Structural Resonance Agreement Interview with Anna & Matti

17 Jan 10

Sunette: Okay, so how it’s gonna work is follows: Both your Resonances are gonna come through at the same time. They’re both gonna hear the experience and the layout, lay it out for you, in relation to your Agreement Specifically and both your individual experiences and then from this, discussion, as you’re gonna be walking your Agreement, whatever particular points that come up, within your experience, both individually and within the Agreement, that you’re experiencing that’s like, not going away, no matter how you are applying yourself = We discuss.

Anna: Yeah

Resonances: Makes sense?

Matti: Okay

Anna: Yeah.

Sunette: Because those, such Points are ‘Commonly’ Resonant Physical Manifestations that you can’t see yourself, because you’re Living it Physically

Anna: Okay

Sunette: So instead of it going to a Point, where you become frustrated and irritated and angry and lash out on each other and going to that unnecessary Point, rather let’s discuss it, open it up.

Matti: Okay

Sunette: And then work from it, from that platform

Anna: Okay

Sunette: Makes sense?

Matti & Anna: Yeah

Sunette: Okay, so I’ll bring them in, you can share your story.
(Sunette leaves her body. The Resonances come in)

Resonances: Okay

Anna: Okay, so what happened was: I’ve been experiencing kind of this like ‘urge’ to have sex, very physically, like suddenly touching myself during the day, so...

Resonances: Okay...

Anna: Stop there? No? Okay.

Resonances: No go for it...

Anna: So today we agreed: “Okay, lets have Sex” and in that experience I found myself Resisting it, I didn’t want to, I was, I kind of went into this kind of ‘Depression-like-state’ and finally Matti had to fight with me Physically or kind of Slap me out of it and I came out of it and we did have Sex and I didn’t have an orgasm, but I had this ‘roar’ coming out of me and then afterwards, my sight was blurry and I’ve been tired and my legs are hurting.

Matti: you also cried, were crying as well

Anna: Not that much though

Matti: But you screamed first and then yeah, then you were crying

Anna: Yeah but no orgasm, no... phew, yeah

Resonances: Okay so, where shall we start? Lets start with the Point of, did you have to basically become quite rough with her?

Matti: Well, it started you know, like playfully like you know saying: “Okay now, you know, you have to snap out of this, because you know, we been to this point before, where then you go into like a ‘Depression’ or like this ‘Low’

Resonances: And then its like, you just like Physically in your Expression Move?

Matti: Me?

Resonances: Yeah, Her? Or how did that...?

Matti: Well, that’s kind of how it went, cause I just Realized, I mean cause my experience with Points like that, is that then I see that there is the opportunity to just ‘snap out of it’ and you know, bring myself back and just you know, keep going

Resonances: Yeah

Matti: Just continue. So I kind of, you know, we slapped each other around a bit and then she started, you know ‘snapping out’ of the ‘mood’ and then we decided to continue, but we didn’t actually like, have sex, there was no penetration

Anna: Oh yeah

Matti: So I was using my fingers

Resonances: Ohh, Okay

Anna: Yes

Resonances: Alright.

Okay, so we got that Point, which is the Physical experience. (draws on the paper) this is the middle event, lets call it that. Now, we’ve got the, the first event, which was you experiencing an ‘urge’

Anna: Yes

Resonances: for sex

Anna: Yes

Resonances: Okay, when it got to the Point of sex, you’ve experienced Resistance

Anna: Yes

Resonances: Okay, then, so number one: the urge for sex was a ‘prominent event’, the Resistance, you usually experience, so that’s more like a usual, mandatory experience that you have

Anna: Yeah, yeah

Resonances: the Physical event, within slapping each other around a bit, that was an event, I mean, it doesn’t usually happen that way, often

Anna: No (Laughs)

Resonances: Okay, then the third big event was, well okay, well not, the event between that was you not essentially experiencing an orgasm, which does often, sometimes happen, so its not too big a situation. Number three which is a different experience was the... the kind of, what do you call it? The ‘roar’ that came out

Anna: Yeah

Resonances: this doesn’t usually happen, but afterward the crying came
Matti: Like immediately afterward

Resonances: Okay... Now – A question, first Point you have to look at is: (shows on the paper) here this is a completely out of the ordinary event, for you and for you. Have you ever been...?

