Interview by Bernard Poolman, originally recorded on 06 September 2009

agreements as foundation bernard poolman desteni.png


Okay, Let’s look at Agreements.


Let me give you some examples of the Agreements that is Existent in this World to which you are already Subscribing. And that will Show you How you’re Creating this World.


Within your Body is existent a particular Agreement – you have White blood cells and Red blood cells, they are at War, protecting your Immune System.


And You support That through Chemicals, which is Pills and Medicine that you get from the Pharmaceutical Industry, isn’t it? It’s how You Support your Body.


In the World out there as we Live is Existent, War between what You Perceive to be Good and Bad, War against Terrorism and War between Countries, between Religions. Because Some Religions are seen as ‘Dangerous’ because it’s gonna send You to ‘Hell’, it’s gonna ‘Destroy You’ And in That we make use of Chemical Warfare, at this stage of our So-Called Evolution, and all kinds of Weapons that we use, as part of the Arsenal of Protecting the ‘Immune System of the World’ that means the Point of Religion or Belief, the point that we Believe is ‘How Life should Be’ = which is our Immune System to Protect our Current accepted System.


So Exactly what is happening Inside the Body, is happening Outside the Body. But, do we see It? No - Because We are actually living It, we’ve accepted it as the Way It is.


Now fascinating, have a look at a simple thing: before Man on Earth, only Animals – the Equilibrium between Nature and the Animal was perfect. The Animal did not need Man to feed it. Man came, introduced a ‘System of Knowledge’ where Man apparently is, knows better than Nature and immediately what happened with the Equilibrium? The Animal became dependent on Man. The Animal lost its freedom to Man and Man’s Desire of Greatness.


And our System of ‘Ownership’ caused us to place everything in ‘little boxes’ which obviously annihilates anything that was already in Equilibrium – because we believe ‘our laws of managing things’ are better than the laws that are already doing it.


Let’s take another step, in this direction, you plant a crop of maize, a corn – I mean that is one of the natural things that will grow from the Earth, if anything else like a ‘bug’ or an ‘animal’ eats from YOUR CORN, you will kill the fucker.

Because it’s your corn. But the fact that the same animal that you are killing, requires that corn to feed itself will not be part of your Consideration, at all! And you would not even Consider to live in Equilibrium with anything that destroys “your corn”, which now suddenly has moved from being something that naturally occurring on the Earth, to something ‘you own’.


Have a look at all Control in the World, is based on Manmade Laws and Systems that control Recourses that is coming ‘for free’, that is ‘pre-existent’ in the Earth already.


If one have a look at the whole scenario, then one can say that Man is already the Criminal.


Let’s just look at Basic Human Rights. There is Organizations in this World that profess that they’re standing for Human Rights.


And there is Governments that profess that they are standing for Human Rights. If that is so, isn’t it a Basic Human Right that every Human Being should have enough food?


The very moment that that does not exist – anything these Organizations are doing is really irrelevant, anything these Governments are doing is actually a lie, because it is really simplistic to find a solution to sufficient food for everyone.


So Human Rights as it exists in this World, is really not Human Rights Organizations, it’s an eye-blind.


The same thing, isn’t the Basic Human Right that you should have a place to stay in which you can live with basic amenities? I mean, it is to the benefit of All if we take all the shit that everybody shit out every day and you manage it so that it can be converted through the necessary chemical processes back into a ‘form of substance’, that can be recycled into our food – after all, all are food is coming from shit – then it is Best for All, but even in our Current Society as it exists now, that basic point is not taken care of.

There is no Basic Housing for everyone.

Electricity, which is generated from the Earth, is not Equally Available for Everyone.

Water, which is generated by the Earth is not Equally Available for Everyone.

Food, that is generated by the Earth is not Equally Available to All.

Which is all Basic Human Rights, isn’t it? Basic Human Rights of Equality.

Education, which is that which makes it possible for you to Function Effectively in this World is not Equally Available to All, which is a Basic Human Right.

The Ability to Read, which gives you Access to Information, which is a Basic Human Right that is not Available to All.

The point to make sure that the Information that is being spread, is actually in the Best Interest of All and is actually Checked to be Real, that is not being applied in this world, so that it’s very easy to be controlled.


The point that all Distribution of News in the World should be done in the Best Interest of All, which means all News Casts, all points where News are Distributed should be an Independent Point in the Best Interest for All, where there may be no ‘profit motive’ because it is a Function of Supporting Humanity in Communication – is that so? No, that is all ‘controlled’ and ‘particularly manipulated’ for particular outcomes of profit.

I mean, if the Agreement is that there is a God that apparently created All of Us and All that is Here, then isn’t it a Basic Human Right that All should be then basically, be exposed to A Single Lot that is acting in the Best Interest of All, but none of the books currently out there is actually acting in the Best Interest of All. They’re only acting in the Interest of some form of Cults, that has become so powerful that any point that may come to challenge the cult is attacked and even called cults. But what is a cult really? A cult is a form of Delusion in where Basic Common Sense is not existent.


