Interview discussion with Bernard and visitors on the Farm

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Bernard: So Hope is something that Implies that you are ‘Waiting’ for Some-‘Greater-Force’ to Do-Something which you can’t do-Yourself – then If there is No God = Can ‘Hope’ Exist?

Darryl: Well I reckon people would ‘transfer’ Hope to other people or the Government

Matti: well it can-exist, but it’s a delusion

Bernard: I mean from that perspective, but I’m meaning in ‘bigger’-sense – Can ‘Hope’ Exist?

Andrea: If the knowledge that there’s No God exist then No-Hope can-exist

Matti: You can hope that ‘other people’ will ‘prepare’ the way for you to make your time ‘easier’ so that you have ‘less to-do’ and can take the ‘less-Responsibility’ now

Bernard: You can ‘Hope’-for Support from Other People

Matti: so that other people can-do what…

Bernard: But now Death-comes – there is ‘No-Other People’ ok?

Matti: Right, so you can hope that an ‘event’ may happen -

Bernard: You can hope an Event- happen – but now there’s No-Event

Matti: You can still-hope ‘something’ will ‘Change’

Bernard: But now you’re ‘Then’ and there’s No-‘Event’, there is No-‘God’

Matti: And is there now-no also ‘back-door’ or a ‘consideration’ that maybe ‘something’ was ‘missed’ and maybe…

Bernard: No-Consideration – You are In-Fact Alone in Darkness – in the After-Life. I mean What could you-possibly ‘Hope’-for Now? So if You Don’t –Act = you Remain in that State Forever – I mean that’s where the Dimensions are in their Process, they are in that-point where they are in Darkness and there-is Nothing. Not only that, whatever they-Do for the day gets ‘deleted’ every-day.

Anthony: Why?

Bernard: Because it’s Not-Real, they keep-on creating ‘alternate-realities’ like a ‘Mind’ so it keeps-on being-deleted, it’s Pointless because it ends-up in a ‘better’-world, ends-up in a Polarity.

Matti: But in what capacity are they creating-‘something’ that is being deleted, what

Bernard: They are attempting-to ‘Assist’, they are attempting-to ‘Understand’ the Universe from a Separate Point of-View from the Perspective of ‘Understanding’ what the Physical is, but not Actually Living-it – so there’s a Point of Separation.

Darryl: in their position can they Actually-Understand?

Bernard: They Have to Re-Birth yes, they have-to ‘Give-Up’

Darryl: So that’s the ‘problem’ they don’t wanna ‘give-up’

Bernard: They don’t even-know they don’t wanna give-up I mean

Matti: so they could place…

Bernard: You don’t even-Know what it is  You Have To-Do – ask Anthony -  Do You Know what You Have To-Do? You-Don’t , you’re just experiencing this ‘Energy’-thing, this-‘something’  - it is inevitable isn’t it, because Have a Look what it does, it’s an ‘Energy’

Anthony: Yeah

Bernard: Now what is Fascinating because this is a ‘Side-Effect’ of-Everything, we looked-at in the Beginning at the point-where it became Clear that God Did-Not Exist and there was only a System called ‘The White Light’ – so when that was Deleted  it had certain ‘Side-Effects’ so then the ‘Angels’ didn’t-exist – we did-find some of the Channels had ‘Beings-In’ Actually – I mean Andrea was one example, we did find others where we could communicate with the Beings that was Actually also Channeling –

When We Stopped-that, you know what the Mind did Immediately? It took-Over and create an Entity, Immediately there was an Entity and the being – although some stopped and those that did Stop , the Entity did not ‘come-about’ – but those that did not-stop, the ‘Entity’ was Immediately-Created, they became the ‘Entity’ in a-‘way’, just another ‘dimension’ of themselves.

Darryl: So is the Dimensions doing-that?

