Discussion with Bernard, Bernard through the Portal and Darryl

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Bernard: Okay.

Darryl: Alright, we're ready.

Bernard (to Sunette): Me. Bring me through.

Sunette breathes in and out: “Bernard” is here.

Darryl: We have – we have an interesting interview. We have Bernard coming through the portal!

Bernard: Okay, so, and I'll speak here.

Darryl: You'll speak there?

Bernard: I'll speak here.

Darryl: (Chuckles) If you hear yourself say something that you want to clarify -

Bernard: I will definitely intervene.

Darryl: Okay. Alright, we have a question: How are the Dimensions doing with their Process, currently?

(Bernard/Portal chuckles.}

Darryl: Hey, I just ask the questions.

Bernard/Portal: Worse than a human being currently on Earth, that has never heard of Oneness and Equality, Self-Forgiveness, Self-Honesty, Self-Corrective Action.

Bernard: Why is that?

Bernard/Portal: Because they are not even existing within the Functionality of the Ability to ‘stop themselves’ within an action, that is obvious deliberancy within ‘harm’ or ‘threat’ towards themselves and another. And even a person that is currently in this World, has that ‘moment of insight’ within themselves to ‘stop themselves’, and the Dimensions just aren’t doing that.

Darryl: Are they not doing that because they – there's something about the nature of the Dimensions that doesn't allow that to happen?

Bernard/Portal: No. It's not about anything or anyone allowing it not to happen, but yourself.

Darryl: Okay. So the Dimensions are ‘One Being’, though?

Bernard/Portal: No.

Darryl: No?

Bernard/Portal: They are... Nonexistent.

Darryl: Nonexistent?

Bernard: Explain.

Bernard/Portal: They are like a child that is real, imagining a ‘reality’ for him or herself. And in this ‘reality’, a child imagines the ‘characters’ for this ‘reality’ that he or she is imagining. And I would describe the Dimensions' Existence of Themselves at this current moment as that: ‘characters’ that have been imagined by a ‘real, living child’ believing themselves to be ‘Actually Existing’ when all that they are is an ‘Imaginative Idea’ of human beings that are ‘Real’.

Darryl: So, it looks like a 3D world to them and everybody's in it, or…?

Bernard/Portal: Yeah. It's ‘Real’. It's real as it is for you and I sitting here. And for a moment, imagine that everything that you are experiencing in this current moment, ‘you wake up’; from this world, from this reality. From everything that you know, and you realize ‘nothing that you have experienced’ has ever been real.

Darryl: So -

Bernard/Portal: That's the point each one must face. Because that's ‘how it is’. And no-one wants to give that up, which is quite interesting.

Darry: So that's why people on Earth, and the Dimensions have a hard time to change?

Bernard/Portal: For themselves, yes. Because they don’t want to give up that which they've always ‘believed to be real’; themselves, each other, their existence, their experience. You cannot ‘trust anything’. How can you? The very Existence of You within ‘What You Are’ at this moment, encompassing
everything, is what is ‘creating’ What is Here. How else is, could or can, ‘What is Here’ exist?

Darryl: So, does that mean Earth is on its own as far as Process is concerned? Because we were -

Bernard/Portal: It's not about being “on your own,” really. Each and every single, individual part that exists, is in its Process. So, everything is ‘together’ in its Process. The Dimensions create Earth, Earth creates the Dimensions. Earth created Self; the Dimensions created Self. It's like you create your Self.

Darryl: We have a question that asks, “Is there anything else besides Self-Forgiveness, Self-Honesty, Corrective Application, in every breath?”

Bernard/Portal: Your Self.

Darryl: Your Self? Bringing yourself - “showing up” with your Self?

Bernard/Portal: Whoa. It's not about the Self-Forgiveness, the Self-Honesty, the Self-Corrective Application in itself, alone. ‘The one’ that produces the effects, the outflows, the experience... is yourself. I mean, you Determine the Outcome of Yourself, within How you Stand as What you Apply. And there's nothing ‘wrong’ with Self-Forgiveness in itself. There's nothing ‘wrong’ with Self-Honesty in itself. There's nothing wrong with Breathing, with Writing. It is the Being themselves who's living it, that is the ‘Determining Factor’.

So that's... Self-Forgiveness, Self-Honesty, Self-Corrective Application, Breathing, Writing; those are Tools provided that assist and support ‘You as You Assist and Support Yourself’, within the Self-Forgiveness, Self-Honesty and the Writing and the Breathing. And the Self-Corrective Action.

Darryl: Excellent.

Bernard/Portal: It's a One and Equal Expression that one must Stand within. It goes both ways.

B: That means, Who you Are in your Actions, is reflected ‘in’ and ‘as it’; is the result ‘of it’. It is always One and Equal, One and Equal, One and Equal. It is ‘Who You Are’. You determine that.

Darryl: There is a question that asks about the Anunnaki, whom in one of the interviews said: that animals “were a mistake.” What do they mean by that?

Bernard/Portal: Animals were a mistake?