 I mean, have you ever seen the point that the animal that eats the corn has an Equal Right to you to the corn. No, you’ve never seen that, to you it’s ‘a pest’, ‘must be killed’. You’re programmed to Believe that, that’s why you ‘can’t see’ the Equal Rights that the animals have to the corn, because the animal is ‘fucking around’ with your money I mean, it’s ‘your money’ that’s the whole fucking problem.


Now have a look at a fascinating point within Agreements, because all of these things are ‘Pre-existent Agreements’, pre-programming. You have been programmed to believe these things to be ‘the way it is’. That’s why you can’t see what’s really going on. I mean, you have to be ‘shown’ and then ‘you see’ and then you start saying, ‘okay there’s something wrong’. But have a look, you’re still, even when you’re shown these things, unable to go a step further and look up all the other points as well.

Every point needs to be ‘shown’ to you – which indicate what? Still pre-programming.


Even if you are being shown some of the points, you’re unable to actually Emerge with More Insight.

I am now just revealing a few points which should have been able to been seen by everybody already, isn’t it? Because they are so Common Sensical. But have a look: you’re not ‘seeing’, you’ve not ‘broken’ through your Pre-Programming.

Now, ‘the Point’ where one has the most ‘Possible-Effective-Probable-Breakthrough-Point’ is within Relationships.

Relationships are Pre-programmed. Not the ‘particular person’ that you’re going to be (with) for a lifetime, that’s not Pre-programmed. What is Pre-programmed is your ‘Cycle of Desire’ and your ‘Cycle’ of ‘Wants and Needs’ and your ‘Cycle of Making Decisions, ‘For’ or ‘Against’ -- your Cycle of being able to be in a ‘Particular Space’ or ‘Energy’, your ‘Cycle of Time’, your ‘Cycle of Upgrades’ – because all your Upgrades are happening through a Sexual-Process. I mean, you reach a ‘Certain Level of Upgrades’ then you will immediately start looking for your ‘Next Cycle’ where you can find ‘Another Point’ to do your ‘Upgrades’, which means you’ll ‘Change your Relationship’ – all of those things are actually influencing your decisions around Agreements. 

Your decision around Agreement is not based on the Primary Point it should be based on:  this Agreement is Focusing on what is Best for All – not ‘What’s Best for Me, Alone’ – and this, within that, I must then ‘make it’ ‘what is best for me’. It’s not gonna be ‘What is Best for Me’ from my own experience or my Pre-Programming – I’m going to have to ‘break-through’ my Programming, because my Programming is going to try and ‘fuck’ with me. So therefore, you Start and you Focus on what is Best for All, and then you bring that back to what is ‘Best for Me’, within ‘Best for All’, that means: YOU change YOU, to make sure that you ‘get through’ the point.

Now you have a very simplistic points of showing where there is ‘problems’ or ‘when there is a problem’ in an Agreement.

The most basic one is: ‘if there is No-Touch’.

If you are unable to ‘touch’ the person, or you notice that your partner is ‘not touching you’, what do you know: ‘the Agreement is in trouble’ - immediately.

If you’re having even a ‘single point’ where you ‘don’t want to be touched’ and you cannot explain exactly why – what is the point you’re… this particular point that says: ‘Don’t touch me now’ - I mean then, you’re already Dishonest, because you’re actually in a State of your Being where you’re already planning the next Agreement – that’s what’s really going on: you’re already ‘looking’ for another Agreement, that’s why you don’t want to be touched.

If you were busy with Taking Out a System – which is currently not within your ‘groundwork’ or understanding of even what it really means or what is possible – different story, you’re gonna find points where you can’t be touched because: you’re in absolute agony, Taking Out the System. I mean, then you can’t be touched, because just the touch actually ‘influence’ the process of taking out the system, because it’s not understood. But there is no other excuse – and the touch must be as follows:

You must be able to ‘feel’ your partner in the ‘tips of the fingers’. If you’ve ever touched, just taking somebody’s hands and it’s like it’s dead just hanging like that – what do you know? It’s Not Real, it’s a Lie. The Hand must be ‘Alive’, you must ‘feel’, ‘the touch’, ‘in the Touch’, Physically – if you don’t feel the touch, what do you know? Agreement is in trouble – this is all lies. I mean, then you shouldn’t have sex – you should immediately sort out the Agreement before you fuck each other again.

I mean, fucking should happen only after you’re Actually Present.  When you’re Actually Present, then you fuck I mean, then you Upgrade Yourself, you Bring Existence Here – Upgrade – I Take Responsibility, Ah! I mean that’s ‘orgasm’, ok?

Then you take it to, ‘Taking Responsibility’ – you’re ‘Upgrading Yourself’! I mean that’s what you’re doing! You’re bringing together the Male and the Female, you bring together ‘Two Polarities’ into One Expression, Here! That’s Sex. It’s ‘another way of speaking’, that’s why the vagina looks like a ‘mouth’ and the clitoris is a ‘little tongue’ that can flip, sometimes it’s ‘spitting’ you know? ‘Spit tongue’ ok?

It’s actually quite ‘a fun thing’, the whole thing – if you go inside the vagina, at the back of it there’s a ‘little thing’, like a ‘penis-thing’ which is like a ‘little pillar’ – I mean, that’s actually ‘a point’ that ‘vibrates’, it’s ‘a point’’ of your Structural Resonance that ‘Vibrates’, similar to a ‘tuning fork’ – I mean, if the woman is ‘really tuned’, in the back of the vagina, that ‘thing’ will stand up, it has its own little place where it’s hiding – If you normally feel in the inside of the vagina, you will not feel it.

