Interviews with Bernard and Darryl

23 Jan 09

Bernard: Okay, let's have a chat about a chat about a chat about... the end of self-awareness.

Let's start at the beginning. What is the definable points within our awareness that is quantifiable? We are born we then exist within this reality within a particular experience, and we die.

When we are born, we are born within a family, within a culture, within a country, within a language, within a particular social design. When you are born, all you have is that which you get from your mother and your father through DNA.

That is what we are, have explained already at Desteni as your “structural resonance.”

According to your DNA placement, that means the design, within that which is in your bloodline, you will have particular abilities, you will have particular paths that is more dominant and paths that is less apparent.

So therefore out of that you will have particular features, particular abilities which is either a more sharper mental ability, a more effective physical ability – various different points that will be DNA based coming from your parents, from your bloodline.

Within that obviously is, that is your structural resonance – that is, the ‘sound frequency’ which defines who you are as a physical being and what will be your ‘programmable abilities’ and in what field you will be ‘more effective’.

This gets then enhanced and is dependent upon; where you are born and what is your social support, your money support you have within this reality, your education support and obviously what is your religious upbringing.

All of that within the context of the family will have an effect on ‘who you will become as a personality’, as a person’ that will participate within a system – which is the world as society.

If for instance, you were abused as a child, that will have an effect on that perception of yourself, that experience of yourself, based on what you've been programmed.

So what is the principle here? The principle is that you are programmed according to the experiences of those that were before you; your parents, your society. It is following no other principle but experience which is fear and survival based.

Accordingly, you will end up following exactly what you've been programmed to follow.

Which in essence would be the definition of a robot within a system which is a manufacturing system that manufacture facts, and according to these facts, which is information – you are in a formation [that] will be formed and the form of you, will be projected into the world according to that information.

Which is why we are now, we have moved from an industrial age to an information age, where everyone is controlled by information completely.

You are thus only a number.

And if you do not have that number – and that number do not equate to the system, and the value the system has given you and that you are actually following the system and the rules of the system, you are kicked out by the system and you become null and void, and you are unable to survive in the system.

Darryl: ah, “The Mark of the Beast.”

(Various references of the Mark of the Beast is contained in the Book of Revelations, where it is stated that in the end times that the “Antichrist” will appear and dupe humanity into enslaving themselves. The relevant passage:
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17)

Bernard: The Mark of the Beast. The Number. And as that continues, obviously, everyone participating within that, is doing it from a perspective of what is called, “self-awareness.”

You are aware of the system, you are aware of yourself within the system, y0u are aware what you as yourself must do to survive in the system, and accordingly, you participate.

We look back at history; we have been “evolving” as this self-awareness within a system.

And as we move and evolve within our experience in self-awareness, the system evolves and accordingly we have a system that seemingly evolves into more and more stuff we are manufacturing as the way we are showing that we are in fact actually, apparently, existing.

So it's like you look at something and says, “Okay, I'm a human. I created this. So therefore, I must exist!”

Darryl: Ah, Manufacture. Man is a Sure Fact.

Bernard: Absolutely. So in your manufacturing, you are as Man attempting to make yourself real in fact, through a process of how you are aware of yourself within that which you have placed as your creation: which is a system and everything made within the system and of the system.

Now, if we look at the primary point where self-awareness is so easily used and abused, which is your New Age Spirituality scene, you'll notice a fascinating thing:

Everyone within that system of self-awareness, will use particular definitions, that according to them, makes them better than others, for instance, “Love.” They'll say, “I am love!” “I am God.” “I am ascending.” “I am becoming better, I am becoming more.”

What you are saying as a system, “I am becoming aware of myself within the context of the system within a definition that I like more, that makes me more acceptable as something that resembles something that I would call 'Divine.'”

It is our search to be “God” within a system that causes that. The fact that one actually still adheres to the basic seven-days of Creation as it is written in the Bible, obviously is not realized, because

within that you are still within a system that is seven days, you are still within a system where are dominant or “more than” the animal, dominant or “more than” the plant, which is regarded as a system.

What is a plant, a human and an animal? What is the similarities?

All of it is based on DNA which is based on thus, a particular set of chromosomes, a particular set of relationships that causes one to have particular skills that is programmable as language, as society, as expression and so on.

And therefore the difference between a chimpanzee and a man is but a few chromosomes. The rest is exactly the same. Those chromosomes give the chimpanzee a particular language and expression and social structure, and it gives to Man a particular language and expression and social structure.

But in essence, within the context of its existence, within the context of its program, it is what it is. And it can only “evolve” to a certain point.

The same with Man. Man can only evolve to a certain point, which is why most of our Spirituality has been projected as ideas beyond death, which is based in hope and assumption and conjecture and apparent experiences while in “divine inner communication.”

