Interview by Bernard Poolman, recorded on 07 September 2009

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Okay – So, On the Money-System:


What became quite ‘Clear’ in my Life - quite Early-on, and I have Studied ‘Extensively’ - in Sales - People like Tom Hopkins and so-on, and - Even in my…the ‘Courses’ that I Did – I Did More than 26 of them – the Trainers eventually said: “I’m the ‘Only-‘Person’’ that will Not ‘Make-It’, I don’t have the ‘Natural-Flair’ for these-things”. 


Which was Obvious - I was Not-‘Programmed’ to Be a ‘Successful’ Sales-Man or Business-Man. So – I Looked at it and I says: “But this Doesn’t Make-‘Sense’, I mean. So - I have to ‘Fall’ into a ‘Mould’, that - for Some-‘Reason’ can be ‘Tested’” – and according to These-‘Tests’, they’d Say to you: "You can be ‘This’ or ‘That’" - which is the ‘Psychometric-Tests’ and so-on: “I must now ‘Fall’ into this ‘Mould’ of What the Tests-‘Show’”, and - that was just Not-Acceptable.


So – I Started on a ‘Journey’ to ‘Discover’: How is it ‘Possible’ that I am ‘Bound’ to my ‘Destiny’ - and that there is No-‘Way Out’.


And Within that I Started ‘Playing-Around’ with ‘Businesses’ and Looking at ‘Systems in the World’ and ‘Understanding’: What ‘System’ can One Actually ‘Use’ to - ‘Beat the Odds’ and Actually ‘Do Anything you Want’? And - Initially, I ‘Worked’ in ‘Sales’ and I...Obviously to me it was ‘Important’ to, to Do ‘Products’ that I am ‘Morally Satisfied’-with – so I’ve decided to Focus on ‘Education’ – and ‘Education’ being One of the ‘Areas’ where there is Always-‘Problems’ = it has a ‘Vast-Market’ one can ‘Play-In’.


So – I started with That and for Seven-Years I ‘Learned’, for Seven-Years I ‘Worked’ for ‘Other-People’ - to ‘Learn’ ‘How to Do it’: ‘How does the ‘Industry Work’’, and so-on. And then, One-Day -24-Hours; I Made a Decision: “I’ll Do it Myself” - and I ‘Walked-Away’ from ‘Everything’ and I Started-‘From Nothing’ - Started to ‘Build’ my Own-‘Business’.


Initially – ‘Buying Product’ from ‘Suppliers’, Very-Quickly you-‘Realizing’ an ‘Interesting-Thing’: After about Two-Years – in Two-Years, and This-‘Came’- is-‘Quickly’; or in Any-‘Business’: Two…the ‘First Two-Years’ you ‘Normally’ Don’t-‘See’ any ‘Flaws’ in your-‘Business’. Your-‘Business’ Only ‘Shows’ it-‘Flaws’ after Two-Years normally.


 So Very-‘Quickly’ one could ‘See’ that there is a Definitive-‘Problem’: That your ‘Margins’ must be ‘Substantial’ if you want to ‘Create’ a ‘Business’ which - and you have ‘Sufficient-Income’, And where you ‘Pay your-Staff’  Living-‘Wages’ – because I was Always-‘Wondering’: “Why in Most-‘Businesses’ the ‘Staff’ are Never getting ‘Living-Wages’ - they gain, getting ‘Breadline Wages’?”


What I Found was ‘Fascinating’ in-‘Researching’, is that: The ‘Reason’ for the ‘Bread-Line Wage’, is - That will ‘Make-Sure’ the ‘Staff’ will Never-‘Start’ a ‘Similar-Business’ = they will Never have ‘Enough-Money’ to ‘Start’ their Own-‘Business’ – so it’s a Form of ‘Control’ – and Secondly, I mean - the ‘Owner’ can Never Make ‘a Lot of Money’ if he ‘Pays’ his-‘People Well’ as-well, because - the ‘Margins’ on the ‘Products’, that means - the ‘Amount’ that the ‘Market’ can-‘Handle’ for a Product that - in-‘Payment’ – is ‘Limited’; Because ‘Everyone’ In a ‘Job’-Situation, in ‘Work’-Situation = where your ‘Middle-Incomes’ are All on the ‘Breadline’, so they Have ‘Very-Little Disposable-Income’.


