Written by Bernard Poolman on the Forum on Dec 05, 2007 12:00 am

beginning end bernard poolman desteni.png


Q: I have been thinking alot about what u said about us being the first molecule in the other forum(what humans do*).
When I watched the vid of the first molecule, I don't know what to conclude? Cu'z the first molecule sounded separate. It was rather the only one around.
Could you please clarify what you meant by us being the first molecule.

*the post from Bernard he was referring to:
you have trust in man--you will fall--man is a robot system

you only have yourself

and those that you know trough your own process of self forgivenes and self honesty have been brutally honest for a number of years

the first molecule is me and you

A: Imagine--there are 777 zillion to the power 26 beings in existence--they all fit in one human body--the question then is--what is real?--is there only one?

is there only one molecule?

this is easy yet complex

the mind work things out through relationships and comparisons--there is no way to see what's real with the mind

In origin we are one--and from one--thus--maybe the first molecule is God to all the others or father to the family of molecules that keep dividing till they were all lost--and could see each other--but not themselves

Was the first molecule the beginning--or was the first sound of the first molecule the beginning--you will see this and more yourself as all will--but--even if you have all the knowledge--like the dimensions now have--will that make a difference to you as the statement and expression--I am Here?

then--what remain is--what do I do with the Here where I am--and why do I not sort this that I may find me everywhere