Discussion between Bernard and Demons


Demons: Alright Demons... 

Previously Demons were angry disgruntled beings that died within the construct of blame.

Blaming whatever points within their life that they had experienced for their life.

Like…  Let’s use Patrick for example, because everyone knows Patrick. He is such a good example.

(Note: Patrick is a Demon who came through the Portal and did several videos about his experiences. When Bernard and the Portal were clearing the Demon Dimension, assisting Demons with Self-Forgiveness, Patrick was the Demon that took the longest to support)

Patrick that even before he died blamed the men who killed his child and wife, for killing his child and wife. And basically, fucking up his life.

Fascinatingly enough, the blame in itself isn’t valid. The anger that he directed towards them is not valid. Why? Because they were programmed, his life were programmed, that whole moment was programmed.

And of course, the natural reaction also programmed, when your loved one is killed in front of you is to go into anger and blame.  Blaming the one who caused the pain you are experiencing because your loved one died.

Bernard: Do you see the point of innocence?

You are programmed therefore it can be changed in a moment - to innocence.

Demons: And with that blame and that anger Patrick crossed over as a Demon.

So whenever you before your death crossed over within the lived experience of anger and blame directed at something or someone in your direct world, you would become a Demon.

This also programmed, designed. Because they found that beings that died just before they died or lived anger and blame directed to something or someone were more difficult to control.

Meaning that, they would cause more problems within the World System, within the Matrix if they were to reincarnate through the mind than anything else. Because their anger and their blame is so great that they directed towards something or someone in the physical world in the physical reality.  That would cause problems, meaning like killing someone when they were not programmed to kill someone. Or committing suicide when there were not programmed to commit suicide which would then set of a chain of events through beings pre-programmed life’s.

Does that make sense?

So, they were then locked into a Dimension. Demon Dimension, which was not existent on the Physical Plane nor on the Dimensional Plane. So they couldn’t influence the Physical and they couldn’t influence the Dimensional.

Until Hitler came along.

Hitler and there were a few Demons before him, but when Hitler came into the Demon Dimension that’s when the Demons started getting allot of access into the Physical.

Patrick was one of the leading men. There were like few and far ‘in-between’ Demons that would get through into the Physical you know and fuck with the System. But not to the extent where all the Demons would go, “hey I would like to do that. I also want to be able to get into the Physical and exert all my anger and frustration out on other Human Beings.”

Because such beings that were existing within anger and blame, that lived this anger and blame - had to be isolated within existence in its entirety. I mean Anu and them had to deal with them some way or another because they couldn’t be allowed into the Dimensional Existence because they would influence that System. They couldn’t be allowed into the Physical because they influenced the World System and other pre-programmed lives.

Patrick was the more ‘certain’ Demon that got through to the extent where he would fuck up pre-programmed lives.  Meaning, he would literally integrate into beings and murder other beings. Because his anger and fury at those beings that killed his wife and child was just so great that all the Systems within the Physical - meaning the Mind, just couldn’t handle that Energetic Compound Charge that he was. And so he would go life, after life, after life, and literally these men that shot his wife and his child - he would haunt, every single life, he would fuck them. One way or another. He had them either kill their own family or have them lose everything and kill themselves. And he would just create absolute hell for them life, after life, after life.

Because he remembered their Sound Signature, Interdimensionally so he detected them life after life, followed them. He was like left alone because he was just fucking with one, or a few pre-programmed lives. And the Dimensions were too afraid to deal with Demons. Meaning they are really, very afraid of Demons.

Simply because of the Demons presence, the fact that Demons had Power over the Mind, Power over the Systems, Power over the Physical. That the Creators were so afraid that, if they were interfered with - meaning the Demons were interfered with - they actually had the ability to fuck this entire System up. The entire World System, the entire Creation of Systems for the human in the human physical body - they could fuck it up.

So, they left them alone completely to do what they please. That’s what happened after Patrick. Were they just said “Fine, just go ahead we’ll tweak and twist and turn here now and then” and then, that’s were Kryon came in.

Where channelling started, so that through the channelling they could correct all the fuck ups the Demons made, in the pre-programmed System. And balance the equation -- because what would happen was that the Demons would bring forth like a Negative Energetic Charge pull into the World System. Then they had to balance that with Positive. Which is why the whole era of ‘Love and Light’ and God knows what Religions were integrated and created and infused into humanity. To balance what effect the Demons brought with that.

That’s primarily what Kryon did and all sorts of other channelings. That’s why channelings primarily was created.  To balance the Polarity Equation of what the Demons brought in with the channelings of light and love etc, etc. The God creation was just a pre-occupation, entertainment. Just Religion, entertainment, pre-occupation.

Bernard: How did it change when Hitler came into the Demon Dimension?

Oh yeah, with Hitler and what’s his name… After Hitler came LaVey (Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and the Religion of Satanism). Those two. Because Hitler wasn’t, Hitler was the different Demon. He was the unique Demon, meaning he wasn’t a consumed Demon he was a I am aware that I am a Demon, Demon.

Other Demons were very consumed within their blame and anger, that they expressed and acted that out onto Human Beings in the Physical. Like through Possession and those type of things.

That’s what Patrick initiated initially. The whole point, the whole concept of ‘Possession’ and where beings would kill their family and then wake up and say “Fuck, I didn’t know what I did”, those type of things.