Therefore they ‘Cannot-spend ‘Extensive-Amounts of Money’ on the Purchase of ‘Goods’ - Unless they-have ‘Finance’ from the Banks = so they are ‘Forced to make Debt’.


So then I Looked eventually at the Whole-Point of ‘Debt’ and says: Okay - What is the ‘Secret of Debt’? ‘Secret of Debt’ is an ‘interesting-thing’: the ‘Greatest-Power’ in-Consciousness is ‘Compound-Interest’ - the ‘Greatest-Power’ in Money.


How does the Banks ‘Make-Money’? They ‘Make-Money’ through ‘Compound-Interest’ - where you-Pay ‘Interest-on-Interest’.

And - I Looked at-it and says: Okay - What is the ‘Primary-Point’ of it? Is you Have-to have a Product that ‘Doesn’t Cost-you Money to-Create’.


Now Does the ‘Bank’ have a Product that ‘Doesn’t Cost-them Money to-Create’?  Yes! They ‘Create-Money’ out-of ‘thin-Air’ - that means: the Money they-are ‘Borrowing-Out’ = they Don’t Have-it. So - their ‘Average ‘Cost-of-Product’’ is a ‘Very Slight-Percentage’ Based-On a ‘Margin’ they normally Pay-to a ‘Central-Bank’ or a ‘Reserve-Bank’ – the-Rest of-it is ‘Pure-Money’, they Don’t-have an…a ‘Development-Cost’, they Don’t-have a ‘Cost-of-Manufacture’ - there’s ‘No Manufacturing-Cost’ = they Only-have an ‘Operation-Cost’.


So - If one can-‘Find a Way’ to ‘Create a Product’ that has ‘No-Manufacturing-Cost’ – And you can-Supply ‘Terms’ – that means You can Sell-it to People by ‘Giving-them - ‘Debt’’ - so they Pay-you ‘over-Time’ = you-Create an Interesting ‘Compound-Effect’. 


If you-Have enough-‘Patience’ = you can-Become ‘Extremely-Wealthy’ very-Quickly – yet there is ‘Patience’-necessary because there is Obvious ‘certain-Factors’ that-Is a ‘Problem’:

First of all, your biggest-‘Problem’ is going to-Be: to-Have ‘Sufficient-Cash’ to ‘Pay for your ‘Operational-Cost’’. Therefore, you’ve gotta-‘Structure your Payments’ in Such-a-Way, that your-‘Deposits on your Product’ is ‘Sufficient to-‘Run your Operational-Costs’’; you ‘Differ your-Profit’ to a ‘monthly-Installment’ - which then ‘Compound over-Time’ into a ‘Massive-Amount’ which is ‘Spread over Many-People’ and thus: ‘Limit your-Risk’.


So Even if you have 10 or 20 Percent of your-People ‘Not-Paying’ – your-‘Margin’ is ‘Still Sufficient’. Furthermore, your-‘Margin’ must Follow the Same-‘Principle’ as the ‘Banks’: it Must-be 10-times...that means your…the ‘Income must-be 10-times what your Out-Lay is’.


So - I Found such-a Product: ‘Software’ – the Software-Industry (which is why Bill Gates and these-Oaks are ‘so –Wealthy’) – ‘Software’ is: the ‘Same as the Banks’. And because that was Not-Understood – most…the People in the ‘Industry of Software’ has-Destroyed the whole-Industry because Everybody ‘tried to make-it ‘Cheaper’’, ‘Reducing the basic-‘Principle’ of…which these-Businesses are Working-on’ – ‘to-Nothing’’ - and therefore ‘the Whole-Bubble Burst’.