Bernard: But what is Fascinating what was busy, what started-happening is that If you have to now look at What-Existed before, was a ‘Heaven’ that was ‘Energy-based’ with Dimensions of ‘Energy’ and that ‘Energy’ was used to ‘Create’ – the ‘Creation’ of-that was Not-Done by the Beings that was in ‘Heaven’ though, it was done by the System – therefore you could ‘choose’ your ‘Heaven’ – which would be your ‘Bubble’ where  you had access-to ‘Energy’- but You Never-Created Yourself, it was no-Different from what you Experience-Here in terms of ‘Energy’ – So when that was taken-away nobody knew ‘what to-do’.

Matti: Inaudible

Bernard: By the System, exactly as Here

Matti: by the ‘lifestyle’

Bernard: Obviously we didn’t realize-Immediately that it was exactly like-here, because we would Do-‘something’ and there would be a ‘Side-Effect’ - but we’ll ask a question and I says: ‘ok, what are you going to do? There’s War on Earth, Step-in and Stop-it. I mean you’re disincarnate get into the bodies and Stop-it.

Darryl: You couldn’t do –it

Bernard: We couldn’t do-it, the Physical’s rejecting them, kicking them out, literally kicking them-out

So they can’t gain-access, then they created  - and some managed to do that – created ‘Entities’ in the Mind with which they can ‘talk’ to-you, so you can ‘speak’ to a ‘being’ in your Mind - which is a Dimensional-Being that’s created an ‘Entity’, they became ‘one’ of your personalities in a way in your Mind - in that way Communication was possible.

Most-beings in-Communication don’t realize that’s what’s-happening, in many other-cases you have obviously the ‘Mind-Demon’ or the ‘Dimensional-Demon’ or a ‘Physical-Demon’ – I mean there is many levels of Demons now, that speaks – you also have… The Fascinating-thing is that with the Inversion what we found is that Each Human-Body is a Universe and ad Fact – now when I call a ‘Universe’ I would say a ‘Multi-Verse’ more-effectively because we could ‘take-down’ the Dimensions into a single-Atom of the Physical-Body and it will Represent a Universe.

Now when I’m talking about the Physical ‘kicking them-out’ Is when they ‘attempt’ to Direct the Physical – the Reason why the Physical will ‘kick them out’ is it says: ‘You can’t be Trusted, because you Will Not-Act in the Best Interest of All Life – and here it-is Why and Where’ and whatever it can be proven– if You Can’t Stand-Absolutely = You Do-Not get-access.

Then your Process works as follows: You Die, in Death You Are going-through a Process of Purification of Understanding what You’ve Allowed – and You Understand all those-things and then you ‘diminish’ until you are Reincarnated, that means until you ‘fill’ another-body - not necessarily-Human it could be anything - with One Single-Purpose: to become Equal and One as Life in All-Ways.

But obviously what was Fascinating was we Did-Not Realize – In a way I suppose we still had ‘hope’ I mean it all happened … we had ‘hoped’ that Everyone in the Dimensions are just going to ‘Realize’ and they’re gonna ‘step-in’ and ‘help’ Earth – and That Didn’t-Happen – In-Fact the Opposite-Happened.

Earth kept-on ‘Compressing’ and the Dimensions were ‘pulled’-into the Earth – call it ‘Physical-Reality’ to a certain-degree – and they started becoming ‘Physical’ in a way in the Dimensions and started to experience things that they’ve never experienced-before like Pain. Remember in the Dimensions there had never been ‘Pain’ – they started experiencing-Pain, consequence exactly as-on Earth, ‘Time’, all of those things just in another Dimension.

But they kept on diminishing.

They only had One-Point where they Have ‘Full-Views’ at the Moment of Death, you-also have No-Say in your ‘Future-Life’ whatsoever –

Darryl: That hasn’t really-changed though

Bernard: You never had that ‘say’ you have, you have given the ‘say’ to the ‘Soul-Construct’ but now, there is no ‘Say’ – You are placed according to ‘Who You-Are’ in the most-Effective point  for your Self-Realization. And That Is Self-Realization - is Not an ‘Evolution’, it’s not a ‘Growing-Spiritually’ – it is a Self-Realization You Are-Already, Potentially, Equal as Life – but You have to Actually Live-it, you have to really-Understand how it works Equal and One within All Beings As-Yourself, an Actual-Communication.

