Interview by Bernard, recorded on 19 January 2010

Observer  Observes Bernard Poolman Desteni created with DALL E.png

Ok so-

The Observer Observes -- and those what, that is Life, Lives.

Now, you cannot expect to Transcend by Transcending One Point, you will only Transcend once you’ve Transcended Everything . Until that Time you will Walk a Process and that is Common Sense.

To have a singular insight and then regard yourself as ‘Transcendental’ I mean, that’ll cause your Dental work to Fail you as you grit your teeth through Time, and your Identity gets ‘dented’ by your feedback that you will receive from What is Here.

You are Walking as Breath Simplistically because that’s the Only Way you can get through because then you have Living Time. Breath is your ‘Living Time’ – if you Live Every Breath and not just Observe what is going on, you’re gonna get some Real Time Breathing Feedback, isn’t it?

But if you Observe in Time, You will Not Be Breath and You will Not Breathe and thus miss what’s going on and you will ‘Time Loop’- that means you’ll have to re-do the Breath until you get it.

In terms of the Program, the System that You are: Unless you Know All of it – that means to such a degree that You are the Living Directive Principle As the System = You Cannot Transcend. Therefore you have to Stand Equal As the System - First as Yourself, then as All the Systems that Manage the Perception of the Human Experience, that obviously is going to Take Time – ‘Time’ meaning ‘Many Breaths’ because you can only do what you can do in a Single Breath within what is the Context of the ‘Here of that Breath’ and that is about the size of Reality You can Handle at any given moment. So don’t try and, try and Handle something ‘more’ by using the Mind because that is Not Real. Your Reality is Here as a Single Breath, that is what You can Handle.

As long as that is the point, Walk it - in Humbleness  - the moment you Believe You Know ‘more’ you’ll already know you are no longer Breathing because you’ve gone into  an Alternate Reality - which is the Mind, which is Knowledge and Knowledge cannot be Trusted because Knowledge was ‘Crafted’ by the Observer, and the Observer was never Looking at Reality, it was only Looking at its, their Own Observation. Therefore an Observer can Never See Reality –and that which the Observer Perceive to Influence Reality is Not Really Influencing Reality, it’s only Influencing the Observers Reality. Understand that Free Choice is ‘Free’ Only to the Being that is Choosing and that You Only influence ‘Your World’ with Free Choice, not Reality.

‘Your World’ is Not Reality because it is a World that Exist as an Observation = You are Just an Observer, your total Physical Body is Designed as an Observation Machine, I mean and you’re Capturing Knowledge with it, and within that you’re Designing Your Captivity – which is fascinating in itself. Obviously the Words is Specific because: You are Always Your Words in Complete Actuality.

Understand you’re going to have to Walk this Life in Self Correction.

The Death Process in Transcending the Mind, the After Life in Transcending the Universal Existence of Yourself, Reincarnate to Prove that you’ve been able to Bring your Past Lives, your Understanding right through all of these experiences and that you have Actualized Yourself as Life.

If That doesn’t happen I mean, You Being and ‘Being’ based on Memory, I mean have a look what happens when a Memory gets Deleted:

Anna: it’s gone.

Bernard: The Memory it’s gone – So if you Allow Yourself to Be Just a Memory, that which you Memorized as Yourself will be Gone and that’s no Loss, no Gain, no Fear, no nothing because it’s a Simple Common-Sensical Point, it’s no big thing.

If you make it a ‘big thing’ obviously that confirms what thing? You Are Just a Memory which is rather Fascinating that you even concern, are concerned about it -  

Darryl: So Memory is just a Observation, a Past Observation of one that’s stored to refer to later?

Bernard: A Memory is a Observation that’s being Captured in Time in a Flat Reality as a Picture – now that becomes the Symbol from which You Resonate, so it becomes your Structural Resonance Alignment which is Misaligned, and instead of being Aligned Here as What Is Life - or the Living Process- it is Aligned then to your Observation,  and then you Achieve your Idea of Power from it through Polarizing your view and creating Energy through the Polarization, because then you either ‘Defend’ it or ‘Attack’ with it, which is part of the reason why War Exist and Violence - and in the Violence you are Applying the Violence because when you Win, you hear ‘divine violin music’ and you feel ‘good’ about yourself because ‘you won’ and that ‘won’ gives you the power to Believe that you are One with Everything because: Everything Supported You because You Won – that is the whole Design of the Symbolism of ‘Oneness’ as it is being Promoted in this World because: Reality is Not Actualized within Consciousness. Reality is Only Observed – and the Observer Never See What is Real.