So I looked at-it and ‘Designed a Business Accordingly’ - with the Principle-of: a ‘‘Living-Wage’-Income’ for Everyone –participating - and Very-quickly – because of the ‘very-good Wages’ we were-Paying or ‘very-good Incomes’ People could-Earn – we ‘Linked the ‘Income’ to-‘Labor’ and ‘Time’’ - therefore if you Put-In the ‘Labor’ and the ‘Time’ = you could-Have a ‘very-good Income’ - and - we Created a ‘Very Effective-Business’.


As the Business Grew, an ‘Interesting-thing’ came-about that we did-Not consider in the Beginning would-Happen: We eventually became So-Big that the ‘‘Operational-Cost’ became ‘More-than’ your ‘immediate-Cash-Inflow’’ - which means: Now you Need-to ‘Make-Debt’, you Now-Need an ‘Income-Booster’, you Now-Need a Form-of ‘Capital’ to ‘Facilitate-Growth’ – which-is what is normally-happening in the Industries as-well.


In-this, we Started Investigating the ‘various-Options’. The ‘Fascinating-Option’ that was like...‘THE Magic-Word’ at that time was the ‘Subprime’ and ‘Ring-Fencing’-Options: where you would-‘Discount your Book’ at a ‘Interest-Rate-Percentage’ – that means you-‘Give Part-of your-Profit Up’ or your-‘‘Interest’ in-Profit up’ - and – you-‘Get the Cash-Immediately’ and ‘somebody-Else take the-Risk’.


This was obviously Options that Carried ‘Massive-Profits’ for-Those that were-Doing ‘Subprimes’. So- for-Instance, if you would-Want a 2-Million-‘Borrowings’ = you must-Give a 4-Million-‘Security of Book’ – that means they make a 100% on their-Money - which is Why it was so-‘Lucrative’ and why Everybody was ‘Going for-it’ – because - in-Theory: ‘if Everyone pays their-Debt back’ = ‘the-One that takes the-Risk make a Massive-Profit’ – We can continue-Operating because we’re-Getting the ‘Cash-Injection’.


 So - we Looked-at the Whole-thing and says Okay – Is-it Possible to ‘Sustain’-this? Within...also...approached the Banks and we got the ‘Very-best Accountants’ that we could find, to prepare ‘All the necessary Paper-works’ ‘to-the-T’, Indicating ‘Where and How we Do-it’ – And: we were ‘Shut-down’ by the Bank - Simplistically because they said: ‘what we’re doing - is `not-acceptable´’.


No-matter how much ‘Profit we were-Showing’ and ‘Stability’ - because we had a ‘Predictable Stable-Income’ – ‘Just like a Bank over a Five-Year-Period’ – ‘All our Products’ were ‘paid over Five-Years’, which-Caused a ‘Compound Interest-Effect’ which-Cause your-‘Profit-Margins to Rise-Extensively’ – And - the Bank simply: “We’re ‘Not-interested’.”


We Worked-out that - it was Possible to-‘Turn the Business’ if we have a ‘Regular ‘Cash-Injection’’, like a ‘Bail-out’. If we have a ‘Regular Bail-out’ (not just-One: Regular Bail-outs) - we Eventually Can ‘get Around-it’.


The ‘Problem’-is: the Bail-out’s gotta ‘Come from-Somewhere’ - And the Bail-out is gonna ‘Cost-you Money’. But That-was ‘the Way we could-‘Save the System’’– that was the First-thing. The Second-thing was: that we Have-to ‘Limit Growth’; If we ‘Limit Growth’ and thus ‘Reduce the amount of People that Benefit from the System’ = we can ‘Get-Through’ – which-Means we have-to ‘Reduce Employment’ - which we-then ‘Duly-Did’ to ‘Test-out ‘if this is Possible’’. The ‘Problem’ was though that you...had a continuous-‘Escalation’ in your ‘Bail-out Required’ - which was Fascinating.