When the woman is ‘at her peak’, ready for ‘Absolute Expression’, this stands up from inside its little hole, and it stands, and if you go behind the vagina, and the back, the what do you call it? The coccyx, you’ll find there’s also then ,two other points, which actually swell up in like little – about this long, they swell, swollen points of vessels – whatever you wanna call it – when the Movement between ‘those two’ and ‘this little thing’ forms like a… ‘pathway’ where one then ‘moves through’, and in that ‘movement’, you have a peculiar ‘opening’, within yourself that will ‘escalate’ to the opening of yourself Completely in the Physical – the Complete Physical. 

That happens through the Female, because the Female – if you look at your ‘electricity points’, I mean, remember, whatever is ‘inside you’ and whatever ‘you do’ is existent within Your System. So if you look at your ‘power points’, the electricity points on the wall, you have your ‘Female point’ in the wall, which is your Construct, your Stability – and then you put your ‘plug’ into it, which is the Male, which then is your separate point that ‘plug-into’ the bigger System. So, the Female represents the ‘Unconscious Mind’, ‘the Unified Field’, ‘the Construct’ – and ‘Plugging into the Construct’, you’re Upgrading the Construct. Male – that’s why the Male is in Control of the World, because it is ‘Manipulating’ the System – and the System is the Construct, which is the Female. Therefore, the Male ‘manipulates’ the Female – okay? You got the point?

Everyone: Yeah

Bernard: Which is why the Female Organs are similar to electrical plug- ‘electrical points’ where the ‘plug point’ is inserted to create ‘a flow’ – when that ‘flow’ happens, you actually ‘Put-On’ the System – you actually ‘Put-On’ the Insight, you ‘Put-On’ the Information and ‘Evolution’ happens!

If you have a look at, within the Human Education System, the Human History, you’ll notice that our Knowledge comes from ‘within us’ and is then Expressed Outside us, in ‘Technology’. This ‘Technology’ we are ‘expressing’, it’s Not Something New! – it is ‘pre-existent’ within the Human ‘Psyche’ – as the Systems you Are. And therefore, ‘those systems’ are then ‘expressing these systems outside’ and they follow the same route that you are following in your Upgrading of your System. I mean, the upgrading of your system, initially inside, was becoming more effective and then, start to externalize itself in systems that replace the effectiveness within you -  and now you’re becoming at this Stage of your Existence : less effective -- because more and more of your ‘functionality’ is taken over by External Systems.

Now, in this process that takes place, you are simply ‘externalizing’ the Principle of ‘as above so below’ – the Principle of ‘what is on Heaven is on Earth’ – the Principle of ‘what is inside me, is outside me’ - you’re simply Equalizing Everything to the Point of Equality of What is Existent in the Universe.

And it’s all just ‘Systems’, and these ‘Systems’ are now doing what?

Have a look: what is your ‘thoughts’ and your ‘imagination’ normally do for you? If you go back and you’ve been reading a lot, you’ll notice an interesting thing: your ‘imagination’ was your ‘entertainment’. Therefore, you’d be ‘reading for entertainment’ – all of that, you’ll notice as technology progress, that you’re reading less and less and less and you’re more dependent on other sources of entertainment.

And that you are using less and less of your imagination, in terms of the entertainment, like in reading books –and more and more your imagination in terms of ‘relationships’, ‘sexuality’, ‘upgrading of systems’ which is kind of like a way of ‘pushing the point’ of upgrading the system faster, because you’re Aware and the System is Aware that there’s a problem.

 So, as we progress, ‘the desire for sexuality’ will increase dramatically in the World - and the justification of ‘one-night stands’ will be pre-existent in every want. And where the Male were the ‘driving force’ initially, for instance, in terms of ‘initiating sex’ - the Female will become the ‘primary one’ that will initiate sex and take over the Male Role – because the Female is attempting to become the Male.

Which is simply just a ‘Normal Cycle’ within – the cycle of the ‘haves’ and the ‘have not’s’ , because, I mean: The Man ‘has’ a penis and the Female ‘not’ – so, from that perspective you had the Dominant Male and the… the... the Submissive Female. Now it’s changing around, changing around and now the Female says: “I have the power! You can’t have my pussy. I mean, unless you fucking submit to me.” So, we have just the same thing that in All the Revolutions happen, you have the ‘Wheel of Life’, ‘the System’, ‘the Cycle’ that happens and you have ‘Big Cycles’ and ‘Smaller Cycles’ – smaller, smaller, and smaller.

This is one of the ‘Big Cycles’ that’s turning where the Female will start to take over more and more and eventually take over the Governmental Systems in the World and become the Predominant Power – which is the point we’re going to use to introduce Equality - Using the Female. Because there we have ‘sufficient consideration’ within the Female in terms of ‘understanding’, due to the fact that they have been the primary point that brought-in babies in the World, that we may be able to ‘break through’ and ‘break the System’ Once and for All.

