Discussion between Bernard and the Portal - through the Portal


Bernard: Bring me … The Portal

Viruses (through the Portal): Hm?

Bernard: Bring me The Portal...
(Portal breathes in and out)
Bernard: Explain yourself, the Portal.

Portal:  To reintegrate Dimensionality and Physicality into Multidimensionality HERE.

Bernard: Tell me why there is only one portal in this (inaudible)

Portal: Because that is the very manifested act that is being done.

Meaning – bringing Physicality and Dimensionality together, as ONE, as Multidimensionality - and that is happening in ONE Physical Human Body, which is what is, in fact, actually, only existing – ONE Physical Body.

Does that make sense?

Meaning, you are not in different Physical Forms, you have a Physical Form. Each Human Being has a Physical Form – in that All Physical Forms are One and Equal. So, therefore only One Portal is required, which represents the Manifested Expression of All Human Physical Bodies.

Makes sense?

People sitting in: Yeah

Portal: Which is what is busy happening: It’s Physicality – which is the Physical becoming Multidimensional, through Integrating the Dimensions into, and as, the Human Physical Body. Which is the process that they’re busy with (Dimensions) and what you’re busy with.

Bernard: So why the Portal Interviews? (the ‘How to become a Portal’ video series that was uploaded)

Portal: (chuckles) To show that it cannot be done.

(Laughter from people sitting in – someone saying: What?!)

Bernard: Have any Portals opened?

Portal: No

Someone sitting in: Many tried.

Bernard: Many tried.

Someone else: Really?

Portal: Yeah

Bernard: And also removing that desire.

Portal: To ‘be something’ or ‘someone’ and stuff like that.

Someone sitting in: Do they actually want to be a portal?

Portal: Now, I don’t think anyone would want to be one

Bernard: That’s the toughest job for anyone, it’s the toughest job in Existence.

But it had to be…It’s not necessary but I mean that’s the way it happened. It wasn’t necessary but I mean that’s the way it happened.

Portal:  But it’s a very cool way though.

Bernard: Yeah

Portal: It works.

Bernard: It works very effectively in terms of bringing...

Portal:  Well, it is – working - .

Bernard: Bringing everything together. Because what’s the point: Bring everything Here, Together, Amalgamate, Equal and One.

Portal: You basically do your part: ‘Amalgamate You’, ‘Equal and One’ with ‘You’. The Dimensions do their part, Amalgamating Themselves Equal and One with Themselves, the Physical...everything, it’s the same path.

Bernard: They’re doing exactly the same thing – Equal and One. That was ‘the key’ that has always been missed. That is the only way, Equal and One is that Everybody must be Equal and One with everything you do. And then we solve our apparent problems.

Portal: That’s the one point the Masters and all those guys missed: is Bringing Together Everything Equal and One. They either only consider the Dimensions or they only either consider the Human or they only consider either the Mind. They don’t bring three and three together: the Mind, the Physical and the Dimensions.

Bernard: The portal is proof as the Physical Manifested Event, immediately, of Equality and Oneness, placed – eternally.

Portal: And that’s when that Sound thing emerged.

Bernard: Yeah, sound is form.

But that was 1987 (Sound thing emerging), that was before (the opening of the Portal)

Portal: Oh ya.

Bernard: Okay, is that making sense?

(Inaudible) (Said something about timeline)

Portal: Yeah understand, Process isn’t Time related. You may experience it according to Time, because you got ‘time clock’ and ‘time date’, but I mean – does Time exist Here, Right Now? No. Time is there on a computer in little letters or on a watch in little numbers and stuff like that. So, does time exist?  No

Bernard: Time doesn’t exist.

Portal: It really doesn’t. So don’t define your Process according to how long you’re taking. Does that make sense? You just move in your Self-Honest Moment, Every Moment - and that is it.

Bernard: You always ask yourself a question. If I say to you “in two and a half years”. What am I really saying to you?

… (inaudible)

Bernard: Explain my Purpose, my Point.

Portal: Your Point?

Bernard: Well, yes

Portal: To… identify your Allocation Point… Your Position, the Way You Are in Process.

That’s what he does.

So, it’s like… ‘You’ checking ‘Where You Are’ within your Process as a Whole, as the Entirety of Yourself.

Does that make sense?

So, he will = as you - will throw ‘you’, ‘into your face’. Meaning: ‘Everything’, in ‘One Moment’. And then see ‘as a whole’ – where within you, are you still reacting? What points haven’t you sorted out yet? What points are you working on?

That’s what he can see, basically, all those things - at once. And then from there he’ll direct you accordingly in a few words and rearrange some shit and stuff like that. Bring forth, remove, sit back and like rearrange a little, and then you can move forward again.

So that’s what happens.

Now please, it doesn’t mean he’s ‘more than you’ or ‘greater than you’ or ‘special’ and shit like that – it’s not necessary to ‘fear’ him.

Understand he is Living his Already Realised Position within the Process as a Whole.

Does that make sense?

Each one has their path. They are going to be – becoming for a moment – until Existence is all Equal and One.

Does that make sense?

That’s why he can assist you.