The ‘Question that-arised’: Is it Possible to-Have -within a ‘Capitalist-System’ and a ‘Monetary-System based on Debt’- ‘a Way’ where you can-Have ‘Good ‘Living-Wages’, a ‘Profit that is Sustainable’, And (where) you can ‘‘Meet the-Debt’ that you’re Creating’?


It was Very-clear that ‘Neither of those-Points were Actually-Possible’; And That-was Even ‘with a Product which-Cost virtually-Nothing to-produce’, which we ‘Owned-Directly’, we had ‘All Rights in the world’, there was a ‘Demand for-it’, our ‘Margins was Extensive’; But we Found an ‘interesting-thing’: we could-Not ‘live-like Kings’; it was like…the Question that arise was: ‘How can People that are running-Businesses ‘live so-Well’’? – Because we simply were-‘Unable to get-to that-Point’ - we could-get a Few-`luxuries´, in terms-of like, ‘get a ‘Good-Car’’ - but we could-Not Extensively spend-Money, because the ‘Money were Continuously-needed by the System’ to ‘Keep-it-Moving’ in terms-of your ‘Cash-Flow’ – ‘no-matter What-kind of ‘Injections’ you Put-In’.


And – the-‘More you were Growing’ – that means: the ‘More-Successful you were-becoming’ = the-‘More you-Had your ‘Vultures’ on the side’ that wanted a ‘Piece-of the-Cake’ – and…that would-‘Come with All-kinds of Propositions’ based-on Similar-Points like ‘Subprime’ or ‘Ring-Fencing’ and ‘attempting to get their Money…their ‘Hands-on the Money’’.


Now - What they-Did in the ‘Ring-Fencing’ and the ‘‘Subprime’-Deals’, where you-would Sell your-Book, was also: ‘the Ones Buying the book would normally-‘Take No-Risk’ and keep you have-to ‘Give-away 100% percent On the Money you’re-Getting’ - And you ‘Have-to ‘take the-Risk’ if anything goes-Wrong’ – which is Fascinating.


So - eventually we Realized that Obviously ‘this Can’t-work’ – this-is ‘Not the-Answer’ – ‘it is Not-possible’ -Even within a ‘Banking-System’ (or something similar to-that)- ‘to Create a System with Money: that can ‘Actually-Sustain’ a ‘Living-Wage’ for-Everyone’. The other-Point that was ‘fascinating’ is - because it was ‘Time- and Labor-Based’, and because it ‘Required-Action from-Everyone that participated’: ‘Only 20% of the People’, in-Spite-of All-kinds of Incentives, Actually ‘Did the work’ – 80% did-Nothing and were ‘Looking for a-Way to ‘Get-something’ ‘without Doing-anything’’ – which-Caused obviously ‘Untold-Hardship’.


Eventually it was Clear that ‘we had-to Stop’ – so we-Stopped; which obviously’ Caused a Lot-of People to be-Angry’ because: "Why are-we Stopping? We are…Everybody’s ‘Making-Money’!" – I says No, we are ‘Not making-Money in-Fact’, it only ‘Looks-like this’ because – ‘everybody that Works for-us is-Getting a ‘Living-Wage’’ - so it ‘’Looks-like’ you’re ‘Making-Money’’; But ‘the Company-Itself’ is ‘Not making-Money’, we’re ‘Actually going-Deeper into-Debt’, in-Spite-of ‘on-Paper’ a ‘positive-Growth’ – and that:’ if we Keep-on Doing-this’: the Business-Itself will ‘Never-ever Survive’.


The only-Way now: is ‘to-Stop’ and ‘Find another-Way’ - the only-Way is to Realize that: the ‘Principle of ‘Hard-Work’’ ‘Linked’ to the ‘Principle of ‘Capital through Debt’’ - and that there is an ‘Interest-Principle’ On-it - and the Point that ‘Everybody is trying to ‘make as-Much Money as possible’ through-Profits’ = Makes-it ‘Impossible to Ever-have a System’ -‘Based-on these basic-Points’ where ‘Money is Debt’- that will-Actually ‘Sustain-People’. You’ll have ‘the-Few’ that through ‘Positive-Thinking’ - where...what is ‘Positive-Thinking’? What is ‘the Law of Attraction’ when it comes-to Money?