So let’s go-back to where this conversation started…

So ‘Hope’ let’s step one ‘step-further’ and say ‘Can ‘Love’-Exist’…

Darryl: No

Bernard: If there is No-one to be ‘loved’ and No-one that is ‘Loving’?

Darryl: well, define ‘love’

Bernard: So ‘Love’ can-Exist at the Physical at this stage between Two-Beings, isn’t it?  it’s a form-of ‘dedication’ a form -of ‘consideration’, a form-of ‘embracing’, a form-of ‘acceptance’ – I mean It’s many definitions to-‘love’ – but what does this ‘Love’-mean if There Is No God?

Darryl: Well I mean God isn’t … having God there shouldn’t matter

Bernard: It ‘shouldn’t’ but I mean, for many it-Does because they- ‘believe’ There-is  a God – but to Have a Look at what that Believe is doing-it, takes them Totally-away from Living-Responsibly in this Reality and Making the ‘Best’ of their Life Right-Here, Best for Everyone Right-Here, Accepting the Condition that It Is-Not going to Change Unless You-Change – but nobody wants to Accept that Condition.

What am I saying? It’s gonna get Really-Fucking-Bad unless One-Realize one simple-thing: You cannot change your experience unless You-Change – and we’re not gonna ‘Solve’ this problem, Unless One Solve it-Yourself – Equal and One with All and unless All-Agree ‘What is Best for All’ in this World – and within-that we have to start One Point at a Time, there is, you can’t solve the problems of the world in a day, or even …maybe not even in a Lifetime – certainly at this stage not in a lifetime, I would’ve liked-it ‘Possible’ but it seems to be ‘Impossible’.

But what am I showing? The Veil that is Existent in-How One tend -to ‘Hope’, and have a look the Only-Reason You don’t-Change is because you-‘Hope’: You ‘Hope’ there is ‘something-more’ in-Spite of all the Evidence over Thousands of years = you Still-Hope –that’s why you don’t push-Yourself beyond the Limitations – still-Hoping.

Now you gotta Find that Hope Within Yourself and Terminate-It for Fucking-Forever so that you can Act in Every-Breath – otherwise you won’t Act in Every-Breath -  Make-Sense?

I mean this is Really-Important to Understand this, you’ve gotta start taking away the ‘veils’ on the words. Because it’s like there’s ‘veils’ that One Do-Not See what the Consequence- is of what you’re doing and what you through Your-Action is Implying: Your Implying that Hope Still-exist Within-You. It’s gotta be an Actual-Movement, You have to Move, You Must Be the Answer In-Fact - which is Why Politics Will-be Necessary, Why it is Necessary that we Actually-Engage Reality at All-Levels.

What is the Idea on the Farm? Is to Train-people to be-Able to become Functionally-Effective in Engaging-Reality. First of-All you have to Realize that There is No-Answer – that’s Step-one: You Have to Realize There is Really No-Answer, and as long as You Don’t Realize-that = Hope-Exist and as long as Hope-Exist, You Believe in a ‘God’, and You’re gonna-get Fucked.

Now - How do you Prove to Yourself that ‘God’ Doesn’t-Exist? You have to Challenge-‘God’ consistently ‘God’ must be the same – yesterday, today and tomorrow – you have to Really Challenge-it in every-level, you have to challenge-it on Behalf of Everyone so you can See for Yourself that There Isn’t a God – You can’t ‘Act’ or ‘Believe’ in-‘something’ because ‘something’-happens to you Once, that’s Deception, that’s going to Happen, You must be able to Immediately Repeat-it.