Matti: well...

Resonances: ‘out of the ordinary’ meaning: have you ever been with a woman that had, within which you had that experience that was kind of natural for you in a way?

Matti: you mean kind of snapping out of this mood, that type of thing?

Resonances: Yeah

Matti: No, I have never, and I’ve never really, I haven’t really done that with her before, in terms of like taking her and saying like you know...

Resonances: but yet it was natural

Matti: Yeah, just…

Resonances: Which is…

Matti: well there was a point where it’s like: “I can just leave it”, which’s happened before, but then I just Realized, well I mean, you know Its possible to get out of this ‘mood’ and its the same point that’s come up before, so it just seemed like...

Resonances: but you hadn’t taken it physically before

Matti: No

Anna: Laughs

Resonances: that’s what I mean (laughs)

Resonances: that’s what I’m getting to, but that, even that Point of doing it Physically was natural, in a way

Matti: Yeah, yeah, I mean I didn’t really have to plan it, it just kind of, its just what I did, yeah.

Resonances: it was just in the moment. Okay, this is an important Point

Matti: Laughs

Resonances: Okay, so...

This whole event, situation, experience that has taken place, is very important in terms of, for both of your Processes within the Agreement alright? Because firstly: Matti, you, you basically Stood, you know? You were Standing at a Point in terms of what you’ll Accept and Allow and what not and you were Directive and Assertive and... “I’m”: “we’re gonna Push through this Point”

Anna: And a little mad (laughs)

Resonances: Okay...

Matti: Yeah, well it’s like I, the way I experienced is a…

Resonances: but it wasn’t really a ‘Madness’

Anna: No, no.

Matti: it was like a Point of like: “I actually trust myself to do this” - I don’t have to wonder, whether I’m, you know, am I...?

Resonances: Yeah

Resonances: But was it like, you were ‘Mad’, but it wasn’t like you were, it wasn’t an Emotional madness. It was like a Physical experiences

Matti: No, no. It wasn’t a reaction. I didn’t react to what she was experiencing and then you know...
Resonances: that’s important

Matti: it was just like a Expression

Resonances: I mean yeah, I mean and you’ll experience that. Remember, there’s a great difference... you’ll sometimes, there’ll come these experiences where you’re angry, but you’re not, its not an Emotional angry. You’ll like, you’ll like… you’ll be quiet in that anger.

Matti: there’s no...

Resonances: It’s very interesting. Because what happens within those or such experiences, is basically: you’re taking or Standing a Point, a Point of Stability toward the other Being to Walk through a particular Point.

Now this is very Important within, we’re using the word ‘Important’ here, because it’s very Specific Points to note within an Agreement, especially to ‘flag-point’ in terms of starting to notice, as these Physical Expressions start ‘Emerging’, cause this will start happening, where you’ll Stand in a Specific Point, a Specific Expression, which will kind of like naturally come and you’ll just remain in it and Stand as it and within that, you’ll ‘Carry’ the Being through a Process of their own experience. This also happens within sex for example: the male will always ‘Stand Point’, will Stand Stability, but you won’t have a particular experience within that, and then the female will go into her ‘Orgasmic Euphoria’, so to speak. Alright?

Matti: Okay

Resonances: So, that happens eventually within sex more naturally, but first you kind of have to start establishing that Point within your Living Agreement first.

Anna: Okay

Resonances: You will be more of a Support (turns towards Matti)

Matti: Yeah

Resonances: Because within the male/female Design, the male is a lot more Stable than the female within this Existence, and currently, to ‘Equalize’ the female, so to speak, for the female to ‘Emerge’ within her ‘Natural Expression’, the male in essence have to Stand back for a Moment, more of a Stable Support, so that the female can naturally develop and Walk her Process. Does that make sense?

Anna: Yes

Matti: Yeah

Resonances: Because at the moment within the World, if you have a look at what females are attempting to do: is become like the male.

Anna: Yeah

Matti: Yes

Resonances: which is...