Darryl: It said, “We created animals, it was a mistake.” I believe it was Enki who said that.

Bernard/Portal: If I look at the question – in that context -

Darryl: The animals were a mistake. Like they created animals -

Bernard/Portal: The entire video wasn't listened to.

Darryl: Was it?

Bernard/Portal: Or heard properly.

Bernard: Context.

Bernard/Portal: Not in context. Yeah.

Darryl: Not in context?

Bernard/Portal: It's like the – if I look at the question... the video was listened to, not really heard. And then just heard, “animals were a mistake.”

Darryl: I think that happens a lot with the videos and the articles. Okay, we'll skip that -

Bernard/Portal: Watch the entire video again. It does explain it.

Darryl: Um, here's one. “Are Beings led to the Desteni website?”

Bernard/Portal: No. (Pause) How to explain it? Let's say Desteni is a point, interestingly enough, that is in the System, in the Matrix, in this World System, in Existence – because it's ‘Here’. But it is not ‘connected’ or ‘intertwined’ into the Manifested Physical Programmed Design’ that exists, that's everything is currently living out. Meaning; human beings, for example, are ‘their own programs’ because of how they programmed themselves to exist as who they are from childhood, with all the influences in their years of coming of age.

So, it is not “being led to Desteni.” It is simply that Part of you that does exist, but is not yet ‘in existence’. Meaning, it's not yet Manifested as a Physical, Real Awareness that is “Here.” That Part of you that has been, let's call it - “suppressed.”

Bernard: Dormant.

Bernard/Portal: Yeah.

Bernard: In a way.

Bernard/Portal: Well... “move.” Within what currently exists as your Programmed Self into the Recognition of Itself, as what Desteni is standing as, as the Manifest Expression of Oneness and Equality. So, it's like a – kind of a Recognition that comes through as that part of yourself that has always been ‘suppressed’, that's been ‘dormant’. And, yeah... that's basically what happens.

Darryl: Well, it's like – uh, a lighthouse... that's the way I see it.

Bernard/Portal: Something like that,, yeah.

Bernard: (Grinning) I don't like the word, “light.”

Bernard/Portal: Well, it's not a... no... (Laughter) It's, wait...

Darryl: Beacon. But, you know...

Bernard/Portal: It's more like a... you're ‘walking’ in that part of yourself, let's call it, that's been dormant. It's like walking in a Dark Cave, and all you have is what you feel to guide you, kinda. You guiding yourself. And kinda feel your way. And as you ‘feel your way’, that would be the ‘feeling your way towards the point of Desteni’, which is yourself. Which is that point where you can Stand up from within yourself. The real you. The actual you. That part of you that is actually Life.

Darryl: Yeah, that was my experience when I first found the Desteni site. That I was moving in that direction, but I couldn't articulate it -

Bernard/Portal: Yeah.

Darryl: Or define exactly what it was.

Bernard/Portal: Yeah. ‘That experience’ you had like, a – you call it – that experience will come. You don’t really know, you really can’t describe it, but it's so ‘real’, it's so ‘actual’, that you Trust that of yourself.

Darryl: Yeah, it was like a movement – a motion pushing me into -

Bernard/Portal: It was you pushing into yourself. Yeah.

Darryl: Okay. That's very interesting. Solmaz asks if there is anything you can practically do to assist, support someone who's suffering from schizophrenia?

Bernard/Portal: Solmaz...

Darryl: I thought I'd throw that out there because maybe someone else has the same question.

Bernard/Portal: It's kind of in ‘two placements’ here at the moment, because from Solmaz's perspective, no. Because that question is still coming from a perspective of ‘wanting to help’, ‘wanting to save’, ‘wanting to fix’, ‘wanting to be ‘the one’ that is ‘the one’ that did something right, that actually ‘succeeded’ in’ -

Darryl: In making a difference?

Bernard/Portal: Yeah.

Darryl: I think a lot of us do that.

Bernard/Portal: Which is her ‘greatest desire’. But schizophrenia – that only comes when you yourself exist of ‘no split’ within yourself, within ‘no personality’, within ‘no definition’. So, in working directly with a Being that is schizophrenic, that moment of facing such a Being, will be the moment of facing that Self-Honest, Practical Process of Determining where they're are within their own Individual Process. So, in other words, events, beings will come into being's worlds, directly, from a perspective of support and assistance. There's not a ’guideline’ with regards to, for example, how to assist and support someone that is schizophrenic. That is the being that’s schizophrenic’s Process as well as the one that is facing the being who is schizophrenic's Process.

Bernard: And obviously ‘some parts’ are required so that ‘some parts’ could be faced, Equal and One. Therefore, the Practical Experience of Reality of what must be faced, will be Real. Just like this (snaps fingers). Process is real facing it. Therefore, you face it and the schizophrenic is real from a different perspective. Yet, both is having ‘different insights’. ‘Different Self-Honesties’ in perspectives. But both relevant.

