head within the primitive nature of thoughts and believe that ‘who they are' exist within the act of thinking, as the act of thinking, enclosed and secluded within themselves, within their mind, within their head.

No awareness and no presence exist within and as them within the realisation that their entire physical body is one with who they are, that presence and awareness within and as self exist in the simple act of walking as the movement of momentum within a specific direction as your one foot is placed infront of the other, your toes touching the ground, the experience of your toes touching the ground, the experience of your heel touching the ground as one foot after another is placed firmly on the ground. As you walk, as you move with momentum within a specific direction – you have ‘presence of self' as all that exist in the moment you walk is your movement with momentum within a specific direction as you experience yourself as one with your entire physical body, where you exist as one with your entire physical body – completely present, completely aware of the experience of each and every single muscle, each and every single part of your physical body – moving as one with your entire physical body.

The separation exist here human beings – where you are not present and aware of you being one with your entire physical body, experiencing each and every single movement of your entire physical body as one with who you are, as you walk with momentum within a specific direction. Where you are not within and as ‘presence of self' where no mind exist, where no thought exist, where no emotions and feelings exist except the silence of sound as who you are as one within and as your entire physical body. But instead have separated yourself from you, from your entire physical body as one with who you are and remain limited and secluded and confined to the ‘small space' as your mind, your head ‘up there', within your constantly circulating thoughts which you believe to be ‘who you are' remaining preoccupied in the ‘small space' in your mind, in your head through the act of thinking.

Fuck – that's sad – that human beings believe that the alpha and omega of themselves exist ‘up there' in their mind, in their head in the primitive nature of thoughts when all of existence as one with who you are exist within and as your presence and awareness within and as the realisation that you are one within and as your entire physical human body. Your human physical body, human beings, is the manifestation of all of existence as one with who you are – existence exist within and as you as your entire physical body – you are the manifestation of existence as one with who you are. If you separate yourself from your physical body as one with who you are, not realising yourself as presence, as awareness as one with your entire physical body as one with who you are – you separate yourself from all of existence as one with who you are. You are not able to access yourself, you are not able to realise yourself, you are not able to experience yourself, you are not able to express yourself as who you are as the manifestation of existence as one with who you are, while you're preoccupied ‘up there' within your mind, your head through the act of thinking – believing that you are the primitive natured existence of thoughts circulating constantly and continuously in your mind, in your head that exist separate from yourself “up there” as you remain lost and secluded within the confined little small space as your mind, your head.

There was a man that existed on earth with the name René Descartes (or Renatus Cartesius which is the Latenized form ) here is an excerpt quote from Wikipedia: ‘ Initially, Descartes arrives at only a single principle: thought exists. Thought cannot be separated from me, therefore, I exist ( Discourse on the Method and Principles of Philosophy ). Most famously, this is known as cogito ergo sum („I think, therefore I am“).'

And furthermore: ‘Therefore, Descartes concludes that he can be certain that he exists. But in what form? He perceives his body through the use of the senses; however, these have previously been proven unreliable. So Descartes concludes that the only indubitable knowledge is that he is a thinking thing . Thinking is his essence as it is the only thing about him that cannot be doubted. Descartes defines „thought“ ( cogitatio ) as „what happens in me such that I am immediately conscious of it, insofar as I am conscious of it“. Thinking is thus every activity of a person of which he is immediately conscious .

(NOTE: René Descartes will also be coming through the Interdimensional Portal to share his experience on earth through his writings, to place his experience into perspective for all to understand – he is here within the Interdimensional Portal with me in this moment and supporting me in what I am about to explain regarding the statement he had made: ‘I think, therefore I am'.)

The statement Descartes made: ‘I think, therefore I am' is the statement of that of a consciousness system. As long as human beings continue to remain preoccupied in the act of thinking – believing that their primitive natured thoughts are ‘who you are' – you remain a consciousness system. Consciousness systems think – consciousness systems require thinking to have human beings remain lost and preoccupied within the small confined and secluded space of their mind, their head to generate emotions and feelings to maintain the existence of consciousness systems within them. Remaining enslaved and controlled within their limited and confined space ‘up there' in their mind, in their head as they define ‘who they are' according to their primitive natured thoughts circulating continuously within their mind, their head. Here exist no presence and no awareness of self as one within and as your entire human physical body as the manifestation of all of existence as one with who you are within and as the silence of sound as the ‘presence of self' – because ‘self' is apparently ‘alive' through the participation in thoughts ‘up there' in your mind, in your head separate from yourself, existing within and as separation ‘up there' in your mind, in your head through participation in the act of thinking, fervently believing that ‘who you are' exist within and as your primitive natured thoughts.

Descartes didn't trust his physical body, the senses of his physical body because he separated himself from his physical body as one with who he is – therefore he made the statement that his physical body and his senses are apparently ‘unreliable' – he did not understand, he did not realise that the very act of thinking and allowance in participation of thoughts and defining his existence as ‘who he is' based on the existence of thoughts in his mind ‘up there' has separated him from himself – and rather trusted his thoughts because he ‘thought' and believed that his thoughts and the very act of thinking is ‘who he really is'. During his experience on earth that was the only reference he had of his existence – thoughts and the act of thinking during this period were all he understood and all he knew that he could use to reference his existence to.