Uhm, so – understand that within your Agreement you are working with Multiple Facets of Multidimensionality. These ‘facets’ that you are working with is first of all, the point of being able to be in a ‘stable relationship’ and ‘be able to change you’, so that your Predominant Desire to keep on moving on to the next point to Upgrade yourself can Stop and you learn how to Upgrade Yourself at ‘one point’. And you Upgrade Yourself. I mean, you push the point - realizing that, within that, you are creating obviously, the Future of the World.

Have you not ever wondered why you would sometimes be able to walk for instance, say, into a shopping center and you will suddenly be ‘attracted’ – Esteni had an experience like that the other day – attracted to a ‘word’ or a ‘picture’ and so and ‘see, but I’ve seen that before in a shopping centre’. You remember that experience you had?

Esteni: The shoe-shop?

Bernard:  Yea, the shoe-shop.

Okay. I mean, you’ll have the experience you walk into something and there’s something ‘new’ and you’ll just feel ‘comfortable’ with it. The reason why you feel ‘comfortable with it’ is that you’ve already been Upgraded through either a ‘sexual experience’, a ‘wet dream’, uhm,...  And remember you can have a ‘wet dream’ without having any pictures, you just wake up having an ‘experience’, you’ll wake up having a hard-on for instance. It means you have had an ‘Upgrade’ while you were sleeping - you’re not even fucking aware of it.

I mean, you are simply… Your ‘System Charge Up’ to a certain ‘charge’, where it can ‘handle’ the Download of the Unified Field and you are Upgraded so you are ‘on par’ / ‘in agreement’ with what is Existent in this World. And therefore, you just ‘agree’ - you just ‘go along with it’. No matter how you ‘talk’ about changing the world – you’ll never ‘change the world’. You’ll never do ‘anything’. You will focus only on one simple thing: your own comfort – you will not care about anything else, you’re unable to do that.  You see already, I mean: what are we showing you? We show you that you will not actually change the world, nobody will. Because, your comfort is simply too important - you will not push yourself, you will not challenge reality, you will not develop Practical Common Sense.

So, we’re going to assist by training as much as possible, but that does not Guarantee anything. It only assists you. But unless you develop the ‘Specific Desire’, the ‘Specific Driving-force’, the ‘Specific Consideration’ that you Understand that if you do not ‘change’ what is Here, into something that is Supporting All Life – and that includes animals and all bugs, I mean: the bug that eats the corn – it includes All beings in Existence! If you do not Act for all Beings in Existence and you only try and fucking do it for the Humans, you’ll get fucked, because you’re Dishonest: You’re only, only protecting your own ass actually – you’re not considering what’s real.

What’s Really ‘Here’ is that the Animals, the Sand, the Plants, the Trees, they are ‘by far’ Superior to you, in every conceivable way. They are pre-existent without a Mind Consciousness System, while you are contained in a Mind Consciousness System: is a ‘very limited piece of meat’ that needs to live-off other things. You cannot live in Harmony with it, while the other things can Live in Harmony with each other. The animals can live in Harmony with Nature, Nature with the Animal, Nature with Itself. Even within its ‘conflicts’ – it still will have an ‘Equilibrium’. The human being is unable to do that – you will just destroy for your own interest - no matter what.

Which is why in Agreements – what is the point that you have to face, is your ‘Predisposition’ of ‘being destructive’, of being ‘something that just annihilates’ so that you can ‘win at all cost’, no matter what. You want to win! You’ll ‘mutate’ and you’ll just find another way to win, to win, to win, to win, to win. You don’t care about anything else but that: ‘I must win!’

And you can ‘look at yourself’ and everything you’ve done so far in your life, and you’ll see that Single Pattern, it’s just always there. This Pattern of ‘your survival’, ‘no matter what’, this Pattern of – I mean: what you believe you want. And sometimes you’ll take your desire for instance, and you want to ‘win the woman’ for instance, if you’re a male. I mean, then you’ll do ‘everything to win’! - but when you ‘have it’, you will fucking ‘spit it out’, because it suddenly has ‘no more value’ because: there is no more ‘winning’ involved. You cannot deal with it because: once you have something, you don’t want it anymore.  Have a look, it is pre-existent in all relationships: you get something and immediately, you don’t want it anymore – because you already won. Now you go onto the next ‘conquering’ thing. You just wanna conquer everything, you just wanna be the ‘King’, that’s the ‘Master’ - it’s all about ‘Mastery’, that’s your ‘Enlightenment’: “I can handle anything, I can win this, I can win this, I can win!” What the fuck?

That’s why Equality will not even be Considered by anyone. I mean – the obvious answer What’s Best for All, within even the Basic Principle of Human Rights. I mean, if you were ‘as the weakest part’ or the one with ‘the least access to anything’ in Existence, a child starving in the middle of the desert and everybody look at you: they’ll put the television camera on you and do nothing - just like the dog that was on the freeway, do nothing. It is the Pre-existent Program that’s Running: Absolute Control.