Darryl: So in general, the answer to the question is, “no?” You can't help, but beings are placed -

Bernard/Portal: It's not about “No, you can't help.” It is about the specific, direct reality facing of yourself. Both the one that is facing the schizophrenic and the schizophrenic facing themselves. Meaning, the ‘facer facing themselves’ and the ‘schizophrenic facing themselves’. It will be a Self-Honest, Introspective, Personal Process Analysis-Moment, so to speak. Where ‘the facer’ facing themselves as the schizophrenic – will see, “Where am I in my Process?” Meaning, can I actually assist and support me as this being from the perspective of - for example - “Have I actually, physically, practically walked through this point?” Because everyone is schizophrenic. That's why schizophrenia exists.

Darryl: (Surprised) Everyone is schizophrenic?

Bernard/Portal: (Chuckles) Yes.

Bernard: There's ‘Only One Being’, from the perspective of everything exists within you. Careful. Everyone is schizophrenic. Your thought, in itself, is a ‘Separate Self’. That's schizophrenic.

Bernard/Portal: You being able to talk to yourself; that's schizophrenic. You being able to change yourself, from one being to another, when you walk into one room to the next: Manifested Schizophrenia.

Bernard: Everyone's ‘schizo’.

Bernard/Portal: So, if you've actually delved with ‘that’ within yourself, who knows who you will be when you face yourself with manifested form as a schizophrenic? That, YOU will determine.

Bernard: It's no different to facing a demon.

Darryl: An exorcist facing a demon... someone possessed by a demon.

Bernard: I mean, whether you assisting or assisting yourself as the demon or not, is going to depend on Who You Are in that moment, as ‘Your Self’ and as yourself as ‘the Demon’. The same as a schizophrenic. It's no different. I mean, we been saying the ways of schizophrenia is a “multi-demon.” You know, multi-demons all at the same time, standing forth. While the demons normally acted on one point, this is multiple points.

Bernard/Portal: This all assists them. Beings that are diagnosed as being, “Schizophrenic,” are ‘living inside out’. Meaning, those proclaimed as  ‘normal human beings’, schizophrenia exists ‘within’. Whereas you would have conversations with yourself in your mind (and if you really play close attention, you'll realize that even those conversations with the voices that come back, change). The voices are different. you're a schizophrenic.

Darryl: That's scary.

Bernard/Portal: Depending on what kind of conversations you have with yourself, some will have high-pitched tones’, others will have more ‘soothing tones’, others will have more ‘directive tones’, ‘emotional tones’. It's really fascinating, and then you have the manifested being as being diagnosed as being “schizophrenic,” which is living ‘that’ on the ‘outside’.

Darryl: That’s being projected… That's what my sister has, Donna, she's got that really bad. But, the people who are facing that point – what are they dealing with? I mean, why would they want to do that? Besides helping -

Bernard/Portal: It's not about -

Darryl: I mean, is helping a valid point?

Bernard/Portal: They've come to a Point in their Process, beings that are ‘manifested schizophrenics’. Where they have ‘no more’… – and that point exists within each one. There is so much going on within yourself from the perspective where the Mind Consciousness System can only handle ‘so much’ of what goes on with yourself. I mean, if you really have a look at what goes on in yourself during an entire day, I mean, that's ‘quite a bit’. And depending on the Extent of the Lives you've had, and taking everything you've experienced, from your previous life to the next life, to the next life, to the next life – I mean, because the experiences that you've had as a Being, never goes away. Always remains.

And that always also Manifests also in your Mind Consciousness System Placement within your Life. So basically, their personal, ‘Beingness Experiences’ was just from what was going on inside themselves, that they ‘haven't handled’, that they ‘haven't directed’, that they ‘haven't sorted’ out as the “who-they-are” part of themselves. It just becomes ‘so great’, that the Mind Consciousness System cannot handle it. Meaning, cannot ‘categorize’. Cannot “pocket” it, cannot ‘contain’ it. And then it becomes the Living Manifestation of the Being, As the Being, in the Physical. And that's what schizophrenia is.

Bernard: But it is not part of the Unified Field or the Unconscious Mind, so no one else can ‘see it’. Only ‘the being’ can see it. Because it doesn't form part of the “Greater Schizophrenia” called, Consciousness.

Darryl: We're talking about the mind and schizophrenia, demons, as if they're inter-changeable. Somebody asks, “How long will process – referring to Osho's “Declaration of Independence” (document placed on the message board). ‘How long’ will this Process be? Because I imagine people are -

Bernard/Portal: Three hundred and fifty three point eight... million years.

Darryl: Million years? That's a long time.

Bernard/Portal: At the moment.

Bernard: It changes.

Bernard/Portal: It does.

Bernard: It could become longer. Or shorter...

Darryl: What's a few billion years?

Bernard/Portal: That's what it is, at the moment.

Darryl: The lives stacked up on top of each other, sort of, visually, you could say that... or in a file. We're playing out all these lifetimes in one life?

Bernard: Not at the moment, which is why it is so long. And also, ‘why it is so long’ is because beings will actually kind of decide, “Oh, it doesn't matter, if I don’t really apply myself. It's gonna take long anyway.” So now, that's manifesting.