How do we know the Portal Is Real? Because it’s still fucking-happening I mean, that was the first thing after it-happened I wondered ‘Is this gonna keep-on happening tomorrow?’ (laughs) ‘Is this still gonna be-here?’ Because that’s the ‘Test’ isn’t it? the fucking-test is ‘is this Still-happening?’ ‘Is this still-random, any-moment, can I open and close-it, do-anything to-it, is it all of that the-Same, any-being is it still the-Same?’.

The Dimensions Fell at One-Point: They did-Not Act -Fully in the Interest of Life in Every-Breath – that Single-Point –they wanted to First-See if it was ‘True’, that Single-Point ‘wiped’ them-out and caused the Process The way it is now where you’re going-to have to Reincarnate – because instead of the Commonsense that was Presented, they wanted ‘Proof’. When-eventually they were ‘satisfied’ that the ‘Proof’ was ‘Sufficient’, that the Point Is-Real = It was Too-Late. Because in the Time up to that-Point they Acted from the Point where they-were ‘waiting for proof’

Darryl: Just like we’re-waiting for ‘Hope’

Bernard: Waiting for ‘Hope’ = Waiting for ‘God’ – exactly the same-point - Waiting for ‘Jesus’ to-come, Waiting for ‘Somebody’ to ‘Save’-them, before we realize but we Have-to Act and in that singular-moment: consequence –

Remember: What is that is the Point that You Know that You have Self-Realized? Is the Point Where All the Consequences ‘kick-in’ and you Start to Lose-Everything. If your Life suddenly ‘works’, that’s Not Self-Realization, if you suddenly feel-‘Better’ that’s not Self-Realization = You’ve just gone-‘deeper’ in a Mind-Fuck. But the Moment You Start Losing-Everything meaning you can no-longer Act-like you ‘used-to’, you are compelled to Stop, you can’t-move, there is something ‘wrong’, you don’t know what it is, you can’t ‘touch’ the fucking-thing, it’s like holy-fucking Christ something is ‘going-on’ and it’s like you’re busy-‘dying’ – what are you Busy- doing? You’re Busy Self-Realizing.

But: You Have to Now-Realize – Does that Make-Sense?

You now have to Stand Up, I mean otherwise what’ll happen is you’ll be ‘thrown-back’, you have to ‘Grasp’ this point and Realize: ‘Fuck! Ok, I’m actually starting to become Self-Honest’ -now you can’t-‘grasp’ the fucking-pieces that is ‘hanged’ in there to ‘tempt-you’, you have to Stand, your Ground! And then you have to Stand-Up and you says: ‘Ok, Nothing is gonna-‘save’ my-ass, Nobody is going to ‘Be-there’ to ‘Help’-me, I Must-Act!  I’m not Enjoying this, but I Must-Act’.

But as-long as your life is ‘working’ or it’s becoming-‘better’ = you are Not-Yet Realizing. It can be an ‘Easy-Transformation’ in a Single-Breath: Realize and You Walk, and your Life Change and You Face the Changes, because There Will-Be Changes Or it can be One Where you are ‘dragged’ and you simply can’t-return to your ‘old-life’ and you can’t get-into the ‘new-one’ and you’re like in fucking ‘Limbo’ I mean, it’s like the ‘Abyss’ ‘I’m Abysmal’ what is that-word? (laughs) ‘My Life, Oh God! Who-wants ‘my life’?’ You can’t ‘auction’ the fucking-thing, nobody’s gonna buy-it. Is that for money?


So – Hear Me: There-Is No God, you have to Really-Understand the Implication of that, or you’re  going to Fuck-yourself – I mean Inevitably you Must Understand One-thing: You’re going ‘to-Get’ This-Point, Understand the Point of Creation: ‘God created Man in the Image and Likeness of God’ in  That Very-Single Moment,  God Ceased to Exist – Common Sense. Because in that Single-Act, The Act Was Equality and Oneness In-Fact, but Now You Have to Prove-it, I mean you’re not – you Have-it, but if you don’t Live-it, and Be-it, and Understand-it = you Don’t Have-it, does that Make-Sense?