You’re simply never satisfied. That’s why ‘Consumerism’ exist. What is ‘Consumerism’? You’re never satisfied. You never have ‘enough’. I mean – as long as you can ‘never have enough’ and you can make for instance, take a relationship and say: “This relationship is enough for me, I am going to make this relationship work” – I mean, you’re never going to achieve Equality in the Relationship - therefore you have never given it a ‘chance’, because you never had the intent to. You were actually motivated by something completely different: you were simply wanting an Upgrade - I mean: satisfy your desires and once you’ve won, you wanna move on - I mean, that’s as simple as that.

Which is why there is so much Abuse within Relationships, is because you’re Angry at Yourself being stuck in a fucking point of Responsibility where you’ve given ‘your word’ and ‘your word’ is in conflict with ‘what you’re feeling inside you’, so now Anger is created in that ‘friction’ and eventually you start to become Violent in your Relationship. Because you’re trying to win, you want to have the game going-on and then you say ‘Life is a Game’. No!  You are playing a game = Yes - but ‘Life’ is not a game, you’ve MADE Life a game because you want ‘excitement’. And in that excitement, you don’t give a fuck about anything else but yourself. But you’re not even willing to See that - that that is actually the condition that exists within yourself. And all, the only reason is that you want to be the win… the one that is Won (One) - which is where Oneness is coming from.

 Oneness is based on what Principle? The Law of Attraction, where you are the One that is ‘winning’. In the Law of Attraction, you can have ‘All the Abundance’, there’s ‘enough for all’ = that’s not true. I mean, everything in Existence in this World is based on a ‘Time-cycle’, the food that is created is based on a Time-cycle on input/output. Everything that we are creating, the Abundance that is here, is based in Time-cycles. There is Sufficient on this Earth for everyone, if everyone stick to having sufficient for themselves and not want more. There is at this very moment Enough for everyone! But because the point of Equality is not Pre-Existent and the point of Oneness is Pre-Existent, ‘One’ – which is ‘One with Winning’ and being ‘the Best’, ‘regardless’, ‘Having the Best’, ‘regardless’, “I’m going to sit and have only Positive Thoughts in me so that only Positive Things can come to me” - now I’ve fucked the Basic Equilibrium/Equalizing Factor of this Reality, which is Polarity - by pulling all the Positivity to me and all the Negativity goes somewhere else, because it needs to be ‘in Equilibrium’ - and..."but it doesn´t matter", I mean, "I don´t see it" - so - "Why the fuck should I care?"

But then I say: "I feel Love because I have All the Positivity". I mean – ‘Positivity’ by definition is the `Feeling Love´. ‘Negativity’ by definition is the `Feeling Hate´. I mean - `Love´ is Never the Answer. It is only Con-firmation of your Dishonesty. If you experience `Love´, you are Confirming in the Face of Everyone: that you are Deliberately ‘Abusive’, ‘Dishonest’, and that you are Deliberately ‘Harming Life’ and ‘everyone around you’, so that you can Have `the best’, just for you.

And therefore, you create a Religion of Love - that Religion of Love, is the thing that you then use as the defense - and - obviously because you already Have Everything - or you’ll ‘want it’ and you are on your ‘process of getting it’ - you will profess that `Love is the Answer´. An Absolute Delusion.

But you´ll justify it at All Costs! Because you´re not willing to ‘give-up’ what you have - you are not Willing to Equalize Existence.

If you meet somebody that `Love´: expose their Dishonesty. Expose the fucking Bastards of Existence - the low-life, they do not deserve to live - and they will be taken to the opposite Polarity, and they will give-up `Love´ for Eternity - so that we can Honor Life and not `Love´. Equally.

Now - again - in your Agreements: The Primary Point of Agreement, as I’ve said, the starting-point, is ‘Touch’. That´s where you´ll establish whether your Agreement is Effective or not.

Then it´s Communication! What is Communication? Communication is an Openness and an Honesty within the Primary Position where one Stop Yourself When You are Reactive!

And you change your approach to Communication. And you consider that maybe ‘in that point’ you have an Opportunity to consider something that you can change within yourself. If you do that = your Movement of Expression will become a lot quicker, and you will develop an interesting thing called ‘Intimacy’.

Now - Intimacy - or Into-me-see = You´ll be able to See into each-other´s Lives, ‘Equally’ - that means there´s Nothing Hidden = No-Secrets, and therefore No-Desires. And then you can have ‘Great Fun’ because you´ll then find a ‘curious thing’ starting to happen, where your Bodies will ‘synchronize’ and Start to Respond to Each Other, even if you are ‘not together’, and you´ll have all kinds of Wonderful Experiences at a Physical-level.

Which is so fucking cool shit. I mean - You´ll be able to Communicate, Equal and One, at a Physical-Level. Now your relationship is ‘going somewhere’ - your Agreement is becoming ‘Real’, ‘Intimate’ - because you are Interchangeable, ‘without risk’, there is Nothing ‘Hidden’ - therefore: you can Merge and Amalgamate with Great-Ease, at any moment. 

And your Expression becomes One that will every-time, be Unique. Every-time it says “woh, I haven´t experienced that before, I haven´t experienced that before” Why? Because what is developing is Intimacy. Then it doesn´t matter the position you take = the way the Physical will Respond will be Unique.