Bernard/Portal: Let's put it this way: every excuse, every justification that you come up within yourself, and I mean, this is each being currently part of Process ‘actively’. That one excuse already manifests, for example, ‘years of process’. Because in that moment of’ excuse and justification’, you're justifying and excusing your ‘Current State of Being’. And in accepting and allowing ‘such a point’, you're basically stating that: “I have to be directed to have certain experiences to see the justification and excuse I'm accepting and allowing myself to live”. Because by having an excuse, having a justification, you're actually ‘living that excuse and justification’. Then you have to live it ‘out’.

Bernard: Which means Process in essence means ‘experience’.

Bernard/Portal: Yeah.

Bernard: So whenever you’re required ‘Process’, you are stating that, “I am not willing to apply common sense, insight Here... based on everyone else's that already experienced it, I must experience it.” So, it's a point of self-interest. Therefore, it becomes ‘an experience’ (and) everyone's process extends to accommodate your self-interest, experience and ‘help you’ in your Purification of yourself.

Bernard/Portal: For example, a common point which is Relationship. Common sense insights in regards to Relationship is ‘broadly’ displayed in this world, with regards to how the ‘power relationships’ play out and is experienced. And the commonsense point insight is: the current approach to Relationship is unacceptable. It doesn't work, it doesn't support anything, or anyone, but living out a life, or going into another relationship to the next. Literally going nowhere.

Bernard: And yet, everyone will return to it.

Bernard/Portal: Yes, which is -

Bernard: Which is dishonest.

Bernard/Portal: Absolutely.

Bernard: Towards yourself. I mean, you had ‘the experience’ -

Bernard/Portal: You'll see everyone else -

Bernard: And now you'll deliberately go back to ‘the same experience’. I mean, what else can you expect but an ‘extended experience’ of the same experience? Obviously, the same. And it must become more ‘impressive’, ‘impactful’, ‘gut-wrenching’. You know, all of the necessary ‘ingredients’ that will get you to ‘dislike’ your own Dishonesty, ‘sufficiently’ -- so you can ‘stop’.

Bernard/Portal: Why go that route?

Darryl: Why would they go that route? That’s Self-interest. The inability to force yourself to change.

Bernard: Common sense. Common sense is ‘Simplicity’. Self-interest is ‘Complexity’.

Bernard/Portal: Very.

Bernard: ‘Complexity’, obviously, developed ‘Complexes’ from which is derived from the basic principle of Schizophrenia. It all comes back to the same point.

Bernard/Portal: Yeah.

Bernard: And everybody wants to ‘be free’, but it's a schizophrenic idea, because how can you ever be free?

Darryl: So there's no freedom?

Bernard: No. Freedom?

Daryl: Well, some people believe freedom exists. You can do your own thing.

Bernard: I suppose a definitive word in that, a word that is ‘actually believed’. Is belief ever an action?

Darryl: People believe in God, but has God been around?

Bernard: But, I mean is a ‘Belief’ even an action?

Darryl: Well, it just exists in the person's mind.

Bernard: Have you ever lived ‘to believe’ or does it only live in your Mind?

Darryl: Exists in the mind.

Bernard: You can't ‘practically’ design the belief. (Points to the table) “I believe the table is here”. You can't say that, because it IS here. You cannot say you'd rather believe because you can't ‘touch’ beliefs. Which is the nice thing about schizophrenia, isn't it? Schizophrenia is based on beliefs.

Darryl: Why do you say that?

Bernard: Because everyone believes they are talking to themselves. Isn't that how talking to yourself works? I mean, you believe that you actually answer yourself.

Darryl: I call it; “Thinking out loud, but -.”

Bernard: Oh, “thinking out with allowance.” Allowed, thinking? Is that what you're saying? ‘Allowed thinking’?

Darryl: Allowed thinking. A loud thinking.

Bernard: Who's listening? Who's speaking? Are you certain you know?

Darryl: Not anymore. Um, let's shift gears a little bit. Oneness and Equality. It's not difficult to see Oneness; how everybody is one and the same, you know, physical human being. But why is it so hard to conceive of Equality? Why is there, like, this, “I gotta have more than this guy.” When you ask somebody, “Wouldn't it be better if everybody had the same amount of money?” Their first reaction - they'll say, “No,” or, “ It's not possible.”

Bernard/Portal: Why is it so hard to ‘see Equality’ --  it's because you have beings who actually admit that they realize and actually DO see, they're Equal, to Everyone and Everything else, but then what would happen then the ‘Truth of Themselves’ would reveal. And no one wants that.

Meaning, for example, a ‘successful being’ with a family and the house and the car. And they had to see that point of ‘Equality with the Murderer’. What would that imply? That would imply that’ murderer’ exists in such a being, and no one wants to ‘speak that out loud’, so to speak, because they want to ‘protect’ or ‘keep’ and hold onto’ with their ‘Presentation’ that they've built up for themselves in this world.