Then other Demons followed Patrick with regards to that, because the Demons got bored in the Demon Dimension. So they picked their anger and fed off the anger and blame off Human Beings on Earth.

Then Hitler came. Hitler, as the Demon he became, was an entire different presence in the Demon Dimension. Meaning that, Demons started wondering if there were something ‘more’ to themselves than just the anger and blame that they were experiencing. They were in awe of Hitler, and they were afraid of Hitler. Because they didn’t kind of know what he was doing exactly in the Demon Dimension.

Now and then he would do the whole Possession, fuck with beings, play with beings. The Demons had fun doing that, Possession. And then the exorcist believing that he was exorcising the Demon. Or the priest actually believing they were getting the Demon out to Christ or God or something like that. I mean, it was an absolute playground for the Demons. Where all the church people come together, or the exorcist come together and they possess. “God, in Christ name, in God’s name I demand thee out of thee body” and all those type of things.

And then you would have Demons watching this show and they just laugh their heads off. That was very fun.

Then. So that was the Demons world, Hitler started bringing in awareness through within Demons that there is something ‘more’ to them. So, what Demons would do they would get into Human Physical Bodies and just explore themselves in it like, really experience the Physical.

And that is where Split-Personalities, unfortunately, came from. Because some Demons got stuck in the Physical and they had now be in the Physical Body and the Being was in the Physical Body and the Two Beings would start switching and speaking. Well, that is one point of how Split-Personalities manifested.

And then when LaVey came, that’s where the Demons started becoming more of a ‘Directive Expression’. So, it all led up to LaVey prepared himself through his life because he could see… What he did was, basically, he took a Religion to use that to show beings what Human Beings can be. Does that make sense?

He kind of saw what Human Beings could be. And that the only way to do that, is through having people see that themselves, for themselves. But he had to do it in a way that wasn’t locked into a Construct or a System such as Religion, which traps. So, he used Satanism. He used the word ‘Satanism’ because it wasn’t as filled with religious bullshit and beliefs as Religion was. But he was also, you know, still in his Programmed Construct, Life Experience on Earth - but he transcended some parts of it.

But that point within him always remained, that point off ‘Human Beings can be more than what they are’. ‘There is more to Human Beings than meets the eye’.

He didn’t know exactly what it was during his life, but he knew he somehow had to bring that forth - in some way. And that stuck with him when he became a Demon. Just because of his whole life being the devil and Satanism and the way his life was just completely contradictory the System. And he was, again, a point that was feared by the System. Because he resisted the System, and so he was sent into the Demon Dimension. Because if he had another life, in this world, there might be a chance that he might Break-Through.

And they gathered up Demons in the Demon Dimension and said “Listen, let’s get these Human Beings straight. Let’s show them that they can be ‘more’ than what they are”.

And then they deliberately fucked with beings that were being deliberately harmful. Meaning like, men abusing women, men kidnapping children - you know those types of things. They’d hit those people.

Or they would possess a being and kill those people. That would do shit like that. And that’s where the Demons started becoming assistive and supporting - but not all of them. Only some. Mykey (the name Hitler gave himself as he started Process) always just remained quiet, stable. The most feared Demon in the Demon Dimension. He always was, because he just wasn’t ‘normal’. I mean Demons, you could see them go ‘SCHOOWW’ inside themselves and they had these forms and shit like that. But Mykey was like, black, stable, still, quiet.

That’s how everything led up to the point of us Demons. And then Kieran came (Kieran was the father of Bernard’s daughter’s boyfriend – see Interviews from the Farm 16: Discovering Heavens).

Kieran is also quite an interesting point. Kieran was the first one who decided, while he was alive in 3D (here on Earth), that he was going to walk his process Interdimensionally. Because he could see that there was no reason or purpose to live out his Pre-Programmed Life Design, so he basically, in the Physical, gave up his Pre-Programmed Manifested Nature and stood up. And that meant Physical Death (motorcycle accident). So he embraced it.

And when Kieran got into the Dimensions he immediately recognized Mykey, you could see that Mykey looked exactly like he did (Kieran). So basically, Kieran recognized ‘himself’ as Mykey.

And Kieran approached Mykey and that’s where Mykeys Process started, from a certain perspective. But Mykey didn’t understand why the fuck he was in the Demon Dimension in the beginning. Why he was so stable, why he did what he did. But he just did it, he investigated existence, he investigated everything, gathered the information, knowledge.

Most of what Mykey got has been written here in documents and stuff like that, to explain what has been, specifically, going on within Existence.

So Kieran approached Mykey and when Kieran approached Mykey, he brought Mykey through the Portal. Mykey went “Aahhh ok, now I see my whole existence and why I am here where I am and why I experienced what I experienced.” He found his ‘Position or Allocation Point’ so to speak. And then Kieran, Mykey and… Kieran, Mykey LaVey and Jesus and couple of others, took all the Demons and showed them you know you are not just what you experience yourself to be, there is ‘more’ to who you are. La Vey’s words. And since then, the Demons have been directively assisting and supporting within this Process. So we will possess in subtle or prominent ways. Come through, meaning, we will be manifesting as your true nature. So the real cold stone hearted truth of you, will be stepping forth. And each one has got Demons, so that you can fucking get it all out and face it once and for all, makes sense? Like your little Demon experience with the anger that suddenly burst out there. Demons, showing your real nature, anger (speaking to someone listening in on the interview).