Everyone: Yeah

Bernard: And if you don’t treat All Equal and One within that Principle = it’s not Real what You’re Doing.

Makes Sense?

Everyone: Yeah

Bernard: So You can Look-at the Things, like we look-at ‘Compassion’, you can look-at All the ‘Benevolence’-Existent, the best way to test ‘benevolence’ and ‘divinity’ is to Walk In this-World For-Real:  Be-There when the Animals are being Slaughtered, Be-There when the child is being-Raped, go to the Actual-Acts that You Don’t -want to Look-at to See if You-Can Find ‘God.’  Be Self-Honest, Look Self-Honestly at Existence – not at your-life, your ‘life’ is not a Projection of Self-Honesty, You Are Elite, You are ‘Special’. You’ve been Fucked-with.

I mean, what kind of Deception is necessary to Fuck with beings to such an extent that they can't even fuckin-Act in Basic self- Common Sense, self-honesty - To Assist Life - Equally, and realize the Absolute misery that is existent in the world in-Fact. Because nobody is fucking Honest with themselves.

Isn't that why Liquor exists? Cuz then you can Forget about your Shit. Everyone is looking for an Escape. Isn't Hope an Escape? Isn't God an Escape? Isn't Jesus an Escape? Allah?

Darryl: Consumerism.

Bernard: Consumerism, yes.

Darryl: We've been molded into becoming one-dimensional.

Bernard: There you have it. We're one-dimensional. How do you know that?

Darryl: Cuz we only act in a limited -

Bernard: You are existing in a flat world, as a flat being, as a picture. That-Acts. You have One Point that-Acts in relationship to another point. You’re One-Dimensional. Whenever you participate in something, you become Two-Dimensional. You're not three-dimensional. You do not have comprehension of that at all. Even in your Mind - have a look - the mind is One-Dimensional. You create Two dimensions in a relationship between Yourself and your MInd. That's where your greatest Conflict-Occur; that's where your Polarity Exists.

And then, because you are in the Physical you see that as-being 3-Dimensional: Me, my Mind and my Physical. But it isn't. It's just Three one-dimensional Points that sometimes-connect, and that you are sometimes Aware of. But three-dimensionality do not in-fact Exist. That Exists as your Resonance. Your Resonance is Three-Dimensional. Your Resonance Exists in a Complete-Equality-Oneness-Point as You, As All of Everything - Right Here. Which is Why you can immediately Communicate with it, as we have Demonstrated. That there is no Time-Delay, there is no 'Here' and ‘There' in your Communication. It is Immediate. Here. And it understand the Total Context of your Existence. Completely. Yet, it is Not 'God.'

It IS what you 'May' Become - or Not. And it's Really-Irrelevant whether you do or not. But you can't Get-it - unless you are Equal.

Now To Make Sure That What We Are Presenting as Desteni, is not Misinterpreted that we are apparently looking for some form of Power, or apparently some form of  'Success,' is why we Deliberately are pushing for an equal-money system, because that single point: Equal Money System Remove All Self-Interest, and one can get on with sorting out this fucking existence. Until that happens, obviously, we will require certain levels of funds. At this stage, things are not moving - as fast, as is required. Which means that there is not sufficient realization taking place.

As you can note. I mean, you're still believing that God will help you. You're still existent in a 'You' and 'Me.' Cannot actually Amalgamate with a Being in their Best Interest, and understand, what it means to

'Walk.' To 'Support.' And you can only support One Being Effectively in this reality, Maybe two. You've gotta be really fucking good if you do two, I mean, that takes some guts.

But you can only support One Being, Effectively. Then Two Beings as One, Walk. And then, One Supports Another Being without Compromising your First Point. And then, Another Being without Compromising. Make sense? Which is Agreement.

Within Agreement and the way we have Structured it, Some will be Here Supporting Bigger Groups. Others will be in the World Establishing a Presence. You're going to Decide Which One you're Going to Do. Then you've gotta Push that Point. Here, you're Always gonna have Me on your Fucking Neck, I suppose. Whenever you see me. But I mean, I don't know about Anything Else. You might have to pick up Horseshit.