But if they would look into ‘their thoughts’, into ‘their own inner experiences’, each and every single being has had an actual thought in their Mind for a moment of ‘killing another being’. It exists in each and every single one. That's why murderers exist. Where in moment of anger you saw yourself killing another person.

Bernard: The same with prostitutes. Everyone has a thought for a moment where they are willing to be that prostitute. They would have acted it out ‘right there’, for compensation or not. Everyone has had that thought. Everyone has ‘hated’ once at least, in their life.

Darryl: So, the case of the murderer, the family; that murder that happens was actually the culmination of unexpressed thoughts and desires? Is that what you meant?

Bernard/Portal: No. What I am saying is, taking the exact same what I was saying with Bernard's example, is... (Chuckles) my example.

Beings do see the point of Equality. They actually do. For example, you’d have a ‘reaction’ towards the murderer. Because you know that part of yourself as that murderer exists within you. Because you've done it within yourself. You have murdered in your thoughts.

Darryl: Yes! I see... if I've seen somebody who killed somebody cause they killed their child, or molest their child, I'd say, “I understand that. I would do the same thing.”

Bernard/Portal: Or you've done already, within your thoughts.

Darryl: Yeah. I've actually experienced myself -

Bernard/Portal:  That's why instead of admitting that point, of ‘insight’, meaning that point of - that's a Self-Honest point, you'd go, “Jail that murderer!” and “Kill him! He deserves it,” etc., etc., etc,. Because by ‘condemning yourself’ that has actually done it in a ‘physical act’, you can hide it within yourself. That's why Equality does not, ‘deliberately’, want to be seen.

Bernard: Which then Causes ‘an effect’ in your Afterlife or After death; you have to face your killings. Which is your acts of ‘thinking of killing’, which was real.

Bernard/Portal: Oh, yes! Please...

Bernard: Because it was ‘as real’ as the Actual, Physical Act. Even while you are in the Physical, what you think in the Physical, is ‘as real’ as an ‘Actual, Physical Act’. And each point must be faced. Because that's the ‘Truth of You’. Because if you have a thought, “I am going to kill that person,” and you experience that. It's actually ‘a real killing’.

Darryl: Woah...

Bernard/Portal: It's actually real.

Bernard: That's Equality. Only ‘some’ play it out. You have to realize that the very fact that you could ‘allow such a thought’, is your Point of Equality. And you have to face this in the Afterlife. Which is why it is so ‘difficult’.

Bernard/Portal: And if you don't want to face it in the Afterlife? You Reincarnate.

Bernard: And you become the ‘actual murderer’ in the Physical. Which is the Process, in a Practical Perspective

Darryl: So, what makes... when you say, the thoughts aren't real? Yet they have real effect.

Bernard: It's communications. Because they are ‘indicating’ your Nature. The ‘Truth of You’. As we say, ‘your thoughts Are you’. Your Mind simply protects you from the manifestations of your own ‘indiscretions’.

Darryl: Yeah, yeah. The private... you think you're safe in your own private world (of thoughts).

Bernard: Well, you're not. You're actually One and Equal with Everything that Exists. Makes sense?

Darryl: Oh, yeah. It's just like every single thing -

Bernard: That's why I suggest that there should not be a thought running around. I mean, what the fuck does is it doing? Is it running its own Olympics?

Darryl: Wow, what else out there “running around? I'm thinking of the Unified Field, it will not change its nature.

Bernard/Portal: But the Unified Field is You. The Unified Field is Each One. That's why it exists.

Bernard: So are all the Thoughts that you’ve ever had...

Darryl: And the thoughts that we have make it real.

Bernard: No, it is real, as the thoughts, as you – and your thoughts are YOU, as reality. It just simply doesn't manifest all of it, because it's the Mind in the Physical.

Darryl: So that's a really excellent description on how we are responsible for everything we do; from our thoughts, words, actions, deeds.

Bernard: Well, ‘realizing the consequence of it’. If you don't face it Equal and One, you'll have to have such a Life to realize it.

Darryl: What about the people who are in that third part of the Matrix, where they have no support, no way into the system, they're permanently – live after life after life – living in just the worst conditions? Is there any, I dunno... not compensation, but -

Bernard/Portal: Understand that ‘where you are in the world’ currently, is because of yourself. It's not about 'more fortunate' or 'less fortunate.' I’d suggest, realize that instead of having to, for example, go through such a ‘life experience’, or ‘existence’, just for example, those that are currently in such life experiences, as what you described...

Understand that such beings Really Are You. Meaning, each one standing at that Absolute Point of Oneness and Equality, where no division exists between ‘where you are in this world’, and ‘where others are in this world’. You, as them, are there to assist and support from a ‘Greater Perspective’. And if you take yourself as being for granted, heh, then you must experience that for yourself.

Each one will have their ‘Opportunity’ to walk in this Process, Equal and One. Each one currently where they are, because of themselves. Experiencing what they are because of themselves. And from a ’Greater Perspective’, each one is where they are to assist and support others as themselves.