What do you know, if you don´t get that point through? What do you know? ‘I Am not Open, Equal and One’ - and therefore everything is the same - because I am actually still looking for another relationship – ‘I am not satisfied’ – ‘I want something else’, ‘I want to win’. Therefore, your Expression do not go to Full-Expression. Therefore - it doesn´t go anywhere - you will try to and prescribe to your partner ‘how they should do it’ - "if you do it this way, it works for me" - "that gets me off" - I mean, that´s just fucking masturbation, then you can do it with a Dildo, you want to fucking tell your partner how the fuck he gets you off, I mean - you´re not Exploring Intimacy, you´re not Exploring Expression, you´re not Considering that there´s something more - 

(God, pain, ena, God, pain!)

I mean - really -

So - Make it interesting. First: Touch. Second: Communication. Third: is to Assist each-other in developing each-other´s Strengths AND Weaknesses. Everyone that is in this System of this World: is existent as a Polarity - you have both Strengths, and you have Weaknesses - you ARE a Polarity.

But - it is possible to bring all of that to a point of Equality - an Existence of Equilibrium - within which you have ‘No-Strengths’ and ‘No-Weaknesses’. You are simply Effective - regardless. That is most effectively developed through a strong Communication and Support and where one do Not Accept Limitation - within Yourself or Another.

You start with that Process first of all within an Agreement. And once that is Strong - you will Express that with Everyone in Your World - you do Not Accept Inequality - you do Not Accept Weakness.

I mean - in that simple point of Not Accepting It = you are ‘Enforcing the Change’ in this World. And when Enough is doing that = the Whole-World will change.

And we will No-longer accept Limitation, and we will No-longer accept Abuse - and: in simply Disregarding those that Abuse = they will Eventually become the Minority and they will Eventually Change. As it has been shown in all the Behavior-research: you look at those videos about a person moving into the lift with a hat - and as people move: Everybody move with. As they move - Everybody moves with: Behavior-research has shown that it is Possible! To exist in Equilibrium.

But what is our problem? Is our Money-System. Because now our Behavior-research is being Abused to control Everyone to be Consumers - and create ‘a little Monster’ so that ‘the Few’ can have ‘Everything’. Which is pre-existent within the Law of Attraction = Creating the whole-point of: "I want the best for me and abundance and there´s enough for everyone."

I mean - if there is enough for Everyone = make-sure that there is enough for Everyone! And make sure everybody gets it. Then = your statement is valid. If you don´t do that - Shut the Fuck Up! and - be ready, because your shit will be taken from you.

You want a Revolution in this world? It is busy developing: where the fucking `Have´s´ will have Everything taken-away again. And then the fucking `Have-not´s´ will become the fucking `Have´s´ again = And we have another Cycle.

It´s happened so many times in our History. It´s time to Stop.

Now - furthermore within your Agreement - is that: within your Agreement you must become Effective, Financially, until you have a Point where you are in your Assistance Effective in Contributing to bring-about an Equal-Labour- and an Equal-Money-System. Because within that, we will have time to consider the bigger questions of Existence.

But at the moment, the biggest question of Existence is How to bring-forth an Equilibrium - Balance the Equation - bring forth a Support-System, where the Basic Human-Rights of All is taken care-of. Once we´ve got that = I mean, the problems we have to deal with within the Human Psyche is immediately reduced substantially - because many of these are the Result of Survival! - the Result of Fear - the Result of Abuse - the Result of Not-understanding How our System of Polarity is existing.

Within that: if you do not ‘Prove’ that within your Agreement, effectively - I mean - you´re not gonna prove-it in the World. Your Basic Movement in this World is: we have to Move from a Point of Agreement first. From there, you move into Reality. Because then: your Basic-Indulgences of wanting to grab-onto the first cock or pussy that is within your sight, is taken care-of.

Okay? You are Programmed to do that. So - then that is taken care-of and you can focus on what is Relevant, instead of fucking-up your Opportunities to make a Difference in Existence.

Believe me, we have tested the shit out, you really can’t help more people than what you can help. It takes a-lot of effort, to Remain, Here, Consistently, within Practical Common Sense. Because much of what is going on you can’t see, okay.

It is Important also to, for instance assist Andrew with every-word, every-point you come across, we need to develop the “Comical Sense” because that is a form of Common Sense that is Practical, to get those things out, we need to get points out that is effective, we need to make sure that the support within what we are doing is effective, and that your Agreement do not ‘overrun’ your Practical Support of others that you have already taken Responsibility for. There, your Agreement comes second at all times. You arrange your time according to where you are not fucking around with the Greater Responsibility. Unfortunately, you’re in an unfortunate position where you already Committed to a particular outcome - now you have to just understand-it, I mean, isn’t it?

Eventually everyone that will be Effective within the Principles of Supporting Basic Human Rights, will be in Agreements. The moment a person comes and they’re not in Agreement: you immediately can’t Trust them, they are unstable, that’s why they can’t be in an Agreement.

If you cannot-be in an Agreement you are in essence unstable. Your either unstable in terms of anger, violence, desire, suppression, denials and therefore at Critical Times within Your expression, you’re not going to be able to Stand. Therefore, you first start with your stability. Make sure that your stability is proven. You give it sufficient time to stabilize. I mean, we have proven these points haven’t we. These points are definitive, and you can’t ‘stand alone’, because you are Polarized. You are Not the Directive Principle within your world = Your System is.

