Written originally by Bernard on the forum on 09 Nov 2007 at 07:36 PM

system neuron bernard poolman money.png


i guess my question is...if i am aware that things like money and jobs are meaningless. but they would make my situation "easier". do i take part in the system of jobs and money with full realization that it is meaningless but makes this reality around me more comfortable or is this completely counter productive to what i am trying to acheive. sometimes i feel like i have to just keep going down the path i have found and things will come to me but at times it feels like it would be easier to follow my path with a little more "support"...as in financial aspects or comfort.

I faced this questions 4 times in my life--each time I was forced back into the system--just to breakaway again--at last I realised--if I remain self honest--I am able to participate and direct the system to support myself and others and find ways for meaningful, permanent change

the design of the system wears one down--so--in every breath we stand up and move ourselves as life and direct that which we are able to and expand to incorporate what must be stopped or directed

so--I became the unified field --and did not get lost--we are pushing for solutions--but we must remember that we are one and equal even to our greatest nightmare which has become this existence--and in dropping to the depths of its darkness--we are endowed within as life and self honesty to stand up as directive principle-

so--take part and the part you take--direct it as life--judge not--you might have been the one lost and waiting for some-one with courage to shake you awake even in the face of retaliasion

I faced this questions 4 times in my life--each time I was forced back into the system--just to breakaway again--at last I realised--if I remain self honest--I am able to participate and direct the system to support myself and others and find ways for meaningful, permanent change the design of the system wears one down--so--in every breath we stand up and move ourselves as life and direct that which we are able to and expand to incorporate what must be stopped or directed so--I became the unified field --and did not get lost--we are pushing for solutions--but we must remember that we are one and equal even to our greatest nightmare which has become this existence--and in dropping to the depths of its darkness--we are endowed within as life and self honesty to stand up as directive principle- so--take part and the part you take--direct it as life--judge not--you might have been the one lost and waiting for some-one with courage to shake you awake even in the face of retaliasion

loves your vids

I share your views on work and money and stockmarkets--in essence--man must make another choice all together --that doesn't look possible at the moment--we must make it possible

I withdrew myself for 2 tears from the ratrace--then I returned--then set up a proces to create the funds to set up Desteni--that is where we are now and obviously the portal was abonus not expected at the time

we are now exploring and placing information that may or may not be helpfull to people

being in a Unified field--and we are all in it--even after death-- so--we have to stand and direct this and stop it

If you watch the Videos from AA--we found her in some dimension iin absolute dispair--she stopped reincarnating--but was still stuck--searching for a long time for a way out of the cycles--we are the ones that allowed the cycles to enslave us and allowed our creative choice to be controlled by peings that apparently is in power--that is not true

with the changes in the dimensions--we have that part covered--we will not become enslaved there again--there is also here in a sense

we now must stop the BS called our reality

You placed it magnificently

Now we must find reasons for people to listen

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