For example, you can see what your opinions, beliefs, ideas, perceptions [are towards] those that are deemed, “less fortunate.” How you currently justify your own existence through using them as the excuse or the justification – By saying, for example: “I’ve got money” and “I've got the best clothes” and “I've got food” and “That makes me better than them,” type of thing.

Bernard: “God loves me because of that.” It's “proof”.

Bernard/Portal:  If that exists and that's using them as a justification, an excuse, or self-definition hidden within self-interest, you will quite – ahem – it's a “definite” that you will, if you don't change, you will in your next life go through such a life experience. And you will know it! You will know why you're there.

Bernard: I'd be very careful what I say or think. Because it's like ‘a boomerang’. And when the boom come, your ears will ring, buhbom. It's a boomerang. Boomering boomerang.

Darryl: When we drive past the townships, you know, the poor side of town, it's um, humbling. You don't feel better than – well, I don't feel better than them, but I feel a guilty a bit.

Bernard/Portal: Well... (to Bernard) Oh, no, go for it.

Bernard: Will you be able to live like that? Comfortably be able to sleep, without sleep, sleep on the ground while it's raining outside? Having nothing? Just a shelter of our own. What we have to borrow is food, wherever it comes from. Will you be able to live like that, ‘content’ with what is here? You see, I'll be able to do that. Better investigate.

That's the same. I mean, what else is ‘Compassion’ or ‘Empathy’? How can that exist if one cannot Actually Stand One and Equal as that which one is ‘compassionate’ about, ‘emphatic’ about?

Darryl: Well, I don't understand. So, it's not necessary to throw away all your belongings and -

Bernard/Portal: No, no.

Bernard: That's not necessary. That's not what I'm saying. I’m saying that you have to ‘find within yourself’, with that point, where you ‘correct you’. That you are able to stand as that manifestation of yourself, as what you see within the township. It can stop. Because it is no longer necessary to be ‘experienced’ to understand what it actually is.

So, you can actually experience it Here, As that Being, One and Equal.

Bernard/Portal: It is why it is that part of you exists, for example, is another point within this entire experience, is, do you have a fear of it? That point that we discussed, using it as an excuse and a justification for your own self-interested ego of your own kind of reality – that's why it exists.

Bernard: You feel guilty about it, which means you're admitting ‘the allowance of it’.

Darryl: Of guilt?

Bernard and Bernard/Portal: Yeah.

Bernard: Isn't ‘guilt’ ‘admittance’? ‘I admit to myself, that I have caused this’. Therefore, I feel guilty. Isn't it? The ‘practical outflow’ of ‘allowance’ is ‘guilt’.

Darryl: Because we've allowed everything. So -

Bernard: Okay, so if you’re allowing guilt, then you're saying, “Okay, then I am guilty.” And so, cool! You can do that. But now, what from that, is that where you stop? What about considering, “How did I create this as me, as this being? Is it an outflow from the money system? Is it an outflow from the cultural system? An educational system? Where can I make a difference? It is definitively common sensical, practical within this world to stop what is manifested here. I obviously [first] begin stopping ‘me’. And how I allow it within me. Which will then bring one to a point where fear no longer exists. Fear only exists if there is a desire for an experience, which is like, ludicrous, I mean. You know the experience is going to fuck you.

Why would you even desire it? Why do you desire a relationship when you know it's going to fuck you.
You're going to fucking lose it. Why do you desire ‘love’ if you know it's going to end anyway in hate?
How can you ever – how can you make a statement that is a ludicrous one: “I will be with you forever.”
I mean, do you know how long “forever” is? How long is forever?

Darryl: That's way too long.

Bernard: I mean, you can't even remember yesterday's thoughts, and you want to say, “forever?” My God!

Bernard/Portal: Understand, what we are discussing here is even just ‘the tip’ of the everything.

Bernard:: It is ‘the tip of the iceberg.’ We are discussing one or two thoughts out of billions. Right now.

Bernard/Portal: So understand that whatever exists, for example, poverty as we are discussing it, exists because it exists within each one. And the only ‘place’ where it can stop is within each one. Trying to give, or build a point of help is not a Solution that Stands Infinitely, Absolute that stops poverty. What stops must be Self that is an Infinite, Absolute Stop.

Bernard: Now that is ‘your stand’. ‘I take this Stand’. And now you're ‘standing up’. “This is What I Am Standing Up As’. ‘I Am this Solution’. ‘I understand it, and this is what is the Solution for Here, Right Now.’ Fuck the rest, I mean, that's ‘too big’ to even consider. You deal with what you can consider. The moment you go... have a look, how many hide? “Oh, I will see the truth after death.” Really? I mean -

Bernard/Portal: (Chuckling) No, you'll be sent right back to Earth to see the truth.

Bernard: You will, you will. I mean, really, you will.

Darryl: You know, it all seems so massive, and, and just -

Bernard: But in its simplicity, it's ‘simplistically small’.

Darryl: No, but it's like -

Bernard/Portal: Darryl –

Darryl: Like you're saying it's, “the tip of the iceberg -”

Bernard/Portal: - for example, just stick with this simplicity, which is “what exists in this world exists because I am accepting and allowing it within me.” Start there. You investigate. “How is it that I am supporting what exists in this world that is me?” And you Stop Yourself.