What are you really communicating with within yourself? You are communicating with that part that you hope to become.

That then creates an idea of divinity or “God” within which one then attempt to exist as an example to society what you perceive would be “God,” what you perceive you would want to be.

It is not considered that any of that, in fact, do not actually have any impact on improving the lives of beings on Earth that is less fortunate.

So, what has really happened? Let's start to consider it:

When you as a child is born, in your first seven years, you are getting your basic programming; your cognitive skills, your language skills, your social skills, your basic body functional skills, eating skills, sleeping, your relationship with your family and your immediate environment.

Then it expands to your education, where your education will move you into and integrate you into society so you could become an effective part of the manufacturing industry of our consumerism. Where you could create things to be consumed and be effective within it.

All of that, is part of what you can call your Programmed Self.

From that Programmed Self, you’re then attempting to become an individual. That attempt to become an individual, is done through what is called, “self-reflection.”

You reflect upon yourself in relationship to your society, in relationship to what all your knowledge that is available, and you make a decision who you are according to that.
That you call “choice” or “free choice”.

Obviously, the fact that it is within a limited construct and design that is programmed as well, kind of never enters the equation.

Because you do not consider, that within the context of you assessing you, you can only assess you according to the program language you've been programmed with, within the context of the program; the society, the religion and the education you have.

Your insight is no more than that.

Darryl: Yeah, people think it’s the, it is the correct consideration; their point of view.

Bernard: It is, because that’s all that exist for them. Because all that exists is the program.

So now, within that you develop what you would call, “Self-Awareness.”
That self-awareness is totally self-centered, based on the interest of yourself to be successful within a world system, and to prepare yourself for something that you know is inevitable:

You are going to leave this system to enter another system, which is the Heavenly system, and you want to prepare your place from this system into the next system.

And you have been programmed to believe that you can influence your placement in the next system, which is the system of Heaven.

And there is many, many different ‘options’ which is called basic religions, which you can follow that each has an idea about what apparently happens to you in the next system - which is Heaven. But you don't know that in fact.

You’re required to believe that.
But you have no other answer, therefore you believe it because you are quite scared what would happen if you get there and you don't have something that you can defend yourself with: Which is your religion.

Therefore Religion in itself is war. It’s a way that you actually put on armor, preparing yourself to defend yourself and who you have become as ‘self-awareness’. So that you can say,

“I had no other choice. This is all I had. This is thus, all I am. This is who I am, and therefore, I must be recognized as this.”
Even we attempt to control that, in the afterlife.

Unfortunately, we miss a fascinating point.

If you observe; when a baby is born, when a seed opens up and grows, it is following a pattern, it’s following a program. When a animal is born, it follows a program according to its design, according to its DNA. But there is something in it that is equal in everything.

It is equal in the grass, it is equal in the air you breathe. It is equal in the animal. It is equal in the human. It is equal in the being that is dead in the afterlife.
That equality is life.

That equality does not form or follow a program. That equality is the essence of what is here.

That equality, that Life-Awareness does not exist within the context of those that are in form, are in spreading the information about what is going on.
That is what is the oneness that exist between everything.

Not the “oneness” that has been proliferated as that within Spirituality or within a world-system, or within meditation, or within a particular expression of consciousness.

Consciousness is simply the attempt of the system to understand itself. It‘s the attempt of the Organic Robot as the human trying to understand its point and its purpose within a system. A system within a system attempting to “evolve” into something.

It knows there is something. It knows there must be something more, but it can't find it.
Because, it's never really looked.

It’s because the point that you know that is “more” is the point that you don't want to look at. It is the point that take away all your specialness, it takes away all your fear. It takes away all what you regard you to be, so that what remains; is that which is equal in everyone.

That is where real Oneness exist.
That is not being considered.

That has never been considered, for eons of time, as each being attempts, to make itself more special – without actually considering, what it is, that is in essence: Behind everything.

By definition, the fact that this exist in everyone – means everyone is equal in everything.

Obviously the form you take on is a temporary expression, which has only emerged: Because of our division into an attempt to understand each other, from the perspective of understanding ourselves as form.

So therefore we started defining everything.
In that definition, we became trapped as the definition.
And in that we lost the awareness.

And we did not consider the awareness of what is really, in essence – our Equality.

What is it that makes it possible for all of us to exist together, what is the ‘binding force’?
It’s not ‘God’. It’s not a ‘Spirit’.

It is Life itself.
It is existent within everything.
But it is not ‘aware’.

Darryl: Could you say that Life is what people might be looking for?

Bernard: Life is that which you are looking for, but in looking for it, you’ll keep on missing it – because you are it in fact already.