Matti: Right

Resonances: Creating more personas within the female, personalities and the whole Physical even start shaping very, more ‘male-like’, which in essence, what’s happening is like, the female is trying to be Equal to the male, but in that trying to become the male, which is not going to work.

Matti: Yeah.

Resonances: Here, we wanna work on a Point of Equality, which is Your Self Equality, Your ‘Natural Self-Expression’, in terms of the female...

Anna: Yeah

Resonances: for that, the female requires a Stable Support Point. Okay? Now, in a female’s ‘Natural Physical Development’ and ‘Natural Expression’: that interestingly enough, ‘Emerge’ within Sex, which is really fascinating, alright? Because within Sex, you Allow yourself to let go, so Sex is in essence the Starting-Point for the females ‘Natural Development’, only within Agreement, do I emphasize this! Alright?

So only in Agreement this is possible, because it is a Stable platform for both. Within that, fascinatingly enough, as the female start developing her ‘Natural Expression’, the male starts ‘Joining In’ and a ‘Walking Together’ and a ‘Walking With’ starts ‘Emerging’, but first the female has to get to a Point of Self-Equality within Expression. When that starts happening, the male starts ‘Joining In’ and then a ‘Walking With’ happens, instead of ‘each other trying to become each other’-situation. Does that make Practical Sense?

Matti & Anna: Yeah

Resonances: Ok, so lets get back to this experience: so Matti, you understand your experience within this situation?

Matti: Yeah

Resonances: It was more a ‘Natural Support Point’ that, as a Physical Expression came through, okay?

Anna: Yeah.

Resonances: Anna:
is a bit more complicated.

Anna: Laughs

Resonances: No, I’m just kidding.

Matti: Laughs

Resonances: Okay, so first lets get into Specifics: Your ‘urge’ for sex – did you, I need you to look within yourself, your Physical experience within that urge: Was it ‘Electrical’ in nature?

Anna: Yes

Resonances: Okay, so: ‘Electrical’ would mean: a ‘Charge’, would mean a ‘Energetic Charge’, Okay?

Anna: yeah

Resonances: ‘Charge’, which is ‘Energetic’ which would mean it is a ‘built-up’ ‘compound’ of Intense, Emotion and Feeling Manifestation that has taken place.

Anna: That makes sense.

Resonances: Alright. Now you have to look at: What came first? Was it the Electrical Charge with the touching?
Was it the touching that came first? Was it thoughts? Or did it just suddenly emerge?

Anna: Yeah, yeah, it was the Charge first

Resonances: The Charge first. Then you ‘fed’ that Charge with the touching of yourself.

Anna: Yeah

Resonances: Okay, Then the Electrical Charge started becoming more and more...

Anna: It’s still there by the way (Laughs)

Resonances: (Laughs) it’s still there?

Anna: Yeah

Resonances: Okay...

Continues in Part 3...

Anna: and I suddenly had a kind of a sexual thought, which I haven’t had in months

Resonances: Okay...

Anna: which was like, caught me by surprise

Resonances: Okay, what was the nature of the sexual thought?

Anna: It was just me masturbating

Resonances: by yourself?

Anna: Yeah

Resonances: Yeah... it’s a very Specific, seeing, I’ll show you how you’re going to lay this out for yourself. So
what did the thought indicate to you, in terms of your experience? Remember: your thoughts always show to you, the ‘nature’ of what it is that you are physically experiencing, especially in relation to emotions, feelings, reactions and things like that.

Anna: Okay...

Resonances: for example: the thought’s nature was self-masturbation, which would mean: what the thought is showing you, is that this physical experience that you are having, is you in essence: self-masturbating yourself, Okay? But this self-masturbation is done within a Charge of Energy, which is giving you an Electrical experience (draws out the pattern) of the ‘urge’ for Sex

Anna: Actually I just interpreted it as that: “oh, that must be because I want Sex”. I didn’t actually have the ‘urge’.

Resonances: Yeah because you, have a look: if you look at the thought that came up

Anna: Yeah...Yeah!