It's very well done actually, the design of the mind consciousness system keeping human beings preoccupied in their mind, in their head ‘up there' through the act of thinking, making human beings believe that ‘who they are' exist in the confined seclusion of the mind within and as the existence of primitive natured thoughts. Preoccupy human beings ‘up there', separate themselves from their entire physical body as one with who they are as the actual manifestation of existence as one with who they are – have human beings believe that they exist as ‘who they are' within and as their thoughts, that they cannot exist without the act of thinking, without the existence of thoughts within their mind, their head and have to remain enslaved within and as the limited and primitive existence of thought.

So that human beings in this world for eons of time exist in separation, within themselves and within all of existence as one, enslaved for eons of time without realising that who they really are exist within and as the presence of self, the realisation and awareness of the existence of self, present here, with every breath as one with their entire human physical body as the actual manifestation of existence as one with who they are.

How do you enslave a race, become the superior power and ultimate god-like feared essence of such a race through control to not realise that the existence of themselves as one with all of existence exist within and as the presence and awareness of self, the silence of sound with every breath within and as the presence and awareness of self, as one with their entire human physical body as the manifestation of existence as one with who they are: Separate them from themselves completely by designing a system within the human physical body as the mind consciousness system, keep them preoccupied in the limited and secluded confinement of their mind, their head, ‘up there' where the constant and continuous circulating thoughts exist and manifest and have them believe that ‘who they are' exist within and as the act of thinking, that ‘who they are' exist within the limited and secluded confinement of the mind, the head and have them remain preoccupied there for as long as they participate in the act of thinking, believing that the existence of thoughts defines the definition of them being ‘alive' – they are separate from themselves as who they really are as one with their entire physical body as the manifestation of existence as one with who they are.

Human beings – you don't need your mind, your thoughts to have the ability to express yourself, to have the ability to experience yourself, to have the ability to speak and communicate, to have the ability to participate in this world – the belief and idea and myth that exist that if you were to stop your thoughts, stop your participation in the act of thinking ‘you will die' or that ‘you won't exist' or that you will apparently ‘not have the ability to speak and communicate' or that you will apparently ‘not have the ability to participate' in this world any longer is a lie, a con, the con of consciousness existences! What will ‘die' however, what will not ‘exist' any longer however is that which you have defined ‘as who you are' within the System as Consciousness – you as a consciousness system defined will no longer ‘exist' and will ‘die' to have the ability to finally birth yourself as who you really are within and as the presence and awareness as the silence of sound within and as the realisation of you being one with your entire human physical body as the manifestation of existence as one with who you are.

Here exist oneness human beings, here exist who you really are, within and as the realisation that you are one with your entire human physical body, within and as your presence and awareness as who you are with every breath within and as the silence of sound – then here – exist the realisation of who you are within and as oneness and equality with all of existence as one and equal with who you are. Here is where you stand up and take responsibility for all as one and support the rest of humanity as equal and one with who you are to realise what you have realised: That who each being really is, exist here, the realisation that I am one with my entire human physical body as the manifestation of existence as one with who I am. That I am here as who I am with every breath as presence and awareness as one with who I am as the silence of sound: STOP your mind, STOP your thoughts for who you are exist not in thought, for who you are exist not in the mind. You are not your mind nor are you the thoughts that exist within the mind – there exist the limitation of consciousness existences, there exist the separation of self from who you really are. Realise that you are one with your entire human physical body as the manifestation of all of existence as one with who you are and that it's in the realisation of who you are as presence, as awareness with every breath as one with your entire human physical body – that you realise who you are, that you express who you are, that you live who you are as one with all of existence. That the words you speak through communication within and as the realisation of who you are as one with your entire human physical body, as one with all of existence becomes the living word as one with who you are where the words together with the sound that resonate from within and as you is YOU – is ONE with who you are! Different experience human beings, a much different experience…

In ‘giving up' your mind, through stopping your thoughts – you will realise the true experience of the words so often spoken: You will realise that you have actually ‘given up' nothing for everything…for the true expression and experience of yourself as who you are as one with all of existence exist within and as the silence that is you within and as presence and awareness as who you are with every breath and all e xperiences and expression of yourself in every moment is one with who you are – is YOU…

All that you will be able to trust in this world is your own human physical body as one with who you are, because your physical body is the manifestation of existence as one with who you are – the world as all of humanity is consciousness systems which are untrustworthy and unreliable as your thoughts are untrustworthy and unreliable.

(NOTE: This statement I have made above will be understood more extensively as I continue in the PART FOUR section of the Structural Resonance document.)

Right, this concludes the BODY: FRONT section of the structural resonance within human beings' physical bodies. Within the next document I will continue with the BODY: BACK section of PART TWO as we continue to explore and discover the manifested design of the structural resonance to prepare the way before all of humanity so you may support yourself in releasing yourself from the entire mind consciousness system – to have the ability to support yourself through the process of stopping your thoughts to experience and accept yourself as presence as awareness with every breath as one with your entire human physical body as the manifestation of existence as one with who you are.

(NOTE: Understand that the manifestation of the mind consciousness system exist as the manifestation of the entire structural resonance within and as you as that which you have accepted and allowed yourself to become and used to define who you are. The mind consciousness system doesn't only exist in your head, your mind is but manifested throughout your entire human physical body as the entire structural resonance which I am describing within the PART TWO section of this entire document. Therefore – this will be a process, a process of approximately seven years for you to be able to finally experience what I described above as the realisation of yourself as the presence of self, through thorough application and dedication and commitment to self, the silence of sound and the realisation of yourself as one with all of existence as who you really are. So – take a breath, this will not occur in a moment – it's a process, remember this! And this entire Structural Resonance document is but the start of this process!)