What you have to do is let go of your programmed self. Let go of your self-interest. Let go of everything that you have ever allowed yourself to be as ‘fact’, as ‘knowledge’.

Because all of that; is ‘self-awareness’. All of that is self-interest. All of that is your attempt to make yourself more than what you are as each other in the essence of your origin, your genesis, your real truth.

When we entered heaven through the Portal, or when the Portal opened, the Portal entered heaven through the Portal: I was already in Heaven – because heaven is Here as Life.
But not from the perspective that heaven understood itself.

The same point was everywhere; I saw it in Earth, in everything, in every stone, every grass, every being. Same in Heaven – every being there - the same point: We are all the same.

Not only as a program are we all the same, following the same desires, hopes and needs and wants; we are the same in essence, as the Life-force from which we emanates.

But that Life-force we deny, because we can only actually access or recognize that Life-force, if we recognize that as equal in all of us – and it emanates, it expresses from us as what we are as form.

What have we done:
In the forms and the systems and our expressions we have taken on – we have disregarded Life, and we have made the system, the personality, the ‘spirit-idea’ of everything more than what Life is.

We have in fact become ‘larger than Life’.
And in that has been our demise.

We have lost our humbleness. We have lost our consideration of each other. We have lost ‘love’ in fact.

And we’ve made of ‘love’ a definition, an idea, something that we’re attempting to express – but we do not within it consider that it exist in fact within each one as Life.

And that Life in consideration of itself within all equally: Is what Love really is.
It is within that – which we are One.

But that Love is not a ‘feeling’.
That Love is a realisation of yourself. It’s an acceptance. It’s an embracing of yourself in every single breath and every point of your existence;

whether you are in the physical, whether you are an dog, whether you are a horse, whether you are stone, whether you are the bed we sit on, whether you are an ‘angel’, whether you are in Heaven – doesn’t matter where you are:

You are an Equal as this Life.

And to dare to become or see yourself more because of the form that flowed from it as your self-awareness: Is Deception and is a disHARMony that Harms each other.

That is what we say must be stopped.
We must stop that which we have become as, as ‘self-awareness’ in ALL its forms, because none of it is honouring Life equally as One Here.

Because incessantly we continued to define, define, define everything.
From what perspective: If we have to be Self-Honest, from the perspective of wanting to be better than another, more than another.

In fact, we are saying: We want to be more than Life.
And in that – we miss everything.

That is why at Desteni we say:
Self-Forgiveness, to forgive yourself that you have dared to deny Life. In every way that you have done that – you have to Forgive Yourself.

Because only you can do that, because you know where you do it in thought, word and deed. You know where you are denying another, Life, equally to you; where you are judging another, blaming another, where you regard yourself as more or less.

You know all the points where you are dishonest within yourself and denying you and everything else: Life.

You will not gain access to Life unless you are Equal to Life in every way, and you recognize Life in everything equally, and that is Proven as your Living Expression.
You will not gain access to Life at all.

You will simply live out your existence, die, forget everything and start again.
Which means in fact: That you have never existed.

That’s why, when you die: You forget everything.

Obviously before, when the soul-construct existed...what was the soul-construct?
It was an attempt to deceive oneself even further to try and remember your lives, because you apparently believed that your lives were real.

But, you had to record it, and place it in the Akashic Record – because you couldn’t remember it.
Which means what? Memory are part of a System.

We have manifested it as a Computer, and we’ve manifested it, memory-systems; why are we doing it?
Because we can’t remember. We’re trying to remember what it is we are.

Life is not a Memory.

Life is in fact always HERE.

But Life will not give access to abusers, users of self-interest, users and abusers of self-awareness; where awareness has become more than what Life is.

Thus, Life-Awareness, in fact, has never existed.

We have investigated this back, through uncountable eons of time; Life-Awareness has never existed.
We have done the same thing over and over again. We found multiple universes, all doing exactly the same.

What is happening here on Earth, in various dimensions?

Earth, as a manifested dimension which brings together everything within the Principle of an actual experience in space and time – obviously is the foundation-phase of what one can call: The emergence of Life as Life-Awareness.

That is why Earth exist:
Earth is the Eye of the Needle where each one will move through it, to actually face what they have allowed themselves to become as self-awareness.

And where all self-awareness will be annihilated forevermore, until all that remain is Life Equally within each and that is recognized, proven, in every breath for eternity.

Darryl: I would say that people really...I caught myself existing through my point of view, my perspective and then acting that know, I don’t believe in Politics, ‘cause Politics is crap – so, I don’t participate.

Bernard: You’re going to have to participate in everything, because you cannot direct anything that is separate from you. You have to take responsibility for everything that is here: The Money-System, the Political-System, the War-System, the Education-System –

You have to stand up within it, as it, direct it. Make sure that the starting-point of it becomes Life-Awareness; Not self-awareness, not programmed-reality – but actuality of Life in Expression.

