Written originally by Bernard on the forum on 09 Nov 2007 at 08:19 AM

holy spirit guides bernard poolman.png

When people say now that they experience the Holy Spirit showing them and assisting them in realising that separation is not real and that oneness and equality is their truth, is this due to a split in the mind or is it actually genuine? Is the Holy Spirit a guide which has remained in some people's experience of themselves within and as a mind system, even after the White Light has been removed? Since White Light has been removed, does that mean it is now not possible for people to have these guides, or is the mind able to conjure up something still? There are people who say that the holy spirit shows them all of the time that they have literally made up everything they see as separation and that it still guides them etc, and that they HAVE become aware of Oneness with its help. What's going on? Is this oneness the real thing, or is it a big 'mind-f**k, or what? Thank you very much.

See--the unconscious mind "talking" manifestation will rehash things from what you read, see and hear--understand that the unconscious takes in/is much more than what you "see"/picture--from this it will "talk" to you in the line of your beliefs or in the line of the information exposure intake--the tendency is also to use spirity type language and focus on love as forgiveness where you accept "weakness" as part of human nature

communication with beings from dimensions will not give you answers to your own direction or choices--only suggestions as to equality and oneness

and it will be what you are not used to in any way whatsoever--what we do is to have several points to check--and double check everything--for consistency and source--the same message must come through several points face to face

understand what equality and oneness is--it exist everywhere all the time--and each being is equal and one with what they allow--so are they also able to change self to become expanded and thus equal and one in expansion

equality and oneness also will guide to the ultimate point where all life on all "levels" are equal and one

practically--all have a home, equal in money, equal in abilities, equal in possible choice--etc

obviously the only point here that remains individual is what each choose--but within infinite possibilities--that give many choices--not just the few currently available

the problem is that the mind will "wear" you down to accept the current reality as unchainable/enslaved--and the mind will be unable to "see" a way out

the breath is the key--and not all will make it because not all will apply self discipline

it is about self--what are self equal and one with in the current unified field--what does self accept as impossible to change--that self will experience as the choice of placing self equal and one with the acceptance

for instance--if the plight of starvation only enters your "awareness" when forced in your face--then you are of the mind

and your experience of disgust with starvation is preprogrammed--because when you make a choice--you will not consider all of life--but only the survival of self

the mind will also be unable to find a solution or have a definitive understanding of the structural sentences used as programmed strings of information in programming this unified field called the world--because the part of the mind within which the man/robot functions are mostly focussed only on self--and the self within a desire, want or need, trying to fullfill it

so temptation will arise--that will give "magic" answers to wants, needs and desires", but if really looked at--the cycle will be seen and the ringformation of the timeloop will be evident--the power to the direct self to stand equal and one for all and not equal and one with the separated self--will bring expansion

this is done through self honesty as all as one

but the mind will fuck you where ever it can--it is in your service as your accepted creation to test insight, self honesty and self responsibility--in essence--the mind test the truth of Self Essence--and this is an inner process that each Really actually knows about self and hide from others--the great divide of between the inner and outer reality of MAN where all the deception happens Inside as thoughts