‘Positive-Thinking’ there: is that you-‘Disregard Anything-‘Negative’’ - and Only ‘Focus on-That which is-‘Positive’’ - and you Only-have ‘Positive-Thoughts’ and you Only-do the ‘Positive-Thing’ - and ‘Anything that comes to-you that´s-‘Negative’’: you-Simply ‘Push-Away’ –that ‘Includes-People’. So - If you ‘Apply-that’: you-Can obviously become ‘very-Wealthy’, but you Have-to Be ‘very-Ruthless’ and Always ‘‘Cut-out’ the ‘Negative’-Point ‘no-matter-what’’ and thus = ‘Harm a-Lot of People’.


Within-That you’ll obviously ‘Justify-it’ and Say that ‘‘it-was Necessary’ as a ‘Decision within the Business’’ - and that is Why ‘Businesses exist as Corporations’ - because there is a ‘Separation’ between the ‘Actual Decision-Making’ and the ‘Ownership’ – and thus: the ‘Corporation as a Entity’, as a ‘Legal-Entity’, can-‘Take the-Flack’ or the....‘can-Take the Blame’ - while: the ‘Person that Actually-Makes the Decision’ ‘Sits ‘in the Background’’ as ‘Shareholder’ or ‘Owner’ and Say: "It was a ‘Business-Decision’" - I mean, they ‘Never-take personal-Responsibility’; That was the-Way you could-‘Control your-Profits’ - which is Still-happening ‘All-the-Time’ - I mean, ‘the Elite’ in the World is ‘Exactly what they’re-Doing’.


We ‘Created –‘over-Night’- a Very-Big Business’, which would’ve-Been, if we Continued with-it in the very strict-Rules of the ‘Law of Attraction’- we would’ve-Been ‘Billionaires’ within-4 to 5-Years Within the Business. But = that-was ‘Unacceptable’, because - at the-End of the-Day: ‘I Don’t-wanna Live ‘like-That’’!


So – ‘we Stopped’ - and I went as-far as ‘Immediately-Foreclosing’, giving-‘Everything I-had Back to the Banks’, saying: ‘This is No-more, I’m Not doing-this, this is Not a way to-Live!’ – And – Gave-Everyone their ‘Protection’ so that...and even-That ‘Didn’t ‘satisfy’-them’, in Some-cases ‘Giving-them ‘Double the-Money’ that was-Owed’ - just to say: ‘I’m Not-continuing, I’m Not-taking this Responsibility Any-further, this Cannot-work’;


I mean, what am I gonna-Do? I’m gonna-be ‘Sucked-Dry’ by ‘What is in-Concerns’ and ‘Angry-People’ - which I already had a-Lot of-Them, because - I mean, in-‘Testing the System’ - I was ‘Testing the System’ = It ‘Can’t-Work’. That-Is How We…Eventually-‘Came to the Point’ that: Obviously ‘we have a Problem’, we have-to Investigate ‘what is the Options’ and ‘How one-can Find-Solutions’.


The ‘Subprime-Crash’ and the ‘Bail-out’ that just-Happened in the Banking-Industry...I mean we’ve ‘Already Experienced-that in our Own-Businesses’ ‘Before it-happened’ – So, it was ‘Obvious’ that it-was ‘Going to-Happen’, it was ‘Obvious’ that ‘this would Continue-Happening’ – you have ‘Not-seen the End of-this’, there is ‘No-Solution’, it is ‘Not-Possible to Solve this-Problem’.