So Anthony... I’m waiting for you. Do you get my drift? Do you see?

Now the question is Do You Want To See?

You've already answered the question. Now you have to ask yourself Why You don't Want To See. And you'll See it’s because of 'Hope.' Right back to 'Hope.' Hope that there is a 'God' or 'something more.' and there IS Nothing More. The Only Way that I have Proved that to myself eventually, is that I pushed the Fuckin'-Boundaries of Sanity and Reality to the point where I destroyed my Life - to Test Out this 'God-Thing. But I didn't do it once, I did it several times.

Because something was Wrong. Didn't make sense. As I was working with children in Education, I saw the Suffering, the Abuse, what's happening in the actual homes of people; they present something outside there, walk into their home, it's a total different picture. There’s something ‘wrong’. They are Mad! People are fucking Mad, at home! Jesus.

I mean, they teach their children this shit. What they present you, out in the world is not the same of who they are in their homes. They are completely obsessed.

I mean, Realise the ‘Problem’, you sit with an American population that is mostly ‘illiterate’. Which is representing the ‘Elite of the World’, they are the ‘top consumers’ of Existence. What is the chances of them Realizing, their situation? Phew – less than zero!

Now, understand the Programming that is happening at this Stage. It’s happening at the Levels of the Structural Resonance in Existence, to prepare the Children. Because, I mean, there’s nothing else ‘possible’. In time, you may or may not be able to see it. Because this is going to take time, it’s Generations. Many changes has been placed, which ‘in-Time’ will start to show. There’s also Genetic changes. Some of the Genetic Changes will be propagated, produced, promulgated, integrated through Bacteria and Viruses. Don’t necessarily see ‘disease’ as something ‘bad’. If you are unable to speak to the Virus, how do you ‘know’? The Virus is purely a Delivery-System, like you have ‘Creatine’ that all the Power-Muscle Builders are using as a ‘Delivery-System’ to ‘bulk-up’ – “The Optimum Development of our Science!” – I’m going to create ‘big muscles’! And I’m going to Fuck-up my Physical in this Life, so I can Die a fucking death of Immense Pain and Proportion.

There will be a whole Generation of Beings, dying, slowly. As these bodies of them are eating themselves, because it’s addicted to a substance. And when the ‘substance’ is no longer there, it will fucking mutate – and you’re going to see some fucking diseases that you have not even believe is possible. ‘Creatine!’ The Delivery-System. A Virus is a Delivery-System, a Genetic-Delivery-System. Don’t underestimate what the fuck is going on, you’re not even aware yet of all your thoughts. How could you be aware of anything else?

First, get aware of your thoughts, that no ‘thought’ move within you, but by your Directive Principle – not a single thought. A ‘thought’ comes up? Problem! Unless, it is somebody else’s thought, then you can say, ‘Oh fuck, breakthrough!, I am Amalgamating, I can ‘pick up’ your thoughts now!’ But the thoughts will not be like you have thoughtsfbacteria – warning! It will be a ‘Resonant Thought’, so that it cannot be abused, otherwise people will abuse their apparent ‘ability’ to pick up other people’s thoughts. That is not how it works. It gives you a ‘complete understanding’ of where the being come from and where they go to and how it works at the Resonant Level, and what you can do to Support. That’s ‘Picking up a Thought’. You’ll pick it up as ‘Pain’, trust ‘Pain’ – it’s fucking real.

Hope, still exists!

Have a look at the Benefit of ‘Having No Hope’. Then you have to ‘Trust Yourself’, that’s the Benefit of ‘Having No Hope’. And – if one still Hope, then what do you know? I don’t Trust myself.

Matti: And also then, that it doesn’t matter what happens

Bernard: It doesn’t, I mean! Why the fuck does it matter?

