Interview by Bernard, recorded on 23 October 2009

pi spiral infinity pattern individuality bernard poolman desteni.png

(Best to read ‘Symbols of Deception’ before reading this one)

So, ‘Individuality’... Why is ‘Everyone’ ‘Different’ ?

Is because Each One Is Following, Living a ‘Pattern’, based on Particular ‘Numbers’ or ‘Symbols’. Understand that ‘Symbols’ are simply the- Same as a ‘Number’ - and they are Living that ‘Pattern’ that is Repeating itself as 'PI.' As 'Infinity.' As '22/7.' And ‘That’ , you call: 'Individuality,' that is an ‘Inner-Divided-Hell’ because you can never get out of- it, because it just Keeps On Repeating Itself. You call it 'Evolution,' it is Not Evolution. It is a Repeating ‘Pattern’ that ‘Spirals’ Out. It's a ‘Divine’ ‘Spiral’.

It is a ‘Pattern’ - and you are ‘Stuck’ In ‘One’-‘Pattern’ and Everybody-Else, is-stuck in Their-‘Pattern’. Nobody is in the Same ‘Pattern’. And you call it 'Individuality.' You call it 'Choice.' You call it 'God's ‘Creation.'

There is no fucking God.

There's Just-You, that Resonates as ‘Symbols’. You've been ‘Programmed’- by your DNA, your Family, the ‘World’, the ‘Universe’ - You've Accepted It. You're the-‘Slave’ - To a ‘Pattern’. That's the ‘Patent’ you ‘Exist’-as. Who's ‘Holding’ that ‘Patent’? You do. Change the Bloody ‘Code’, Get Rid of-it - Become ‘Everything’. Understand ‘Everything’. You are capable of doing-it.

There is Really nothing ‘wrong’ with ‘Anyone’ in – ‘Existence’, but your-own ‘Ignorance’- Time to Stop- ‘Ignorance’. ‘Ignorance’ is Not-‘Bliss’ - You will find out... but you're an ‘Individual’-‘Pattern’. It is nothing ‘Great’. You're Not on your ‘Journey’ to-‘God’ - You're on a ‘Journey’ to-Nowhere. That's- why the Number for 'Infinity' repeats-itself, Over and over and over and over again, ‘Ad Infinitum’.

If you look at- it long-enough, you'll ‘See’-it. Please, Stop - You're-‘lost’. You're not ‘Energy’. You are not this ‘Pattern’. There is so much more of-you that you have Not-‘Realized’.

‘Everything’ of you is-missing. Stop missing the ‘Point’. Thank you.