Written by Bernard Poolman on the Forum on Nov 30, 2007 9:53 am

polarity study bernard poolman desteni.png


Night and day-- a cycle that gives and takes.

Light and Darkness -- light shines and gives-- darkness absorbes and takes.

--the point where each other as humans/good/bad judge and resist each other--is where conflict and friction happens that charge the cycle into positive and negative charges to fuel/electrify the unified field and provide current for the system(this is called life by humans)--thus currency as money--current as emotion and feelings categorised as positive or negative emotions and feelings which is bonded through relationships either based in love or hate or something inbetween.

so--lightwarriors fight the darkness with light and make a big noise shining away--the darkness is silent--absorbing the sustenance growing with the light-- and who understand this?--the darkness--who is ignorant of the design?--the light

the darkness then attempted to become the light and exist forever--the white light was created and Anu could only do that through enslaving all to provide the light and dark in a balanced equation--which Marduk designed--thus equations/mathematics was designed to enforce balance in the flow of current/now/presence --that which a being/program/human is aware of in the unified field.

look at the way polarity manifests-- rich and poor--base law of darkness--Law of attraction--what attracts?--darkness what gives?-- light

thus the real "lightworkers" are always poor or with money problems and fuck tthemselves with unconditional giving

and the "well off" and rich and balanced--they plan in secret and never speak about what they do or how they do this--because they deliberately manipulate the system for their survival and justify this as the way things are.

The self deception required by all in a unified field are extensive--and subtle at the same time--because each point that is present in the unified field require compromise and minipulation to move accrding to the will of the participants in the moment--look--the one that is "honest"--get screwed

the one that is uncompromising focussing on self survival at all costs--will win--both though in self deception and DENIAL--because both will say till death--this is not what I am doing--lololoo

humanity are so screwed


the christain when disheartened become the spiritualist--judgeing what he/she was--and then expect the christain to change to a "better" way--just polarity again

now-the truth--who will give up their perceived control to stop this non sense

and this control is the position each has become as a charged being in a flow of polarity--this point is the vested interest each has in being able to "manage" their world

the answer is not in the way or in any way we have currently as a flow in this world--anything that flows--is polarity

on flow

you must flow as the flow-- in polarity--you flow as a reaction to circumstance and the matrix will push you there

if you have a skill like painting--then flow as the paintings to support yourself--direct the matrix to assit you in ways you are comfortable with--we do that--I planned extensive businesses to get here where we are now--I fell before not realising --if I do not do it--nothing will happen--I trusted heaven and my application and god and the good and you name it--and ended on the street

so--looking at it--I realised-- in a unified field--I must direct my circumstances to be able to be effective in the greater picture--so--I designed the answer for me and took the pain and discomfort that came with it--got the skills and selling is the easiest way to direct something

now I am able to support various people to do Desteni--and we will be marketing music and books--but we will always make all material available for free as well--because not all are in a position to access material

we are working towards a permanent solution which we will share once the time come--but first--make sure you direct you in a way that you are comfortable to focus on what you do--it is a nice way to meet people as well that may ask questions

we will eventually assist with education for children--but as such we will not create orginasations

education in reading skills for children though are important where it is impossible to bring a message in depth in a short video interview

so many lenghty documents will be coming

Understand that what you experience I have gone through--you may loop yours and get your own expereince that way or short cut some points by integrating experiences that may assist