Written by Bernard Poolman on the Forum on Nov 29, 2007 1:41 am

self-honesty exercise bernard poolman desteni.png


Imagine you suddenly have a portal open to heaven. In heaven you find many heavens and angels and magnificently beautifull things. Would you be seduced by all the beauty and magnificence and immediately try and find out where you belong in all this or would you ask why this exist while humans on earth suffers?

this is an important question-- and one that will be pertinent in the proces of each being

Are you influenced by glamour and the idea of beauty and love in the face of suffering of others and obviously--how do you justify this denial of suffering?

this is the illness of the mind--it seeks beauty in pictures and deny the ugly--and then call it good and bad and then justify why the way the specific human is seeing this beauty is better and more beautifull than what another is seing.

Then--if this is not acceptable

who will you have to be to remove all the heavens and all the gods and angels and glamour that blinded all to the reality of the situation in one moment?

here no hypothesis will work--here is the test of self

and this will show in your process

another question--do you fear death or are you willing to give your physical life to restore life for all?

this question is pertinent--because if a false statement is made here--the loops and consequences from this is specific and is the foundation of self honesty as life

and there is nowhere to hide into infinity in this time of revelation where the picture world in service of man will present the greatest nightmare imaginable-- for the porpuse of purification

this will reveal to each the nature of self as man as in the story of Job--which I suggest each read

Remember that judgement is to see another as less than life--as unequal to life and then to allow them to continue in their lostness-- allowing them a "choice"

this is judgement personified and fear realised as manifest and self dishonesty--so-what will you do to assist another to remember who they really are?

here one will have to be specific--very--look at the worst case scenarios to test oneself

Dunno. What can you do?
If you know for sure what to do then you just do it. But I dont know for sure.

how could you ever be sure?

because--look--the only truth that exist is you and what you allow yourself to be in every moment--there is no truth out there--truth is individual--thus-- who are you--and within this is the key to equality and oneness

as your truth--what do you allow as truth for allinside themselves that all may be equal and one--and if some-one's truth is screwed up for whatever reason--will you judge them by leaving them lost because you fear their initial reaction whne you have to challenge them or shake them awake in unpleasnt ways

what is your truth?

because--the truth is in you and in each one--and this truth in man have created this world and it ain't pretty

Yes - an eyeopener. To look at the worst case scenario in brutal self honesty
Sometimes I wonder if the only way for some would be for that very worst case scenario to unfold for them to really see - to really wake up - that of course being painful and traumatic but very effective - and yes, undoubtedly for many this is exactly what will happen

what is surely equal and one for all--these points are very clear--if you dare and let go of all conditioning

then it is to ensure that equality for all as life is here in every breath

again--if you dare and give up your truth to the truth --and see --there is only one point in all existence where all life is equal and one--there are not many points

and to establish this point in self--self must be self honest and use self forgiveness to let go of the individual truth and establish the truth of life as self

look--this is common sense-- the truth of life is that all life is equal and one

this has always been

till individula truths emerged and see the result as the world

as I said--the truth of each human will be revealed and is in this statement of the truth revealed

every word shows the truth of the individual and if the truth is the truth as the living word--because what is in the heart comes out the mouth-- not pretty--the truth we first must deal with is our truth and how our truth separated us from the truth as life as all as equal as one

Systems don't care and want to be "right"

so--self honesty as life==what does that really mean?