Resonances: the thought is indicating, in terms of the picture it presented, was indicating ‘Sex’, the Sex, Okay? The picture, but that’s just the picture, Okay? But when you analyze the thought that come up, objectively, meaning you look at: what is this thought showing me? How am I experiencing myself? What is it, that I’m actually doing to myself?

Anna: yeah

Resonances: Does that make sense?

Matti: Yeah

Anna: Not completely

Resonances: Okay...

Anna: Or I mean, I don’t completely understand what it is I’m doing to myself

Resonances: I know, I’m getting there. But do you see how to look at a thought?

Anna: Yes

Resonances: Not to look at the picture that’s presented in essence, but what is the nature of the thought, together with what I am physically experiencing, showing to me what it is that I’m doing.

Anna: Okay

Resonances: Cause, have a look: here you have a thought and you’re having an ‘Energetically- Charged’ Physically experience. That would have to make you step back for a moment here.

Anna: Okay

Because, there’s thought involved, and there is Energetic, Electrical Reaction. Expression, remember is not Electrically Charged in nature at all. It is a... it’s almost like a slight ‘breeze’ that moves within your Physical Body, almost feels like water that flows, but it’s your whole Body and it has the ‘Centre-Point’ within your chest-area, over here, (points on her chest) and it’s like a Totality of yourself. You are That experience. But if you have a look at your experience, it was ‘Reactive’ in nature, meaning: I had this Electrical Charge within my Physical Body, the thought came up, I started touching and ‘feeding’ it more and as I did that, it got more and more and more.

Anna: Yeah

so, you are looking at ‘Mind’ – (writes ‘Mind’ on the paper) Okay? Remember: Expression, One cannot in essence truly define, because it is in itself varied because of its Eternal Nature. Alright? For example, your experience (points to Matti) was Expression, there wasn’t a Emotion of Electrical Charge, it was just a Natural sudden Moment and you acted upon it Immediately.

Matti: yeah

Resonances: That’s Expression.
When something builds up over time, together with thoughts and you have to ‘feed’ it more and more and more over time and only later on get to the Physical act = you’re looking at ‘Time’, ‘Energy’ ‘Mind’, Construct - System – does that make sense?

Anna: yes it does

Matti: yeah

Resonances: Okay
So Anna: You got that Point?

Anna: yeah

And you’ve got all the ingredients that let to your particular experience. So now what is fascinating: now you get to the, now you get to Reality.

Anna: Yeah (Laughs)

Now you get to Reality, which is the Physical Act.

Now there’s Resistance, Okay? Now, here alarm should go on - Why? (draws on the paper). Because here, you’re facing the Real Actual Point in the Physical, Okay?

Anna: Yeah.

Resonances: The Physical, this is what’s Real.

Anna: Yeah.

Resonances: Yet, you’ve now within yourself, had the ‘urge’ for Sex, but now that you’re coming to the Actual, Real Physical Act thereof, you’re experiencing Resistance. It’s like: “Whoa wait a minute. What’s going on here?” “Because within my mind, within the experience of myself, it was like overpowering, you know I really wanted this, but now why is it that I come to the Actual Real Act of…the only thing that’s Real and now I’m experiencing Resistance?” Okay, so what happened in that moment is the following: you within yourself knew that this Physical Act of Sex is not going to compare to the Physical experience that you’ve had within yourself, in relation to self-masturbation, masturbating yourself. Cause when you masturbate yourself, you’ve got a certain experience within that and you’ve masturbated a lot within your life. It’s a primary, almost ‘Intimate’ Point with you, within your Mind, in relation to the Energetic experiences that you’ve had with masturbation.

Anna: yeah.

Resonances: Okay? And you’ve had within yourself, Compared masturbation with yourself, with Physical Sex with a male.

Anna: Okay.

Resonances: And masturbation was much better, in most circumstances, than actually having sex with a male. Make sense?

Anna: Yes.

Resonances: Okay, so now then you got to this Point, it was, kind of a moment where your two ‘realities’ met, your comparisons met and you went: “this is not going to be as exciting as my experience would be, if I would masturbate myself”. And that’s why Resistance came through. Because you knew: if you were gonna go into that physical act of Sex, you’re going to be disappointed. You’re going to experience like, ‘lesser’ of what you ‘could’ experience by just masturbating yourself.