The ‘Revolutionary-Factors’ will-Increase, the ‘Demands for ‘Equal-Wages’’ around the World will-Increase – it is ‘Obvious’. Those that-Are ‘in the Decision-Making-Positions’ are in-Fact Those that’s ‘Sitting in a ‘Positive-Point’’, and therefore is ‘Unwilling to give-Up what they-Have’, to-‘Consider Everyone as Equal’.


So - it is a ‘Inevitability’ that we’re Going to-Have ‘some-Form of Trouble’ in the World, based-on the ‘Current Money-System’. And - this-Point will-‘Escalate’ no-matter How the ‘Attention is attempted to be-Diverted’ through Either ‘War’ or ‘Disasters’ or ‘Entertainment’ – it is ‘Not-going to-divert the Attention from this-Point’ = This-Point will-‘Escalate Into Manifestation’.


So - it is a ‘Inevitability’ that we’re Going to-Have ‘some-Form of Trouble’ in the World, based-on the ‘Current Money-System’.

And - this-Point will-‘Escalate’ no-matter How the ‘Attention is attempted to be-Diverted’ through Either ‘War’ or ‘Disasters’ or ‘Entertainment’ – it is ‘Not-going to-divert the Attention from this-Point’ = This-Point will-‘Escalate Into Manifestation’.


And – ‘If it is not-Directed’ -which is-Possible (to direct) through CommonSense- we’re gonna-Have a World where there´s gonna-be ‘Anarchy’ Eventually.


Understand that Everybody that Now-Say "O, hah! No, it Won’t be-Possible!" - that This-is a ‘Definitive-Point’ if you Look-back at ‘History’: ‘the World Always-Changes through-‘Anarchy’’.


This-‘Anarchy’ though: is gonna-Be ‘Without-Measure’ - due to the ‘Level of Technology’ that-Exist, and because the Human-Being has-become ‘Far-More Brutal’ and ‘Far-more ‘Equal in Brutality’’ than has Ever-been Before in the ‘History of Mankind’.


So – This-time: there is-‘No Standing-Up from-it’. If we-Go ‘That-Far’ = we’re gonna Have a ‘Problem’ that is Not gonna-be solved-Easily, because - you’re gonna-Have ‘a Humanity that has ‘tasted-Blood’ in Every-way whatsoever’ - and ‘Blood will-be ‘Power’’ - and Nobody will-be ‘safe’. We’re ‘Moving to-That’ at a ‘Increasingly-‘Rapid-Pace’’ - which is One of the ‘Reasons’-Why there-is ‘Big-Concern’ in terms-of ‘Managing the Populous’ in the World = that has ‘Not-worked’ – therefore there-are ‘Many Security-Forces’ ‘Trained’ to ‘try and ‘Contain’ the expected-‘Problems’ that is going to-Arrive’ as the ‘’Poverty-Line’ and the Food-Problems Increase’.


It’s Not that there is-not ‘Enough-Food’ in the World – there is ‘Enough-Food’ in the World - there is Just ‘Not a-Will to Share-Equally’, there is Just the ‘Desire for Profit and Greed’ – ‘Greed’ is our-‘Problem’.


And Through-this-All, we Looked-at ‘Solutions’ = That’s why we are Proposing the ‘Equal-Money-System’ with an ‘Equal-Labor/Time-System’ so-that: no-matter ‘what-Work is-Done’ = ‘your-Work is Worth-Equal’ within the Context-of ‘Earning to Live-Effectively’.


‘Why use-Money’? Is because – ‘there is-Already a System’ = that-means ‘a Transition into an ‘Equal-Money-System’ is very-Easy’ – the…‘Smart-Card’ and those-things ‘Facilitate’-it - the ‘Chip’ ‘Facilitate’-this Immensely - which ‘Makes-it Possible’ to Really-Consider the ‘Goodwill for All Men’ ‘much-Better than what-is Currently being-Done’.