And your System will keep everything-going because the System’s Priority is to expose the True Nature of Humanity, for the cruelty it is. And therefore, the System will move, and make-sure this gets exposed. The System is designed to Expose your ‘True Nature’, the ‘Truth of You’. You are In This Reality As a Process of Self-Assessment. What this Reality Represents is the Truth of You, throughout Eternity. This is the shit you have done, what you see in front of you - this is not the first time you have seen it. You have Actually Done-it.

Everything that is Existent in this Reality, whether it is ‘rape’, ‘murder’, ‘abuse’, whatever it is, know one thing: You have already done-it. That’s why we are at the ‘Closing of the Cycle’. You have already been all these things, you have already been raped, you have already done all of the shit.  Therefore, I suggest Forgiveness = the only way we Stop this. The only way we stop this from continuing, because now what happens within that abuse is you say: “I wanna win, I mean, I was raped = now I must rape. I must get, this person must suffer because they raped me”. As long as that idea exist, and Forgiveness doesn’t step in, the Cycle continues. The Cycle never-ends because the Cycle, is not a circle, it follows a spiral, and as long as it is Spiraling, it is Spiraling out of Control. We have to close it, with a Beginning and an End to this. So we stop creating this continuous Spirals in Existence, where things ‘spiral’ out of control.

We have removed all the points that was Programmed within-it, Whatever now remains is your Direct Responsibility. There is no-more Systems, that control-you, that prevent-you from actually acting in the Best Interest of All - the Systems that are there are now only there to Expose your True Nature. And your True Nature is shown -within the Systems that is Externalized in this World as Educational, Governmental, Family, Food, Money - all the Systems that is here, is really what is the truth of what is going-on in each one. In you Exist part of the Greater System, and you are making-it Function through your Participation. You are laying down the rules of it. That is the Agreement you-have with the System, that’s why it exist. The same Nature is the Agreement that exist within the Agreement you have with Relationship, the Nature of that Agreement is the Nature of what you have Communicated, and how you live-it. It is the Consideration within your Expression, within your Agreement that determines everything.

If the Being is ‘in trouble’ and you see the change, for instance, in your partner in terms of ‘picking-up weight’, then you will say ‘ok, what’s happening here? Let’s find the reason-why. Let’s stop this particular-point’ because somewhere, something is happening. Information is being stored unnecessarily. Because that is what the ‘File Allocation Table’ or FAT really represents: Information Storage. Those kind of stuff, one must look-at. ‘The women’s breasts are getting too big’, what does that mean? ‘I’m not touching her enough’. Cause the breasts represents ‘nurturing’, so now the breasts is getting too big, it starts to sag - because all this nurturing that the body requires - and at a Physical-Level  the body Requires Touch - Is within that Touch that you are Equalizing the ‘unspent-energy’ so that it doesn’t become a Projected Mind Illusion or Delusion that is a Desire-  because you’ve sorted it out in your Touch.

And I mean you cannot-get what you are not willing to give -  How can you get Touch,  if you’re Not-Willing to Touch. It must be an Equal-and-One Point. You’re not going to change your Reality in one day and touch for an half an hour now, and then the whole fucking thing must be fine - you must do that for 4 or 5 years consistently - if you expect-to change. If it’s quicker, I mean, it’s a miracle. It’s a Dedication, to bring about a change. And have a look, within the concept of All Points Being One, means that everything is Pre-Existent within Yourself, that is doesn’t matter where you stand. All points eventually will be exactly the same - We just have to Stand, and get-it-Done.

You either will be part of this or you won’t. There is a Condition Existent in this world that None of you has got power-over, which is Death.

Understand that when you die, you are ‘Extracted’, you are ‘kicked-out off’ the System. And that you have to be re-inserted, and Start-again. You cannot ‘Transcend’ in the Dimensions, because you are not in Space- Time where there is a Consequential -Outflow that you can deal with.

The Consequences of Space-Time is specifically to trap-you in your Dishonesty. It’s the only reason it exist. It exist for no other reason. It was created from that ‘Particular Perspective’, because of the Dishonesty that was Already Existent before the Earth came to-be.

You have created this as the Very Nature of Yourself.

There is nothing ‘Divine’ about any Being in Existence, because the Divinity in itself is an Intoxication as its represented by the Wine that is here in this reality from the Vineyard. Everything is represented by a Manifestation in this Reality ‘As Above, So Below’.

If one is Self-Honest, you’ll See -It. If you’re not = you’ll claim the Greatness of your Belief. But have a look, it’s only Pre-Existent in your Own Mind. You are in a ‘little-bubble’. And that ‘bubble’ is going to ‘burst’, and you have no power over-it, whatsoever. And you must be Delusional if you think you’re going to ‘Stand Before God’.

I mean, do you think ‘God’ give a fuck about you? He gave you the ‘Image and Likeness’ of-Himself/Itself. That implies everything. You fuck up? = You suffer. You take Responsibility? = You'll have the Result.