Resonances: See? That’s where that ‘Depression’ came in, that Resistance, “don’t wanna go there”, “it’s not gonna be fun”. So you basically ‘became’ the Living experience of what you experience after Sex, in comparison to masturbation.

Anna: Even before doing it...

Resonances: Mm, we’re talking Physical stuff here now. Of what’s busy happening. Remember: we’re in the ‘Phase’ within Processes, where your experiences are gonna become Physically Real, not just Mind anymore. See how these two are playing out. Usually this would play out in your head, where you’d kind of go in your Mind and then you’d think about masturbation, you’d think about looking at sex with guys and, you know, it’s kind of ‘cross-reference’ the two and kind of enjoy masturbating more, than having sex with a male for example, and then you’d prefer masturbating, yet you enjoy sex with a male, meaning the experience of the penis within and the, thrusting and, you know it’s really nice, But - the Electrical Charge within your Physical is not as ‘High’ – you can’t get that experience that you have with masturbation within Sex.

Anna: yeah.

Resonances: Okay – Well, this is the Problem that’s developed within Beings masturbating, Okay? Why? Let’s first go to that Point. I know this is a lot of Information, but you’re kind of keeping up.

Anna: Yeah, yeah.

Resonances: Let’s first go to this Point with masturbation: Why is it that Beings that have experienced masturbation and Sex, prefer masturbation over Sex? Okay? Firstly: masturbation is not so a ‘tiring experience’ Physically, Anna: yes, yes. Resonances: I mean, you don’t have to work so hard to get to a nice experience, as you have to have with Sex, okay. So that’s Point number one. Point number two is: let’s look at the Physical experience; With regards to masturbation, what happens? You Access your own ‘Sexual Centre’ within yourself, alright? So, as you’re masturbating, you Access only your own ‘Sexual Centre’ – your ‘Sexual Centre’, within which all your Emotional and Feeling ‘built-up’ Charges of the Mind-Consciousness-System Manifest - you know during your day. This is where the ‘urge’ of Sex Originate from, if it comes up as an ‘urge’. (If it) Comes up as an ‘urge’, you know you’ve got Electrically Charged Emotion and Feelings, that is sending out a Specific Frequency, with which you haven’t dealt with, that has built-up, that is wanting to ‘Express out’ or ‘come out’ in a certain way, and usually that would happen, where a Being would then have Sex and Discharge the Emotion and Feeling Compounded Energy and then they’d feel fine again. Does that make sense?

Anna: Yeah.

Resonances: That’s where the ‘urge’ of Sex Originate from. Matti: So are you talking about like the experience of ‘Arousal’, like if you just suddenly become Aroused: “Oh, I’m Aroused right now”?

Resonances: Yeah.

Matti: Okay.

Resonances: I’ll come to Arousal as well just now. Anna: I didn’t experience...Resonances: When is Arousal Mind - - when is it Expression? Anna: Yeah, Yes.

Resonances: Okay. So – with regards to masturbation, you Access your own ‘Sexual Centre’ Okay?

Anna: Yeah.

Resonances: Your own ‘Sexual Center’ then is more, lets say ‘Pure’ in a way, because you’re only Accessing your own Compounded Emotions and Feelings, which is a shitload and then you start masturbating and masturbating and you’re only ‘circling’ those Emotions and Feeling Energetically Compounded Charges within yourself, that’s why the experience is more of a ‘High’. Where as within Sex, you kind of let’s say, with masturbation, you ‘circle’ it within yourself - through Sex you have to ‘circle’ it through another, back into yourself. That’s why the ‘High’ is half of what you’d experience within masturbation. Does that make sense?

Anna: Yes.

Resonances: This is now the Construct of, I’m gonna call it ‘Mind-Sex’ Okay?

Matti: Yeah.

Resonances: Or Mind... In essence Mind-Sex, which is your - both masturbation or with a partner. It’s both the same, in essence. Um, that’s basically the two primary Points you’re looking at, okay?

To be continued...