Bernard: You can even reduce an iceberg to nothing, isn't it? You start at ‘the tip’ and you start chiseling away.

Chip, chip, chip, chip. One breath at a time, one chip at a time, until you do it. I mean, that is inevitable. IF you do it. If you DON'T, you will walk away from the iceberg, and it will be bigger than when you were right on it. And you'll look at it and then suddenly, it will disappear. And you'll wonder what happened to that iceberg. Till you come up with your next ‘titanic idea’ and you get sunk by the same fucking iceberg.

Bernard/Portal: Walking around in circles.

Bernard: I mean, we'll make movies about it later on.

Darryl: Walking around in circles. Yeah, jeez. Alright. Keep it simple.

Bernard/Portal: The problem is ‘vast’. That is so. But, the Solution is actually ‘simple’.

Bernard: Well, obviously...I mean, imagine, for every part of the problem, there is a being or ‘a part of yourself’, that you just need to knock, slap around for a time and say, “Okay. Wake up, fucker. It's time, now. I'm going to send you around the bend until you've got this fucking message.” Obviously, if you give up on that, then you're pretty fucked by yourself, because you're giving up on yourself, isn’t it?

Darryl: Which isn't, um, acceptable.

Bernard: So ‘how far’ are you willing to go? Isn’t it? Yes, if you are willing to give up on yourself, what are you stating? You are stating, “please give up on me.”

I would rather accept myself, through multiple lifetimes until I fucking get it, than to give up on myself. I'd say, so this doesn't work, let's fucking do it this way, this, way, this way. Just continue, I mean.

Darryl: What would happen if you do “give up,” though?

Bernard: Some other fucker will come ‘as you’ and kick your ass. So that's not even possible. And your experience will also give you a ‘good whack’.

Bernard/Portal: Oh yeah.

Bernard: The experiences will be ‘the best’. I mean, I would really suggest that you do not have even ‘one point’. Because ‘one point’ forms such a vast, little problem of continued experiences to get it out. It's even not necessary, but I mean, you can ‘make it necessary’.

Darryl: Is it possible to sort it all out in one life?

Bernard: (Grinning mischievously) “Um, noooooh” . In One breath, yes.

(Darryl laughing)

Darryl: That's amazing! I mean, of all the points, of all the lifetimes the points that were not faced, repeating itself, gaining momentum, exponentially expanding into these huge, fucking points; they can all be cleared in a moment with the breath?

Bernard: In the breath. Oh, remember ‘Existence’ is just a moment. And then within that, there exists ‘a Breath’.

Bernard/Portal: Darryl, you're still looking at everything “out there.” You're forgetting completely about yourself, and the simplicity it is to just work with yourself. So I suggest: stop wandering “out there in the great vastness it seems to be,” and focus on ‘you’, in every moment. Otherwise, it will compound. The experience will ‘seem greater’, and ‘more difficult’. Focus on You.

Bernard: You do it in Every Breath. Which takes ‘a Breath’. And that Breath ‘dissolves the vastness’ of… Everything! Because, you Completely participate in whatever you do and that is what you do. And then ‘the next breath’. And each one, ‘is a breath’. And in that ‘Breath of Who You Are’ determine… Everything!. Imagine that.

Bernard/Portal: So be careful that the “Vast Great Problem” doesn't become an excuse to not apply yourself, here.

Bernard: After all, how did we create this problem, but by ‘breath by breath’. So how do we solve it? We have to do it ‘the same way’. Common sense. Breath by breath.

Bernard/Portal: Step by Step, Moment by Moment

Bernard: I mean, the solution has always been Here. Every fucker who wants to deliberately deceive, I mean, it's simple; he dies. Stands in line for ‘a few experiences’. Soon, attitudes change. Never consider that ‘it can't get worse’. They can. Also, they ‘can be better’.

Darryl: What are the reactions of people who die and find themselves in the dimensions right now? I mean, obviously, all their beliefs -

Bernard/Portal: Well, there's – it's various...

Darryl: Well, could we go into the process of what happens, you die, and then?

Bernard/Portal: Your entire existence... and each and every acceptance and allowance unfolds and unveils... right in front of you. And you experience it all, right at the same time.

For example, a thought you had towards another being – and how that one thought influenced that being and their life, and the consequences it had within that being's experience. Because that thought led you living a certain, particular action, even though it was a deceptive, suppressed living act, it influenced a being's life to a point of consequence, where for example that being committed suicide Because of that one thought you had, and that one action you lived towards that being. And you were apparently ‘great friends’ with that being. And you're directly responsible for their suicide.

Now what happens is you experience that entire outflow, you experience the being that you directly influenced, as yourself. And then of course, the other beings' lives that was influenced because of your friend committing suicide because of what you allowed in that one thought. So, it's every single thought, every single reaction.

Bernard: It's the Total Ripple Effect of Every Single Thought that's Faced.