Why is the ‘Religious-Point’ of the ‘Chip’ and the ‘Beast’ ‘pushed’ so-much? Because that-Allows ‘the Few’ to Remain the ‘Elite’ and ‘remain-Wealthy’ – while the-Rest ‘worry about Death and the Devil and Satan’ and all-kinds of Shit – and are Coming from the Point-of "Oh I’m ‘Satisfied’ with my Life because `Jesus Gave-me everything´ and I ‘don’t-Need’ to ‘live-More’, I am ‘grateful’ for what I-have" -


What they Don’t-understand is that, the very-‘Book’ that is ‘Fucking with-them’ has been ‘Written to Control-them’ in the first-place. There is ‘None of those-things ‘real’’, ‘Nothing of those-things are-‘real’’ - the ‘Plan’ was very-Specific = is to ‘Utilize an Absolute-Point of Control’ – so-that ‘the Few’ can ‘Remain in-‘Power’’.


At this-stage, they are ‘No-Longer as effectively in-‘Power’’ as they-‘Perceive themselves to-Be’; and there is Lots of ‘‘In-fighting’ between various-Groups’ – And ‘lots of Concern’ which ‘will-Emerge as Time-progress’ and the ‘Difficulties’ that the World-‘Face’.


One of these is, obviously, the ‘Increasing-‘Collapse of the Money-System’’ that will-‘Increase the ‘Level of Fraud and Corruption’’ that is-necessary to ‘Keep-it Going’, until Eventually it will ‘Crash-Totally’. By That-time: we’re going to-Have ‘Major-Problems’, we’re Not-gonna ‘resolve the Problem Easily’.


A ‘Suggestion’ Is: it should be-Resolved ‘Before we Get-to that Problem’ – ‘Suggestion’ is: ‘those that ‘Do-understand’ what I’m-Saying and can Get-Themselves to ‘‘Let-Go’ of their own Personal-Interest’’ - and Realize that: This will ‘Affect-You and your-Children’ ‘Imminently’ - that you ‘‘Stand-Up’ and Get-to a ‘Common-Principle’ and ‘Common-Agreement’ where we can-‘Find the Immediate-Solutions’ for the ‘Immediate-Difficulties’ that is-Ahead ‘within our-Lifetime’.


It is ‘Very-Possible’ to-‘Have a Solution’. Within-this, obviously, it is necessary to-Consider that a ‘One-World-Government’ is our ‘best-Option’ - because Within-That we can-‘‘Manage Equality’ a-lot Easier’, and ‘take-Away all-kinds of ‘Cultural’ and ‘Race’- and ‘other-Differences’’ that is ‘at the moment’ ‘Playing a Role’ – and that would-Actually ‘Cause-us’ to ‘be-able to ‘Trust Each-Other’’ to a certain-degree a lot-More - because: we will ‘No-longer Do-things based-on the principle-of ‘Profit’ and ‘Greed’’ – and therefore: ‘Deception’ and ‘Corruption’ and ‘Fraud’ (the ‘Primary-Points that Cause Major-Problems’ in the World) will ‘Reduce-Substantially’ -‘Theft’, ‘Robbery’, ‘Violence’ – All-kinds of Things that is ‘Based-on the Principle-of ‘Profit’ and ‘Money’’ – ‘War’: All-of that-is ‘Profit-Driven’ = will-‘Reduce’.


I mean - the ‘Benefit’ of an ‘Equal-Money’ and an ‘Equal-Time/Labor-System’ is ‘Immeasurable’! There is not a ‘Greater-Salvation’ to Mankind - Ever - it is ‘Actually-something that will-‘Affect Everyone’s-Life’ for-the-Better’ –


Even the ‘Elite’ – they will at-Least ‘get Rid-of their fucking-Fear’ that they will-be ‘Losing-everything’ - I mean - They will-be ‘in a Position’ where they-Have ‘Enough-Food’ and where they-‘Have a Place-to-Live’. Everything is Not gonna-Change obviously ‘Over-night’ = that’s gonna ‘take-Time’.


But it-is ‘Possible’ to ‘Facilitate the ‘Basic-Point’’ Virtually ‘over-Night’ - once the ‘Parameters’ has been ‘laid-down’ - Due-to the Fact of ‘Technology’ that is-Existent.