I mean, what is the ‘Common Denominator’ in Every Moment of your Existence? YOU are the Common Denominator. You are the ‘Determining Factor’ of Everything about You. You are the ‘Balancing Factor’, You are the ‘Reason for your Being’ – Why would you Allow Yourself to Exist in ‘Hope’, where you’ll do ‘fuck-all’? You’ll only suffer, Endlessly!

I mean, ‘suffering’ and ‘pain’ is not the ‘same thing’, please. Pain is ‘specific’, it’s an indication of what is happening within the Context of your Participation within a ‘Greater-Situation’, which is ‘Out of Balance’. And according to your Ability to ‘deal with it’, your Ability to ‘handle pain’, you will ‘deal’ with the Pain and relate it to it. What do you know if you’re experiencing ‘no pain’? I am not yet Amalgamated at any Level, I am still sorting ‘just me’ out. How do you know you’re not yet, when there are thoughts happening and you’re unable to stop yourself in an Energetic Experience. You are unable to stop yourself in a Single Breath. You go into a reaction and it ‘reoccurs’. What do you know when it ‘reoccurs’? Then you are deliberately dishonest, waiting for change. I mean, you Hope for change, you’re back in Hope! Because if I hope that ‘this change’ then I can do something else (instead of changing it). But you don’t want to be Directive and make an Actual Decision, take the Consequences of your Decision.

Makes sense?

Why is why, fucking Relationships ‘don’t work’, is because one don’t actually ‘make it’ work. You are ‘hoping’ for Change. But you never even communicate that hope! And many times that hope is dishonest, because you’re actually hoping for something that is fucking bizarre! You might even hope for somebody to die so that you can have another chance at ‘the position’, the strangest fucking things!

Fucked up! The Secret Mind.

You have to Stop the Secret Mind, there must be no Secret within you, there must be nothing that cannot Stand Openly, in front of All Beings in Existence – not a single point! Whatever you do, whatever you think, whatever you be – must be able to Stand Openly in Front of All Beings of Existence and you must be able to Stand there and Stand by the Point and Explain how it works and there must be no Shame. And I mean, if there is any guilt or Dishonesty, there will be Shame. Because, when does Shame exist? It’s when you are Exposed, before Everyone and you Will be.

Once that’s done, you’ll Realise a Simple-Thing: I have to do it again. Because I was dishonest. And then you do it again, you submit to the Process of ‘Standing Up’ which is a ‘Submission’ – and in that you ‘forget everything’ and you Walk without Knowledge, until you are ‘built up’ within Knowledge back into a System where you are ‘tested’. So you got to start looking at your Vocabulary and how you’re assisting beings in terms of ‘Breaking Down the Veils’ around ‘Hope’ and ‘Love’ and ‘Compassion’ and ‘the Light’, ‘Energy’ – it’s only Veils. It’s only Veils you have to understand, you can’t ‘wait’ for me, to show you all these things, that makes your Process longer. That’s why I deliberately ‘leave you alone’, so that you can ‘find your way’.

Makes sense?

Kill Hope. You have ‘Kill Bill’, but what about ‘Kill Hope’.

I mean, we’re busy with ‘Kill Bill’, Killing the Bills as the End of Debt – isn’t it? That’s ‘Kill Bill’. It’s actually ‘Kill the Bible’, watch the ‘Kill Bill’ movies again. Resonantly, what does it Represent?

Kill Bill! Starts ‘when’ and ‘where’? Isn’t it in the ‘Church’?

Others: At the Wedding

Bernard: Yes, at the Wedding – what does it do? It represents what? The Killing of the System, ‘Kill Bill’. Go and watch it and check how it goes through.

Start to learn how these things work. Observe what it is actually Representing. There may be a ‘method’ in the Madness. Why is all of this happening? It all seems to be ‘so peaceful’. But look inside you, there’s a War going on. Who’s hoping to win? Hahahahaha

You can’t win!

It’s impossible. You’re alone. You’re going to have to Embrace Everybody else, that’s Inevitable.

Okay, let’s get this Hope thing sorted out.