Interview with Bernard Poolman and visitors on the farm, recorded on the 10th of January 2010

weight of waiting decisions bernard poolman desteni.png

Bernard: So, K, You say you’re ‘not waiting’


K: Ya


Bernard:  I mean, have a look, your whole life is popping up in the dreams of others.




And have a look, we purely ‘mentioned’ points within discussion - and in terms of how the Resonances were playing out and look at how it ‘pops up’ in the dreams, immediately in a more ‘descriptive way’, do you see? And even to the point of what is the actual point that is at hand. I mean, we did not in so many words mention the points, specifically. Have you yet heard anything about the - I guess she hasn’t heard the recordings of the previous discussions with the Resonances?




So, she doesn’t know what’s been said there, nobody knows that, just us know that. Okay - and yet the point is coming out in the dreams again, okay, so interesting.


SO - you said you’re ‘not waiting’. What does that imply?


K: Action


Bernard: Okay, what does ‘action’ imply?


K: Decision


Bernard: Decision? But then, you’re still waiting. 


K: How so?


Bernard: Because you’re still having to make a decision. 

You see?


K: No - I’ve made the decision. 


Bernard:  Okay, did you - the ‘decision’, do you know how to ‘live it’, ‘speak it’, ‘be it’ - completely?






It’s an interesting expression.


K: Uhm, no - not completely


Bernard: Okay, did you ‘give it consideration’? ‘What will it imply’?


K: Yes


Bernard: So now it is the ‘living action’ that is required. You have learnt how to see when there’s no clarity within another, in the eyes, you can see it, it’s still there, this morning (referring to another person at the discussion), did you see?


K: Yes


Bernard: No movement, no change


Okay, that’s a ‘Timeloop Possession’, you see how the Emotional Possession looks like, and how the being is completely consumed by it. Now, obviously, that can never work because it’s an Energetic Emotional State of Control that is happening. If you look at G’s eyes, do you see that? What do you see in his eyes, give it a name. What do you see?


Give it a name!


K: Fear


Bernard: Fear! See, there’s fear. (Adressing G)

What is the fear? Fear comes from thinking about something instead of just ‘breathing’ and ‘living it’. I mean, so therefore you don’t want to ‘think about it’, because look what it does - it ‘diminish’ you. It place you in a state of Energetic Possession and you’ve created it through your participation in the thoughts, okay.


So what you do there is: Forgiveness, then laugh out loud a lot, finds points to laugh about, ridiculous points, until you’ve got it released - okay - the laughter is the medicine for the fear. Find points to laugh about. Find something you can do to laugh, okay?


So, just get the fear out – also, because you know you have a situation where you tend to go into your mind and generate fear, so when on your trip unto your ‘next life’ that you’re now planning, make sure you have books to read, to keep yourself busy with. Make sure you have pen and paper to write, stuff that’s directive only – you don’t want to go back to the past again. The past must be gone! And do not allow yourself the space where you can sit and think and create fear, because that’s your inner enemy that you now have to ‘put to rest’, you have to ‘make peace with it’, you don’t want ‘war’ - because in ‘war’, everyone always lose.


Okay, got it?


Bernard: So, back to K. 


Now, do you know exactly what you’re going to do? 


You are shaking your head, but there is not a single noise coming from your lips.


K: Exactly


Bernard: What are you going to do, what are you standing as?


Putting weight on your ass, is that what you want? I mean, that’s what you’ve been doing. 


So what are you standing as?


What is your Directive Will? What is your Directive Expression? What is that which You Stand As, as the Living Word - what is it that you are Ready to Speak - Absolute - and Live and Stand by?


Because that’s the ‘Earthquake’ you bring within your world, because those Words will shake the foundations of your Existence.


K: Honesty


Bernard: Honesty - but that is a ‘Reflective State’ - what is your ‘Living State’, what does it ‘Practically Mean’, what are you ‘Practically going to Live’ - I mean, that’s the points you have to Put into Words, because you are the Living Word. Because you’re in a reality of information which is about Living Words where ‘Who you Are’ as the ‘Living Word’s being controlled through information. If you want ‘Freedom’, you have to Live the Words as You - Clearly - as a Clear Foundation State where anybody that walk into your World, their Foundations are ‘shaken’ if they cannot stand as the Living Word as an Equal with you - that’s how you Establish Equality - initially, as the Living Word. You start, always, with that. Because that is from which Consciousness is ‘Derived’ if it’s done in Dishonesty. If it is not an Actualised, Living Word - but it is an ‘Imaginary’, Living Word - it’s a State of Energy. Then it becomes a State of Consciousness where the World is currently, because nobody is Living their Words, directly. They’re living, the Energetic State of their Imagination Directly – which is why No Enlightenment is ever real, currently. And not a single being, has ever reached ‘Enlightenment’ - except one - which is Lao Tzu. If you read his Living Words, his Living Statements - they are Practical, within THIS world, not ‘the next world’. The ‘next world’, is the world of the Mind. This World is the Reality of the Living Image of God, which is the Living Image of Structure, of the Universe, of the Physical Universe. You are Created in the Image and Likeness of God, which is the ‘Physical Universe’. What did we say? Every human body represents the Total Physical Universe. Just a small, mini, universe.