And - As we ‘Move’-now towards an ‘Inevitable-Point’ where the ‘Internet’ will be ‘Globally-available’ = at That-Point we’ll be-‘Ready’ for an ‘Equal-Money-System’ - because it will-be ‘Able to-be ‘Introduced-Equally’ with Great-ease’. Obviously Within-it: to make-sure that ‘No-Abuse’ happen = ‘Everybody will Have-to be-Known to Everyone-Else’, I mean, ‘Nobody will be-able to-‘Hide’ – which means:  you’re going to-be ‘Numbered’, because your-‘Days are Numbered’-Anyway, you Don’t ‘stay-forever’. ‘Everything that you-Are’, what you ‘Exist-as’: is Just a ‘Number’ - so -‘Be the ‘Best-Number’ that you can-Be’.


Okay, so - at Desteni we ‘investigate shit’ ‘for-Real’ – we Don’t ‘just-talk’, we Actually ‘Test-it-out in Real-Time’, ‘Actually Doing-it’ - because that’s the Only-way you can ‘make-Sure’ that you-Don’t ‘Fuck with-yourself’.


So - if You do-not ‘Leave your body’ ‘in-Fact’ – ‘Randomly at Any-Point, at Any given-Moment = you ‘cannot-Have an idea’ of ‘What the Fuck is Really going-On’ ‘Outside your-Body’. You Can’t ‘Sit and Meditate’ and Let ‘your-Mind ‘Float-Away’ into Some-‘Blissful’ Fucking-‘Reality’ and Believe-That to be-‘True’’ - I mean, Holy-Fucking-Christ, you Can’t-be ‘That-stupid’, you Can’t ‘Sit and Meditate´ for Six/Seven-Years and then ‘suddenly’-Have this-‘Energy’ that ‘comes-Over-you’ and ‘Start-to-Speak’ and believe that ‘That could-be an ‘Entity’’ - I mean: you’ve-Created the fucking-‘Energy’ - what is the Difference to that-‘Energy’ to ‘Having an Orgasm’ which is an-‘Energy’? Or ‘Falling in-‘love’’ with-Somebody which is an-‘Energy’ –


All of-That: is Forms-of ‘Possession’. Or ‘Getting-Angry’ which is ‘Energy’ = that’s All Forms-of ‘Possession’ - you ‘can-Not Possibly in ‘Good-Standing’ ‘Claim’ that ‘Such-Experiences are-‘Real’’ - there should be ‘No energetic-Event’ Involved in…when you’re ‘Leaving your Body’ – ‘Energy’s got ‘Nothing-to-Do’ with ‘What-is Reality’ = from the perspective-of the ‘Greater-Reality’.

‘Energy’ is Only-Relevant to ‘This particular-Bubble’ which is ‘Around-Earth’ called the ‘Ut-most-Fear’ (‘Atmosphere’) – We are ‘Existing-here’ at-our ‘Most-Fear’ – and That-Fear is ‘Driving’-us = and That-Fear that is ‘Driving’-us is-‘Energy’.


As-long-as we are ‘Subject-to’ that-‘Energy’= we will-‘Live in-Fear’; And - we will-‘Live in ‘Fear of Death’’ – which we Do-anyway – we-‘Die’; I mean - Isn’t that ‘the fucking ‘coolest’-thing’? - You’re ‘Not gonna-be ‘Stuck’-here forever’.


But - If you don’t-‘Change ‘What-is Here’’: where you’re-Going will-be ‘No-different’ to ‘What is Here’ - because ‘You-Determine the Outcome’ - You are the ‘Real-Creator’, You are ‘Really-‘God’’ – I mean, Not that that-Word carries Any-value at-this-stage, I mean – Look-at the ‘Fuckers’ in-Existence: Anybody you can-Call ‘God’? No Fuck man!


Okay - This is the ‘Holy-Bastard’ ‘signing-Out’ – Speak to-you again.