Considering, considering all expressions as a starting-point within it as Life:
Animal, plant, everything will have to be considered – Equal and One.
Otherwise Life will not give you access to what is Really Here.

Remember that the here that is here is ‘the here Consciousness’. It is ‘the here’ of the programmed-reality. You first have to stand equal as it in self-honesty to be able to let it go. It will not just go away because you stop.

You have to stop you as what you have become as an entity called ‘consciousness’. Because consciousness is where you have created you within a system, it’s an reflection of yourself.

The world is a reflection of what is going on inside each human being as who you believe yourself to be. None of it is real – all of it will END.

This is not ‘bad’ that it’s ending. It does not require fear. It is simply the END of our ILLUSION, our delusion as an idea, which is called ‘self-awareness’, which is called ‘consciousness’.

Here, Common Sense is required, to consider the simplicity of the Principle: That Life is Equally in Everything. And therefore – Life is One.
And that all and everything we do, must have that as the starting-point Principle.

If that is the Principle that each one is Living by, our reality, everything we’ve ever done: Change.

In doing that, consciousness will disappear. Our reality as it exist now will change and Life will give us Access to what Life really is: We have no idea what is possible.

And we will not be shown, unless we are proven to be expressing Life Self-Honestly as every breath Here, in consideration of all Life, equally, everywhere, in all of existence, heaven and earth.

Therefore Heaven, is now, on Earth. In actuality, within consciousness, trapped equally, as every human is trapped. To consider this singular point:
What is Life Equally?
And why am I abusing myself, as each other?

Understand, because Life is Equal within each being – you are me as I am you. We are responsible for each other.
That responsibility must be recognized.

You cannot allow one to die in a War, or in famine, or in a system just because they have not adhered to the rules of consciousness, or the rules of self-interest and self-awareness. You have to stop that as well, because it is you doing it, there is no excuse...

And accordingly, HELL is Here.

What is Hell?
Hell is that points that we have allowed to become real from our experience-perspective, because we have denied the Principle that Life is Equal within All.

We have abused Oneness in the name of consciousness, and in the name of ‘success’, and in the name of our ‘self-awareness’, our greater ‘ascending-self’. Where the fuck are you going to send your ass to?

Wherever you are going to go, you are going to face one thing: You have denied the realisation, the Principle that Life is equal within all, and you have denied yourself from standing up, and standing up as Life for Everyone.

There is NO EXCUSE.

I suggest, that one consider, forgiving yourself for every single point where you have denied yourself the insight, the realisation, the common sense that Life is Equal within everyone.

For that, Forgiveness is a tool, because in that you give yourself freedom from your delusion.

Only you are responsible for yourself.

Within that, you can test yourself in your actions that you are self-honest and that you have actually, recognizing Life Equally in Everything, in every single breath.
That is the point of Self-Honesty.
That requires Common-Sense, I mean:

‘Am I willing to exist as every single form, equally in expression as Life? No matter where it exist. Am I willing to be the slaughter-animal that is kept in a factory-farm. Am I willing to recognize myself equally as that expression as Life? Is that who I am?

Am I willing to accept that as my expression as Life?
Or do I stop, this abuse, of myself in other forms?

Do we know where it will take us? Obviously not! We’ve never walked this path, otherwise we wouldn’t have been where we are now.
That’s Common Sense.

So therefore, we, one must, develop Common Sense and walk the Path of Hell; the Hell of what we have already created. It’s not going to go away, we’re going to have to stop it as ourselves, equal and one as Life.

There is no other way. There is no way but to face what we have allowed.

So that we may remember, for eternity, what it means to deny Life.

And in the depth of our pain and despair, as Hell emerges, let’s remember: We did this to ourselves.

And unless we stand in every breath, Equally as Life, for all, on behalf of those that cannot stand for themselves yet, until they can stand...if we don’t do that, we will simply never be real.

Everything we will ever do, will not be real. Our self-awareness will simply disappear at death.

This is self-realisation:
To realise what it is to be real as Life, Equally within All as One.
This is Equality and Oneness. This is the Destiny of the Universe.

This is the end of money as we know it, it’s the end of education as we know it, it’s the end of government as we know it, it’s the end of war, the end of religion, the end of domination, the end of manipulation, the end of abuse...

...because all of that was done in our self-awareness as our attempt to control each other and protect each other from each other.
But none of that is even real, because none of that is based in Life.

All of that is based in programmed-realities, based on ideas and concepts of personality.
All of that, cannot even transcend death. It is useless.

I think that’s sufficient for now.

Darryl: Okay, brilliant.