We have explained that the Total Dimensions - that means: All beings in Creation in the Interdimensional State - fit into a single Atom of the Human Body. And then it’s still a Universe. We have explained that, we have actually done that - over and over and over and over again. It is Astounding. You cannot use your Mind, to look at these things. The Actualisation of the Vastness of Everything. 


And here you are, as the Manifestation of Information, Living this Information without taking Responsibility for the Information. So now you are ‘Informed’ of what you’re doing and the question is - what are you going to Live as the Living Word? What is the Living Will of yourself?


What do you agree with yourself?


Because first you need to have an Agreement with yourself, before you can have an Agreement with another. And you must stick to your Agreement, because if you have well-defined the Living Words you are going to Live, I mean - it is unquestionably what is going to Be, because otherwise you have to compromise. And to compromise is to make a promise that can never be kept. Because you’re not controlling Space-Time, you are only controlling ‘Who You Are’ in relationship to Space-Time. 


So - you said, you’re going to ‘not wait’. What does that ‘imply’?


K: Not compromise


Bernard: What does that imply?




K: … to stand as who I am


Bernard: So I have a question for you: Are you in Agreement, at the moment?




I am laughing…Silently… Do you hear my question?


K: Yes


Bernard: Now, my first question I’m asking you is to see whether you will compromise or not - imagine that. And what are you immediately doing?




K: How?


Bernard: Because there is not a Directive Word coming from you, a Directive Statement of the Living Word - just ‘Silence’ - because you are ‘thinking about it’, you’re thinking what to say, you’re not a Directive Founded Point - within that Singular Question. You are ‘not sure’, you are ‘hoping’ and ‘wishing’ and ‘dreaming’ at that point, and that’s the whole foundation you said you were going to ‘no longer wait’. First question shows your Words are not yet trustworthy - do you see that? Look - thinking - look at the eyes changing, check out the eyes changing into a state of Possession - there you go - look - check.


Now you’re equal to the Position you are facing, as Possessed. Oops!

One question! The point - the point which has taken you to the point of Potential Realisation - but have a look - it’s still a ‘Possession’, you don’t want to give it up - to find out if it’s ‘real’.


K: Give it up to find out if it’s real?


Bernard: I mean, how else do you find out? They say ‘What is Love? To Love something, set it Free. If it’s yours, it returns. (K: Okay)’ Isn’t that Love?


Oh no! You can’t say ‘Okay’ now, it’s too late! I mean, because that’s now ‘my words’ it’s not your self-willed…


K: But I already made that decision.


Bernard: No, you didn’t. You have only ‘imagined it’, you have not Actualised it. You’re still ‘waiting’ - it is only a Mental State, it is not a ‘real’ State. And now you have to really Re-Invent the whole point, because you can’t use anything I have said. Because then it’s not YOUR Will. Makes sense?


K: Ya


Bernard: But just to show you how it works and in that I’ll trap you back in the same cycle because you have not Actualised your Living Word as Self-Honesty Actual - Here. You’ve only left it as a ‘Mental State’. You are existing Breath by Breath - within that is your Self-Honesty. Hear, Carefully. So if you move from one Breath to Another where you are ‘waiting’ to become Self-Honest, it’s already ‘compromised’. 

Makes sense?


K: Ya


Bernard: Unfortunately.

And you will become weaker, the longer you wait - as you’ve noticed. You have your ‘Optimized Point’ of Realisation and Actualisation where you put yourself into and as the Living Word, is to Act immediately in the moment of your Realisation - that’s when you’re Strongest.

The moment you wait, from that moment forth, you become weaker, you ‘diminish’ in your Ability to Stand. And eventually, you will justify and your justification will become your ‘compromise’ and you will find an ‘excuse’ as to why you have to ‘wait’. Then you’re back in the same Timeloop.

Got that?


K: Ya


Bernard: Okay, we’re back in a Timeloop and it will immediately show in the eyes, you’re timelooping. 


And it’s not something that’s ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ - understand, within Consequence do not exist ‘right or wrong’ - only ‘consequence’. Consequence is a mathematical simplicity. It is the ingredients of your action and participation in this world that has a consequence. That’s not ‘good’ or ‘bad’ - ‘good or bad’, exist within belief. Because only in the Mind can you imagine ‘good or bad’. In the actual, living reality you are actually experiencing ‘consequence’. That consequence is neither ‘good’ or ‘bad’ - it is ‘consequence’ - ‘it is what it is’. Once consequence exist in this reality, it’s not so easy to change it. Makes sense?


K: Yeah