Bernard/Portal: Yeah. Throughout all your lives. And then you're seeing directly how you actually are ‘directly responsible’ for everything that exists in this world. Everything. Each human being's thought that is yourself, each human being's action, each system that exists. The consequence of the existence of that system. Earth, the world, the universe, existence, what is physically manifest, everything unfolds.
And you must... it's to Stand within that and go through the Process of Self-Forgiveness, Self-Corrective Action, Breathing. You walk through it, you take the Stand of Equal and One, and if you cannot – wherever you've fallen, if you do not stand up, you Incarnate. And you experience it Physically.

You'll fall. I mean, many beings in their Processes in the Dimensions ‘fall’. But it is that point of Directive Stand in the world to ‘see who you are’. Do ‘I stand up’, or do I ‘accept and allow this fall’? Because in accepting and allowing a fall, what you're saying is, ‘I am accepting and allowing this thing to exist’. Then you bring it into existence, which is bringing that part of yourself into existence, which is making it Manifest and then you experience it Physically, which is Incarnating. You send you into Reincarnation.

Darryl: So, wow. Every time you fall in the Dimensions, that fall will create a life -

Bernard/Portal: Well, if you do not stand up from that fall.

Darryl: That will represent that point -

Bernard: It creates an ‘incarceration’.

Darryl: Woah...

Bernard/Portal: And then you've got the Demons, of course -

Darryl: Oh, yeah. How are the Demons -

Bernard/Portal: - that's pounding every single point, making sure that no being justifies or excuses.

Darryl: What does that look like? How would you describe it to someone?

Bernard/Portal: Well, you don't see them, of course. They're not like ‘little, demonic beings’ that -

Darryl: They're biting you on your toes -

Bernard/Portal: ‘Their presence’, that's within everything as everything's that's there. For example, you're looking into your laptop, you're looking at your laptop, but then, all of a sudden,  this presence will ‘emerge from it’ and say, “Hey! I see that thought. Unacceptable! Sort it out.” And they directly show you if you do not stand up, for example, from this fall, this is the consequence. Okay? So that the being knows that they're responsible for their own consequence. Not the demons, not anything or anyone else.

Darryl: So that's being understood?

Bernard/Portal: Absolutely. The point being directly revealed, understood. And fascinatingly enough, and even in standing before the face of consequence, the being will still not stand up. And that's deliberate not standing up.

Darryl: Deliberate?

Bernard/Portal: Which is unacceptable.

Darryl: What is it – I guess I'm asking for a generalization – but what is the point that most causes the beings to fall in that Afterlife.

Bernard/Portal When they don't want to see that ‘they are’ actually ‘that point’. Um, it's like -

Darryl: So, they know that they are not being deceived.

Bernard: They don't trust anyone else to actually stand up. So they say, “Oh, if I stand up – nobody else will, so why should I do it?”

Darryl: Really?

Bernard/Portal: “I can spend some more time in my self-interest. Not having to go through the process. Not having to experience the process”. Meaning: that will, that drive, that force to apply themselves.

Darryl: Not experiencing that - only through imagination, I can't understand why you would be in the afterlife, seeing all the things you have to go through, and still say, “Oh, I'm not responsible.”

Bernard: Careful with what you're saying.

Darryl:  Wuh? Noooo!!!

Bernard/Portal: Yes, because you just said at the moment, you have to experience that now.

Darryl: (Feeling the trap tighten) NOO! I said, I can't understand it!

Benard: You're saying... hey?

Darryl: I'm saying I can't understand why someone would that!

Bernard: I mean, you're also saying that, “I will Prove that I will Stand.”, “I won’t do this!”

Darryl: Well, I intend -

Bernard: AAHHHHH... (Both Bernard and Bernard/Portal laugh)

Darryl: NOOO!!! Okay, I didn't say that! Noooo.

Bernard: Careful what you say.

Darryl: (In a pleading way) Well, how are we supposed to -

Bernard: You're speaking, you must Stand by your Word.

Bernard/Portal: Or you must ‘know’ what it is you're actually saying. I mean, the point is, Darryl have you stood at that point yet? Seen the consequence? The direct, outflow playout right in front of you? No, you haven't.

Darryl: Good point, yeah.

Bernard/Portal: Can you say that you don't understand? No.

Bernard: So, I mean, I suggest, don’t speak – until you’ve done it.

Bernard/Portal: You've proven it to yourself.

Bernard: It's just a suggestion.

Darryl: Woah...

Bernard/Portal: Say, Darryl. We will leave you a place open -

Darryl: (Chuckles) You'll leave a place open? Thanks, guys.

Bernard/Portal: - for your consequence. (Laughs) And you must stand! And not fall!

Darryl: Aye, yi, yi. Me and my big mouth. So, now, ladies and gentlemen, don't do what I've done.

Bernard/Portal: Just, see it as a practical example. Don't take it personally.

Darryl: Uh, no... It is what it is.

Bernard: Okay. That's it for now.

Darryl: Alright. Thank you, guys.