You Are your own Creator. You're going to have to Create Yourself. No-fucking-one is going to take Responsibility for You. Be sure of that. We'll assist you with some of the Basic Principles that makes it easier. And then one share it. Which is why we do blogs, why we do forums, why we do videos - to support others with Basic Insights to accelerate the point. It's rather fucking boring this whole fuckup called, 'existence.' But... understand, we are not going to get out of this until this is Done. That means you can't ‘get out’ until Everybody has Realized. You're fucked here, until then.

So, you allow another fucker to exist - where they (say), 'Fuck you,' and says to you, 'Fuck you, I'm not going to change.' You allow that fucker to exist? You're the slave to that fucker.

Common Sense, isn't it? You can't get out. Because we cannot Continue with the ‘Walk of our Expression within Existence’ unless we are sorted out: ‘this Fuck-Up’ that is Pre-Existent.

And we start that with Communication, with Touch, with Agreements. If we can't do that Basic Point - because, have a look - Everyone of you that is Existing in this World, is the Result of an Agreement between a Male and a Female, where Two Polarity Opposites came together to form you, as a child. That means ‘your origin’, is Agreement. That's the Point where you start to sort out your problem. This is not been done before. Normally, it's all about ‘celibacy’ and it's all about... you’ve gotta ‘do alone’... I mean, you're ‘sitting in your cave’, ‘meditate’, that shit. That's not Real! You have to Prove that Your Change actually is ‘Real’ in the way you Live in this World, at the Source-Point of Creation, which is where a child is coming from. You have to be able to Stand at That Point and be stable; to bring forth New Life into this world that is ‘Pure’, ‘Clean’, ‘Supported’, ‘Effective’, ‘Expressive’, ‘Real’.

At the moment, None of These Things can be Trusted. So, at the moment, Don't Have Children.

Does it all make sense?

So, within your Agreements, please - What do you know, if you have ‘a secret’? You'll feel ‘uncomfortable’, and you do not sort that point out (which is really, actually, quite simple to do), you are a ‘Dishonest Fuck’. I wouldn't allow that in my World.

As you well know, I don't allow these things. I have made many of these Mistakes already. I've Corrected Myself. I stand by my Self-Correction. I've Forgiven Myself. I Stand by my Forgiveness. Therefore, I never have to Forgive myself again because I Stand – Here - But I don't have a Fucking Excuse, because I know I don't have an Excuse, and therefore I Will Not Have an Excuse, and I Will Not make a Fucking Excuse!

I Expect the Same from You, because I know it can be done, because I've done it.  I know Forgiveness work because I have Forgiven. I know Self-Honesty works, because I Force that Upon Myself, in Every Fucking Breath. I know that this is Not Easy, because I've Experienced that it is Not Easy! But, I will Not Stop... until This is Done.

And I Will-Not Submit to Any Fucker in Existence that attempt, in Any Fucking Way, to continue with their Fucking Abuse. No Matter What I have to do. And there is Much More one can do! Than what you can Ever Imagine. But you will not have Access to this, if you have not Proven, in the Most Basic Forms, that you can be Trusted, with Another Human Being. Which is Agreement. And that Trust is Demonstrated in the Agreements that you ‘actually create’. If you can’t Stand There, you Cannot be Trusted with Anything, Ever.

Does that make sense? I mean, it's Basic Common Sense. It's the Most Effective Way to Really Get to Know Yourself. It is the Most Effective Way, to ‘Really Stand’. It's the Most Effective Way, to be ‘Strong’. It is the Most Effective Way, where you can ‘Feel Supported’. It is the Most Effective Way, where you can have ‘Great fun’, fucking your brains out.

I mean, ‘Wanking’ is really a ‘fucking, stupid thing’. If you are going to ‘wank’, with your partner there or having your partner wank you, that's pretty fucking cool shit. I mean, you can find out all kinds of shit about yourself, I mean.

But if you just ‘wank’ for the sake of some Fucking Imaginary Picture, I mean, how the fuck? Are you Superman or something? You’re not a fucking Marvel comic? Huh? What the Fuck is Wrong with you?

Oh, yes, it's obviously cool. But I mean, how stupid is it? That you live in some fucking delusional fucking reality where you have to ‘wank’... to feel good? If you could have an Actual Agreement where you can really Get to Know Yourself with Another Being. Actual, Real shit, like you live in some fucking delusion? What the fuck?

I mean, it's really, really fucked up shit out there, in terms of ‘How people walk around’ and ‘look at other people’. They walk through the shopping center and look for Particular Points that Stimulates your Fucking Desires, your Sexual Imagination. I mean, that's fucked up. That means you ‘Can't be Trusted with Another Being in Your Environment’, because you will ‘violate them’ for your ‘own fucking gratification’. What the fuck?

You think these things are ‘hidden’? It is Revealed - to All! Every – Fucking - Point! You Allow ‘this shit’, you think you’re going to forever ‘get away with it’? You're Not.

Best to Stop. And then your Agreement is one where you are ‘Gratifying’ not only yourself, but your Partner as well, and you are ‘Considering Each Other’ during, ‘Gratification’ becomes a Real Experience; it's not a Fucking Illusion, but ‘Delusion’... which is Happening in your Mind.

(Car alarms goes off)

Bernard: Pew, Pew, Pew, Pew!





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